
Chapter 11 Serpents and Clones

The experiment was quite simple, test the Eyes of Azathoth. Using them on mice Naruto was able to slowly learn the limits of his eyes. They required eye contact and depending on what was shown it would have a variety of effects from fear and uncomforting paranoia to mind shattering insanity. The only problem Naruto had was he would view what they did as well. so why did not Naruto go insane. Naruto pondered this much, he felt as if he knew the answer to this question, but he did not. It was confusing to Naruto. Either way Naruto continued to test the eyes against mice. With the ANBU watching him there was little else Naruto could do. Maybe they did not quite understand that they could not hide from Naruto's eyes, not the way they were anyway. It was becoming nerve wrecking being watched day in and day out. All Naruto could test were his eyes as they would not even pay attention to the animals as they lose there mind.

Naruto wondered if he was needlessly taking out his frustrations on the creatures around him, but the constant watching was getting too him. He was looking for some form of mental stimuli and without the Necronomicon he was getting very little. Most of Naruto's free days were spent talking to Xel or visiting Nobutoshi. While his days at the academy were spent playing strategy games against Shikamaru, talking with Choji, Hinata, or rarely Shino, and listening to history he already knew about. It was a good way to pass the time while being watched but as the day would end and he found himself out of things to do all he could do was sleep.

It had been over a year and the ANBU were still there, and Naruto was running out of reading material. Thinking it over Naruto began to think of some way to do something. The ANBU made using the Physical Transformation difficult. They did not know Naruto could see them, and that was helpful to Naruto. Thinking it over Naruto wonders if he is going to be watched until graduation. Would they needlessly waste manpower on such a thing. Even in times of peace. If so then Naruto was going to have to find something to occupy his time with. So he trained. Training his body was something Naruto neglected in favor of training his mind, but it was a good distraction.

Using the chakra control exercise first learned in the Necronomicon Naruto worked on his flexibility. Particularly in the spine. Working such flexibility into a fighting style was difficult. There were no taijutsu experts with Naruto's levels of flexibility at least none Naruto were completely sane. and as such Naruto had to build a fighting style from the ground up. The Style was good for dodging and distracting before, as evident of the one on one fight with Sasuke when it was first used. Though its offensive capabilities were minimal. attempting to work flexible attacks into the fighting style. Naruto notes a new color of sound coming from a nearby tree. Naruto stops his practicing and looks up to the tree. The sound of wood embedding in wood and the short breaks in between were telling. It was wooden sticks being thrown at a tree.

Naruto looked up to see one of he few taijutsu experts who was probably just as flexible as him. Sitting up in a tree eating Dango was the inappropriately dressed, purple haired, and possibly insane Anko Mitarashi. She appeared to be looking at Naruto with varying levels of interest and what seemed to be disgust.

"You're that Naruto kid everyone has been talking about. The one who is supposed to be some super genius who studies and shit, am I right", asks Anko.

"You could say that, I do consider myself an intellectual and have been known to perform a few experiments here an there, usually to pass the time", says Naruto.

Anko gives a short nod.

"Yep, thought so. I heard allot about you kid. You remind me of someone, someone I hate a lot. Hell your whole bendy fighting style reminds me of him even more", says Anko twirling a kunai in her hand.

Naruto flinches at that. When he would wear his hood much could be heard, Anko was a popular subject one that was always talked of like a traitor. It took some deduction and a being in the right place at the right time, but Naruto eventually found out why Anko was treated in such a way, but he didn't like the implications.

"I can respect your opinion of me it is yours to have, but I do not respect you to compare me to such a traitor as Orochimaru", says Naruto.

Immediately after the name is said Naruto finds a Kunai heading for him. Thrown slightly to the side. The kunai passes next to Naruto cutting a small gash in the side of his face. He looks back up to Anko who is glaring at Naruto.

"You know a lot for such a small brat", says Anko.

"When you can just be another face in the croud, you can hear a great deal of information. I have heard allot about you Anko. Very little of it is good, but I was never one to judge people based on rumors", says Naruto.

Anko smirks as she jumps down from the tree.

"Really, so you think you know a lot about me. Alright brat tell me what you have heard", asks Anko leaning against the tree.

"Your name is Anko Mitarashi, special Jonin who's missions usually revolve around Infiltration, Reconnaissance and assassination. Ex student of Orochimaru. You are known for being brash and more than a little eccentric. That's about all I was able to compile. It is not always easy to separate fact from fiction when it comes to rumors", says Naruto.

For the first time Anko smiles.

"Not bad kid, not a lot of information but I'm impressed", says Anko.

Naruto looks at Anko confused for a moment. Wanting to say the words 'You may also be bipolar and insane', but that was probably not a very wise thing to do. As Naruto thought it over in his mind what he was going to ask, considering if it was a smart idea, but truth be told without the Necronomicon he had so few things to do. Naruto took a deep breath.

"Excuse me Anko, I was wondering. Well I have developed my fighting style to revolve around flexibility, while it is good for dodging it is not quite as good for full on offense. I hear your fighting style also uses flexibility but for offence instead. Do you think you could give me a few pointers", says Naruto slowly.

