
Naruto: Reincarted as Minato with Lottery System

Sam was thrown into the Shinobi World as Namikaze Minato. "Although he was the the Fastest Shinobi who ever lived in his time, he was also the Fastest Hokage to die!" Watch as Sam, with his new identity conquer the ninja world with his Lottery System. ..................... Cover is not mine. If you are the owner, please let me know in the comments section if you want me to remove it.

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7 Chs

Minato vs Fugaku

"I thought you would decline Minato."

"Is this for revenge Fugaku?" responded Minato as he looked straight at Fugaku's eye.

"Let's start. I want to see that smug face of yours get beaten to the ground." Fugaku raise his right hand and made the seal of confrontation.

Hearing this, Minato didn't replied but instead he also raise his hand and did the seal of confrontation. Like a bullet fired in the air, they both sprinted side ways while throwing shurikens.


Fugaku dashed with a kunai in his hand. Minato easily dodge it by side step before using a roundhouse kick to Fugaku's abdomen.


Fugaku block it with his left hand but was still blasted due to the strength of the kick.

'W-when did Minato become strong?'


Fugaku was awakened from his thoughts when he saw another a kick towards his fist.


He was hit in the head before flinging towards the wall. Fugaku looked at Minato with an ugly expression before it turned into a smile. Minato seeing this turned around and did a back kick towards Fugaku, who's eyes is blood red.

'A 13 years old with 2 Tomoe Sharingan.'

In this time, Fugaku is already considered a genius, after all not all people are Itachi. The longer the fight last, the more people arrived at the scene. From Shinobi to civilians even the Hokage and the future 3 Sannin are already watching from the distance.

"I think Fugaku would win." Orochimaru who's observing the fight came to a conclusion.

"I think so too as well. The Sharingan is just too much for a civilian, even if he is a prodigy." Tsunade also agreed with Orochimaru based on her experience. The Sharingan grants the user see fast-moving objects, copy technique, and can even trapped someone in a genjutsu without the target knowing.

Hearing this, the 3rd Hokage sighed. Although he favors Minato, there is still doubt about his overall ability. Even if Minato used the Body Flicker Jutsu, it will still be seen by Fugaku.

Jiraiya just observed the battle and didn't participate in their discussion. He stared at Minato's figure not knowing what he's thinking.


Thud, thud—

Minato evaded the shuriken before it hit the tree behind him. He looked at Fugaku who was breathing heavily as well from tiredness and exhaustion.

'The Sharingan is just ridiculous.'

Although his physical strength was strengthened, he still couldn't fill the gap of a bloodline user and non bloodline user so he needed far more effort to defeat Fugaku.

'Looks like it's a draw, I thought I can already beat him. Looks like I'll need to train harde—'

Minato thoughts were cut off when he saw Fugaku weaved signs. Recognizing the familiar handsigns, Minato quickly ran and took a cover to the nearest wall.

[Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu]


Smoke filled the area blocking which prevented the audience from seeing what is happening.

"Why did cast a ninjutsu! It's just a spar!" Tsunade said as she look at ground hoping none of them were injured.

After the smoke gradually vanished, they saw a shocking sight.

Fugaku is kneeling, while Minato's kunai is pointing behind at the back of his head.

"W-what happened?!"

Seeing this, many audiences were confused. Some of them even gambled with money.

"H-hey Fugaku is already winning! H-how did this happen!? My money!"

"I gambled my 10,000 Ryo to Fugaku's odds, now I should sue Uchiha for not doing their job."

"I c-can't believe it, a genius Uchiha was defeated by a civilian!? This is the true genius!"

Minato didn't bothered explaining and just sat on the ground. He was breathing heavily as he felt like his heart is beating 10 beats per second due to exhaustion. His chakra was drained as well from using the Body Flicker Jutsu many times.

Minato's eyes swept towards the shocked audience who watch their fight. This was the effect he wanted to achieve if he wants to be a Hokage in the future.

Fugaku on the other hand already fainted. The medic-nin arrived at the scene and aid Minato injuries while Fugaku went straight to the hospital again.

The 3rd Hokage approached Minato and handed him a bottle of water.

"That was splendid Minato."

Hearing the 3rd Hokage's praise Minato showed his signature friendly smile and bowed politely as well.

"Thank you, Lord Third."

"Wow brat! You got guts."

It was Tsunade. Beside her is Orochimaru and Jiraiya who's also looking at him with complicated gaze. Seeing this awkward position, he shifted his gaze back to the 3rd Hokage before asking permission to leave as he was exhausted.

