
ninja Academy

the next day...

wake up to check the time screaming out s*** as I hurry to ninja Academy will run I checked my system.


[evolving system]

name: spike

race: human





intelligent:9 (intelligent of a normal person)

strength:4 (strength of a weak person)

agility:3(you are weak as hell)

vitality:2(you are still trash)

chakra control:0(you can not control s***)

chakra:6(how you go be a ninja)

skills: (evolving God level ) information


clicking on the information on my skill evolving.


Evolving God level

you can evolve by training making your body evolve Harding your skin and body.


This is good so if I train I can catch up to the people like Naruto and Sasuke. I am at the academy now walking in the I saw a Jonin Ninja at the front of the gate I asked Jonin for help.


spike: mister ninja can you should me where the test room at.

jonin:the jonin was shocked at how skinny I was. oh yes right there to the left.


walk in the room I saw a lot of people see a chair I sat down on it. After a few hours, everyone seated down we all were given a test paper. look at the paper and back at the teacher I asked him I think you give me the wrong test. The teacher looks at me with a confused face no that was the right test.

the test I was looking at was a kindergarten test.



what 1 added by 2

you have 3 people one leaves how many are there.


in 1 minute I was done I gave the test to the teacher.


teacher: you can go home now


so I left the academy and went home and started training for 30 minutes after those minutes I was tired but I felt my stamina and strength get stronger. this has to my skill evolving that helps me. I go to sleep because i feel tired.

{I think I did well what do you think}