
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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292 Chs

Chapter 182

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When did Danzo start colluding with Madara?

Apart from demeanor and daily behavior, there was no way to distinguish between true and false with White Zetsu's Spore Clone Transformation, something Kyomu was aware of.

Considering the slight anomaly of 'Nohara Rin' avoiding him due to illness, Kyomu formed a complete plan in his mind.

Seeing Danzo, who was twenty meters away holding Rin hostage, Kyomu felt relieved.

He knew what Danzo was going to do.

"Aragami Kyomu, commit suicide!" Danzo shouted, leaving a blood trail on Rin's neck with his kunai. "I'll count to three... No need to be so troublesome."

Danzo glanced at the people behind Kyomu, intending to completely shatter their will to fight.

Based on his analysis of Kyomu's character, there was a 90% chance Kyomu would sacrifice himself for Rin, just as he had done on the Sand Ninja battlefield.

But Danzo didn't know that Kyomu had nine lives at that time, losing one meant he still had eight left. Holding a hostage to threaten him was pointless.

The cost was merely Yoei losing a divine weapon trait.

"Kakashi, I'll give you three seconds to kill Kyomu."

Danzo spoke slowly. He wanted Kyomu to die at Kakashi's hands so that his legacy would not be inherited by Kakashi.

Without inheritance, Kyomu's forces would fall apart, making it easier to defeat them one by one.

"Kakashi, you can't..." Genma started to speak but was interrupted by Kyomu.

"After I die, don't blame Kakashi. Do what you need to do."

"Is that so?" Danzo sneered again. "But I've changed my mind. Kakashi, Obito, both of you will kill Kyomu."

Pressing the kunai deeper into Rin's neck, blood spurted out, just a millimeter away from the carotid artery.

"Be decisive, do it!"

Kyomu looked back at Kakashi, then glanced at Obito. "I won't blame you. Besides, how will you know if you don't try to kill me?"

Opening his arms, holding Yoei, Kyomu was ready to face death.

"Lord Kyomu, don't!" his followers cried out in unison, some even attempting to rush forward to stop him.

Turning around, Kyomu coldly glared at his followers, a strong warning in his eyes.

Instantly, silence fell behind him, except for the red eyes staring at him.

Seeing this, the Uchiha clansmen's Sharingan tomoe began to spin, feeling an uncontrollable surge of power within them.

Obito had no such thoughts; he was torn apart inside.

One was his lover, the other his brother. Kill one to save the other—how could he choose!

No matter the choice, the emotional turmoil would be as intense as a volcanic eruption. If he hardened his heart, his spirit might collapse.

"Kyomu... It's all my fault. You asked me about Rin a few days ago, and I..." Obito cried, but Danzo, fearing delay, immediately slit Rin's neck.

Blood spurted out as Danzo quickly pressed his hand against it, but it was just a temporary measure. Blood still flowed freely through his fingers.

Rin didn't fear death, shaking her head furiously, her tears blurring her vision.

"Will you act or not!" Danzo panicked, fearing his last resort would fail. "Nohara Rin will die!"

Raising his hand, the blade aimed at Rin's chest, descending swiftly.


Obito's ninja blade pierced through Kyomu's reverse scale armor from the armpit, slanting straight to his heart.

Danzo laughed, stopping his hand while glancing at Kakashi.

Kakashi's Yukihime extended from under Kyomu's other arm, slanting into his chest cavity.


Blood spurted from Kyomu's mouth, but he smiled.

Danzo, you're playing with fire!

"Lord Kyomu!" his followers cried out in unison.

In the front, the Uchiha ninjas' eyes turned colder, with their Sharingan tomoe spinning madly, evolving the third tomoe.

Some Uchiha ninjas' three tomoe Sharingan spun but still hadn't evolved into Mangekyo Sharingan.

Perhaps their potential was insufficient, or their emotions were lacking, but temporarily, none...

No, except for Obito.

Tears mixed with blood flowed from his eyes as Obito silently screamed, unable to utter a single syllable.

He felt unworthy!

"The Uchiha truly are an evil clan, willing to attack their own friends and brothers without hesitation," Danzo said, seeing Kyomu fall. His eyes gleamed with madness. "Kyomu is dead. Kill them all!"

With his words, Danzo thrust his kunai into Rin's chest.

Instantly, Obito's eyes turned cold, his Mangekyo Sharingan resembling a boomerang spinning. A spatial ripple appeared at Danzo's wrist.

The descending kunai was swallowed, and Danzo's wrist mysteriously vanished, along with the arm holding Rin.

The spatial ripple dissipated, and Rin vanished, taken by Obito to the Kamui dimension.

With both Mangekyo Sharingan, Obito's speed of using Kamui was ridiculously fast, with no apparent delay.

Danzo was stunned.

He had anticipated Obito might awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan but never expected his ability to be space-time related!

Is obtaining space-time power really that easy?

"You all must die!!!" Obito roared. "All of you! Must die with Kyomu!"

Obito was on the brink of madness, wanting to create a world where Aragami Kyomu existed, seeking his forgiveness.

But the next moment, something more terrifying happened to Danzo.

A figure suddenly blocked his view—Kyomu, staring at him.

"Impossible, how can you..."


Kyomu didn't answer, Yoei slashed horizontally.


It was over in an instant, giving Danzo no time for explanations or to activate the Four Symbols Seal.

