
Naruto: Of Bone and Ice

What would you do if you found yourself reborn into the world of Naruto? Here we find Fuyona Yuki born into the Yuki clan in the hidden mist during the 3rd great ninja war. See his new life unfold with his upbringing in the bloody mist village. How will he affect the Naruto world and will his presence change anything? Yes, this is a self-insert I hope you enjoy! Check out my Patreon page to help support my writing and get early access to chapters! I also post all of my art work on there and offer commission work. https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115 Discord: https://discord.gg/hhSGxy8b

Lavalord115 · Tranh châm biếm
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112 Chs

Chapter 82:

Not long had passed after Kimimaro had contacted the others before they had regrouped. They each reported their findings with Haku telling the others about Kujira and how he had defeated a whole squad with relative ease.

Koyuki said she didn't have anything worth reporting and was happier about them having acquired the remaining scroll they needed.

"Let's not waste any more time and get to the centre, I'm sick of this forest already," Koyuki said as she placed her arms behind her head, resting it on her hands.

Kimimaro agreed.

"Let's get going then." He said not wasting any more time.

Haku also agreed and with that they started to make a move towards the centre, aiming to finish the exam in good time.

Only four hours had passed since they had entered the forest, having been given a total of five days to complete the assignment, something that seemed like too much time to the three of them. However, after seeing some of the other squads in action, they could understand that not everyone was as strong or as skilled.

Soon a large building at the centre of the forest came into view and the three of them quickly headed towards the large doors at the front of it. Haku was on full alert as they approached, knowing that if another squad was going to attack them it would be now.

But no attack came and the three of them entered the building without any challenge whatsoever.

"Well, that was easier than expected," Koyuki said as she took a look around.

Haku also agreed, doing a quick scan of the area.

"It would seem so, however, we are not alone." He then said as he sensed others inside, not having to wait long until the sound of footsteps could be heard.

The three of them looked over to where the sound was coming from, seeing that none other than Hattori and his teammates were walking over towards them.

"Well look who made it!" Miyako, the one with red hair said as she placed her hands on her hips.

"We still beat you though." She then said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Like that matters," Koyuki said, not letting her get one up on them.

"What did you say!" Miyako suddenly said with a snarl.

"That's enough Miyako." Hattori suddenly said, cutting her off before he looked at the three of them.

"I expected nothing less of you three. After all, everyone expects big things from the two adopted sons of the Mizukage, as well as the daughter of lord fourth.

Haku could sense that the three of them were not the only ones here already, being able to detect six others. Along with two jonin level shinobi.

"Were you the first squad to arrive?" Haku asked, wondering who else was here so far.

"No," Hattori answered.

"But I think that is enough chit chat for now. Perhaps you should open your scroll, everything will be revealed then." He then said as he turned around to walk away.

Yuri who had remained quiet also turned around and walked away, however, Miyako remained in front of them, eyeballing Koyuki with serious intent to kill.

"See you around, daughter of the monster." She then said, referring to her father.

Koyuki suddenly drew a kunai and was about to attack her in a blind fit of rage, however, Miyako had been expecting such and was ready for it.

"Come get some!" She shouted as she was about to counter-attack, drawing her own short blade as the two of them were about to go at it.

Suddenly in the blink of an eye, both Haku and Hattori had appeared before both of them, each stopping their attacks before they went too far. Hattori had half drawn his blade, blocking Miyako's attack, giving her a serious look as she told her to stand down.

Haku on the other hand had formed a layer of ice around his hand, allowing him to grab Koyukis kunai and stop it.

"Calm down, Koyuki. Now is not the time." He said with a rather serious expression of his own, not a look he usually displayed.

Koyuki bit her lip before she turned around and stormed off, leaving Haku and Kimimaro alone with Hattori and the others.

"Whatever. Miyako then said as she took a step back laughing as she watched Koyuki walk away.

"If you ever say that to her again. I will kill you." Haku suddenly said slowly turning around to look at the three of them, a deadly feeling washing over all of them.

