
Naruto RPG To be a legend

Dez_Burns · Khác
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15 Chs

Test subject

The soul now in a new body and had access to its memories of the previous occupant of this body.

The memories of the life of this body known as dezuma, a orphan, in the land of sound and a test subject to orochimaru's curse mark and genetic experiments.

He is like many others in the facility that dezuma is in. He can't do much cause he is bound to a lab table were his body was subject to brutal experiment that killed the old dezuma and allowed the soul be in Control of it.

[welcome new RPG PLAYER and thank you for testing the new system]

[name: dezuma

[sex: male

[age: 10

[village: sound

[abilities: curse mark, test subject

[level0, 0/500XP


[strength/stamina: 20

[speed/dexterity: 20

[knowledge: 10

[awareness: 5


[starter pack unlocking]

[Ryo: 10000

[Trait card

[ ninja tools

[food bars+4

[water Bottles+4

[starter pack received, have a niece time!]

dezuma seeing all that information on a invisible digital screen in front of him given him the reminder that he's in a cruel world but he has the means make himself strong enough to survive this world.

Even though he was bound to the lab table he was able to interact with his system with his thoughts alone making it convenient to use.

The game market, showed him many things he could buy with his money that he will earned through missions.

He just has to figure out a way to make the most out of it, in his situation but for now he just hast to wait for whoever's experimenting on him to show up.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, several scientists in White robes began to come in to the room they were extremely surprised, that their guinea pig survive the curse mark procedure after all there was always an 85% ratio of deaths with the curse mark.

The scientists took the time examination dezuma, after a while they've concluded that the subject has excepted the curse mark with a little rejection but they're also surprised to find a mutation within the subject.

Before the procedure he was but a Civilian with extremely low levels of chakra however now dezuma has the chakra capacity of a low genin!!

After a good amount of time the scientists started on new set of test for there subject.

They called a sound ninja to take me to some then called the Selection.

dezuma did not fight back because he is not skilled in ninja art to win and wouldn't be able to survive a attempt to escape from this place.

He just has to be patient after all they won't just kill him since he body survived the curse mark procedure.

Logically they want to test it out to see want Else has changed with him.

As the sound ninja takes me to a new Location with the base, dezuma notice that much of a hallway is lit by candles with snakeheads statues, on the side of the walls using his knowledge of what he could remember from the Naruto anime.

If he is remembering right this is one of orochimaru's Hidden hideout's set up all across the ninja world.

The question is which hideout is it? is it one of his known hide out in the anime? Or is it a hideout that was never known.

Dezuma Will just have to figure it out on his own for now he needs to prepare himself or whatever they're about to do to him.

dezuma and the sound ninja that is carrying him Arrived in a large room that looks like a small combat Arena and Inside it was human bones.

This paints a very grim picture for dezuma giving him the idea that this is where they force their test subjects to fight and kill each other, he also notice some dry blood on the wall.

With no warning the sound ninja throws dezuma in the Arena, not expecting to be thrown in there he hits the ground hard scraping his knee.

dezuma: asshole!!

Shouted at the sound ninja for throwing him into the arena but the ninja does not give him any attention at all and moved his way back to the scientists, that began pulling levers which opened small gates on the inside of the Arena.

At the gates open other children close to his age started walking out each one of them looking like shit with cuts scrapes and bruises all over their bodies.

Scientist: attention lab rats there's some good news, we're gonna stop experimenting on all of you today and one of you Will be able to become a ninja ain't that great!!!

The twisted insane scientist told to gather to children as many of them starting to brighten up at the mirror thought of leaving this place and hopefully never return.

However dezuma Noticed the scientist said only one of them would become a ninja to leave this place.

With a good idea where this is gonna be going he grabs the nearby bone from one of the corpses remains to use as an improvised weapon.

Scientist: for you to be a ninja, you will have to kill the other lab rats only one of you may leave so y'all better get the killing!!!!

The twisted Insane scientist said it was such glee as it begins scribbling down notes as he watch the children begin to pick up bones around and start killing each other.

One by one the children killed each other without remorse with no Choice, using his new improvise weapon started killing the other children as well.

Two of the children he got the drop on it was able to kill them quickly.

Every time dezuma killed someone he would receive a notification of XP for every child he killed this Continued for least a great amount of time.

Since he could not tell what time it was, it took quite a while for all the children to finish killing each other till there was only two people left.

The other child and dezuma stare down each other as they're both covered in blood from the other victims of this twisted carnage.

They continued to stare each other down both of them size in the other one up as both of them are covered in fresh wounds from the fighting however.

Dezuma has a deep wound on his leg make him slow while the other child left arm was too wounded to be of any use.

Not wanting to drag this out anymore dezuma made the first Move, he went for a hit to the other child's face with his improvised bone weapon in his hand only for the child to duck his attack and kick him in the chest sending him across the room.

Hitting the arena wall who's got another forced to deal damage to him leaving him Form the moment dazed, the other child wasted no time and started running towards him lifting up his improvised weapon of fun and tending to crush dezumas skull.

Dezuma was barely dodged the attack by moving his head towards the right avoiding the other child's assault and gave his own counterattack by using his other leg they hit his opponent in the balls.

The child squealed in pain and fell to the ground holding his testicles giving dezuma The right opportunity to finish this fight.

Using the All of his strength he's with his bone weapon to kill his opponent.

His strike hits his target piercing his opponent through the chest all the way to his heart the other child struggles only to slowly go limp and die leaving only dezuma left standing.

Exhausted tired and hurt dezuma Falls unconscious as he confirms his opponent is truly did sign a relief that he survived his first day in the ninja world.


POV: scientist

That was magnificent!!!! All the blood and desperation seen as their lab rats struggled to survive was truly a sight to behold.

Sound ninja: was this really necessary??

The sound ninja voiced his doubts to the Mad insane twisted scientist for this wasteful experiment after all each of those kids would've easily made genin for the sound village.

Irritated by the ninja in the room the scientist decides to give an answer to the ignorant fool.

Scientist: that is a vary easy question the answer to it though is even simpler we wanted to see how well our subject would react to a very hostile situation.

Now the sound ninja was very irritated by the doctors response.

Sound ninja: all the wasted potential only to send them off to their deaths to test one child?

The scientist now had a very cruel smile plastered on his face.

Scientist: it was not a waste at all actually that one child has far more potential in the other rejects that died in there.

There was a long silence between the scientist and the sound ninja.

sound ninja: you and I can argue about this all day long and frankly I don't have enough energy to deal with your kind of insanity!! If you're done with the kid I will take him be genin are village needs extra manpower.

Scientist: that's fine I've concluded the curse mark we put on them has stabilized enough, I may require additional samples from him but you may take them now.

The sound ninja go down to the Arena and picks up dezuma unconscious body and take him out of the facility.