
Naruto : Sadistic Devil

SI in Naruto - Gin Ichimaru Advance chapter out on ko-fi .com/zeroski

Zeroskii · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs


< 1st POV ??? >


Darkness surrounded me as I tumbled through an abyss of swirling shadows. I crashed onto unfamiliar ground, the impact jolting through my body.

"ugh…what happened where am I?"


As I stood up, dusting off my hands…was I always this small…It's like I'm back to being a kid.

Looking around I noticed I was smack dab in the middle of a village that felt like it jumped straight out of a fairy tale. People with strange outfits and curious eyes surrounded me, and I couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water.

*ugh* I feel a jolt of pain in my head as I start recalling a few memories.

...Gin Ichimaru….My…Name…Orphanage….Naruto….Konoha….


You have got to be fucking kidding me right….say it ain't so

Surely this is all just a dream…right? As I *pinch* my cheek I can feel the pain.


This is fucked up…I need to calm down and assess my situation. I don't even know what year it is yet.

For now, let's try to find out more about my situation currently.

I was exploring Konoha, trying to get the hang of this new world, when I inadvertently bumped into a taller figure on the crowded street. *Nudge* *Thud* "Ouch" I murmur.

As I looked up to see who I had collided with. Standing before me was a stern-faced Uchiha police officer, his expression carved from stone.

*tch* "Watch where you're going, kid!" he grumbled, his voice as sharp as his glare.

I bit my lip, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "Sorry," I mumbled, trying to shuffle past him.

But the Uchiha officer wasn't done making my day more complicated. He scoffed and muttered, "Kids these days have no manners."

I shot him a defiant look, my five-year-old pride refusing to be squashed. "I said sorry, didn't I? No need to be grumpy."

My frustration bubbled up, and a creepy glint sparked in my silver eyes.

I couldn't resist the urge to mess with this grumpy adult. As he turned to walk away, I let a sly grin creep across my face. It wasn't a friendly smile; it was the kind of grin that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

To my surprise, the Uchiha officer paused mid-stride. He glanced back at me, and for a moment, a chill passed between us. My unnerving smile remained, a silent challenge hanging in the air.

 He narrowed his eyes at my strange expression but eventually continued on his way, shaking off the unsettling encounter. I, on the other hand, couldn't help but giggle to myself. Maybe I had a knack for getting under people's skin, even as a five-year-old.

'Was that my personality or is it something ingrained into me as Gin Ichimaru I wonder..I couldn't resist the urge to mess with him'



<Scene Break> Gin's POV

Walking through the lively streets of Konoha, I finally found the place that captured my attention –The Hokage Mountain.

"Looks like it is the 3rd Hokage's reign currently."

A quick way to say I'm fucked if his boyfriend Danzo gets a hold of me. Should I just leave the village..? No…that would be very suspicious and would fuck me over if caught. Let's just keep a low profile for now.

Spotting an old friendly-faced villager, I approached with all the innocence of a curious five-year-old.

"Hey there! Can you tell me about those big faces on the mountain? How long has Konoha been around?" I asked, silver hair framing my earnest gaze.

The villager, his eyes crinkling at the corners, crouched down to my level. "Ah, you've found the Hokage Mountain, kiddo. Konoha's been standing proud for quite some time. About 47 years now kiddo and still going"

He soon started spewing all the known facts about the Hokages and I just tuned him out trying to recall what I knew about the timeline before Naruto.

I barely remember much about the timeline before Naruto other than the key events. Interruptions the Villager I asked him a question to confirm.

"How many wars has Konoha fought in mister?" Surprised by the interest and the question posed by a five-year-old the villager squinted at me suspiciously but answered nonetheless.

"We have had one Shinobi war kiddo and hopefully it will be the last one," says the Villager grimly.

"It was a tough period for Konoha. The village had to face challenges from other ninja villages, and Tobirama Senju led our forces to protect what we hold dear today" he explained.

Hmmm looks like the Second Shinobi War hasn't started as of yet and if my memory serves correctly Amegakure will be the center of it all

Most likely I'm in a similar age bracket as Naruto's parents at this stage. Plus, the good thing now is I can join the Ninja Academy early as a 5 year old. After the 2nd Shinobi War ended the requirement was changed to 6 years old.

