
Naruto: Mixed Heritage(Rewrite)

Question: How would a Uchiha Uzumaki Hybrid fare in the world of Naruto? Ethan A Computer Science student transmigrates into the body of an orphan named Renjiro in Naruto. He soon realizes that the orphan has Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines. Join Renjiro in his journey as he grows and his quest to become the strongest shinobi! Warning : 1. This is a rewrite of my work Naruto: Mixed Heritage. Key components have been changed. 2. No harem (there might be some romance but don't get your hopes high) 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, not sure if I can do gore right though) What to expect : 1. Lots of training 2. Cause and effect of our Mc's involvement in the plot Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create) Please support me on Patreon: patreon.com/SideCharacter

Sidecharacter1 · Tranh châm biếm
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128 Chs


'Where the Hell am I?'

The abrupt cessation of the technique left Renjiro momentarily disoriented, his senses took time to readjust to the stillness.

As he gathered his bearings, he cast a discerning gaze around, attempting to discern the location they stopped at. The Anbu gestured toward a nondescript complex.

'A complex? Does someone leave here?'

The subtle architectural cues that hung in the air hinted at the residence of someone within the village. Renjiro, though unsure of the specifics, could sense the familiarity that clung to the group of buildings.

The Anbu's silent guidance ushered Renjiro toward the entrance. With a quiet acknowledgement, he stepped into the building, the door closing behind him with a muted thud. The interior was bathed in the soft glow of ambient light.

As they walked through the quiet corridors, the Anbu eventually halted before a closed door. Then knocked on the door. Immediately, they heard an undistinguishable voice inviting them in. The Anbu chose to stay behind and Renjiro had to proceed alone.

"Well here goes nothing,"

As Renjiro stepped into the room, the ambience shifted from the muted tones of the corridor to a space that seemed to hold a peculiar vibrancy. A low table adorned with scattered scrolls and ninja tools stood at the centre, serving as the focal point of the room's activity.

'Seems like someone's room, but who could it be?'

In the midst of this carefully arranged room, Renjiro's gaze fell upon a figure. At first, she was unrecognizable, but after seeing vibrant red hair, Renjiro had a pretty good guess who it was.

It was Uzumaki Kushina, the current Nine Tails Jinchuriki. The renowned kunoichi sat in a poised manner on a cushion near the low table. The room seemed to come alive with the intensity of her presence as if the very air crackled with her boundless energy.

Kushina, clad in traditional ninja attire that bore the Uzumaki crest, exuded an aura of both strength and warmth. Her piercing blue eyes were framed by a cascade of crimson hair. A headband adorned with the emblem of Konoha rested atop her forehead.

The scrolls on the table bore markings and symbols, suggesting a discourse into matters of significance. Kushina, in the midst of this, appeared engrossed in them, her attention focused on the scrolls before her.

'I knew Uzumakis had a strong life force, but this is a bit overbearing. If she's like this then how was it standing before Hashirama? Could Kurama be adding to this aura that I feel? But Why Am I here?'

Kushina, aware of Renjiro's arrival, looked up from the scrolls with a warm yet appraising gaze. A faint smile played on her lips.

"Uzumaki Renjiro, I have been waiting for you."

"Good Evening."

"It's good you were brought to Konoha, it was getting lonely here."


"Eeh... big sister, May I know who you are and why I was required to come here?" Renjiro replied to Kushina in the most respectable way he could.

He could not let it be known outrightly, that he knew who he was speaking to as he was sure the Anbu protecting her were watching which might arouse suspicion.

Renjiro decided to use the term Big sister as he could ascertain the age gap between them was not that large so Kushina Should be in her early teens.

"Lord Third Informed me that you had requested or a Fuinjutsu tutor, or was that not the case?"

'Ooh It is about that?, it had almost slipped my mind. Kushina must have already taught Minato Fuinjutsu, so she should be an expert in the Fuinjutsu field.'

"Yes, it was. I had asked for a Fuinjutsu tutor as the prize from my genin rank promotion."

"Good to Know, but why do you want to learn Fuinjutsu?" Kushina asked with her gaze locking onto Renjiro with a mixture of warmth and intensity.

"Because I want to." Renjiro plainly answered.


For a minute there Kushina did not know what to say.

'What is happening? No! This was not supposed to be happening. He was to have a grand reason, then I would somehow discredit it. But he is still a child. What was I expecting?'

Meanwhile, Renjiro just stared back at her, He had thought of ways to bullshit his way out of this but couldn't think of one. Instead of wasting time, he just decided to play dumb.

"Ooh, I almost forgot, how can I claim to be your future Master before Introducing myself, I am Uzumaki Kushina."

"Uzumaki?" Renjiro asked, completely committing to the role.

"Yes, I was born in Uzushiogakure but relocated to Konoha," Kushina's voice momentarily turned sombre at the mention of Uzushio.

"And as a Fuinjutsu Grandmaster, you should be able to learn quite a few things from me."

'A grandmaster huh? She's quite young to be one. But considering that she was partly the reason Minato excelled in Fuinjutsu, it not far-fetched.'

Before he could fully absorb the weight of her words, Kushina's demeanour took a subtle turn. A mischievous glint danced in her eyes, and a sly smile played on her lips.

"Alright, Renjiro," she said.

"But before we dive into the scrolls and seals, let's see just how well you handle a bit of the unexpected. Fuinjutsu is as much about adaptability as it is about precision."

With a swift movement, Kushina retrieved a set of unmarked scrolls from the table.

"Consider this a warm-up," she remarked, extending the scrolls toward him.

'A warm-up to what?' Renjiro Lamented, he had just started working on his Fuinjutsu and now here he was being asked to adapt. Let alone Adapt, he had not yet made one fully functional seal.

"Show me what you can do, and we'll see if you're ready for the real lessons."

Renjiro, though still processing the rapid turns of the conversation, accepted the scrolls with a determined nod.

As he unrolled the first scroll, a complex array of symbols greeted his eyes. Kushina observed with keen interest, her gaze unyielding yet encouraging.

"So, Renjiro, what do you make of this?" she inquired, her voice a steady undercurrent in the room.

"Remember, Fuinjutsu isn't just about the symbols; it's about the intent and the finesse with which you weave them into the fabric of your techniques."

Renjiro's eyes flicked back and forth between the unmarked scrolls and Kushina.

'What does she expect me to do?'

"What's the matter, Renjiro?" Kushina inquired her tone a blend of curiosity and encouragement.

"Is there something on your mind?"

Renjiro, meeting her gaze, admitted, "I... I only know two D-rank techniques when it comes to Fuinjutsu. I haven't even created any seals of my own."

"Only two techniques, huh?"

'This is going to be harder than I expected.'


Bless me with your powerful Power Stones.

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