Minato was escorted back to the house by an ANBU before he fell on the bed to rest.

He looked at the ceiling and smiled. As for how did he defeat Fugaku, he just took advantage of the smoke and use the Shadow Shuriken Jutsu to reposition himself behind Fugaku.

Of course it wouldn't work if Fugaku still had his Sharingan open, but unfortunately, his chakra is already drained making it impossible to do so.

Minato's eyes slowly closed as he gradually fell asleep.



Minato is in his house resting, not knowing that his fight with Fugaku already spread throughout the village.

"Is it true that the Uchiha Genius is defeated by a Civilian kid?"

"I heard his name is Minato, he's indeed a civilian."

"If, if only my son could have a little talent of his, we wouldn't be force to clean a pig shit."

Minato is the talk of the town every corner of the village. Meanwhile, in the Uchiha Clan Grounds, Uchiha Patriarch was sitting on a small tatami facing the other elders of the Clan. All of them have frown on their faces after hearing Fugaku lost, and to a civilian at that.

"Fugaku just tarnished the name of the Uchiha Clan! He should be punish!"

"He's a disgrace of our Clan, he should be killed."

"That's right, we should also kill that Minato kid for messing with us, Uchiha."

"Shut up!!!"

The Elders stopped their rants as they heard the Patriarch yell. Even though they are arrogant, they still respected the leader of their Clan.

"What do we do now Patriarch? We have received many complains concerning Fugaku's loss. They were asking for money." Asked one of the elders

"Then give those bastards money! And after Fugaku wake up, bring him to me immediately!"

The Uchiha Patriarch replied in a high pitch voice before dismissing the Clan meeting afterwards.



The next day. 4 am at the morning

Minato went out of the house to go practice. He was dejected earlier for not strong enough to end the battle in the fastest way. He went to the usual training ground again and did his daily routine.

"Minato, that was splendid performance. You showed him the power of youth!" Duy said as he did the 'nice guy' pose.

Minato looked at Duy and smiled, "You were there?"

"I was on my mission to catch a cat when I saw you fought that Uchiha kid."

Hearing this Minato frowned, Duy is already 20. He's can probably enter the 4th or 5th gate of Eight Inner Gates Technique which is already enough to kill bunch of Jonins, but now he's just catching stray cats.

Are you on drugs Lord 3rd?

"I think you should apply for Chunin Exams Duy." Minato suggested changing the topic of their conversation.

"Rank doesn't really matter to me. As long as I can show the power of my youth, I'm already happy."

Minato shook his head hearing Duy response. He can't really force Duy to do something he want. He's a very simple man after all.

'But that's probably for the best. Don't worry Duy when I become the Hokage, I'll straight promote you to Jonin.'

He thought before continuing his exercise which was doubled the amount from his previous routine after realizing his strength is still weak.



Minato went straight to the school using his Body Flicker Jutsu to evade those people waiting at the entrance of his house.

"Kyahh it's Minato!!"

"Minato! I love you!"

"He's really handsome!! Kyahh!!"

When he entered the classroom, he was greeted by a bunch of fangirls screaming and yelling his name making his ears bleed in annoyance.

"You're quite famous now Minato."

After he sits down, Teuchi who's currently mixing some powder said. Hearing his friend, Minato just smiled and stared at what Teuchi is mixing while ignoring those fangirls who's still talking about him.

"What is that Teuchi?"

Teuchi who heard Minato's question answered in an excited voice.

"I'm making a seasoning for a recipe."

"What recipe?" Minato asked. Curious at what his friend might be doing.

Teuchi shifted his gaze at Minato before he went back to mixing the powders.

"It's Ramen."

Minato who heard this smile. The famous Ramen is finally here. (Dattebayo)


Konoha Entrance.

The tree leaves fell to the ground as the wind passed by it. In front of Konoha gate, a middle aged man and a young kid were looking at Konoha with a smile on their faces.

"Are we really seeing Grandma Mito? I'm excited!"

"Just relax, baby girl, we'll see her soon. We have to go meet the Hokage first okay?" the man said while he patted the hair of the young girl.


They entered the gate and saw the guards blocked their way. They weren't allowed to enter if they don't have a pass ticket. The man quickly handed a note with the handwritten letter of the 3rd Hokage in it.

"Can we go in now?"

"Yes, welcome back to Konoha, Patriarch Uzumaki."

The guards bow as they make way to the honorable guest of the village.

Hello. There might be some grammar error at the chapter as I didn't have time to edit it. Anyways thanks for your support and enjoy reading!!!

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