
Naruto: Root Ninja

A young man is killed at the age of 20 and is reincarnated into the world of Naruto. But unlike other reincarnators, he didn't meet anyone, nor did he get any wishes or powers. He wakes up in the body of a 3 year old kid. He looks around and finds a man with bandages covering one side. He said to the three year old kid "From now on, you are Hakuto. Meet Kaze, he will be your brother from now on and the Root foundation, your home." For the first time after writing 4 books, I have decided to go for NO HAREM!!! I am going to try something new and the whole fan-fic is going to be in MC's POV. I know that I am bad at POV and that's why I would like to get some advices after you read a few chapters so that I can improve them in the future Although I plan on making the MC go from weak to strong, I still don't know the power balance and that's what happened in the last fan-fics. I sometimes end up giving him some power that makes him way stronger than others. I did say I wasn't going to write anymore, but I decided to write anyways. For those who already read something I wrote, would know that till date, I haven't completed even a single story. I am. not going to promise that I would finish this, but I will try to finish it. I don't own the cover and got this from an episode. I also don't own anything other than my OC characters.

komega · Tranh châm biếm
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58 Chs

Chapter 37

After we finished celebrating with Yugito, I returned to my room, with the little information I got that day.

It wasn't much, but it was helpful. After noting it down, I closed my book and found a white snake again.

This time I wasn't that scared as before as I was expecting the snake. It again spat out a scroll and I unsealed it after checking my surroundings with my Byakugan.

He sent all the things I wanted, as they were easy to get. The destruction of Uchiha clan happened two years ago, so getting the eyes of a Uchiha isn't difficult.

And as promised, I also gave my research papers to Orochimaru while mixing up the text. I didn't want him learning English.

I sealed the papers in the same sealing scroll and the snake swallowed it. I linked my mind with the snake, intending to talk with Orochimaru.

When I linked my mind, Orochimaru replied as he was expecting me "Hello Hakuto, it was pleasure doing business with you. Judging by the materials you asked, it looks like you are working on dna of Hyuga and the Uchiha.

Contact me if you discover something good. I can offer something great in return."

"I don't think we will be contacting each other again." I said and served the link. The white snake disappeared in a white cloud. It was reverse summoning.

I wasn't going to let him know I discovered something in the future and wouldn't also take something he invented. Although everything he makes are great, they come with a cost.

I went to bed after hiding the things Orochimaru sent. And my life went back to normal, just that I had to do missions instead of going to the academy.

I always thought that Naruto and his team were made to do missions like finding a cat, just to show that the village was peaceful, but no.

Even we were asked to do weird chores as missions. This was because usually every village has a large number of genin compared to chunin and jonin.

The missions given out by the Raikage office, the ninjas don't get all the reward for the missions. We have to give 20% to the office and 20% to our chunin leader for babysitting us.

This way, by making us do weird chores, the Raikage office makes money. That's why, even though the ninjas are assassins, there are missions that ask them to clean some place or deliver a letter or something.

I really wanted to stop doing those missions as they were pointless for me. Me, G and T were already close enough to have good teamwork, and the money I got was way less than the pocket money Aki gave me everyday.

So, I totally gave up my share and didn't participate much in the missions. That's not the important thing.

We did go on a few C-rank missions that were for experienced genin, and two B-rank missions. The C-rank were mostly escorting or guarding merchants as they travel to other towns and villages.

As for the two C-rank missionss, one was to deliver supplies to a watch tower. Another was to catch a criminal from a town. Both these missions weren't a problem with me and G, and also T.

I made a lot of progress with the eyes I was working on. As for the Hasirama cells or modifying my whole body genetically, I didn't make much progress.

And it made sense, since it isn't that easy. If it was easy to modify genes of a person, Orochimaru wouldn't run after Sasuke and would have genetically modified a body to possess.

That's exactly why I focused only on eyes and I could say they are ready. I basically just identified the dna in the eyes and grew new eyes in the laboratory.

Now this would sound difficult to anyone, but it actually wasn't that difficult. The Byakugan can do wonders when you concentrate completely, but the chakra drain was also on the same level.

I identified the dna and replicated the cells with chakra while monitoring which cells I was replicating, or else I would be creating a clone of myself.

So, after 10 months of struggle from when I got the eyes from Orochimaru, the eyes were complete.

I had two jars, with a pair of eyes in each jar. I was testing out whether they were working or not.

The genetic modification was a success, but to use them, I needed to be sure that they work. That's because defective eyes can cause severe damage to the optic nerve and that would turn me permanently blind.

I channeled chakra to the eyes and held a torch light towards the pupils of the eyes.

In one jar, there were eyes with black iris and in another, eyes with completely white pupils and iris.

They were the genetically engineered Uchiha/Sharingan eyes and the Byakugan. As soon as the light from the torchlight fell on the Sharingan eyes, the pupils narrowed.

I couldn't say the same about the Byakugan, but the also showed a slight reaction by strained muscles near the white pupils. I only felt this through chakra.

So, yeah. Finally my two important eyes we're ready to get transplanted. And I also had a perfect ground to test out these eyes.

So, I made a shadow clone and slept on a bed, in my secret laboratory underground. As for its location, it was in a place even I didn't know.

It is some place I the forest. I would use my Byakugan to search the place, but usually I just teleport there with the sign I left inside.

That's due to the Flying Thunder God Technique, but that also I couldn't master. It took me a lot of chakra to teleport. So, I could only teleport thrice a day.

My clone started the operation and I was already nervous. It was because we weren't taught how to operate, in the academy. I picked up the knowledge from the doctors in the city and some medical ninja I met in the village.

So, I was a self taught surgeon and didn't have much confidence in myself. My whole vision went dark and I lost consciousness due to anesthesia.

I woke up after an unknown time and tried opening my eyes, but there was something covering my eyes and prevented me from opening them.

I heard my clone say "You need time for those eyes to adjust and connect the rest of the nerves itself.

It will take around a week for a full recovery. You will be on time for the event. I already submitted your application yesterday."

I smiled and laid down. I asked my clone "How long was I unconscious?" and he replied "Two days."

I was having this conversation as I couldn't undo the clone technique and get the information. I was currently in my base and no one was there except me.

I had to take care of myself while blind for a whole week. If I undid that clone and made one more just for information, I would make a blind clone.

I relaxed and slept. Those eyes, even though they felt new, I didn't have a feeling of something foreign inside me.

Those eyes before didn't sit well with my body, but these felt like they were mine.

Note:- I feel guilty writing this. You would be reading this chapter around two day ago, but I was lazy and kept procrastinating.When I saw that you guys still gave me power stones even when I didn't upload a chapter, I felt bad for not uploading. Thanks for the support.

And another thing was that I got a review saying that the story deviated from the title and he isn't acting like a root ninja and it is true to an extent. But I have a different plot in mind. For that, it will take time. But don't worry, I will try to make it better and not boring till then.

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