
18- Mikoto's Anxiety

after a week.

During this week, Kushina graduated, and a team composed of Tsunade, Kushina, Mikoto, and Ryuu was formed.

After Kushina graduated, she did not do any rank D missions and her first assignment was a rank C. This made Mikoto and Ryuu envious of her because she didn't struggle with rank D missions.

The mission was to protect a man until he reaches his home in a village where there are no ninjas, two days away from Konoha. The journey was smooth and unobstructed.

On this day Mikoto and Kushina agreed to go out to buy some clothes. After you finished shopping, they went to a restaurant.

"The relationship between Ryuu and Tsunade-onee-san has become even closer this week," Kushina said bitterly.

"I think Tsunade-nee-san regards Ryuu as her little brother, but Ryuu is trying to make his relationship with her even closer," Mikoto said.

Mikoto is jealous of Tsunade because Ryuu is actively pursuing her. Before forming a relationship with Ryuu, she was the one actively making the relationship closer between her and Ryuu, so she really envies Tsunade because Ryuu works hard to get close to her.

"I don't think Tsunade-Onee-san will fall in love with Ryuu, he is 13 years younger than her. She is more than twice his age," Kushina said. Although she says these words, she is not so sure.

"Does Tsunade-nee-san have a boyfriend?" Mikoto asked. If Tsunade has a boyfriend, they don't have to worry about her close relationship with Ryuu because they won't be together.

"Do you think that if she had a boyfriend, I would bother talking about her close relationship with Ryuu," Kushina said in a sarcastic way. Since Kushina came to Konoha until now, she hasn't seen Tsunade close enough to a man to call him her boyfriend.

"So what should we do?" Mikoto asked. She was really very confused because of Tsunade and Ryuu's relationship.

"We can't do anything about Tsunade-onee-san, but we have to do something about Ryuu, do you have any idea to make Ryuu stop going after women?" Kushina said. She was really unwilling to share Ryuu with so many women.

Mikoto thought for a moment, then said, "I think I have two ways. The first is for one of us to always be close to him to prevent him from approaching other girls or to prevent girls who try to approach him."

"But this method may cause Ryuu to get annoyed with us," Kushina was worried that it would cause problems between them and Ryuu.

"Let's use the second method," Mikoto said.

"What is this method?" Kushina asked in anticipation.

Mikoto smiled and said" In fact, this method is very simple, but we did not think about it. We would always appear upset or jealous when Ryuu approached Tsunade-nee-san, but we didn't tell him that we didn't want him to be with other women. So we have to tell him directly not to approach other girls "

"Why didn't I think of that from the beginning, we can just tell him not to be with other girls. We were fools for not doing it from the start" Kushina patted her forehead. She was feeling stupid for not saying that to Ryuu.

"But will he accept?" Kushina asked.

"I think he'll accept. After we tell him that, we have to believe he won't get close to other girls," Mikoto said with a sigh.

"Okay, let's stop talking about this, let's talk about something else," Mikoto said.She was starting to get a headache because of all this, so she decided to change the subject.

After a while they finished their dinner and walked out of the restaurant.

On their way home, Kushina suddenly said, "Mikoto-nee-san, do you carry the shoes we bought with you?"

"No, I didn't carry it with me, it was you who carried it," Mikoto said.

"I think I forgot the shoes I bought at the restaurant so I have to go get them," Kushina said. The shoes that Kushina bought were very expensive so she didn't want to lose them.

"I'll come with you," Mikoto said.

"No, I will go alone, you can carry the clothes I bought until I come back, I think I will get there faster without carrying them." Kushina handed the clothes to Mikoto and started running towards the restaurant.

The restaurant was not far and could be reached in 10 minutes walking, and Kushina, which went at full speed, could go and come back in two minutes.

Mikoto waited for Kushina for 15 minutes, but Kushina didn't show up, which made Mikoto worried so she went to the restaurant to check on Kushina.

As soon as she arrived at the restaurant, the waiter greeted her, "Hello, you and your friend forgot these bags."

Upon hearing what the waiter had to say, Mikoto became more worried about Kushina, so Mikoto left the shopping bags she was carrying with the waiter and started running to find Kushina.

Mikoto is very worried about Kushina, she was afraid that something bad happened to her.

After some time, she did not find Mikoto Kushina, so she decided to go to Tsunade's house to ask for help.

On her way to Tsunade's house, she meets some Uchiha who work in the Konohagakure Military Police Force, and tells them what happened. Respected because she is the daughter of one of the clan elders, they started searching for Kushina. And they sent one of them to the Hokage to tell him what happened.

Meanwhile, Mikoto kept going to Tsunade's house and on her way there she met Ryuu.

"What happened, Mikoto?" Ryuu said worriedly. Seeing Mikoto running so fast with a worried expression on her face, he had a feeling that something bad had happened.

When Mikoto heard Ryuu's question, she quickly and briefly told him what had happened. Then she kept going to Tsunade's house.

Once Mikoto heard, Ryuu felt his anxiety grow. Then directly use the chakra sense skill to search for Kushina.
