
Chapter 4

Chapter 4


"It seems that Naruto has done a lot within one month. I should have thought about sending him to Konoha earlier." Minato read over the reports his clone sent him from Konoha. He had sent both him and Hinata back without asking for a fee stating it was from the kindness of his heart but that was far from the truth. The truth was he sent Naruto or his ass kissing clone as he sometimes call him by to collect information about anything Konoha had down to the missing Nins and the Akatsuki group. That was the primary objective while the secondary ones were to draw Akatsuki out of wherever they were. He was truly happy about his results if the information he gained was to go by. Arashi scoffed at his words. He didn't like the idea of Konoha getting any form of help from Konoha.

"What if he gets too attached to Konoha Aniki especially with that stalker Hyuga girl? I still say it was a bad idea to send him off with the girl that loved you from the academy." Minato waved it off as unimportant. Arashi's teeth bit down in anger.

(Note: The clone had a few purposes that would help my story which was why I added them for those who were wondering why I added them. It wasn't to pair Hinata up permanently but it was a temporary fix and a way to get Konoha included. I didn't want to pair my favorite female character with Kiba, Sasuke, or anyone else so the clone was for that time. I did found something to do with her and let's say I was sad. "INSERT ANIME TEARS")

"Don't worry about Hinata-san because she's dead just like my special bomb killed the Raikage. The Hyuga elders didn't like her association around Naruto so they placed a new version of the caged seal on her hoping to break her will. The seal was too much for her so it killed her. At first they believed she was simply weak until they tried it on someone else ending in the same results. The new Hyuga heir is her younger sister Hinabi Hyuga." Arashi sighed in relief but something about what Minato said didn't make sense.

"Wait how did you kill a Kage in a simple explosion? Surely someone like him that fought the Yondaime Hokage couldn't have died off with just a simple explosion right?" Minato allowed a grin to appear on his face as he turned to Arashi. He was waiting for someone to ask him about the explosion killing a Kage so easily.

"You're right it wasn't a simply explosion that killed him. If you noticed the area now, you would have noticed that Kumo's entire dock was taken out by a single bomb. Kumo had the second largest dock the first being Kiri of course. That was just a small version of the nuclear bomb I'm working on right now. The one I'm working on will be able to take out an entire village of my choosing. This will help me get Nadeshiko to be recognized as a great shinobi village thus resulting in a 6th great shinobi village under Land of Water. The Land of Water will rise beyond the other nations and to the top. No longer will Konoha be considered the best shinobi village ever." Shizuka allowed a smile to grace her lips as did Arashi.

"But Minato-kun when will I be able to call you by your real name? It feels odd calling you by something other than Naruto-kun. It was Naruto that I fell in love with after all." She placed her head on his shoulders. It just felt odd for her to call him anything other than Naruto and it bothered her for some reason.

"Don't worry Shizuka-chan, despite the council members liking the clone right now; the people of Konoha still hate him. They'll find a way to have him removed or killed. If that time comes around, he'll return with a few gifts from Konoha. If that doesn't happen then I'm sure Sasuke will kill him. Apparently they managed to bring the spoiled brat back to Konoha. He's angry at my clone because of his powers. He believes only an Uchiha is worthy of power just as always. Either way it doesn't look good for Naruto which is where you will come in Arashi. Should anything happen to Naruto, you will absorb him and gain any knowledge he gained over the month but do so in secret. Once he's gone then I'll emerge as Naruto once again. Right now I just want you to monitor him from the shadows but please reframe from bringing unwanted attention to yourself. If you see Akatsuki making a move to the village, take them out once they're a safe distance from Konoha." Arashi pulled out a white mask to go with his outfit then put it over his head giving him the appearance of a phantom. He bowed his head then took off for his assignments leaving behind a mist outline of himself that slowly faded away.

