
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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Chapter 187

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Passive Skill: Grandpa's Gold Coin Burst

Skill Description: During the skill's duration, for each enemy older than you and hostile towards you that you kill, you will receive a variable number of gold coins based on their strength when alive.

During the skill's duration, for each enemy older than you and hostile towards you that remains alive, they will be marked with a 'Second Assured Kill' buff. Regardless of time, even if the passive skill's duration ends, killing them later will still yield gold coins based on their strength when alive.

Note: Second Assured Kill - When meeting the marked target for the second time, breaking the buff ensures their death, which is irreversible.

Spending one gold coin grants an extra refresh of the passive skill, with no limit to the number of uses.

Spending ten gold coins allows you to select one previously refreshed passive skill, with no limit to the number of uses.

The gold coins acquired will not disappear after the passive skill's duration ends and will remain permanently effective.

Skill Duration: 30 days

Message: Grandpa should burst some gold coins, utilizing waste seems right to me. Besides, keeping a few as spares seems good too.


After counting the gold coins on him, Kyomu smiled. The four members of Konoha's F4 were quite generous, dropping a total of 25 gold coins between them.

Kyomu didn't pay much attention to who dropped how many coins during the heat of the battle. As long as killing them resulted in gold coins, he would just kill faster.

However, Kyomu soon suppressed his smile, replacing it with a cold, harsh look.

"Reaper of the Shinobi World, you are indeed formidable. But I wonder if you have noticed the 'Second Assured Kill' mark on you? If you have, you better hide it well. If not, then just become my gold reserve and wait for me to come and collect my coins."

Licking his lips, Kyomu felt a surge of excitement. "No matter your relationship with the Sage of Six Paths, if you have the guts to bring him out, I'll still kill him for the gold coins when we meet again!

I can't wait to experience the thrill of instantly killing the Reaper of the Shinobi World and even the Sage of Six Paths."

Although eager, Kyomu decided to keep the Reaper of the Shinobi World as a backup, planning to use his gold coins first before dealing with him.

Considering the remaining time of his passive skill, Kyomu felt much better.

"After reaping Takigakure, if the people from the Five Great Nations come to attack, I'll have time to deal with them and get more gold coins to fill my reserves.

Refreshing passive skills at will and choosing past passive skills—this is a good thing that can't be stopped. I need to stock up on more gold coins."

Lost in thought, Kyomu slowly walked forward, causing the Takigakure shinobi blocking his path to step back in fear, their hands trembling on their weapons.

Who in the Shinobi World didn't know the name Kyomu?

Fear and awe filled the hearts of those in his presence, with fear outweighing the latter. The Takigakure shinobi were unsure what Kyomu and his followers would do once they entered their village.

Kyomu stopped and looked up, his sharp gaze scanning the surroundings, causing the Takigakure shinobi to sweat and hold their breath.

Disappointed, he wondered why no oldman jumped out to oppose him.

"Where is your leader?" he asked.

One person stepped out from behind the Takigakure shinobi, dressed in ordinary clothes. "Before Kyomu-sama, I dare not call myself a leader. If Kyomu-sama doesn't mind, all of Takigakure will swear loyalty to you!"

The former Fourth Takikage bowed deeply, offering the Takikage's ceremonial robe and hat with utmost respect.

Kyomu did not step forward to accept but instead scanned the surroundings again, asking loudly, "Are there any elders or veterans of Takigakure who wish to speak?"

"We swear loyalty to Kyomu-sama!" came the unanimous reply.

"Can't any of you hate me a little?" Kyomu's voice carried a note of helplessness. "I've taken your village and your country. I'm even planning to rename the Land of Waterfalls to the Land of Dragons and Takigakure to Dragon's Hidden Village.

Are you really so willing?"

He wanted some resistance! Without it, how would he get gold coins?

The former Fourth Takikage stepped forward again, bowing deeply.

"Kyomu-sama, you are a great shinobi born in the strongest of the Five Great Nations, the Land of Fire. On the battlefield, you single-handedly suppressed the Sand and Cloud shinobi.

You may not know this, but small countries like ours, caught between the Great Nations, have longed for a great shinobi like you to lead us.

Before the end of the Cloud Shinobi War, we were oppressed and plundered by the Cloud Shinobi, our land falling into their hands.

Though you fought for the Land of Fire, it was you who drove the Cloud Shinobi back to their village.

Back then, due to our position, we could only feel gratitude and fear, unable to think otherwise.

Now that you are here to develop in our small country and village, we couldn't be happier!"

Kyomu was taken aback, scrutinizing the former Fourth Takikage to see if he was lying. But faced with such flattery, Kyomu could only sigh inwardly.

They truly did not oppose him. For a small country constantly caught in the crossfire, having Kyomu and his followers settle here was like a lifeline. It couldn't get worse, only better.

