
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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292 Chs

Chapter 160

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Gathering intelligence, analyzing it, reacting in battle, countering moves, finding weaknesses, and seamless teamwork have always been the core of ninja combat.

When overwhelming power is not an option, the weaker may often overcome the stronger if not careful.

The Third Raikage, along with his decades-long partner Dodai, were not far behind in this respect.

As long as they weren't overwhelmingly overpowered, they always managed to respond brilliantly and coordinate tactics impressively in battle based on the intelligence they had.

Like now.

The Third Raikage's fist had already struck down, just as Kyomu utilized his Space-Time Kekkei Genkai to dodge, leaving his right hand on the hilt of Yoei.

However, the Third Raikage had held back a fraction of his strength and, along with Dodai, had anticipated Kyomu's most likely self-preservation and counterattack tactics.

As for abandoning the sword?

The Third Raikage never considered it; the sword was Kyomu's second life. Unless facing utter defeat, he would not forsake Yoei.

This guess was very accurate.

Kyomu did not abandon Yoei but instead used the tactical strategy of 'Eye for Eye.'

You injure my wrist, I take your life!

With no delay, Kyomu appeared above the Third Raikage.

Yet the Third Raikage did not dodge, and with a punch filled with brute force, it accelerated downwards.

He and Dodai guessed right!

In an instant, Dodai charged forward, his arm sparking with lightning, preempting Kyomu's reappearance.

At the same time Kyomu appeared, Dodai's attack was only millimeters from his neck.


With a smirk, Kyomu was not panicked, "You really think my Space-Time Kekkei Genkai, like the Flying Thunder God Technique, only involves simple linear spatial movements?"

Monstrous Strength Punch!

The location of the kick, due to spatial distortion and folding, was meant to land on the Third Raikage's head, but it struck Dodai on the side instead.


Almost simultaneously, two bursts of air explosion and ripples erupted, the kick landing on Dodai's chest, while the Monstrous Strength Punch collided with the Third Raikage's swiftly descending fist.


In a flash, three figures were blasted backward.

The Third Raikage performed a backward somersault and landed steadily, while Dodai was thrown back, taking several steps to regain his footing.

Kyomu, on the other hand, lightly used a spatial jump, reappearing on the other side.

Almost synchronously, Kyomu shook his left hand and twisted his right foot, while the Third Raikage and Dodai also moved to relieve their battered body parts.

"Monstrous Strength Punch!" The Third Raikage and Dodai exchanged a look, their expressions becoming more solemn.

Kyomu was undeniably talented!

Not only did he learn various techniques, but he also mastered them deeply. Monstrous Strength Punch, a burst-type ninja body technique, was in terms of pure strength, three times stronger than the Lightning Release Chakra Mode that enhanced the Cloud ninja's strength.

"But Kyomu's consumption is also significant!"

With just a glance exchanged, the Third Raikage and Dodai charged towards Kyomu, the battle resuming.

Seeing them sprint towards him, Kyomu sighed inwardly.

"The consumption is indeed significant. The stronger the Kekkei Genkai, the more energy it requires to use, an unbreakable rule."

Stepping forward, Kyomu met the Third Raikage head-on in a clash.

Seeing Kyomu opt for a head-on clash, the Third Raikage and Dodai felt exhilarated, their objective achieved.

If they could force Kyomu to deplete more chakra, the longer the battle dragged on, the more certain Aragami Kyomu's defeat became!

Even if not today, then tomorrow, or perhaps a week from now.

Kyomu wasn't a perpetual motion machine, and his body's chakra wasn't infinite.

Wear him down, just like Hashirama wore down Madara, like Naruto wore down Sasuke.

At this point, it was a contest of stamina and chakra reserves.

Boom, boom, boom.

The trio exchanged blows, Kyomu occasionally using his Space-Time Kekkei Genkai to dodge unavoidable lethal attacks.

Yoei in his hand never stopped, Dodai's body covered with deep cuts, the Third Raikage also bloodied, his clothes soaked in blood.

Yet, Kyomu remained unscathed, only beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Given another seven or eight years of body growth, this predicament would never occur. But alas, there are no 'ifs' in battle, and this remains one of Kyomu's strength gaps, only to be slowly mended with time."