Naruto turned towards Naruko as he began thinking of a task she would be able to handle. "Just take care of Jin for now until something appears for you. I'm sure the others would love for you to take him off their hands." Naruko nod her head before taking off to find their youngest sibling Jin. She didn't mind taking care of him at all seeing as he wasn't a normal child at all. Naruto redirected his attention to the last person in the room being his wife. "So what do you think of my plans so far Shizuka-chan?" She paused for a few seconds to gather her thoughts.

"So far everything seems to be going according to plan. I'm surprised that Konoha didn't find anything strange about him. Also have you found anything about your mother and her status on the dragon scroll?" He shook his head at this. He still didn't know why his mother's name suddenly became active on the dragon's contract and the dragons wouldn't tell him anything so he had to find out on his own. The fact that she was still alive meant something but what did it mean?

"I'm not sure about her right now but I'm sure I'll find information on her or actually meet her. It would be nice to meet my mother and spend some time with her. Maybe I would finally get to know her and how she was alive again. If she wasn't dead in the first place then her connection to the summons must have went so weak that the dragons thought she died. That's my only explanation. If not that then I don't know what's going on then. I guess only time with time will all my questions be answered. Right now we have a plan to succeed." He allowed a large smile to appear on his face at the thought of his plan going to plan though he knew he would have to make a few adjustments should an event occur that wasn't in his favor.


Naruto walked throughout Konoha with the biggest smile on his face. This was one of the emotions he showed though there wasn't many to choose from. He didn't get upset, angry or anything that wasn't positive and that pissed so many people off when they threw an insult his way or threw something at him. He didn't care about what the others did because he was on a super mission to gather information for his Aniki. He would do anything to make his aniki proud of him so he gathered everything on Konoha though he had to do a little sneaking around due to his status being genin. The council members stated that he would have to work his way to the top like everyone else. He noticed that Sasuke received jounin rank already and he was a missing Nin. He merely shrugged it off as nothing. He wasn't here to rank up at all.

Naruto was brought from his musing when two anbu appeared in front of him. "Naruto Uzumaki, the hokage would like to see you right away." Naruto bowed his head then vanished leaving two amused anbu. Naruto reappeared in the towers where Tsunade was seated with an irritated look. He looked around for Danzo but Tsunade snapped her fingers gaining her attention.

"I'm the Hokage again Naruto. Someone leaked information about me trying to drop the position over to Danzo and the Fire Daimyo sent a letter over to us. To sum things up, he scolds me with a letter stating that only he would be able to choose a Hokage. I guess I'll be here for a while trying to dig Konoha out of their predicament. Anyway a few days ago there was an attack on Land of Fire's temple by a pair of Akatsuki members. They took not only a Pseudo-jinchuriki by the name of Sora but they killed and retrieved a man by the name of Chiriku for the bounty on his head. I have already sent out teams to intercept the duo. I believe they will head to the closest black market for the bounty on Chiriku which is where the teams went to. I haven't heard any word from any of them yet so I'm sending you over there plus you're the only one able to match Flash Masters speed if the reports I've read about is to go by. Now head out as soon as possible."

"Hai Hokage-sama"

Naruto took off quickly leaving Tsunade and her small bottle of sake. She stopped right as her hand reached the bottle as she noticed something odd about Naruto. For one he didn't refer to her as Baachan or anything old. He's been calling her by her title lately. There was also the lack of necklace that she gave him. She never did get that necklace back from him so where was it. Her mind thought about the events in which involved his return. Not only did he return with Hinata without any Fee request but he joined them without any hesitation at all. He was not only treated bad here but tossed out and yet he came back to them. Something about that didn't sound right but the question was what. She shook her head of those thoughts. Hiashi, Tsume and Shibi confirmed his chakra type and his scent to be that of the Naruto they knew so maybe it was the war getting to them. Not only that but the information about Naruto being banished floating around to their allies. If it wasn't for Jiraiya then Konoha would have been left alone to fight the war. They had to bribe Naruto to tell them that what they heard were just rumors. She was glad he complied with them saving their alliance with the others. This didn't stop them from being suspicious about Konoha.

