
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Tranh châm biếm
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36 Chs

Chapter 28 Awakening

Kuroko POV


It all happened so fast! I had seen the Raikage's speed before so A being this fast is no surprise but still, this is too much. My eyes couldn't follow him as he broke through and began killing.

To make matters worse I and the Anbu had to erect barriers to slow the enemy shinobi but it was not working. Our barriers weren't strong enough at least not for the eight tails.

Looking back at Akashi I can tell he's alright for now at least. He was only cut on the side nothing fatal but we need to get out of here fast.

"Oyashiro cover me!"

Blood Dragon Ascension!

Multiple dragon heads began to appear as they tangled with the tentacles of the eight tails relieving some of the pressure everyone was facing.

While Kuroko quickly made his way to Akashi to check his condition.

"Sensei *cough* you all need to run! This was a bad idea" Akashi said while grunting in pain

"Then let's go" With that he bent down to pick Akashi up but was forced to stop when he saw a fist through his stomach



Red was all I could see dripping all over my face.


My Senseis Blood

In that moment time seemed to slow. Looking at the battlefield behind Kuroko I saw Oyashiro struggling being outnumbered from all sides.

Most of our group was dead by this point with only a couple of us left.

"Haha, foolish Uzumaki you and your clan should just disappear!" A said as he cocked his arm back preparing to end me


Become forgotten?


I haven't even been in this world that long! I haven't even seen Naruto or any of the main cast! I haven't lived!

So many regrets crossed my mind at that moment. At least until I felt my mind become eerily clear.

Disappear become forgotten?


I think not

Death? Here?


I already died once so I refuse



I do not regret! I am Absolute!

Instantly an enormous amount of Chakra began to pour into Akashi's eyes causing a change to appear. Stunning A forcing him to take a step back from the pressure he was feeling.

Not just him but everyone stepped back whether they were enemies or allies.

Even inside B, the eight tails was urging him to run practically begging saying that the redhead boy was a monster! But he refused saying he needs to stick with his bro or else he's a fool ya fool.

A being the strongest person there was the first to get in his bearings

(Insert The Emperor Eye theme)

'W-what are those eyes!' A exclaimed in his mind

At this moment A was filled with confusion. How is it possible for a Uzumaki to awaken a Dojutsu? It shouldn't even be possible!

Sharingan? No, they are red but it's not the Sharingan.

A was becoming more confused by the minute looking into those heterochromic eyes with red rings.

But what was even worse was how he stepped back! Afraid, how could he be afraid of an injured kid?

Wait injured? Where's his injury?

Looking at the bloody spot A saw steam coming off the skin as the wound repaired itself in the blink of an eye.

I don't know how he healed so fast but my instincts are telling me to kill him now. Then I'll take his eyes for research.

Lifting up his fist A prepared to kill the boy until he heard

"Lower your head Mongrel"

Instantly A lost control of his legs collapsing to the ground.

Stunned at how he ended up like this he looked back up into the boy's eyes but all he saw was arrogance. The kind only a king would have when looking at a commoner.

"Learn your place"

gently he just raised his hand and slammed it down onto the Raikage with a Rasengan


[Rewind Jutsu]

I am Absolute!

The moment this thought came into my mind it felt like invisible chains were broken finally giving me full access to something that Was rightfully mine.

Heat entered my eyes and instantly I received all the information on how to use them.

You see these eyes are actually quite special. With a variety of abilities.

Full 360 vision with no blind spots

Future Prediction within my radius

My eyes even show me how to move to force my opponents onto the ground. Still, I don't know how affective this is on people with ocular power. It might not even work.

Finally, my most powerful ability is The Zone. In this mode I am perfect I will never make a mistake everything I do will literally be inhuman. The only problem with this mode is the high Chakra demand. Instinctively I know my limit is 5 minutes even with me being a Jinchuriki.

The only downside is my ego when I use these eyes. They make me feel unstoppable and in turn, affect my personality a bit.

Well it shouldn't matter too much at least I look cool

Now all of this combined with my Uzumaki abilities! Haha I truly am Absolute

Glancing at A I see him raise his hand one more time as he prepares to end me.

"Lower your head Mongrel"

With just slight movements and twitches in my muscles, he falls onto the ground.

"Learn your place"

Turning to the side I see Kuroko Sensei barely hanging on.

looks like I need to end this fast. Aren't they lucky?

Lifting up my hand the same way A did I conjured a Rasengan and smashed down on him. Like a deity giving judgment to a sinner.

With that one movement, A was immobilized but not dead. Killing him would cause war which would not be good for my village right now.

Even with us infiltrating The land of lightning it still wouldn't be enough to start war. Especially when skirmishes like this are pretty common.

Too bad the Kumo shinobi couldn't recognize I was showing mercy right now. As they all decided to attack me at once.

"How dare you do that to Lord A!"

one shinobi said as his body flickered in front of me with the rest not too far behind.

"On your Knees"


"What is this?"

"G-genjutsu that has to be it, look at his eyes!"

"No, we can't lose it's impossible. B it's all up to you"

B remained still not moving an inch as if trying to predict what I would do next.

"You need not worry B your brother is still alive but he is injured. Let us go and we will leave with no more conflict between us."

Acknowledging me he began to do a couple of raps I really didn't care to hear right now.

"Oyashiro use your eyes and put Sensei's blood back while I heal him"

This whole time Oyashiro had been stunned and staring at my eyes like a statue but hearing me mention Sensei seemed to knock him back into place.

Looking one more time at the battlefield I could only sigh inwardly.

'one anbu left and three Hagaromo members including the clan head. At least I was able to save some of them' I thought before walking over to help in healing Kuroko


Hey guys hope you all enjoyed the chapter today! Just wanted to let you guys know before hand that I'm think of writing a second fanfic called Naruto: The Ōtsutsuki system and have already wrote three separate starting chapters. So far I'm not sure on which to choose so I'll put the options here and you guys can give me your input.

(P.S This one is Transmigration not Reincarnation)

Starting off as an Uchiha child days before the massacre.

Starting off as Sasuke's brother older brother (not Itachi) days before massacre

Starting off as an orphan from the nine tails attack. MC will transmigrated a little bit before the Academy.