"Kyomu-kun..." Fugaku couldn't help but compare internally, unwilling to admit, but ultimately sighed deeply, "I am not his equal!"

The battle continued, Kyomu's spatially crossed blade strike was abrupt, piercing through Dodai's shoulder elbow.

After dodging and retreating from the battle circle, Kyomu re-entered, focusing his attacks on the injured Dodai, whose right arm was temporarily immobilized.

The Third Raikage frequently intercepted, but Kyomu was unmoved, exposing his back to him.

A feint?

Most certainly.

The attribute of spatial folding suddenly played its role.

An attack that should have landed on Kyomu's back was abruptly redirected by his Space-Time Kekkei Genkai to Dodai's chest, while Kyomu's action of attacking Dodai had, during the complex process of spatial folding, shifted behind the Third Raikage.

Bang, thud.

Two distinct sounds emerged, Dodai was sent flying by the Third Raikage's powerful punch, while Kyomu's Yoei pierced through the Third Raikage's chest.

Had the Third Raikage not reacted swiftly, twisting his body and pulling his punch, his heart would surely have been pierced by Kyomu, and Dodai would have been severely injured.

"With the Lightning Release Chakra Mode enhancing my speed, surpassing the neural limits, this deadly situation turned out to be null," Kyomu lamented internally, but the Third Raikage and Dodai felt defeated.

The two of them combined were being pressured to this extent by Kyomu alone.

"Dodai, let's go!"

The Third Raikage roared, his hands glowing with highly concentrated Lightning Release Chakra, slashing fiercely across his chest wound.


The still-bleeding wound instantly sealed, and the Third Raikage did the same with the wound on his back.

Kyomu stood still, allowing him to catch his breath.


Another soft sound, the Third Raikage's clothes burst apart, his body's rock-solid muscles quivering, surrounded by intensifying Lightning Release Chakra.

His body, with veins prominently visible, was not filled with red blood but with surging blue Lightning Release Chakra.

It had condensed to the point of appearing liquid!

This reminded Kyomu of Might Guy, who had opened the Eight Gates.

"This is the limit of Lightning Release Chakra Mode! Dodai, it's not perfect, but remember it, improve it, and pass it on!"

The Third Raikage's voice boomed, "My speed can match space! Can surpass space! Can conquer space!"


His momentum erupted instantly, the pinnacle of brute force enveloping the surroundings, stirring up layers of air waves.

His body's lightning glowed even brighter, blue patterns spreading across his muscles, depicting blooming blue plums within the muscle fibers.

This was the epitome of blood vessels bursting, Lightning Release Chakra invading the muscles, and stimulating them to their peak.

At the same time, the overflowing Lightning Release Chakra condensed, forming an even thicker armor of lightning around him, providing the sturdiest barrier for his upcoming full-speed burst.

Stepping back, his right hand raised forward, he pointed at Kyomu from afar.

First three fingers, then retracting one, and another, until only one remained, the Third Raikage's aura peaked.

"The Third Raikage's strongest strike, especially after an explosive boost!" Kyomu braced himself, but when he tried to retreat to gather strength, he was suddenly shocked.

Can human strength really twist, influence, and shatter space?

The answer is yes!

At this moment, the Third Raikage, like the future Might Guy, used a body technique, similarly risking his life.

This deserved respect, and it blatantly presented its answer.

"Disrespect, and you die!"

The surrounding space thickened, the vision distorted, Kyomu communicated with the Dragon Armor, replenishing his chakra to its peak.

"Come on! Let's fight!" Kyomu roared, "Let me see, between us, who truly stands stronger!"

"The Will of Lightning, charge forth!" The Third Raikage suddenly moved, "Space, shatter!!!"

There was no trailing streamer because the flashing light seemed unable to keep up with the Third Raikage's sprinting speed.

Behind him, besides the chasing light, there were faint blue light fragments, remnants of his heavy Lightning Release armor, breaking under the extreme speed impact.

At the tips of his fingers, space began to distort and warp, and the distorted light gathered there, forming a pitch-black circle, starkly evident amidst the surrounding luminescence.

