
Naruto of the kumo

Naruto is kidnapped by Orochimaru at a young age. He is rescued by The Raikage and Killer Bee and decides to go with them. My first fan fic so any criticism is welcome. Officially cancelled. Read the final chapter for more details.

frandley_mesidor · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

chapter 10 chunin exams part 9

After the meeting with Gaara and Shukaku, Naruto and his team decided to focus on finding the earth scroll to match their heaven scroll. Naruto lead the way as he used his sensory powers to pinpoint where the enemy teams were.

"Alright, here should do." Naruto said aloud as he stopped in a small clearing.

"What the hell are you doing?" Karui asked.

"Relax it's part of my plan. I can sense a team heading this way. We're gonna set up a trap for them."

Not long after Naruto and his squad stopped in the clearing the same squad of sound genin from earlier happened upon them. In the middle of the clearing Naruto and his friends sat around a fire roasting marshmallows without a care in the world.

"Alright, we lucked out. It's the dude who stopped us from shutting up that loudmouth. That punks gonna regret the day he got in our way." The spiky haired member of the sound trio said.

"Don't let your guard down. Those three aren't in the same league as the rest of those weaklings and we still have to deal with the Uchiha after this. Alright, listen up you two I have a plan. Zaku, first I want you to scatter them with your special jutsu. After that focus your attack on the one with the candy in his mouth. Kin you focus your long range attacks at the girl. I'll get in close where the blond one can't use his chakra chains and take him down myself. Understood?" The leader of the team commanded with the kind of authority you wouldn't expect from a simple genin.

"Understood Dosu." The other two responded.

Flashing through hand signs the one named Zaku prepared his specialty jutsu and sent a blast of compressed air out of two holes in his hands toward the group of three ninja below them. Much to the three ninjas surprise the group below either didn't see the attack coming or chose to ignore it because they were blasted full force by the attack. That wasn't as surprising as the three exploding in a poof of smoke.

"What the fu AH!" Zaku was suddenly grabbed around the ankles by a chakra chain and pulled off the tree branch the three were standing on.

The other two sound ninja turned around to find themselves face to face with Naruto and his team. Zaku was tied up by chakra chains at Naruto's side with a mortified look on his face.

"How did you manage to avoid our attack?" The leader of the group asked.

"We didn't. Those were shadow clones. Speaking of shadow clones."

Suddenly the lone female of the sound trio was also pulled away by a chakra chain. This one was made by yet another shadow clone of Naruto. This clone greatly enjoying the task of tying up his captive.

"Reminds me of a scene from one of my favorite hentais." The clone thought as he finished restraining her.

"You are certainly impressive. Don't expect to get me with such a cheap tactic though." As soon as he said that Dosu spun around and grabbed a chakra chain meant for him and pulled the clone creating it to him, dispelling it with a knee to it's gut.

"You're pretty tough. Do you think you're tough enough to handle me and my team by yourself?" Naruto asked.

"I'm no fool." Reaching into his bag he grabbed his teams earth scroll and tossed it at Naruto. "I admit defeat. Take the scroll and release my teammates."

"I'll take the scroll but you and your team aren't going anywhere. If we let you go now a tough guy like you could get two more scrolls easy. Omoi, Karui go do your thing."

"You letting us have some fun for once? That's not like you Naruto." Omoi said, unsheathing his sword.

"Looks like even this idiot can be considerate sometimes." Karui said happily as she also unsheathed her weapon.

Both Omoi and Karui jumped at the sound ninja who easily blocked their sword swipes with his giant gauntlet. The inside of the gauntlet started to reverberate with sound and the sound ninja used this to his advantage. He used a hand sign with his free hand and the sound that was reverberating through his gauntlet was focused and directed straight into the ears of Karui and Omoi who exploded in a poof of smoke.

"Really!?" The ninja yelled before he was tackled from behind by the real Omoi and Karui. They slammed into the ground with great force, Dosu taking the majority of the damage and losing consciousness. Naruto and his clone took the other two incapacitated genin down to their leader. "Well that wasn't so hard." Naruto said with a big grin.

"Aren't you forgetting something Naruto? You still have to seal them." Omoi reminded his scatter brained friend.

"Oh yeah. I should probably start that now." Naruto took out three scrolls and scribbled down a seal on each one. Naruto made a hand sign and yelled "Activate!" causing the seals to glow and the scrolls they were written on to unravel and cover the bodies of the three genin except for their heads. The three looked like they were in full body casts which Naruto found amusing.

"Wh-What the hell is wrong with me. I can't move." Zaku said shocked.

"It's a capture seal. Handcuffs obviously don't work on us ninja so we use seals instead. Shouldn't you guys know this already? It's pretty basic stuff."

"What the hell are you going to do? Kill us?" The one named Kin asked.

"No, I hate killing. Instead I'll just leave you guys here. When the test is over in a couple of days there should be a search party to come get you."

"Wh-What about wild animals and enemy teams?" Zaku asked scared out of his mind.

"Good point... I got it." Naruto took out another seal and placed it on the ground. "That seal is one of my specially made stink bomb seals. if any animals come close it should go off and scare them away. As for other teams I'll just leave a note." Naruto took out a piece of paper and scribbled down his note to the other teams. The note said "Please leave these three alone. They are incapacitated by a seal and have no scroll. Once the test is over then you can set them free." Naruto then placed the note on the tree above the three sound ninja.

"Well, I guess we can go now. That test wasn't so hard." Naruto and his team turned to leave.

"WAIT!" Kin yelled.

"Huh, what is it?" Naruto turned and asked.

"You can leave these two here but take me with you. I'll make it worthwhile."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Yes, I'll do whatever you want." The girl said in a seductive way and even slowly licked her lips for emphasis.

"I'm flattered but HELL NO! I already have eyes for another girl and to be honest she's a lot cuter than you. She's a hell of a lot nicer too. Go peddle your ass to another guy, this one ain't buying." Naruto and his team jumped away leaving the three sound ninja alone.

"Wow, I knew you sucked at seduction but that was just sad." Zaku said chuckling.

"Shut up! My seduction technique is amazing. He was obviously gay. Just wait, if we get discovered by another team I'll have them eating out of the palm of my hand."

"Wouldn't you rather have them eating out of your"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Kin screamed.

"I'm honestly surprised you didn't take that sluts offer. I'm kind of proud of you." Karui said with a light blush. She wasn't used to giving anyone praise especially not Naruto.

"Even if I didn't have eyes for another girl I knew you'd kick my ass if I said yes. Besides I could tell she was lying. She was probably planning to run if I let her go."

"But still, the old Naruto would have at least considered it. Maybe that girl really is a positive influence on you."

"She has a name you know."

"You're right. I'm sorry."

"So you'll stop busting my balls about her then?"

"Someone has to bust your balls while sensei isn't around."

"Teehee, speaking of sis she's probably having some real fun with Iruka by now."

"God damn it Naruto."

Surprisingly, Naruto was wrong for once and Yugito and Iruka were dealing with the first hiccup in their relationship.

"Don't tell me you're finished already." Yugito said with a hint of disappointment.

"I couldn't help myself. You're just too good." Iruka responded somewhat ashamed of himself.

"I thought after all this time you'd be able to last longer but you're actually losing it faster each time."

"I'm sorry. I always thought I was really good at this but it seems I have a lot to learn."

"Don't worry. being a terrible card player isn't the end of the world. You're still great in the sack."

Back in the forest of death, Naruto got a cheeky grin and looked at Karui. "She's probably started playing cards with him by now! You thought I was going to say something else didn't you?"

"I take back everything nice I just said."