
Naruto: of Shadows and Sharingans

"Life is but a dream... and now they expect me to work? What a drag." Hey there, Nara Shikakuro in the house! Yeah, I know, super original name my new parents came up with, right? But hey, let's not dwell on that. Just call me Kuro. Truth be told, I didn't really choose to be reincarnated. I thought death would bring some well-deserved relaxation, but nooo, they just had to send me to this godforsaken world... sigh It's not exactly what I had in mind. But hey, there's a silver lining—I was born a Nara. And if you know anything about us, you know we've got a reputation for being masters of laziness. So maybe, just maybe, I can get away with slacking off, right? Here's hoping! ---------------------------------------------- Hey friends! I am back with another Naruto fic. Do stick around and follow the story of one new Lazy Nara. Do note, that this story is AU and a PoV oriented story, where the story is told from different perspectives but ultimately focusing on the MC. ---------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Please note that I do not own Naruto, its storyline, or any of its characters. They are the creative works of their respective owners. However, if I post an image with my signature claiming that I drew it, then that particular artwork belongs to me. Speaking of which, the cover isn't mine, I just edited a bit. I will add a cover of my own drawing when I have the time. ---------------------------------------------- Update Schedule: Geee, I will upload as much as I can. But no fixed schedules, as I have a real life job. Join the fun and discuss fanfics and more on our Discord server! Don't miss out on the excitement and camaraderie. Hop in and let's geek out together! Link: https:// discord. gg/ncrYddTrH8 (remove the spaces), or you can DM me on discord: Asura#6727 If you enjoy my writings and would like to support me in my creative journey, consider subscribing to my Patreon. Your support will enable me to write more freely and passionately, without worrying about the financial side. Let's embark on this adventure together and bring more stories to life! Link: https://www. patre on.com/ LuminouShadowBooks (remove the spaces)

LuminouShadow · Tranh châm biếm
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36 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Five: Shikakuro VIII

[A/N: Honestly Idk how I feel about this chapter. Hmmm. I will let you guys decide. But anyway, next chapter will be the start of a new arc and a bit of time skips.]


Chapter Thirty-Five: Shikakuro VIII


July 19th, Year 70, Konoha (same day Izumi and Kabuto got their promotion)


I grumbled audibly as Uncle Minato finished his welcome speech and decree, while my dad stood smirking by the side, seemingly delighted by both my promotion and the impending misery from new responsibilities.


"You know, when I decided to become a ninja to uphold the family tradition and all that, it only involved spending six years in school, five years to become a Chunin, and then retire at 20. Give my Heirship to my lovable and cute little brother, and spend the rest of my life watching clouds," I deadpanned, glaring at Uncle Minato and my dad, who were trying their best not to break character.


On the side, the Pervy Sage was laughing shamelessly, while Granny Tsunade could only sigh, muttering, "idiots."


"Now, here I am, barely 11, finished school, jumped straight to Tokubetsu Jonin rank, fought two Jinchurikis, killed one, helped capture the other, basically used as bait for our enemies. And now, you want me to train with pervy face (hey!), and Gorilla-sensei! Until 'they' deem me worthy, and then you'll pull more work on me by promoting me to Jonin? Really?" I slumped on the floor in despair, almost sobbing with tears in my eyes.1


"What did I ever do to you, Uncle Minato? All I ever wanted… was to be a cloud... and float my days away." I lamented on the floor, much to the amusement of the others.


Uncle Minato disguised a laugh with a cough, and my dad, wearing a smug grin, chimed in, "Cheer up, kid. Weren't you the one who said, 'To get the best results, use your best assets'? Well, that's precisely what we're doing here. And hey, if you quit slacking off and actually train with Lord Jiraiya and Anzo-san, I'm confident you can wrap up your training in... let's say, two years." He concluded, stroking his goatee.

I only heard the words 'two years' and felt that my dream of retiring early was slipping away. 