Tsunade grabbed the sake bottle and downed it to alleviate some stress. She really did enjoy 3 whole weeks of relaxing here and there. Too bad all things come to an end though. She really wanted to sit back and relax but there were too many things she had to deal with. Once the war was over she would have the Daimyo select a new Hokage. She wasn't planning on staying Hokage until she reached her 70's like her sensei did. She had a life unlike the old monkey and it wasn't going to be wasted on arguing with foolish minds. It was as if Konoha allowed itself to grow weaker as time passed. This wasn't the Konoha she grew up with at all. A knock soon brought her from her thoughts. She placed the sake bottle back on the shelf.

"You may enter"

The door opened up revealing the scowling face of Hinabi Hyuga. After Hinata's death, several people changed for the worst especially Hinabi. Hinabi was ruthless to everyone in the Hyuga clan both Main house and Branch house. She no longer viewed Hiashi as a father but rather a failure for allowing her sister to suffer for so long. She saw everyone in her clan as enemies that needed to be put down one day. Her sister already proved how kindness wouldn't get her anywhere. She would not show any mercy for any sides. She would become the perfect Hyuga.

"Sorry for the interruption Hokage-sama but I needed you to sign a few papers about the Hyuga clan. Also I have a few things I would like to discuss to you about the Hyuga clan but I'll wait until my foolish associate gets here." A Hyuga branch member came through the doors holding stacks of papers. He had sweat pouring down his face plus he was out of breath. "You sure did take your time getting here Branch-san." There was a lot of irritation in her voice which made the Hyuga branch nervous.

"I-I'm sorry-" Pain erupted from his caged seal forcing him to drop all the papers he had. He clutched his head in pain as Hinabi continued channeling chakra to her appropriate seal. Tsunade slammed her fist shattering the desk into pieces to get her attention. Hinabi released the seal and watched as he withered in pain. The image of Hinata withering in pain came back to her as well as the memory.


"I told you not to associate with the demon boy but you continue to defy us Hyuga. We warned you over and over not to go near that boy but you did more than that. Since our words aren't helping at all, I believe the seal should work. You will be placed in the Branch house as well as receive the caged seal today. Fortunately for us, we won't have to wait to place the seal on you. We have modified the caged seal allowing us to place it on anyone anytime." The Hyuga members placed a seal on her forehead much to Hinabi's horror then channeled chakra into it. The seal glowed brightly for a few seconds before fading away. At first the elders thought it failed due to the lack of reactions but the pain soon kicked in.

Hinata clutched her forehead in pain as she dropped to the ground. The seal started glowing again as more pain went through her body. The Hyuga elders waited until the seal stopped glowing to show its success but it didn't. Hinabi watched as her older sister rolled around in pain. Blood started leaking from her mouth creating small puddles of blood. Hinata clawed at her forehead hoping the pain would stop. The elders watched with confusion on their face as to why Hinata was like this but remembered how fragile she was or in her mind she was. Hinata continued screaming in pain for the next 10 minutes then stopped completely. The seal had stopped glowing so the Hyuga elders took this as a sign of success. They walked away from their clan failure to allow her to recover not noticing that she hadn't moved at all. Hinabi watched Hinata for any signs that she was okay but nothing happened yet. She went over and placed two fingers on her neck to see if she was okay. Tears streamed down her face when she didn't feel any pulse at all. Hinabi glared at the spot the Hyuga elders were. They just killed her older sister and they would suffer.

Flashback end

"We're here for a meeting not to watch you torture your own clan members Hyuga. If you want to torture your own clan members then do it away from this office." Hinabi glared at the Branch member on the ground with promises of torture later. Everyone in her clan would suffer at her hands one way or another.

"I'm sorry about that Hokage-sama; I would like to start our discussion right away." Tsunade nod her head before motioning Hinabi to sit down knowing she was in for a long meeting.

