
Naruto: One piece of Bleach

Grew up with normal parents. Not rich, not poor but able to help other people. But that was just them, my parents. Me? I am nothing but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. If and when I die, it won't even matter but to my family only, maybe some real friends not the fake ones and maybe, just maybe. it might matter to my dog hahahahaha... so, here I am, drowning with a smile on my face. Don't ask how cause like I said, I'm just a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. I am not that important for the storm to stop so that the ship I'm on also stops sinking... Some had gone to fetch the life boats, life jackets and life I don't know paddles? While I am in the kitchen eating my last meal. After eating, a few minutes later, water came to greet me and I welcomed it with open arms and a bright smile... Hello death! Then I died. That's it ^_^ yeah no, that was probably a prologue. Synopsis would be short like. A simple guy died. Woke up in the Naruto world and discovers powers from the big 3 anime. (Naruto, One Piece and Bleach) How will he change the Shinobi world? Will he even change it with his personality? I don't know... read and find out... then drop at the middle if you want but I will tell you right now that it's fast paced Wahahahahahahaha

I_am_Dumb_Iknow · Tranh châm biếm
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37 Chs

Chapter 29: The back up arrived

Land of waves

Tazuna residence

It has been a week since Team Gai received the mission and a day since they arrived at Tazuna's place to recuperate.

4 days ago they encountered an s-rank rogue Shinobi from Kirigakure named Momochi Zabuza.

It was only a day after they first encountered the demon brothers whom they have easily defeated even without Might Gai's interference.

But a day of their journey afterwards they were ambushed by a huge blade intending to bisect all of them in half if not for the warning of Neiji, to which they all ducked.

That was the time Zabuza Momochi appeared.

Gai immediately had his Genins protect Tazuna while he took on Zabuza himself.

However the rogue Shinobi seemed to have a different plan as he was still able to target Gai's students while engaging him on a 1-on-1 fight.

This action cost Gai to be imprisoned inside a water prison jutsu, giving Zabuza time to create a water clone and try to end his students.

Neiji, Rock Lee and Tenten faced the rogue ninja head on without wavering, however, they were still Genins which resulted in Tenten unconscious with a fist to her center, Rock Lee almost lost his head to the executioners blade if not for Neiji timely save.

Lee''s body was nimble enough to dodge the blade of Zabuza but not his punches or kicks that had him covered in wounds.

Neiji was able to hold enough as Gai became enraged at his students predicament as he forcefully activated his 8 inner gates taijutsu up to the 6th gate directly.

The direct opening gave out a shock which blasted the water prison freeing himself from the clutch of the enemy.

Engaging in another intense fight, Zabuza was wounded but so was his team. So Gai let Zabuza get away in favor of having his team recover.

They have been in this residence since then while Gai guarded the bridge builders when they work on the bridge.

Tenten woke up last night while Lee was still in bed the whole day and will probably be able to getup tomorrow at the earliest.

And Neiji has been guarding the house while everyone was away at the bridge.

Inari, showed up on their first day and told them they would die if they continue. Gai, being the only one to answer at that moment told him not to worry because they were strong which was denied by Inari since 2 of his students look beaten while the last one seemed too quiet.

That argument was ended there by Inari's mother and the night passed quietly.

Even the day passed with the Genins stuck at the house while Gai was on guard duty with he bridge builders.

When night time came was also the time team 7 arrived, exhausted.

Inari complained that they were too late and that they just added the number of people that will die at the hands of the villain.





"Have some faith will you? Aren't heroes supposed to arrive just at the moment where the victim thinks it's over?" Naruto countered.

"Well, you're no hero. No one is! You should go back so you don't die." Naruto smiled at this.

"Are you worried about me?"

"Who said anything about worrying about you idiot, I just met you today!"

"Exactly, watch me save your village. If I can't even do that then what right do I have to become the greatest Hokage in all of Konoha!" Naruto exclaimed.

Hinata smiled at this while Sasuke was covering his smirk. Lee was admiring Naruto's dream, Tenten was raised her eyebrows doubting him while Neiji could only shook his head in Naruto's foolishness.

