
Naruto:Reincarnated As Naruto(AU) {{DROPPED}}

A man dies accidently by Space Rift and because of this the GOD give him the chance to reincarnate but it is decided by 'SPIN THE WHEEL' JUST SO YOU GUYS KNOW THIS MY FIRST FAN FIC AND I DONT KNOW IF I CAN REGULAR FLOW OF CHAPTERS BU I WILL TRY MY BEST SO YOU MY ENGLISH IS SECOND LANGUAGE IF BY CHANCE THERE ARE SOME MISTAKE IN SPELLING OR GRAMMER SO JUST THINK OF THAT AS NOOB MISTAKE NO HAREM OP MC SINGLE FL SYSTEM Disclaimer : i am not original author of NARUTO or NARUTO SHIPPUDEN. *Warning* some things will be AU since this is a fanfic. Disclaimer : I do not own the Cover Pic it belongs to the its original creator

zethmen69 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs



I change {} for GOD to simple "___" so keep that in mind








God waved his hand, and there was a big wheel with the title 'Wheel of Fate.' Then I saw the names of different universes and worlds, such as Marvel, DC, Naruto, Death Note, Seven Deadly Sins, MCU, Tensura, etc., and there were also names that I did not recognize, but those I did recognize were still very dangerous and had to be prepared for. Then God turned to me and said, "My child, I think now you should spin the wheel to decide which world you will go to."

Then I went in front of the wheel and pulled the lever, and the wheel started to spin like crazy, making a thunderous noise.


It spun for several minutes, and then it began to stop. After it stopped, the pointer landed on the world, which made me both joyful and nervous at once. The pointer landed on "Naruto".

"Oh sh*t, this surely is going to be adventurous," she said nervously.

"Yes, it sure will be, hahaha," said God as he laughed. The whole white space shook with laughter. "Hope that you get a nice character, or you will be more fucked, hahaha."

'He is enjoying it, isn't he?' I thought nervously.

"Yes, I do. Hahaha." God once again spoke.

'Ahh, he can also read my mind, since he is a GOD,' I shook my head, or whatever my head is made of, at my stupidity.

"Well, whatever now is the character or person you will be reincarnated as," God said as he waved his hand again, and all the worlds and universes' names got changed with different characters from different universes and also from the Naruto universe.

I can figure out some, such as Goku, Vegeta, Orochimaru, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakara, Ino, Shikamaru, Tony Stark, Captain America, etc.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!! Why is the female character's name I thought all character names would be male names since I am one! , "I exclaimed when I saw the female names, especially the pink-head name, which made me sweat in my soul form as it should not make sense.

God looked at me amusingly and then told me, "You will be reincarnated as a character or person, and I did not mention if you will be male, female, animal, insect, etc., so it was you who imagined that you would reincarnate as a male," while trying to hold back his laughter. {AN: Well, it was getting hard while writing, so I made the god male.}

I don't know if I was angry or not because my emotions were suppressed, so I just resigned my fate to the wheel. {AN: You get that because it's a wheel of fate.}

Then I went ahead and once again pulled the lever, and the wheel once again started to spin with great momentum. Throughout, I was praying for the being in front of me to grant me male-human character, no gender benders, and no pink-haired, useless, flat-chested female, and the being smiled at me and pointed at the wheel since I was nervous and could not look at it when it stopped. After looking at the wheel, I was relieved at the character and smiled and frowned since it is a very important character as he is the main protagonist of Naruto, 'Naruto Uzumaki.' Then I turned to God and asked, "Will I be taking over Naruto? Will the original Naruto die if I take over his body?" I was already feeling bad about this reincarnation.

God smiled at me, shook his head, and told me, "No, my child, you will not be taking over an already-existing body with a soul, but you will be born as Naruto, and you will have your memories of the past life (minus the personal life details) when you turn 6 years old when Naruto is thrown out of the orphanage. So you will not kill Naruto, but you will be Naruto from the start."

I felt relieved at that information and already had an idea of what to do in the future. Then I turned once again to him and asked, "Will it be an AU version of Naruto, and will everything go according to the plot?"

GOD smiled at me and answered, "That's for you to find out."

'Damn, this is going to be hard, so it can or cannot be the same as the plot, and the enemy can or cannot be as strong as anime or manga, so I have to be prepared, ' I thought while staring at the horizon.

Then I turned to God and said, "Can I take some time to think of my wishes?"

GOD nods at me, and I start to think about the wishes that will help me in this journey, and I am pretty sure I can't wish for the 3 O's, while I look at God slightly as he smirked at me,' Damn that mind-reading ability.'

After several minutes, I looked at God and said," I am ready to make my wishes."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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