
Naruto: Mixed Heritage(Rewrite)

Question: How would a Uchiha Uzumaki Hybrid fare in the world of Naruto? Ethan A Computer Science student transmigrates into the body of an orphan named Renjiro in Naruto. He soon realizes that the orphan has Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines. Join Renjiro in his journey as he grows and his quest to become the strongest shinobi! Warning : 1. This is a rewrite of my work Naruto: Mixed Heritage. Key components have been changed. 2. No harem (there might be some romance but don't get your hopes high) 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, not sure if I can do gore right though) What to expect : 1. Lots of training 2. Cause and effect of our Mc's involvement in the plot Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create) Please support me on Patreon: patreon.com/SideCharacter

Sidecharacter1 · Tranh châm biếm
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223 Chs

125- Final Respects(1)

'No. It can't possibly be 'that' Obito. You have already met a lot of people sharing the same name in the clan, so the name is common.' Renjiro tried to console himself.

"Yes, he is very ambitious, he has not yet awakened his Sharingan, but he is already talking about becoming the Hokage. Can you imagine that? The first ever Uchiha Hokage might be my son." Fujioka said proudly puffing his chest.

'It is him!' Renjiro's mind blanked out for a second.

He did not have a concise plan on how he was going to handle such events that were going to happen in future, at least not yet. He was not sure whether he would step in and change certain things or if he would just let things play out.

There was a fear of uncertainty that Renjiro did not want to experience if the current events veered off the plot of the franchise. So he was leaning towards letting this play out as they did in the original story.

'But that is easier said than done. I am not sure if my experiences here will force me to step in. But I guess we will never know until we get there.' Renjiro shrugged.

'I just need to focus on getting stronger as planned. If I become strong enough, things will become easier or at least clearer.'

'Is there something wrong? Did I say something wrong?'

Seeing Renjiro suddenly become silent, Fujioka became alarmed, "Are you Okay Renjiro?"

Hearing Fujioka's voice, Renjiro was immediately brought out of his reverie.

"Ooh, I am fine. It is just that I have heard much of a boy like that from my friends in the academy." Renjiro lied through his teeth, he wasn't even sure what his friends from the academy were doing.

"That's good to hear, I can't wait for the day when my son becomes strong enough to be the Hokage," Fujioka remarked.

'Ooh, he will be,' Renjiro thought, 'I am just not sure whether I would be prepared for that day.'

With that, Renjiro headed back home. It had been a bad start to the day for him as he received the varying yet impactful news from Fujioka.

It was to the extent that Renjiro wasn't in the correct mind state to even continue with his Rasengan training. So he took a break for the rest of the day.


In a chilly, rainy morning in Konoha, the sky was overcast, heavy clouds hanging low as if sharing in the grief of the day.


Raindrops pattered rhythmically against Renjiro's window, a steady rhythm that filled the room with a melancholic feeling. Renjiro got up and stared through his window,

'It seems like the weather is also grieving today.'

Today was the day they would give their final respects to Tobe, Toda, and the other three shinobis who had died while attacking the Kurogane clan settlement.

Renjiro usually wore an all-black shirt and pants, that he had numerous sets of, paired with his green flak jacket. But today, he opted for the only pair of black robes he owned. The robes were not the usual heavy, ceremonial ones. They were light, allowing for comfortable movement, which was something Renjiro always appreciated.

'I am not sure I remember the last time I wore this. Is it the time I wore it during my chunin celebration with the clan?'

As he held up the robes, Renjiro's eyes fell on the prominent Uchiha clan symbol embroidered on the back. The red and white fan stood out against the black fabric. This was a major reason why Renjiro rarely wore the robes.

It wasn't that Renjiro was against his clan, he simply had never felt entirely comfortable displaying the symbol. Wearing it felt like assuming a mantle of responsibility and pride that he wasn't sure he fully embraced. Yet, for today's occasion, it seemed necessary for the occasion.

Renjiro slipped into the robes, noticing with a sigh that they were getting smaller.

'I need to get another set of robes. Is it strange that my body is experiencing a growth spurt when I am only eleven?'

 Renjiro couldn't help but remark with a faint smile. The robes, which had once fit him perfectly, now felt a bit tight across the shoulders and shorter at the sleeves.

After finishing up, Renjiro glanced around his room one last time. He took a deep breath and then stepped out of his home. The rain was a constant drizzle, creating a soft splash underfoot as he walked.

He planned to head to Miwa's place. They had agreed to go together to pay their final respects to their fallen comrades.

Navigating the empty streets of the Uchiha clan, Renjiro felt the weight of the day pressing down on him. The rain continued to fall adding to the somber atmosphere.

The streets were quiet, the usual bustling life muted by the rain and the sombre mood hanging over the clan compound.

Today was not only a sad day for those who had known the deceased Shinobi personally, but it was also a day of collective mourning for the entire Uchiha clan.

The loss of Tobe, Toda, and the others was deeply felt, as they were all capable shinobi who had served their clan and village with honour.

The Uchiha clan had a long-standing tradition of coming together to pay their final respects whenever one of their own was being laid to rest. It didn't matter whether the ties to the deceased were close or distant, the whole clan united in grief and honour.

It was a show of solidarity and respect, a way to celebrate the lives and sacrifices of those who had fallen. While individuals could choose to forgo a public burial if they wished, those who served in the military force had no such option. They were celebrated as heroes.

'It sucks sad that they are no longer here. They treated me like their own little brother. I just hope they get peaceful rest wherever they were.'

It felt surreal that they were gone, and the reality of their absence weighed heavily on him. He knew that today's ceremony was not just a formality but a deeply personal farewell for many.

As he approached Miwa's place, Miwa was already waiting outside, her own expression mirroring the gravity of the day. She also wore similar robes that Renjiro was wearing.

"Morning, Miwa," Renjiro greeted her softly.

"Morning, Renjiro," she replied, her voice tinged with the same sombre tone.

"Ready to go?"

Renjiro nodded, "Yes, let's go."

They didn't spend much time at Miwa's place. As they walked together through the quiet streets.

"Renjiro, are you okay?" Miwa asked, breaking the silence. Her voice was soft, but there was a depth of concern in her tone.

Renjiro sighed, glancing at Miwa. "It would be weird if I was fine, considering two people I considered friends died."

Miwa nodded, her expression sympathetic. "I know. It's just... It's hard to process. I didn't know the five shinobi who died very closely, but I still feel sad for their families. They were robbed of their loved ones."

Renjiro looked down at the wet ground, "Yeah, it's hard. No matter how much we train or how strong we get, losing people never gets easier."

Miwa nodded again, her eyes reflecting the same inner turmoil that Renjiro felt. "It's the price we pay, I suppose. For being shinobi."

They continued their journey in silence, each occupied by their own thoughts.

As they neared the base, the atmosphere grew more charged with the presence of others gathering for the same purpose. Renjiro could see groups of shinobi and clan civilians converging, all sharing the same sense of loss.

They were all heading to the force's base. They were going to converge there for the first step of the send-off.


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