Gai was busy telling Osamu his encounter with Zabuza and they were talking what measures to take from here on out.

Even if the original flow of the events have been disrupted, it is still obvious that Zabuza will launch a final attack.

In the end it was decided that Tenten and Hinata would stay guard the house or better yet, Tsunami and Inari.

While the boys will confront Zabuza alone. Haku didn't appear in front of Team Gai so they didn't know about him except Tenten who saw him in the Garden where Naruto originally met Haku.

Both engage in casual talk but Tenten spilled the beans about back up coming to help. So now, Zabuza knew that there was a back up for the Team he faced earlier.

A few days later

Unlike last time where Zabuza confronted Team Kakashi alone with Haku, this time however, he brought thugs with him.

The bridge builders were still working and the only one on site guarding was Gai.

Seeing this situation, Zabuza felt something amiss.

"Is this one of your tricks people of Konoha?" Zabuza shouts.

Gai hearing him strated walking slowly as the bridge builders also joined him.

"What's this? Have the lot of you finally grown some balls?" Zabuza taunted, in response, Osamu and the rest undid their transformation.

On Gai's left side were Neiji and Rock Lee.

On his right were Osamu, Sasuke and Naruto, behind them were couple more copy of them which comprised at least 40 of them entirely.

Zabuza on the other hand has Haku beside him while the thugs amounting to 60 were behind the both of them.

"This is gonna be fun!" Zabuza laughed as his killing intent came out.

Team Gai and Team Osamu prepared themselves.

"Naruto, Lee, take care of the thugs behind them along with the clones' help. Sasuke, Neiji, take care of the masked kid. Gai-san, you know our target right?" The Genins nodded in affirmation.

"You got it Osamu-kun, let's show him the power youth!!" Gai said enthusiastically.

"Agreed." Osamu replied as he entered Shuchu state ready to use body flicker.

Zabuza immediately signals the thugs to charge.

"Kill the children, leave the adult to me!"


Different types of weapons were drawn as the thugs charged at the Konoha team.

Naruto had the clones charge as well while he and Lee joined the fray.

Lee having been taught by Gai sweeped the floor with the thugs as he looked like dancing in the middle of the battle field instead of fighting. Each victim of his kick or punch were sent flying or knocked unconscious.

Naruto however could be see using different approach as he used a Kunai. A very unusual way fighting as he used his average mastery of body flicker, not to injure but kill the thugs.

There was totally no talk no jutsu going on, there was only a flash of yellow hair as he disappear and appear in the eyes of the thugs.

It didn't take long for them to clear thugs however Naruto doesn't seem to be satisfied with Lee's result and he immediately hurled multiple kunai at the unconscious enemies.

Lee naturally saw Naruto's deeds as he easily kills the enemy without remorse, he felt it was wrong for him to that but didn't voice it out since they were currently in a battlefield.

However when Naruto hurled Kunai's at the thugs he knocked unconscious, he was concerned.

"Naruto-kun, what are you doing?"

"Huh? Oh, cleaning up the dirt you missed." Naruto replied as he raised his hand already forming a seal.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Explosion erupted where Naruto threw the kunais earlier.

"But they were already defeated. There was no need to kill them." Lee couldn't help but voice out, even Gai's expression watching them looked like he supports his students reason.

"They were thugs. Probably killed and hurt innocent civilians. I've seen worse and I know they don't deserve my mercy."


"Kindness to enemy meant being cruel to oneself. Besides, being a Shinobi meant you would have to kill." Naruto cut him off.

"Hahahahaha!" Zabuza laughed hearing Naruto's words.

"You're totally correct kid. I like you, who taught you that?" Naruto was confused but answered.

"My sensei." He answered while pointing at Osamu with his thumb. Zabuza was a bit surprised.

"That kid, is your Jonin sensei?"


Zabuza looked at Osamu once again still doubtful. The other one was crazy but he was strong and definitely a Jonin. He would've lost if the other guy was not babysitting.

"Haku, the children are yours."

"Yes, Zabuza -sama."Haku replied as he prepares to confront 4 Genins.

End of chapter


sorry for the late update, a lot of things to settle.

I_am_Dumb_Iknowcreators' thoughts