Unknown area

"It seems that the Kyuubi container has made an appearance in Konoha." Zetsu looked over to his master's back and waited for an answer.

"That sounds like good news indeed Zetsu. I want you to keep an eye on him and don't lose track of him this time. I want to know his location at a moment's notice so when we have all 8 tailed beast captured and contained, we'll be able to grab him. Did you find the location of the 8 tailed and 2 tailed hosts Zetsu?"

"I'm sorry master but it would seem that they are on the move. We haven't had any luck in finding them yet sir. I will put my spy network into overdrive Master."

"Very well you may leave Zetsu and be careful not to be seen. The last thing we would want is for attention to focus onto us. This war will provide us with enough cover to sneak around for a little while." Zetsu sank into the ground and took off to find his target.

"It seems that your goal has gotten complicated right Madara-san?" Madara Uchiha turned to one of the remaining Uchiha clan members Itachi Uchiha. His orange spiral mask hid his smile perfectly.

"How nice of you to join me today Itachi-san? It seems that the Jinchuriki hosts has either left their village or was banished from their village except the one tailed host that it. Suna was able to see how a jinchuriki could help their village reach greatness while the others haven't yet. We have to relocate 7 of the hosts once again. Zetsu has been working overtime in finding them but they seem to gain more stealth abilities especially when they need it the most. Things are getting ridiculous for us right now but that will change soon. We will find them one way or another and take their tailed beast." Itachi didn't comment of Madara.

"Good luck in doing so Madara-san." He turned away and walked away to see how strong the Kyuubi host has grown and maybe his little brother as well. Madara continued staring at the doorway while he wondered how Itachi managed to sneak up on him without alerting him. There were only a few things that he knew about Itachi even down. Itachi never revealed much information about himself nor did he show any emotion when he was here. Itachi was in a sense the perfect soldier even down to his brutal killings. When he killed someone, he never left any indication that it he did it. He used very limited skills being the basics to get his job done but at the same time keeping many skills a secret. Madara didn't like that at all about Itachi. 'I need to get more information on Itachi.' With that last thought he swirled out of existence.

"Excuse me sir but have you seen anyone wearing black cloaks with red clouds today?" Naruto waited for the man to respond.

"I haven't seen the Akatsuki today at all. Maybe they went to another black market sir. There are a few others not far from here that they would most likely go to but you didn't here that from me." Naruto caught onto what he said.

"Of course I didn't get it from you but rather a weak criminal. I'll be on my way now." Naruto walked out the building then vanished once he was sure the area was clear. He traveled to several small and large black market points but he didn't have any luck in finding the Akatsuki pair. After marking off the areas he traveled to already, he traveled to the last area and found the Akatsuki duo fighting a team consisting of Shikamaru, Kotetsu, Asuma, and Kamizuki. Right now Hidan was trying to stab himself while he was in a red circle made of blood. Shikamaru was preventing Hidan from stabbing himself while the other two were barely able to dodge Kakuzu's attacks. Both were in trouble right now but Asuma seemed to need more help if the blood leaking from him was to go by. Once his mind was made up, he blurred from his spot.

Hidan didn't know what happed nor did Shikamaru when Hidan not only vanished from his circle but he was left with the metal rod used for the ritual. Hidan felt his body smashing through trees one after another. The hand around his throat made him aware that he was being slammed into trees by someone. Naruto released Hidan once he smashed him through his 52nd tree. He watched in fascination as Hidan slowly rose from the ground cursing the person that did this to him. Hidan stood up and stared at the assailant in front of him and cursed inwardly when he saw the headband.

"So Konoha sent more fucking cock suckers here to help their little butt buddies. I guess Konoha is just all talk losers." Naruto's smile never left his face.

"Hello I'm Naruto Uzumaki and it's nice to meet you." Hidan blinked in surprised when he revealed himself to be one of Akatsuki's targets. If he captured him now then he would get a big reward for doing so. A cruel smile appeared on his face as he introduced himself.

