
Naruto : Mizuki Reborn

Scientist reborn as Mizuki. A genius mind takes the potential of the first villain to it's limits. Anit-hero mc Image is not mine, if it's yours and want me to take it down, let me know. I do not own Naruto, or any of the related characters. Naruto is created by and owned by their respective owners. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of Naruto belong to it's owner.

ImagineMaker · Tranh châm biếm
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100 Chs

Romance poll

It's time..

The day has arrived and we need to decide!

Mizuki's romantic life is in your, hopefully, capable hands.

I know, that sounds like a lot of responsibility, and it is.

The story will change, a lot, according to what is chosen.

Do you want a single love interest?

Or do you want multiple girls falling for Mizuki's endless charms?

Or perhaps you would prefer our scientist remains a bachelor for eternity?

Chose your pick, and make it quick!

Beyond stocked up chapters, l will not write anymore until I am sure of what's chosen, I need to plan the story accordingly.

And yes, be sure to put the names of who you would prefer gets the coveted spot beside Mizuki.

Edit : Try not to swear, I don't mind, but your comments are getting auto deleted for some reason. Thus your votes too will go up in smoke. We want to avoid that.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ImagineMakercreators' thoughts