But…where the fuck is my gold finger? I get that I'm Gin Ichimaru but what now…

'Hellooo?? System ?? Menu??'

*Sigh* baby steps…baby steps….

"…ddo…Kiddo? You listening?" asked the old man.

"Huh, yeah thanks old man that was a nice history lesson about our beloved Konoha..I need to head back to the orphanage bye now" I replied as I stopped daydreaming and started to make my way towards the orphanage from memory.

"Sure kid take care now" The old man smiles and waves at me.


<Scene Break> Gin's POV

The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over Konoha, as I made my way back to the orphanage. The orphanage came into view, a modest building with a bare minimum look, nothing too fancy or broken down.

I kicked a pebble ahead, contemplating the challenges that awaited me. The academy was a place where kids like me learned the ninja ropes, was both thrilling and daunting. Thoughts swirled in my head as I walked.

"What a time to send me here….the Ninja entrance exam was tomorrow. I am anything but prepared"

Could I have been not sent here fucking a few months ago so I can at least be prepared?

What if the questions were too hard? What if I couldn't perform the ninja techniques right? A sense of nervousness gnawed at my stomach.

I'd seen some of the older kids practice in the training grounds, throwing Shurikens and performing Jutsus like it was second nature. Would I be able to keep up?

The orphanage loomed in the distance, its familiar silhouette bringing a mix of comfort and uncertainty. Looks like I somehow have an uneasy attachment to this place.

Entering the orphanage, the comforting aroma of dinner met me, but my mind was elsewhere. I headed to my small corner, a space filled with a mix of toys and makeshift drawings. Sitting down, I stared at the academy textbook on the table – its pages filled with unfamiliar symbols and diagrams.

I bit my lip, thinking about the academy entrance exam. Doubt crept in, and I felt a mix of anxiety and determination.

The caretaker approached me, a kind woman who had become like a surrogate mother, and greeted me with a warm smile when she saw me seated. "How was your day, Gin?"

"Good," I mumbled, fidgeting with the textbook. "Tomorrow's the entrance exam."

Her eyes softened with understanding. "You'll do great, Gin. Just be yourself and give it your best."

'Bitch if I knew who I was I'd be myself'

I nodded, the weight of her words sinking in. But as bedtime approached, I found myself lying in the darkness of my room, surrounded by the hushed breaths of other kids in the orphanage.


<Scene Break> Gin's POV

As I drifted into the realm of dreams in the quiet Konoha orphanage, something extraordinary happened. In that mysterious space between reality and imagination, my mind took on a life of its own.

The air crackled with energy as I intriguingly looked at the landscape.

Towering structures loomed in the distance, and the skies above held an ethereal glow.

"Heh..reminds me of Ichigo's mind space when he met Zangetsu"

 I glanced down at my tiny hands, noticing a change. My usual attire had transformed into a Shinigami robe.

"But what was Gin's Zanpakuto name? Why can I not remember it"

A voice echoed as if carried by the wind. "Welcome, Gin Ichimaru"

Turning around, I found a figure emerging from the shadows. It was a Mysterious being, draped in a cloak, revealing only a glimpse of their face. "Who are you?" I asked, my eyes wide with curiosity.

"I am your guide in this realm," the figure replied, the voice resonating with a soothing yet mysterious tone. "Here, you can unlock abilities beyond your imagination."

Excitement bubbled within me. "Abilities? Like what?"

The figure gestured, and suddenly, a Zanpakuto materialized in my hand. It was a small, sleek blade, perfectly sized for someone my age. "In this mindscape, you can train and hone your skills. Channel your chakra and release it as spiritual energy."

"Are you my Zanpakuto?" Snapping out of excitement and ignoring everything, I posed a question to the being.

"Do you know how I got here and WHY the fuck am I in Naruto world" Frustration got the better of me and I started bombarding the being with questions that I desperately needed to be answered.

The Mysterious being was quiet and did not even respond to any of my questions.

"Fuck IT!! So, are you at least going to be training me so I can survive in this chaotic world?" I shouted angrily at the Being.

