
Naruto: Reincarnated as Sakura [Reboot]

An unlucky girl reincarnates as Sakura and struggles to become stronger and not be some healer but more of a cool kunoichi

SuperDemonWriter · Tranh châm biếm
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"Team 7: Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto-"


"-and Uchiha Sasuke under Jonin Hatake Kakashi."

I sighed. Finally, this boring academy was over. Gone were the days of Will of Fire and repeating the same jutsus over and over and over again.

Well, thankfully I wasn't a normal person. I was what you would call the protagonist of a fanfiction who is writing it with my own life. Some 12 years ago, I got Isekai'd as Sakura. Even now, I fully remember the last moments of my previous life.

*Flashback no Jutsu*

I was Shizuka, an 18 year old otaku girl who fantasized of reincarnating in various worlds, especially Naruto where I thought that I will experiment like Orochimaru, steal Naruto's and Sasuke's chakra, awaken Rinnegan and shout 'Shinra Tensei', drop bombs and say 'art is an explosion!', collect all bijuus and become OP as Kaguya.

But No! The ROB has to just screw my plan!

I was chased by the Death God himself, Truck-sama when I was driving my mum's car. And apparently, the Truck didn't have any driver, confirming my suspicions that it was Truck-sama. I sincerely wished that if it Isekai'd me, I should be given atleast a Rinnegan!

Finally, Truck-sama finished his job and delivered me to ROB. He said in an arrogant tone, "You wanted to go to Naruto world, I will reincarnate you there! Now bow to me mortal!"

I just glared at him, because his Truck-kun delivery system was brutal. I didn't want to get through the feeling of being crushed inside my car.

And my glare hurt his ego, so he shouted at the top of his lungs, "I will reincarnate you as Sakura! Forget about Shinra Tensei! Get used to your summoning animal Naruto! Hahaha!"

As I despaired, he laughed crazily. And I got engulfed in darkness, his crazy laughter resonating with my soul.

And when I opened my eyes, I could slightly see a man with dark pink and funny hairstyle holding me. When he said "Sakura", I couldn't take it anymore and cried till I fell asleep.

In my sleep, I dreamed of Naruto and Sasuke changing landscapes in their lover's quarrel, and I got caught up in the crossfire and died. Atleast Neji died with the enemy's twig. But I, just died in the crossfire. I said good bye to overpowered superpowers. I cried. I really wanted to shout Shinra Tensei!

*Flashback no Jutsu: End*

But now, I am different from that immature kid I was. Sakura wasn't actually useless. It's just that she became useless whenever there was a big fight and only became useful during the war arc when she kept Naruto alive.

BUT, she had a really large potential. If she could master the Byakugou seal in 3 years which Shizune couldn't, she must have been really talented. Her genjutsu wasn't even explored. She just ended up becoming Tsunade 2.O, but inferior in 'something', you know what I mean, right?

And unlike the fanfics where MCs whine about being a civilian, Minato, Jiraya, Orochimaru and even Kabuto were civilians.

But what set them apart? Having Hokage or his students as their teacher. Even if they don't teach anything, the resources and connections are the things that I had to acquire.

So getting off from Team 7 was out of the options from me.

So what could I really focus on till I became a ninja?

•Genjutsu: From what I remembered from discussions, Sakura actually became Genjutsu resistant for anything less than a Rinnegan. So, how cool it would be when I say, 'Genjutsu of that level doesn't work on me.' to Itachi? Plus, genjutsu is a way to one-shot many enemies. Sadly, academy didn't teach us anything in genjutsu except for dispelling it.

•Taijutsu: Here, all fanfictions would have just showed that you walk up to Guy and ask him to teach you, and he immediately agrees seeing your YOUTH! And they are absolutely correct. While he still haven't brought upon the subject of Eight-gates to me, I am sure that he will being it up once I become a genin. So anyway, I am sure that I am atleast Special Jonin level in taijutsu.

•Ninjutsu: Here, Sakura was said to have low chakra. And that would be the truth if I also followed the 'diet' she did during my growing years and didn't use chakra a lot everyday. I can say that I have reserves around the level of Sasuke, and that because of a certain technique. I can create a Shadow clone though as all it really needed was chakra and halving my chakra with the famous handsign.

•Kenjutsu: I don't really use sword or anything because they just won't fit my brute fighting style.

•Fuinjutsu: Nothing except the basics that are in the Academy library. Storage seal for weapons like Tenten.

•Medical Ninjutsu: Nothing except everything from the Academy Library.

•Chakra Control: I can create a water tornado of hot water in my bathtub and stand over it, and even do the sand separation. For the next stage, I am trying to expell chakra from my tenkutsu to recreate Hyuga style defence. I was able to do it to some extent, but not on the level of any competent Hyuga.

•Crack cultivation: This is something I thought about. Generally, most people don't even know about Nature Energy. Or atleast we aren't taught about it in the academy except the fact that Hashirama and Jiraya are Sages who mastered Senjutsu. Anyway, what I do is that I try to take in energy from the atmosphere while having a shadow clone with a stick and being in front of a mirror. I take very little amounts inside, and then try to mix it with my own chakra, and flowing that chakra throughout my body.

At first, I didn't really sense the Nature Energy, but after years of mixing it with my own chakra, I was able to get sensing like Naruto, on a much smaller scale of about 1/4th of Konoha, but permanent. I guess constant use of it from a young age has made me more and more adaptable with it, and my chakra itself has become very dense and I feel myself becoming a 'Jade Beauty'. That's why I have named it crack cultivation, because I don't know shit about cultivation universe except the absorb everything and 'cultivate' their energies.

Anyway, I am leagues ahead of og Sakura, and I have even developed a retcon, Inner. I always grumbled about boring classes in my mind, and one day, I noticed that I think in my own voice. In my previous life, my thoughts didn't exactly have my voice, but an imaginary voice which was a mix-up of mum and my kindergarten teacher, weirdly enough. Or it didn't really have a voice.

So, I have been using my mindscape to develop a separate Yin entity inside my mind, an Inner Sakura whose job is to snap me out of any genjutsu or mind-reading, along with steadily absorbing Nature Energy in very small quantities and mixing it with my chakra at regular intervals.

It is weird, as I can't talk to it like in the fanfictions, but it is just my own thoughts in my own voice. It's just a part of my Yin which has some tasks for her.

Anyway, my future goals are definitely getting stronger than ever, so that I don't have to say that cringe, 'I have finally caught up to you guys' and get stabbed by Madara later. I won't become a Tsunade 2.O, but a Sakura 1.O!

*Author's Note*

Recently, Sakura fanfic writers have been dying. Pray that I don't get Isekai'd too.