
Naruto: The Namikaze Resurgence

In the original timeline, Namikaze Hayato had died, forever forgotten in the Shinobi world. But with a little tampering with the laws of physics, what changes would we see if he were still alive, and nurtured Naruto? Following a gripping mission in the borderlands, Naruto's uncle, Namikaze Hayato, makes a triumphant return. Embark on an exhilarating new adventure as Naruto, guided by the seasoned mentorship of his uncle, ascends to unprecedented heights of supremacy. What differences shall we see in this story? Buckle up folks, for this shall be a wild ride! WELCOME TO NARUTO: THE NAMIKAZE RESURGENCE BEHOLD: THE BEGINNING OF A NEW NARUTO EPIC! ... Hey, author here! Check out my other books :) I'm looking forward to this, and your assistance will be very much appreciated. Let's weave a captivating tale together! DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING APART FROM MY OWN CHARACTERS!

Zal01 · Anime & Comics
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Welcome Back, It Is I


Yep, just like that, boom! 

Welcome back fellow readers, it is I, Zhin Ayner. 

So yeah, that was the backstory behind this forgotten squad, and quite tragic I must say; complete disintegration in the face of the tailed beast bomb!


How unfortunate, unfortunate indeed... However, I shall remodel this scenario. That's right, I shall save this trio, and progress with the story, and you shall witness what would happen if they were alive. 

But before I do go there, how about we resume with what happened, and watch from Kaede's perspective...

I shall narrate it, since I want to keep this as short as possible...


And so, Kaede returned to Konoha, handing the scroll to Hiruzen back in the Hokage office, and relaying the unfortunate circumstance, and the unfortunate deaths of her comrades. 

She had seen the destructive power that had shrouded the cliff in purple vapour, and immediately, her comrade's signatures had vanished!


The scene transitions to Konohagakure; to be more precise, the most depressing part of Konoha, the cemetery.

Multiple individuals can be seen, donned in black attire, standing in respect before 3 fallen Shinobi members who have sacrificed their lives for Konoha.

Kushina embraced the disheartened Uchiha youth, who cried in her embrace. Watching the memorial, Kushina shed tears before the fallen trio.

They were none other than Yamanaka Aiko, the prodigy of the Yamanaka, Hyuga Ryohei, the prodigy of the Hyuga, and Namikaze Hayato, a young prodigy said to be on par with the likes of the yellow flash in due time, and also Minato's younger brother.

Minato, who stood beside Kushina, also shed tears, wiping his eyes.

Additionally, beside Kaede, was another youth who also tried to comfort Kaede; Kaede's younger brother, Uchiha Shinji. 

The Hyuga clan, and the Yamanaka clan paid their condolences. Among the Yamanaka, was a child only a couple of months old, cradled in the arms of his father, Yamanaka Fū.

Fū is the son of Aiko, around a year old and a half, who worked for Danzo later on. Aiko's death was a major reason for his transition to working under Danzo. 

How unfortunate for him. 

Right now, he was weeping alongside other fellow Yamanaka, and his dad stood behind him, who had short, spiky black hair and sharp black eyes. He was a descendant of the Nara clan, Nara Kenjiro.

However, Kenjiro, another unknown side character never shown in the series, will die later on in the series, thus, Fū solidifies his foundation, integrating into the ROOT.

Aiko was a revered prodigy of the Yamanaka, and well respected, perhaps considered even the strongest. She was brimming with optimism and was a fun figure. 

Today marked a melancholic day, as 3 notorious Shinobis who had a bright future, inevitably faced their demise through the course of this 3rd great ninja war.

Among the many, the one surprising figure was the head of the Uchiha himself, Uchiha Yosuke, the father of Uchiha Fugaku who was destined to be the next head. 

Uchiha Yosuke bore a striking resemblance to Fugaku, with tanned skin and sharp, piercing eyes. He had spiky black hair, trimmed along the sides, and a completely trimmed mustache and beard. 