Even Kimimaro had to admit, this was very unlike Haku and he knew when he became serious like this he was extremely dangerous.

Miyako could feel the killing intent coming from Haku, cleaning her teeth as it almost made her feel afraid, However, Hattori didn't seem fazed at all, simply smiling as he looked into his eyes.

"Woah their big guy. A simple miss understanding." Hattori said as he put his sword away.

"Besides, I would like to see you try." He then said, also getting serious and the two of them locked eyes for a moment.

"Be seeing you." Hattori suddenly said as he broke eye contact with Haku, turning around before he gave a small wave.

"Don't forget to open that scroll." He also shouted from the distance as Haku and Kimimaro watched the three of them walk away.

Haku calmed down before he turned around and started walking off to go and find Koyuki, with Kimimaro following him.

"Are you ok Haku?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Its just. You know how she gets about her father." He said, looking at Kimimaro.

"I know," Kimimaro said, deciding now was not the time to talk about the subject.

Both of them found Koyuki, who still seemed pissed off at what had just happened, deciding to ask if she was ok.

"Are you alright?" Kimimro asked, seeing that she was still worked up over it.

"It's fine." She said, knowing it would do her no good getting any anger over it.

"We should focus on the mission." She then said, looking up at both of them, getting a nod.

"I believe the orders were to open the scroll once we reached this location." Kimimaro then said, taking out their earth scroll, letting all emotion become forgotten as they each looked at the scroll.

Haku and Koyuki also nodded in agreement, remembering the briefing they had been given from Anko.

"Very well, let's see what's inside," Kimimaro said as he undid the clip on the scroll with his thumb and gripped the paper, getting ready to open it.

Koyuki and Haku seemed a little nervous, with Haku already thinking that it could be a trap. But they also knew that orders were orders, having been told to open the scroll only when at the finish line.

"Here we go," Kimimaro said as he quickly pulled the scroll fully open, waiting to see what was inside of it.

A sudden burst of white smoke took the three of them by surprise as they waited to see who or what the dark figure was that had imerged out of it.

"Kaga sensei?" The three of them suddenly said, seeing who it was that had emerged from the smoke.

"That's right you three. Good job on passing the second exam! I had no doubt you would succeed." He then said as he gave them a thumbs up.

Koyuki looked confused, not knowing why their sensei had been sealed inside of the scroll to which Kaga simply laughed.

"You see Koyuki. The aim of the exam was to get here with both scrolls, however, if any squad was to break those orders, giving in to temptation and open a scroll before that, then their sensei or another jonin like myself would appear and knock out all three of them, resulting in them failing the test."

Koyuki nodded in understanding.

"And look at the time, I hardly had time to get comfy with the three of you finishing so quickly." He then said with a smile.

"So now what?" Haku asked.

"Now we wait for the rest of the squads to finish the exam, the only problem with that is we still have another four and a half days to wait now." He said with a sheepish expression on his face.

"So we won't find out the next stage of the exam until all the other squads make it here," Kimimaro asked.

"That's right. However, teams of jonin have been sent out into the forest to keep tabs on teams who have either been killed or rendered unfit to carry on with the exam, meaning we might not be waiting the full five days." Kaga then said.

"We also can't leave this place. After all, the next part of the exam will be held here, so you had better get comfy." He then added.

The three of them nodded in understanding and agreed with their sensei.

"I guess all we can do is wait then," Haku said.

Kimimaro agreed, however, a large rumbling sound took them by surprise and both of them looked to Koyuki, who had a surprised look on her face.

"Oh no..." She said as she placed her hands on her stomach.

The four of them started laughing as Koyuki grew more embarrassed by her stomach rumbling.

"I can't help being hungry!" She yelled as she crossed her arms.


Alright going to end this chapter here! We are starting to get towards the end of the exams now, time to start finding out who the others will be!

Hope you enjoyed and have a great day!

Remember you know where to go for more!

Merry Christmas to everyone!