
Naruto RPG To be a legend

Dez_Burns · Khác
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15 Chs

Mission accomplished

Returning from his assassination mission dezuma enters the hideout and head straight towards his mission handler.

Arriving in the room and giving a report on his mission been completed and the target had been killed.

The sound ninja was very pleased from the results which his new genin was able to accomplish his mission after all missions are the lifeblood of every ninja.

Sound ninja: very good you've done our village proud I have more missions for you when you are ready but for now go home get some rest.

[Ding!!!! Mission accomplished receiving reward one strength pallet]

After hearing his system mission completion as well dezuma bowed his head to his mission handler and then proceeded to head back home to his apartment.

After arriving proceeded to head straight to his bed to get some needed shuteye and some rest.



Dezuma waking up from his slumber, proceeded to do his morning rituals, after that was finished, proceeded to make a schedule for his training.

He did not have a lot of equipment to train with. However, he has an idea to fix that so he looks to his game market does see if there's any training equipment he can buy.

[Game market]

[Weight ankles: A piece of equipment used for training, able to increase XP gain by 50%] Ryo 4000

[Practice targets: human size targets used for practice by ninjas able to increase XP gain when using projectiles by 25%] Ryo 12,000

[Training weight vet: A training vest, the grants 200% XP gain when used when training] Ryo 17,000

[Additional training equipment locked by level: increase your level to unlock more features: level required: level 26]

With a limited options dezuma purchases the train invest in the human target practice dummies.

[Purchasing items complete]

[Total cost:29,000

[Remaining Ryo: 371,600

After the purchase was finished all the training equipment that he bought appeared in his room in front of him or human size practice dummies at least eight of them as well as a training vest that seals on it to increase its weight.

After inspecting his new equipment, he was very satisfied with what he had to work with so he took all of his practice dummies to the back of the apartment. Thankfully, no one else lives by or in the apartment, except for him.

Apparently, no one lives here because everyone believes it's haunted probably why he got in the first place because no one would be willing to live here and they had not have any upkeep and maintenance in a long time. The only thing that worked here was running water.

However, this suit him just fine after all he can train in peace without nobody around him.

After the dummies were set up, he began practicing his kunai throwing skills While wearing his weighted training vest As he continues, throwing what projectiles he has over and over again at the target.

He started to receive notifications of XP gain every time he made slight improvements to his throwing.

[XP 101

[XP 101

[XP 101

[XP 101

[XP 101

The notification of XP, continued on as he practice more and more with his Kunai.

The only thing on his mind is earning more XP as much as possible, then after eight hours of continuous training of throwing projectiles.

Dezuma finally decided to take a break and collect all of his thrown projectiles then proceeded to check his game status.

[Name: dezuma

[Age: 10

[Sex: male

[Village: sound

[Abilities: test subject, curse mark

[Skills: thrown projectiles: genin level

[level 3, 25/1222XP

[Strength/stamina: 35

[Speed/dexterity: 35

[knowledge: 25



Seen progress in his stats and new skill dezuma would love the grind them up all day long, but he doesn't have a gamers body meaning he still gets thirsty and hungry and tired he just has to be patient and he will get stronger.

Now that he's thinking about it he's still has a trait card to use.

Pulling the card out from his inventory, immediately uses it resulting in a panel showing up in front of him, giving him a list of what traits he can choose from The list.

[Traits/talents: projectile reflex: gives individual increase damage by 15% with throne projectiles.

[Excellent molding: gives individual high chakra control.

[Six Sense: gives individual they ability to sense danger before it arrives.

[Fierce fighter: Gives individual increased strength/stamina by 20 stats.

[Talented sage: (only able to give to a player with a curse mark) gives mastery to individual of the curse Mark to stage one without downsides.

[Elemental talent: gives user a high control over a single element.

[Seal talent: grants the individual, the same level of talent as a Uzumaki.

From dezuma point of view all of them are good but can only choose one of them right now.