I sobbed on the floor for my lost resting time, when Granny Tsunade sighed and scolded, "Stop moping around like an idiot! You should be proud of what you have achieved!" She stated, and I stopped acting like a spoiled anime character, lazily stood up, and leaned on the side wall, letting out a long sigh, muttering, "Troublesome old people..."


"HEY! I heard that, you brat!" Granny Tsunade turned fiery and raised her fist towards me, making me sweat a bit, so I decided to just look away, hoping the angry lady would just go away.


Well... that didn't happen... apparently...


"Ah... You're truly something else, aren't you?" Granny Tsunade sighed before continuing, "You must have grasped by now that whatever is unfolding in Kumo isn't ordinary, and neither is Taki hosting a Chunin exam. This is serious business," she added, fixing me with a stern gaze.

I became solemn and met her gaze, nodding in agreement. Uncle Minato cleared his throat to draw attention before revealing, "I've explored the potentiality of your theory, and you might be onto something. It's likely a plot orchestrated by that Masked Uchiha. Shisui and his team have been tirelessly scouring for the man and his hideout but have come up empty-handed so far. However, after awakening something extraordinary, he has ascertained that it's plausible for Kumo's high-ranking officials to be manipulated by a similar power."

Uncle Minato attempted to maintain discretion, but I caught his drift, so I simply acknowledged with a nod. At that moment, Pervy Sage chimed in, "Essentially, we'll leverage your innate talent, chakra proficiency, and the prowess of shadows to mold you into Konoha's premier infiltration and assassination ninja. Once you've honed your skills sufficiently, your role in unraveling this mystery will be of utmost importance."

"Why? You getting on your years, pervy old man?" I snapped back at him, he retored with an angry "OI! I am still young and handsome!" But I ignored him.

I nodded before sighing, "Will we be using my alter ego? Or just go straight with this?" I said 'this' referring to myself of course. 

My dad chuckled as he said, "You needed an alter-ego then because we weren't sure if you could protect yourself or not, but now. The game has changed; your name will put fear into our enemies, like the Sannin, the professor, and Yellow Flash. The ninja world shall fear the Shadow Weaver." I balked at that name...




"Wait a minute... don't tell me..." I looked at my dad horrified as he fished out a small book and opened up a page...


I stared at it and felt anger rising...


The details read as follows:


Name: Nara Shikakuro

Title: Shadow Weaver

Age: Presumed 13

Specialty: Nara Clan's Special Shadow Stitching Jutsu and Kenjutsu

Rank: B+

Notable Feats: Defeated 16 Chunin-level ninjas alone, confirmed kills on 3 Kumo Chunin and 5 Genin.

Very high potential. Approach with caution as his Sensei is Sarutobi Anzo, and the Toad Sage seems to have a connection with him.

Kumogakure Bounty: 1.5 million Ryo

Iwagakure Bounty: 500,000 Ryo

Kusagakure Bounty: 250,000 Ryo


I felt irritated about a lot of things...

First of all! What's with that picture of me? It's taken from such a bad angle; I look like I'm about to sneeze!

Second of all... Shadow weaver? Why! I told pervy sage to spread the rumor of calling me the Black Swordsman or Shadow Monarch… Why did I get stuck with something like weaver? Just because I use my shadow to stitch people in place? Shouldn't they call me Shadow Stitcher instead? At least that sounds like a DC villain…


And what's with this bounty, man… What did I ever do to Kusa?

I threw the bounty book in irritation, making the people inside the Hokage's office chuckle.

Pervy Sage laughed the loudest, the shameless old thing…

"Well, Shadow Weaver, ready to start your training?" he teased.

I gave him the most irritated look I could muster before saying, "After all that we have accomplished in the last two weeks… I want to rest… I at least want five days without seeing yours and Sensei's faces…"

"No can do, Gaki. Your training starts the day after tomorrow. You better prepare for it. If you are late I will throw you down Mt. Myoboku, belive it."

I didn't say anything to that and only promised to myself that I will get my revenge on the Toad Man…

Then something hit me,

"By the way, where is Sensei? Shouldn't he be here for his favorite student's promotional whatever?" I asked with some interest.