Right now, Fugaku was around 19 to 20, and he too, stood beside his father. Fugaku had rarely encountered Aiko, harboring a solid impression of the figure as he knew she was strong. She was a solid powerhouse of Konoha, an excellent strategist, and the face of the Yamanaka.

Yosuke stared at the optimistic portrait of his former student, Yamanaka Aiko. 

The Uchiha grit his teeth, before walking away. 

Orochimaru stood there, alongside 2 other youths, Mitarashi Emiko, and Mitarashi Anko. 

Anko was the younger sibling, but other than that, both youths bore a striking resemblance. 

Emiko cried beside Anko, and Anko too cried. She knew Ryohei and Emiko were acquainted, but Anko also harbored affection for another youth who had been beside her, Hayato.

Affection as in, not romantic, you get the point. Don't make this weird dear viewers. Though perhaps it could've been a good ship hadn't their age difference been 7 years.

Zal01: I think you're the one making it weird mate.

Shut up author. Anyways...

As such, the day ended with Kaede returning to her Uchiha compound, facing her ignorant parents who cared not for her.

That's how it has always been.

She was always disregarded by her parents since young. When she was younger, she was weak, and since the Uchiha had internal strife at the time, her parents made no time with her, concerning more about the strife and balance of the clan than their own daughter's growth.

They only took note of her when they saw her talent, but Kaede became cold to them because she knew they only viewed her as an asset.

That would also explain why they had been so fond of Shinji since young; because he displayed incredible potential, and was highly regarded by the upper echelons of the clan, he had been raised on a silver spoon.

But her?

Her parents acted as though they cared for her, but no, so she became cold. However, she was kind to her brother, because her brother had always shown affection to her, displaying a love that her parents never offered.

The saying that every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child is strongly applicable here.

Her brother was her only family, her friends were gone, but at least Minato and Kushina remained, but they too, were preoccupied with schedules.

Kushina, for one, was forbidden from exiting her Uzumaki residence as she harbored the Kyuubi, so Kaede could only make frequent visits, where she would eagerly learn Fuinjutsu.

But ever since the death of her close peers, she became depressed.

Her mind was filled with memories of her companionship with her allies, and that would only bring forth more tears.

Unbeknownst to the Shinobi world, she had awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan that melancholic night.

Days went by, and she was recruited for lighter missions, as Hiruzen deemed her unfit to continue as a Shinobi. Hiruzen even wanted to denounce her, but she wanted to do it.

Kaede, the former bright youth, whose sole reason for happiness was her squad, didn't want to live a second longer in this world.

And about a couple of years later, her only other family, her brother, died!

This broke her!

What was the point of even living? 

Falling deep into the pit of depression, she was left alone at home, and even her parents didn't pester her. Nurturing their son Shinji, they too, had realised how negligent they were of Kaede, but it was too late... Or was it?

No, nothing is too late. 

That night, Kaede's mum approached her, embraced her, apologising for neglecting her daughter, and the floodgates of Kaede's emotions were released. 

She cried.

Cried her heart out.

Everything went wrong.

Kaede's dad, who watched, joined in the embrace, and the trio had not gone to sleep, remaining tightly embraced with one another.

And so, her days resumed with her parents governing her, and her parents doing the best they can, yet it never seemed to suffice.


Because deep inside, Kaede felt empty. 

Empty to the point she felt she could only find solace in death, and perhaps reunite with her loved ones. But it was all wishful thinking on her end.

Then later on, another tragic event, the Kyuubi attack, and the deaths of Minato and Kushina.

Just emotional damage after emotional damage at this point. All her close peers and loved ones perished!

At this point, she wanted to just die, and hopefully, reunite with her loved ones, no matter whether it was heaven or hell, cuz right now, her life was hell.

And around 12 years later, her wish was granted.

The infamous Uchiha Massacre.

She too, lost her life, but it was a sensation she embraced. She locked eyes with the individual responsible, who harbored a callousness, yet, his eyes revealed a deep-rooted sadness. She knew that this person didn't want to do this, but what could she do to help? She was dying anyway.

And so, Uchiha Kaede had vanished from the world.