"Sure, I will train you Kid as long as you master the basics of what it takes to be a Soul Reaper. As you are currently, I cannot personally train you anything as your body is just not capable at your age." Replied the Being.

He gestured for me to focus, to feel the energies that surrounded me. "Close your eyes, young one. Connect with the energy within."

With a sense of wonder, I closed my eyes, Slowly, I began to sense something, a pulsating energy that resonated with the core of my being. It was Reiatsu, a force I was just beginning to understand.

 "Reiatsu is the spiritual energy that flows within all living things," the figure explained. "Feel it in your heart, and let it manifest around you."

 As I concentrated, a soft glow enveloped me. I could sense the energy, a gentle yet powerful force that responded to my intentions.

 The figure encouraged me to shape the Reiatsu, to mold it into a protective barrier around me. With a determined thought, I felt the energy respond, creating an invisible shield but failed towards the end.

*Huff* *Huff* I panted as I felt like I had run a 10k marathon.

"Acceptable for now considering your age young one" replied the Being.

I dropped to the floor and sat in a seated position trying to catch my breath.

"Let's unlock your Chakra network so you can better learn to mold both Reiatsu and Chakra" said the being as he teleported right behind me and put his palm on my back.


 "Focus on the center of your being, Gin," the figure whispered. "Feel the chakra within you, like a wellspring waiting to be tapped."

As I concentrated, a gentle hum resonated through me, a subtle energy that seemed to resonate with the very fabric of my existence. It was as if I had discovered a hidden reservoir, a well of power waiting to be tapped.

"Excellent. Now, visualize the chakra as a sphere, a vibrant and pulsating orb at the center of your being," the figure instructed.

I envisioned the energy within me.

The Being, sensing my readiness, extended a hand toward me. "Gin, it is time to draw upon your chakra. Feel it flowing from within and into your hand."

As I extended my hand, I sensed a gentle surge of energy. The figure guided me through simple movements, helping me channel the chakra into my palm.

Instead of a gentle glow, my chakra manifested with explosive power. A burst of radiant energy erupted from my hand.


I stared wide-eyed at my hand, marveling at the explosive power I had unleashed. I felt good….Powerful even..

"Don't let it get to your kid. Chakra is the essence of your strength. Embrace it, for it is the key to unlocking extraordinary abilities," the figure spoke as it reprimanded him and explained.

"That concludes your training for today until we meet again Kid."



 <Scene Break> Gin's POV

I found myself waking up in the familiar surroundings of the Konoha orphanage. The lingering glow of the chakra training echoed in my mind.

I quickly tried activating my Chakra just in case to confirm if I was not just dreaming all that bullshit.

Blinking my eyes open, I felt a renewed sense of energy coursing through me. But as I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed, reality settled in – today was the Ninja Academy Entrance exam.

Excitement and nerves mingled within me. I quickly changed into my clean set of clothes, a small grin playing on my lips.

I headed to the small mirror in the corner of the room. My reflection stared back at me, silver hair a bit tousled. I started grinning.

'Fuck me…that's one creepy grin…I think I can give Orochimaru a real competition in the creepiest smile contest.' I bitterly contemplated.

The orphanage was waking up, and the sounds of other kids preparing for the day filled the air. The caretaker greeted me with a warm smile as I headed to the communal area for breakfast.

"Excited for the exam, Gin?" she asked, ladling a generous serving of rice onto my plate.

I nodded "Yeah, I've been training."

She ruffled my hair affectionately. "That's the spirit. Just be yourself, and remember, Konoha is lucky to have a prospective ninja like you."

'Well at least I will have the advantage of having my Chakra unlocked over all the other orphans but…I did not consider how to explain I unlocked Chakra..' This will most likely put me in the spotlight with the Orphans and Kids from the clans.

It's very usual to unlock Chakra by yourself…Let's hope this is not my one way ticket to fucking Root.

'Fuck it, That's an issue for future Gin to worry about'


<Scene Break> Gin's POV

Walking towards the gates of the Ninja Academy, I couldn't shake the flutter of excitement mixed with a tinge of nerves. Will I meet any Canon characters I wonder?

Amid the vibrant mix of young ninjas, I recognized a few familiar faces from the orphanage. Their nods and smiles felt a little comforting knowing I knew some kids.