"Funny that you mention it, your sensei is treating your other two teammates to Yakiniku today." Uncle Minato said with his usual calm and kind smile.

And I knew for sure then… these old people were evil…

Keeping me from getting free BBQ!

Damn it!!!


The evening breeze whispered through the trees as I perched atop a sturdy branch, observing Izumi make her way down the path. It had been too long since we last spoke, and judging by the tentative way she carried herself, the aftermath of our disastrous mission still lingered.


After talking to everyone at the Hokage's office, I quickly went to Yakiniku's to join in on the free BBQ session, but alas, I was too late. I watched Kabuto saying goodbye to Izumi, and she walked with some discomfort. Feeling a bit worried about her, I decided to greet her. She was my teammate and friend, after all.


So, I descended from the branch, landing nimbly in front of her. "Hey, looks like you're up and about. Hope you're recovering well."


Izumi's eyes widened at the sight of me, and she seemed at a loss for words. She finally managed, "K-Kuro-kun! You're back."


I dropped down from the branch, landing in front of her. "Just returned today. Man, was it a chore… So troublesome…" I stretched my back before looking at her with a bit of guilt in my eyes, "I really meant to visit sooner, but things got chaotic at the border... And you know..."


An uncomfortable silence fell between us. It was weird; we usually never had this atmosphere between us. Did I really hurt her that much? I should have saved her... I failed after all…


Swallowing my growing self-blamefulness, I decided to break the silence, "How have you been holding up? I know recovering from injuries like that takes time, physically and mentally. But seeing you outside the hospital, I hope you are doing much better now."


Izumi bit her lip, turmoil brewing behind her onyx eyes. She seemed to be waging an internal battle, searching for something to say to me. I waited patiently, with trepidation… Was she really that angry at me?


When she spoke, my heart almost stopped. "I almost died back there," she whispered. "One wrong move and that monstrosity would've torn me apart. I've never felt so powerless."


Her admission stirred an ache in my chest. I cursed my failure to fully shield her from harm. If only I had been faster... if only… I had stopped hiding…


Pushing aside those thoughts, I met her gaze unwaveringly. "What matters is you survived. Don't dwell on the past-"


Before I could finish my sentence, she hugged me tight, leaving me baffled. "But you saved me… If you didn't try to stop that attack… I would be dead! Thanks to you, I am alive. Thank you."


I felt petrified. Never have I felt worse hearing myself be thanked. But I kept it in and hugged her back, letting her say what she wanted. "If it wasn't for you… things would be so different now…" She spoke softly.

Before turning silent while still hugging me, I let her be, as she seemed really vulnerable. She finally asked while looking into my eyes, "You think I can get stronger?"


"Stronger?" I asked a bit baffled.


She nodded before pushing out of my hug and looking straight at me. "Do you think one day I can be strong enough to stan- go on higher level missions with you?" 

She seemed embarrassed. Ah, she was feeling unsure of herself after that ordeal… I guess that's pretty common for someone who went through such a big trauma.


So, I decided to be a good friend and give her the courage she needs. "I know so," I affirmed with great conviction. "You've got guts, brains, and talent in spades. With the right training, you'll make Jonin in no time. Might even surpass me one day," I added with a playful grin.


A surprised laugh escaped her lips. The sound eased the weight on my shoulders. She would be alright. Izumi possessed an inner fire not easily extinguished. Given time, her spirit would shine brighter than ever. She will go back to her usual cheerful, confident, and nagging self. All will be okay.


Now that I was sure she was alright, I made to take my leave, but Izumi's voice gave me pause. "Kuro, I...there's something I need to ask you." She fidgeted nervously with her sleeve, a feverish blush staining her cheeks. She was hesitating a lot.


Ah. So that's what this was about. I had known her budding feelings for a while, though I never brought it up directly. I honestly never saw her as anything but a teammate… maybe a very good friend… I don't think I can ever look at her romantically. 

Knowing Izumi, she probably wasn't going to confess. But she would test the waters. 