"Hello dead meat, I'm the person that will be bringing you back with us."

"Sorry voodoo-san but I'm into girls."

Shikamaru could have heard a scream that sound like "I'm not gay" but he shook those thoughts off. He needed to prevent Asuma from bleeding to death right now. He glanced as the other members on his temporary team fought Hidan's partner. He could easily tell that he was just playing with them and it scared him to see how strong this man was compared to Hidan. He could easily see how strong he was compared to Hidan. He didn't seem interested in any of the members right now. Speaking of Hidan, where was he? How did Hidan move from his circle so fast and how unless someone attacked him? The only person that should have been able to move at that speed was… He allowed a smile to appear on his lips. It seems that Naruto did indeed make in just on time and prevented Hidan from killing his sensei. He couldn't wait to see the blonde headed teen to thank him.

"What are you smiling about Shikamaru?" He turned his attention to Asuma who was sitting up now.

"Hokage-sama sent Naruto and he arrived just in time to prevent Hidan from finishing you off. He's probably causing lots of destruction right now." As if on point, several loud explosions went off. Asuma could only shake his head at sheer size of the explosions. Kakuzu turned in the direction Hidan was but found a total lack of Hidan. He cursed outwardly then turned in the direction of the explosions. He began to wonder where Hidan went and why Asuma wasn't dead right now. Several more explosions went off once again.

"That idiot better not end up in pieces or I might not be able to put him back together." While he was able to sew him together with his abilities, he wasn't sure if he would be able to puzzle Hidan back together. He increased his speed in hopes to prevent Hidan from being destroyed. Based on the explosions, the fight was going on 5 miles from their confrontation with Asuma. How the hell did he reach 5 miles within a few minutes? By the time he reached the area, he was greeted by the sight of a blonde teen standing in a large crater. The teen stabbed Hidan's special scythe into the ground in a few gathered ashes. Naruto turned around when he felt a new presence. The smile he had when he was destroying Hidan never left his face.

"I guess you miss the happy funeral Kakuzu-san. It was the best funeral ever and you missed the events. We had balloons, cake, lots of people, and so many fun things." Kakuzu was brought from his thoughts when his ring went off.

'Kakas please return to Akatsuki base immediately using the ring's emergence escape. Hidan's life source completely faded away indicating he's dead. Bring his ring back to base as you leave.' The mental connection was severed. Kakuzu blinked his eyes a few times only to find his guest gone. He searched the area for a few minutes then left the area. He knew the teen most likely had the ring by now so there was no point in searching the area.

Naruto appeared just as Asuma and the others were prepared to leave. Shikamaru allowed a smile to grace his lips as he approached him. "Hey Naruto it's nice of you to come by. We're heading back to Konoha where Asuma will get some real medical help. What happened to that Hidan guy anyway?"

"I turned his body into ashes and borrowed his ring." He pulled out the Akatsuki ring to show Shikamaru. Shikamaru stared at him in awe that he was able to defeat an S-ranked Nin so easily while he and a jounin had trouble fighting him. Asuma couldn't help but smile at him as well.

"Well I want to hear about this once I get patched up in Konoha. It's not an easy feat to take out a missing Nin so easily without breaking any sweat. Maybe you could offer a few tips to my students for future fights against Akatsuki." Naruto shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure that sounds like a wonderful idea." They took off not noticing that Arashi was listening to their conversation. He stared at the retreating form of Naruto. The idea of Naruto teaching Konoha anything didn't bode well with him. This nice Naruto had to go and soon. He thought about things for a while until he received a great idea as to how he would get rid of Naruto and inflicts major damage on Konoha and its alliance. Let's just say by the time he was done, not only would Konoha lose any allies the real Naruto helped them gain but he would gain useful knowledge as well. The only thing he needed was the power hungry Uchiha. Speaking of Uchiha, maybe he would take his eyes as well and seal them away for later uses. Konoha would suffer greatly no matter what.