Looks like the Clan kids get preferential treatment as I saw them getting welcomed at a more private area rather than the common area for civilians.

The instructors, clad in their ninja attire, stood at the entrance, their eyes observing the eager crowd. They quickly collected all registration forms from all the kids.

I quickly took out my prefilled form and handed it in as well. Looks like the previous me had already taken care of this shit. Saves me all the trouble.

My excitement died a little when I did not see any canon characters. I was Lowkey expecting to at least find 1.

The lead instructor, a seasoned Chunin figure addressed us with a welcoming tone. "Welcome, young ones, to the Ninja Academy Entrance exam. Today, you'll show us what you're made of – the courage, the skills, and the spirit that could make you Konoha's future protectors."

"Can the ones who have unlocked Chakra please step forward" commanded the instructor

'Lucky for me there are quite a few civilian kids who also have their chakra unlocked'

Out of 120 participants, only 23 stepped forward including me.

One of the instructors quickly assessed that we had indeed unlocked our Chakra. He was most likely a sensor ninja.

Looks like our tests will be different from the other kids. Most likely just the physical tests as we have unlocked Chakra.

Soon we were taken to a test station a challenge focused on physical fitness. A row of obstacles stretched before me – hurdles to leap over, a balance beam to navigate, and a series of jumps that demanded coordination.

'WTF this is a bit of an overkill for 5-6 year old kids no…?' Nah let's think this through.

The obstacle course wasn't about perfection but about pushing our limits. Looks to be a timed test.

Each one of the kids started taking the test one by one until it was my turn.

"Gin Ichimaru" Yelled the instructor.

"Yes" I quickly approached the starting point.

The balance beam proved trickier than expected. Wobbling and teetering, I fought to stay on.

'Sigh if only I had more time I'd most likely decimate this shit'

The next set of challenges included jumps and sprints, and I raced alongside others. I was neither too good nor bad enough.

Moving on to the second station, a setup with tables and scrolls awaited – the general knowledge test. The instructor stood with a smile, asking about the village's history, ninja traditions, and even the types of animals that roamed the surrounding forests. It felt like a casual chat rather than a daunting exam.

'Hmmm they most likely understand the civilians only know basic general knowledge and history. Plus why would they fail potential cannon fodders?'

I huddled with other young kids, discussing answers and sharing bits of knowledge. It was less about competing against each other and more about a collective effort to tackle the written challenge before us.

'I stressed over nothing from the looks of it…Well, we are 5-6 year old kids.'


<Scene Break> Gin's POV

After what felt like an eternity, the instructor finally spoke. "Congratulations to all of you who made it this far. Today marks the beginning of your journey at the Ninja Academy. Remember, not everyone can be a ninja, but those who show dedication, perseverance, and the Will of Fire will surely succeed."

As the instructor finished speaking, the doors swung open, and the legendary Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, entered the room. The crowd hushed in respect as he made his way to the front.

"Welcome, young kids, to the Ninja Academy!" the Third Hokage's voice echoed through the room.

"Today, you embark on a path that will challenge you, test your limits, and forge bonds that will last a lifetime. But remember, the true strength of a ninja lies not just in their skills but in their heart. The Will of Fire burns within each one of you."

Skepticism nagged at the corners of my mind. What was so special about being a ninja? Why should I follow some invisible flame?

'Typical Hiruzen and brainwashing tactics'

As I was looking around, I quickly noticed the fanatical looks on the kids following this bullshit teaching and being brainwashed.

 "Now, let me announce your assigned classes," the instructor continued, and a hush fell over the group. "Class 1-A, Class 1-B, and so on."

Finally, the instructor smiled at me when it was my turn and said, "Gin Ichimaru, welcome to Class 1-B."

'Bout fucking time..let's do this already so I can have my own training montage'

Lost in my thoughts I pick up my schedule and start walking back to the orphanage when everyone avoided me like a plague when they noticed my sinister smile.


Thanks for Reading (Zeroskii)

Hope you're enjoying the new story. 

Constructive feedback is appreciated. 

Please leave some reviews and feedback :)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Zeroskiicreators' thoughts