So, I think I need to say something now.


I placed a hand gently on her shoulder. "Izumi, you don't have to force yourself. As your friend, whatever you wish to say, I'm here to listen. That's what friends are for, after all!" I said with a comforting smile. My attempt to make what we have between us being only good friends seemed blatant.


Frustration flickered across her face. Izumi opened her mouth to object but thought better of it. She lowered her head in resignation.

"You're right. Sorry about that. I just wanted to congratulate you on your promotion." Her voice was barely a whisper, and her smile looked fake.


Seeing her crestfallen expression wrenched at my heart. But I knew that if I gave her false hope, I would only be hurting her more from now on. So, I decided to stop being a well-intentioned coward and say it straight.


"Izumi… You know, I am not dense, and… I understand what you are trying to get at…" I started, but she stopped me. I was perplexed, as I felt her putting a finger over my lips stopping me from speaking, before shaking her head.


"You know Kuro-kun. Sometimes, we just know the answers to questions we are too afraid to ask… And sometimes, even knowing the answer, just not asking the question seems to hold things together. It's better if you don't continue your line of thought… And it's best if I don't ever ask."


She stared at me with watery eyes, trying her best not to break down in front of me. I stared at her silently for a few seconds and respected her decision.


I nodded as she removed her finger from my lips, saying, "If you think that's for the best, Izumi… But I will say this again, you are my friend and I am here for you, all you need to do is call my name." I said with a smug look, making her laugh.


Izumi searched my face, seeming to draw strength from my words. She graced me with a tremulous but genuine smile. "You're right. Thank you, Kuro. I will remember that."


I grinned back. "Anytime. Now get some rest. I will be seeing you around."


With a final parting wave, I took my leave, Izumi's smiling face etched into memory. My instincts told me she needed time to sort out her feelings. But I wasn't the right person she needed to vent to… I was the cause, after all.


Once I was a reasonable distance away, I circled back with my shadows. Call it a hunch, but I had an inkling Izumi may not head straight home. Sure enough, I caught sight of her making for our training ground, Ground 23. She stopped near Benny as she sat near the lake.


Izumi's slender frame trembled as she sank to her knees at the water's edge. The sound of muffled sobs carried on the wind, laced with a well of bottled-up emotions. She made no effort to restrain her weeping, clearly needing this cathartic release.


Though it pained me to see her hurting, I knew Izumi's tears were a necessary step in the healing process. All I could do was stand vigil and trust this storm would pass.


Eventually, Izumi's sobs quieted to soft hiccups. She remained curled in on herself, gazing listlessly across the shimmering waters. I was debating whether to intervene when light footsteps signaled another's approach.


Izuna quickly materialized out of the treeline, immediately rushing to Izumi's side. "Izumi-san! What happened? Are you alright? Did your injury relapse?" she asked, concern etched across her face.


In Izuna's comforting embrace, she crumbled, new tears streaming down her face. Amidst broken explanations, I pieced together the heart of her turmoil: a dread of the widening power divide, unease regarding the enigma that is myself, the brush with death, and the ache of unvoiced and unanswered emotions.

Izuna listened patiently, cradling the weeping girl to her chest. When the tears finally ceased, she spoke gently, "You may be feeling terrible right now, but remember you're never alone. I'm here for you, always. You are one of my best friends."


Izumi looked hysterical as she cried, "How can you say that when I tried to confess to the boy you have liked for so long? How can you still think of me as your best friend when I almost betrayed you?"



Izuna didn't look phased, and softly smiled and said, "But you didn't really, now did you? Yes, I like Kuro-kun, very much so! But we aren't really dating right now, are we? So, you wouldn't have really broken any social protocol even if you did end up confessing. 

And as you yourself said that you did not confess to him as you didn't want to burden him more. So, I don't see any problems."


I felt awkward listening to Izuna's well… confession from up here… But it also made my heart beat faster.

Stop it heart… I am not sure if I am ready for this yet…

I decided to stop my racing heart by listening to what's happening down.