Perhaps the extreme views of Nagato after Yahiko's death were born from the same despair of small nations and their people.

"If I can't burst gold coins, so be it," Kyomu consoled himself. "Accepting Takigakure and the Land of Waterfalls without resistance is also good news."

Nodding, Kyomu accepted the ceremonial robe and hat of the Takikage.




The Takigakure shinobi no longer felt fear but joy, and the villagers hiding in their homes came out onto the streets, their once dull eyes now filled with hope.

This was their hope.

At the founding of their nation, they had missed Hashirama and Madara, but now they had Kyomu.

Their fate, perhaps, was about to change.

Two kilometers outside Takigakure, to accommodate women and children, Kyomu's followers had set up camp, waiting for the dust to settle before moving forward.

They believed Kyomu-sama could single-handedly handle any opposition.

Takigakure wouldn't stand a chance against Kyomu-sama.

"I hear cheers from Takigakure."

"Me too, they are calling Kyomu-sama's name."

"This is unexpected!"

"Kyomu-sama's might and charisma instantly win over anyone."

"Yes, Kyomu-sama's leadership aura is unparalleled."

Tsunade, listening to the discussions, turned to meet Fugaku's gaze.

"My foolish brother managed to subdue them without bloodshed."

"Kyomu-kun's strength is unmatched, but his charisma and leadership are his true strengths." Fugaku was now fully convinced of Kyomu's prowess.

"Do you think my brother is like…"

"Hashirama-sama and Madara combined." Fugaku interjected, "Kyomu-kun's future will be even more glorious." 

"Then let's not wait any longer." Tsunade stood up, a bright smile on her face. "Let's move to our new home!"

"Yes, move to our new home!"

"Ha, I didn't expect it to be so easy."

"Just stay close to Kyomu-sama, he never lets us down."

Kyomu would not let anyone down, be it those who followed him from the start or new followers.

"Takizuke." Kyomu called the former Fourth Takikage, along with Kakashi, Obito, Uchiha Fugaku, and others. "Help coordinate and settle my followers. The village can be rebuilt bigger, and your people can live in the center."

"Thank you, Kyomu-sama. We are but vassals. Once we contribute to the village, we can discuss these matters."

Takizuke was indeed sensible.

Kyomu nodded, turning to Tsunade and Fugaku. "Sis, Fugaku-kun, as the founding elders, you should be at the center of the village."

Tsunade laughed, poking Kyomu's forehead, while Fugaku was overwhelmed with emotion.

Finally, no more suffering!

But Kyomu didn't want Fugaku to feel too comfortable. He soon handed a small notebook to Takizuke.

"Guide to Dealing with Proud Uchihas"

Seeing the bold title, Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan activated in fury.

"Kyomu-kun, what is this supposed to mean!" he demanded.

"Nothing, just ensuring your clan integrates smoothly during these rebuilding times."

"Are you doubting the Uchiha?"

"I am doubting the Uchiha." Kyomu eyed him. "I trust your strength and combat skills, but in terms of social interactions, you Uchihas aren't great."

Watching Fugaku fume, Kyomu grinned. "Fugaku-kun, you need to accept good things, and our village needs the Uchihas to play a significant role. Social relations are crucial and can't be overlooked."

"Only because we'll be managing the village in the future… hmph!" Fugaku stormed off, but his steps seemed lighter, almost like a retreat.

"Haha, little brother, only you can handle the Uchiha's temper." Tsunade laughed, her confidence boosted. "With you around, the future holds endless possibilities."

"Sis, thank you."

Tsunade paused, her laughter turning soft. "As long as you don't blame me."

She wanted to hug Kyomu but restrained herself. "Once we are settled, we'll have a long talk, not just one night but many!"

Tsunade turned away, busy with her tasks, which were far from easy.

"Kyomu, something's off with Tsunade. She's not acting like a typical sister," said Yugito, approaching him. "I can sense it; her feelings for you aren't ordinary."

Kyomu flicked her forehead and ruffled her hair. "Stop overthinking. Go help. This is your new home now."

"Can I really?" Yugito's eyes still showed hesitation, a mix of fear and... something else.

"Of course, this is a place for new beginnings."

Watching Yugito walk away, Kyomu felt a weight lift off his shoulders when he saw her lightheartedly skipping.

Everything was moving in the right direction.

"Now, I need to focus."

Kyomu entered a small three-story building that would soon be rebuilt but currently served as his office.

Relaxing in his chair, he propped his feet on the desk.

He had taken the first step toward world domination.

"Time to plan the use of these gold coins," Kyomu thought. "Some of the early passive skills need a refresh.

I'll reserve the remaining five coins for refreshing.

But which of the past powerful passive skills should I choose?"

After a moment's thought, Kyomu made his decision.

(End of Chapter)