This old fool could take his questions and shock to the Pure Land and ponder them thoroughly!

Fire Release: Great Flame Bomb!

Kyomu followed up with a B-rank Fire Release jutsu, incinerating Danzo's body until even the ashes were scattered.


Obito's dark eyes brightened, the darkness in his heart quickly fading. "You're not dead!"

"I told you to try killing me, and you failed," Kyomu smiled, glancing at Kakashi. "You failed too."

"I knew it," Kakashi responded calmly. "I played my part well, admit that."

"Lord Kyomu is immortal!"

"Lord Kyomu is invincible!"

"Lord Kyomu, long live!"

"We swear to follow Lord Kyomu!"

The followers' voices shook the earth, seeing Kyomu as their god.

The true immortal war god!

"Everyone, cleanse the world of filth!" Kyomu shouted, swinging his blade forward. "Kill them all, leave no one!"

"Leave no one!"

The ninjas, unable to hold back, rushed past Kyomu, Kakashi, and Obito, attacking the Sarutobi and Shimura clans' ninjas.

The enemy's defeat was inevitable.

Kakashi, Obito, and Might Guy stood by Kyomu, watching Hiruzen, Minato, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru.

"Kyomu, I'm sorry, I..."

"Minato is yours, as compensation," Kyomu interrupted Obito, instructing Kakashi and Guy. "Jiraiya is yours, I'll handle the rest."

"A teacher-student battle?" Orochimaru chuckled. "Interesting, but I'd prefer a teacher-student alliance."

As he finished speaking, before acting, Kyomu's pupils shrank.

Orochimaru had been grave-robbing?!

So early!


Seeing two coffins behind Orochimaru, Kyomu felt relieved. Orochimaru hadn't dug up Sakumo's grave; past friendship still meant something.

As the two coffins stood, Kyomu signaled Kakashi, Obito, and Guy, and they charged forward.

The battlefield quickly split, but Jiraiya and Minato didn't want to fight separately.


The Flying Thunder God kunai shot out, but Obito's Mangekyo Sharingan activated, swallowing it and dumping it in the Forest of Death.

Minato vanished, and Obito's Kamui absorbed him, both appearing in the Forest of Death.

"Transferred my kunai?" Minato wondered, looking at Obito. "Obito, can you..."

"No!" Obito's gaze was steady. "Unless you defeat me, you won't return

Minato sighed and became serious.

At the same time, Jiraiya was being held back by Kakashi and Might Guy. Though they couldn't gain the upper hand, they could prevent Jiraiya from approaching Kyomu's battlefield for the moment.

"Genma, Ebisu!" Kyomu called out. The two, along with their teams, formed the Four Red Yang Formation again.

This wasn't to prevent Minato from rescuing anyone but to guard against the resurrected Hashirama and Tobirama.

Though it was unclear how much power Orochimaru's Edo Tensei could restore to them, even at half strength, their large-scale jutsu could cause unnecessary damage to Kyomu's forces.

"Kyomu-kun, you're strong, stronger than I can imagine, but I believe the First and Second Hokage will measure your strength," Orochimaru said with a smile, turning to Hiruzen. "Sensei, I've done all I can. Whether you can work with the previous Hokage to kill Kyomu depends on you."

As Orochimaru finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and the lids of the two coffins behind him fell, revealing the resurrected Hashirama and Tobirama.

Orochimaru retrieved two kunai with special sealing tags from his tool pouch and inserted them into the back of the resurrected Hokages' heads.

Just as the two brothers regained consciousness and were about to speak, their eyes dimmed, and their souls were suppressed, leaving only their combat instincts.

"You prepared so thoroughly..." Kyomu praised, twirling his blade. "Hiruzen, you've gone to great lengths to deal with me."

"Kyomu, you will die here today!" Hiruzen declared.

Without summoning Enma, Sarutobi was weaponless. But with Hashirama on his left and Tobirama on his right, he felt unbeatable.

Unaware of his impending defeat, Kyomu smiled. "Do you understand the true value of an overwhelming advantage?"

**Summoning Jutsu: Ichikishimahime!**

"Little Kyomu, you never summon me for anything good!"

With the ringing of the bell on her horn, Ichikishimahime appeared, her expression changing upon seeing Senju Hashirama.

"When I establish my nation, will you be my guardian beast, Ichikishimahime?" Kyomu asked.

"What did you say?!" Ichikishimahime's face showed shock. "You're establishing a nation? What kind?"

"...The Land of Dragons!" Kyomu explained briefly. "I killed the Fire Daimyo and will soon kill the old man here!"


Ichikishimahime's mouth formed an 'O,' her expression cute but with a hint of greed and satisfaction in her eyes.

Transforming from a dragon to a true dragon wasn't easy; it required something extra. Though the Ryūchi Cave had no inheritance, and even the White Snake Sage didn't know what, becoming a guardian beast seemed to provide some answers.

"It's settled then!" Ichikishimahime's face turned resolute. "But facing Hashirama, even in a weakened state, I can't guarantee victory."

"With me here, there will be no surprises," Kyomu said, gripping Ichikishimahime's small dragon horn. "Just transform and leave the rest to me!"


Ichikishimahime's dragon roar echoed, and Kyomu stood atop her head, his blade pointing at Hiruzen in the distance.

(End of Chapter)