Izumi looked perplexed and stupefied. She started bawling again, but this time not for her unspoken heartbreak but for having Izuna as a friend.


Izumi clung to her tightly. "Promise me we will always be best friends no matter what!"


"I promise. We'll get through everything together." Izuna smiled as she hugged Izumi back. "Now stop crying, you need to get home soon or you will make your parents worry."


The two remained locked in a comforting embrace under the moonlight. Izuna's unwavering support soothed Izumi's battered spirit in a way my words never could. 

I exhaled a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. She would be in good hands. Yet, the confession I just heard, though not unexpected…

Still felt like an arrow to the heart.

Terrifying yet Amazing… 


But we can go back to pretending like everything is the same. I know for a fact that Izuna understands that we will have time for a relationship in the future… For now we need to get strong… so we don't lose anyone to our enemies…


Satisfied, I flickered away, reappearing atop the stone visage of the Fourth Hokage. The village stretched before me, peaceful under the blanket of night. Some time passed before a familiar presence joined my vigil.


Izuna settled silently beside me, eyes fixed on the twinkling lights below. We exchanged no words. After a long moment, she laid her head on my shoulder as if she had been doing that every day. I stiffened briefly before relaxing. 

It just felt… Right. 

We lingered in that quiet moment, no need for words or confessions. It was just us, sharing a silent comfort, our gaze fixed on the village below that we both called home.

Izuna finally broke the silence as she snuggled into my neck, "You were going to break her heart." There was no accusation in her tone, just facts.


"Would've been better than to drag it on, giving her false hope…" I said without looking at her. 

Izuna's hum lingered in the air before she posed a question, "How can you be so certain you'd only give her false hope? The future is uncertain. What if she was the one meant for you?" She seemed genuinely curious.

I felt both trepidation and a bit of annoyance at that.

Facing the smaller girl, I locked eyes with her and maintained a meaningful silence for a few seconds. With assurance, I finally uttered, "Because I know." Our unspoken emotions hung in the air, creating a moment that felt timeless as we continued to gaze into each other's eyes.

Izuna gave me a sweet smile before saying in a sad but teasing tone, "But sadly, we can't be a team for a while longer from what I heard."

I groaned and looked at the sky above in annoyance, "Did you really have to remind me of that?"

She giggled and asked while poking my side, "How long did they say the training will last?" 

"Ugh… 2 years is what they said…" I replied in annoyance. 

"2 years, huh… I think I can wait that long," she said ambiguously. Seriously! Where did this girl learn all these teasing tactics?

"You mean you won't join a team for 2 years? You've been going solo for half a year already." I asked with genuine concern.

Izuna giggled and replied in a sing-song voice, "Who knows what I meant by that. But you really shouldn't keep a lady waiting. Mother says that gentlemen never keep a lady waiting, you know."

I replied in irritation, "Who ever said I was a gentleman, huh? Seems too troublesome to be one…" 

Izuna made a fake disappointed look before she said, "Aww, don't be like that Kuro-kun, you aren't cute at all!" 




"Hahahahahahaha!" "Hehehehe" 

We both laughed at the same time after that little skit before I looked at her seriously and said, "2 years will pass in no time." 

Izuna nodded with a smile, "I know. But knowing your lazy habits…" She gave me a teasing look as she continued, "Please don't keep me waiting, Mr. Shadow Weaver~" 

"Damn it! Not you too! UGH!" I groaned at her teasing as I felt that the world was making fun of me.


The only thing lingering was the sound of laughter, blending with the crisp night air. I sat there, wearing a mildly irritated expression, as Izuna reveled in amusement at my expense.


I was fairly sure a hint of a smile graced my lips...

But who could really tell?


Give it up for Kuro the Shadow Weaver! Gahahahaha, it's a bit of a joke and to mainly annoy Kuro. Maybe in the future his title will change? I mean who doesn't wanna be a Ninja Shadow Monarch! Stay tuned for more!

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New Arc coming boys and girls. Our little shadow demon is gonna be busy!

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