The spatial distortions spread forward, affecting the surroundings and Kyomu, who found himself unable to move even slightly.



Space responded to the Third Raikage's inner shout; it had never shown such fragility before, shattering as easily as glass.

Dimensional Slash: Annihilation!

Kyomu's arm felt heavy as lead, though with the help of his Space-Time Kekkei Genkai, he had already broken through the spatial distortions and partial fragmentation caused by the Third Raikage's speed.

But still, he couldn't reach his maximum speed.

Only space and time can contest space.


The two adversaries saw the determination in each other's eyes, both adamant about their impending victory.

I can win!

Simultaneously shouting in their hearts, the Third Raikage felt an incredible resistance, as if he could no longer run.

Space became dense and heavy, rapidly thickening from nothingness, as if restrained by an invisible giant hand.

He realized this was the phenomenon caused by Kyomu unleashing all his spatial abilities.

"So, this is your trump card."

The Third Raikage suddenly understood, feeling slightly that he was still inferior to Kyomu.

Yet, his charging steps did not stop; he continued forward.

His Lightning Release armor had completely shattered, but he was only five meters away from Kyomu!

Just a bit more, just three meters!

Blade light, suddenly visible.

Kyomu had fully drawn Yoei, its blade eagerly vibrating. A massive chakra of Wind, Yin, and Lightning Release fused into one space-time chakra, explosively injected into the surrounding space along the blade of Yoei.

Time seemed to freeze, the extremity of the compressed void space turned into a mire trapping its inhabitants, the Third Raikage's charging figure, as if paused by a camera, frozen in place.

Just a bit more, just three meters!

The Third Raikage's will surged wildly, his body's strength squeezed out once more.


A harsh friction noise rang out, Kyomu's pupils suddenly dilated. In his plan, after the space was frozen, everything within its range would be suppressed, even light would slow to a crawl.

"You are strong, but I am stronger. This ends now..."

Within ten meters in front of him, the space froze to its limit, then began to show layers of fissures, no different from a shattered mirror.


Though said late, it happened quickly; the layered spatial fissures enveloped the Third Raikage, close to his body yet slightly delayed.

After all, his speed was so fast it could influence space, not so powerless against spatial challenges that he couldn't even fight back.


The harsh friction noise sounded again, the Third Raikage's fingertips stretched further, only a few centimeters from Kyomu's chest.


The shattered space still affected the Third Raikage.


The mirror shattered into pieces, the reflection fragmented into dozens of segments, the scattered pieces no longer able to coalesce.

Space broke, along with the Third Raikage.

But simultaneously, the fragmented space abruptly reverted to its original state, but the Third Raikage was left in pieces, his voice gone.

A single fingertip, in the moment when space fractured and reformed, touched Kyomu's chest.


A blast wave erupted like a sonic boom, kicking up a huge wave of white compressed air, rushing towards Kyomu's swiftly retreating body.

"A!!!" Dodai's voice came too late, as all he saw were lingering images of the encounter.

Kyomu and the Third Raikage's clash was but a moment's affair.


Fugaku reacted similarly, he and Dodai each rushing towards their respective targets, wary of each other.

"A! A! A!" Dodai knelt, frantically trying to piece together his body, but to no avail. "You are the strongest Raikage, you are the strongest Raikage! A!"

On the other side, Kyomu.

"Cough." Spitting out a mouthful of blood, he looked up at Fugaku, "Why did you activate your Mangekyō?"

"To see if you were dead."

"I admit the Third Raikage was strong, but sorry, I am stronger!"

Kyomu licked his lips, the taste of blood somewhat intoxicating, "I am willing to call the Third Raikage the strongest Kage in the ninja world!"


Fugaku dumped Kyomu, whom he was carrying, on the ground, twitching his mouth unwilling to engage further.

You have the right to give someone else the title of the strongest?

But recalling the images in his mind, the instantaneous freezing and shattering of space, annihilating all life and non-life within it, Fugaku found no grounds to argue.

"If you can talk, walk yourself back and accept the cheers."

Kyomu grinned, standing up as his body surged with chakra, but looking down, noticed a finger-sized hole in his armor.

That was close!

(End of Chapter)