"You're right, we must be serious. I'll take on the entire class," he declared. Raising his hands, he began to unwind the bandages on his forehead, revealing a metal headband adorned with a leaf symbol intersected by a horizontal line. "If you win, I'll apologize for everything I said, and I'll also leave this academy..." Some students showed renewed interest at the challenge, while others remained skeptical. "But... if I win," he continued as the bandages fell away, unveiling his right eye. A collective gasp filled the room as they laid eyes on a gruesome scar that ran from his forehead to his cheek. It appeared to be a burn mark, with charred and disfigured skin, leaving a severe and unsettling impression. "You'll admit that you're not worthy of being called heroes..." The shinobi's right eye was a striking blood red, with three comma-like marks revolving around the pupil.
"What in the world is that?" Kirishima couldn't help but voice his confusion, feeling a sense of unease when confronted with that peculiar eye, which seemed to scrutinize each and every one of them. His own arms involuntarily tensed up.
"..." Toru Hagakure, who had been invisible since she first manifested her Quirk at the age of three, now felt exposed and observed for the first time. Swallowing nervously, she shifted uncomfortably, and her reaction was not unique; everyone in the room shared a strange and uneasy feeling in the presence of that peculiar eye.
As for the number one hero, he wore a frown. This was uncharted territory. He knew that individuals born with Quirks sometimes exhibited physical alterations, but nothing quite like this. Gazing at that scar and the unique eye, he had the distinct impression that it didn't belong to the Uzumaki. Perhaps his new student had gone so far as to remove his own eye and replace it with someone else's. He needed more information, but he couldn't afford to waste the opportunity of this demonstration.
"Your challenge is accepted, young Uzumaki," the number one hero declared, eliciting surprise from all the students except the shinobi himself. All Might's expression grew more serious. "However, should things spiral out of control, I won't hesitate to stop the fight. Do you understand?" He asked, his deep voice penetrating as he locked eyes with the shinobi, who simply nodded in response.
"So, brats..." the blonde began, his mismatched eyes glinting with amusement as he surveyed his opponents, all of whom had already activated their own Quirks. "Ready to taste the real world?"
A weighty silence blanketed the training area, where a battle was about to unfold. On one side stood Class 1-A, while on the other stood their new classmate. All Might maintained a safe distance, observing the impending clash, ready to intervene if necessary.
Silence lingered, several students poised for action, yet uncertainty held them back. They were still inexperienced when it came to combat, with some having never faced a real battle before, while others...
"Go, Bakugo!" Katsuki, propelled by the explosive bursts from his hands, rocketed forward at full speed toward his opponent, who remained stoically in place, awaiting the attack. With his right hand, the fiery blonde unleashed a devastating blow, resulting in an explosion that forced onlookers to shield themselves as a thick dust cloud enveloped the area. Amid the rising smoke, Katsuki soared above the rocks he had created with his explosion. "Stop hiding, you damn coward!" Fuming with rage, he searched for his opponent, who seemed to have vanished.
"You're quite loud..." Katsuki froze as the shinobi's fist lightly rested against his right cheek. The unexpected move left the explosive teenager stunned, unable to perceive his opponent's swift maneuver. "Screaming like a lunatic as you attack... not the smartest move," the shinobi remarked calmly, retracting his fist and crossing his arms. "You're a waste of time." With that, he crouched to dodge another explosion, further enraging the explosive teenager.
"Shut up!" Katsuki attempted another attack, priming a massive explosion. However, before he could unleash it, his right arm was seized in a vice-like grip by the blonde. The blonde maintained a serious demeanor.
"Predictable..." Without hesitation, he tightened his grip on Katsuki's arm and swiftly threw him to the ground. Then, raising his foot, he stepped on Bakugo's right shoulder, eliciting a piercing scream of pain as the unmistakable sound of bone cracking filled the air. "I'm not finished." He hoisted Bakugo back to his feet and, without pause, hurled him toward the speechless spectators, who were left stunned by the brutal display.
"Katsuki! Are you alright?" Kirishima was the first to reach his friend, who responded with a pained grunt as he struggled to rise, only to falter again, his right arm causing him intense pain. "Damn, this isn't good—" his exclamation was abruptly cut off as the stern, strange-eyed blonde appeared before them with incredible speed.
"Silence," he declared, mercilessly delivering a kick to Kirishima's face. The redhead managed to activate his Quirk, offering some resistance, but he was still sent sprawling backward, colliding with Kiminari. "You're just kids," the shinobi scoffed, pivoting to confront the tail-wielding boy who had leaped from above, intent on attacking. However, this proved no challenge for the shinobi, who effortlessly caught the boy by his left leg and slammed him into Koji Koda, the student gifted with the ability to communicate with animals. The impact sent both of them crashing into the building's wall, rendering them unconscious.
Naruto was poised to confront Mineta, who trembled uncontrollably. But blocking his path was Shoji, the masked student with multiple arms, who lunged at Naruto with a barrage of punches. However, with his Sharingan subtly gleaming, Naruto deftly evaded every strike. "Stay still!" the towering figure roared in frustration, launching even more arms at his nimble opponent. Yet, not a single blow landed.
"Incredible," Momo muttered in disbelief, mirroring the astonishment of her classmates. The eight-armed giant continued his relentless assault with elusive precision, his goals a blur to the bewildered onlookers. However, everything ground to a halt as Koji suddenly froze. Naruto crouched down and delivered a powerful blow to the center of his stomach, causing the giant to gasp for breath.