And there you have it, Kaede's depressing story. 

She died at the age of 31 or so, yet all this time, she longed for death. 

Zal01 (wiping his eyes): Man, that could make a grown man cry. 

Yeah, I agree, but it's the Shinobi world. There are many like this. 

There is no good or evil here. Roshi, the 4 tails Jinchuruki, did his job.

From Iwagakure, Kenta and Raiko were the only ones who managed to survive alongside Roshi, but their close peers, Tora and Daichi, had died. 

It's sad for both ends; Kenta acted as the father of Tora's child who was none other than Deidara, since Hayato killed a father.

Zal01: That's true.

Not only that, but without his actual father's mentorship, and since nothing ever really intrigued him, he had decided to go rogue. But what if Tora was alive?


There is no good here, and though you harbor affection for these characters, it is only so because you've seen their side of the story, and care not for the opposition.

But then again...

This is war!

They all signed up for it in the first place, knowing full well they could die, so I guess there is no bad here, but you sort of understand the point I'm tryna make, right?

Zal01: Mmmm.


We're all bad people in someone else's life. That saying is certainly applicable in the Shinobi world.

Who knows how many fathers and mothers the notorious Yellow Flash, or the White Fang had killed?!

Zal01: I guess you're right...But it's all cuz of the damn higher echelon who instigate war.

Correct. Ultimately, it is a corrupt world and a far cry from ever attaining true peace.

I could make this world perfect, but perhaps I'll do that another time, that is, if your readers are interested.

Zal01: Well, I'll be interested.

I don't care, never asked you.

Zal01: Well, that's rude.


This is a story of Namikaze Hayato, and with my assistance in manipulating the very fabric of reality, I shall bring the squad back to life, and I shall also bring back those Iwagakure Jonins. 

I'll warp reality, forge a situation in which both Iwagakure and Konoha combat an evil force together, and upon believing they have dispelled the evil, both teams are exhausted... 

(Placing finger on chin)

Hmm, what can I do?

(Light bulb in head lights up)

Ahh, I have an idea!

I shall bring forth the demon of another world, Moryo!

Hahaha, that'll be interesting.


As such, with the situation I instigate, there will be a temporary truce between both nations, but that's about it.

In the future, once again, they will return as enemies. That's just how it is in the Shinobi world.

Iwagakure as a whole cares not for the truce. In the course of this war, they lost so many ninjas, to call a truce would be unsatisfactory.

Sigh, so the war will resume again.

Excluding that, there is still one other intriguing scenario.

Because of this "evil force's intervention,"or rather, Moryo, a secret power dormant inside Hayato that he had not known about, shall be unleashed!

You've seen a little fragment, and it was against Tora, where Hayato had ironically survived a nuke!

You will see his powers in display, for I shall forcibly awaken his inner dormant power, a power that will enable him to surpass the Yellow Flash. 

But beware...

It would take even a prodigy like him years to master, perhaps even close to a decade; this power is just that overpowered for this universe. 

A power even the Otsutsuki would covet!

No wonder Kishimoto had to discard this guy. It's the equivalent of killing Minato, cuz imagine if Minato was alive... There would be drastic changes to the series, trust me. I'm an overseer, and I see all.

In fact, the series wouldn't even be called Naruto at that point, it would revolve around Minato.

So that's the equivalent of what Hayato can do. 

Zal01: Damn.

This tale will revolve around Namikaze Hayato and his innate power. Even his squad members too. 

So are y'all curious? 

Then let us go back in time, and I shall be the... Instigator.

Ha, yes, I like the ring to that. This shall be my first autobiography of a universe I have morphed.

I shall call this:

"The Instigator Series."

This will be the Naruto Edition.

Just like this story, I'll do more in the future.

Ahem, now let us not waste any more time, let's get this over with.

[Weaves tiger-sign (it's just an unnecessary action by the way, he just finds it cool to do)]

Here goes!



Ohh, and since Hayato and the others need an emotional kick in the future, I shall kill Yamanaka Aiko.