Anko smiles again a smile that makes Naruto have second thoughts.

"You want me to train you", asks Anko.

"What, no no your a Jonin you have much beter things to do than train some academy student. Just a few pointers is all I ask", says Naruto quickly.

Anko walks up to Naruto smile still on her face.

"I'm not doing anything right now, I could train you no problem. Call it a gift", says Anko.

Naruto closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Fine", says Naruto.

He did not notice the roundhouse kick coming to his head. The rest of the day was filled with a torturous training regiment that resulted in three broken ribs, an arm broken in three spots, a fracture in his left shin, and more pain than any eight year old should have to go through. Apparently Anko still saw a lot of Orochimaru in Naruto, but she was good to her word. Somehow showing him how to use attacks in a flexible manner mid battle. It did help in Naruto's fighting style, but it was the single most painful experience in Naruto's young life. If Naruto didn't heal so fast he would be a mess for at least a few months. The main problem was Anko wanted to continue training Naruto. A prospect that Naruto was not exactly happy with, but there were still four years to go until graduation, and until the ANBU leave Naruto was stuck on a state of boredom.

After several days of 'training', Naruto found himself walking to the Hokage's office. Apparently they found a solution to his clone problem. Without being able to see clones, and clones being a requirement for graduation the Hokage was trying to think up some way to help Naruto. At first the idea of earth and water clones was used, only to find that all Naruto say was vaguely humanoid bipedal standing mud men or men made of water. The henge to allow the clones to appear as others was invisible to Naruto's eyes and they were running out of safe ideas.

That was until the Hokage asked several Medic-nin to try and figure out how much Chakra Naruto had. Apparently it was a lot. Now that that was over and done with Naruto waited until he was at the Hokage's office. On his desk was the Scroll of Seals. He looked at Naruto while smoking from his pipe.

"Ah, Naruto I am glad you made it", says the Hokage.

"No problem old man, I got a lot of free time. So what is it you wanted to show me", asks Naruto.

"Well, I have gone over your clone problem, since the elemental clones don't work on you I thought you would have to find some way to pass the academy without even seeing your progress, but I wasn't ready to give up hope. So I asked to see how much chakra you had. You have Kage level reserves. Most likely from the fox", says the Hokage.

"Kurama, the foxes name is Kurama", says Naruto.

The Hokage's eyes widen at that.

"You spoke to the fox", asks the Hokage.

"Yes, Kurama had many stories to tell, he has a very dark sense of humor and is the single most hateful individual I have ever met. That aside he finds me entertaining and is willing to humor me with his stories", says Naruto.

"I. I honestly don't know how to respond to that. In any event I found a solution to your clone problem. I wanted to measure your chakra to see if you could safely do this Jutsu. I will let you learn it, but only if you promise me something", says the Hokage.

"Name it", says Naruto.

"This is a jonin level clone Jutsu, it is called Shadow Clone. It is much like the normal clones, but rather than an illusion it is a physical clone. The details of the clone are written in the scroll. If you promise me to not use it at least until you make Genin or in the event of an emergency. If you promise me that, I will let you read from the scroll, but only that one Jutsu", says the Hokage.

Naruto thinks that over before smiling.

"Hokage-sama, You have my word I will not use it until Genin or in an absolute emergency", says Naruto.

Hiruzen smiles.

"Good, I know you are good to your word, now come here this scroll will let explain everything", says Hiruzen.

Naruto looks at the Scroll for a moment. He reads the scrolls description. He stops before reading a single sentence several times.

"I take memories from my clones, that is going to be really useful", says Naruto.

"Indeed, now then. When you are ready see if you can preform the Jutsu", says Hiruzen.

Naruto looks it over one more time. He stands up and concentrates.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu", says Naruto.

immediately the room is filled with countless clones.

"I may have overdone it", says Naruto.

"Well at least it works", says Hiruzen as he stares wide eyed at the clones around the room.

"It's a little crowded in here, ok everyone dispel", says Naruto.

"No not all at once", screams Hiruzen.

The room is filled with smoke. Hiruzen frantically searches the room.

"What's wrong", asks Naruto.

The smoke clears. Hiruzen looks at Naruto who appears to be unaffected by all the memories.

"Naruto. Do. Are you ok", asks the Hokage with a shocked look on his face.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask"

"Well, usually when dispelling so many clones there is an overload of memories. It can cause anything from a simple headache to brain death", says the Hokage.

Naruto thinks that over for a minute. That was interesting information indeed. perhaps it is linked to why Naruto did not go insane when viewing truth through The Eyes of Azathoth.

"Maybe it has something to do with my intellect", says Naruto.

"No it is something else. I knew of many intelligent ninja who have died using that Jutsu. Either way it is still a very dangerous technique, remember our deal Naruto"

"I'm a man of my word", says Naruto with a bow.

The Hokage smiled and nodded. Naruto left the room thinking over that bit of information. Wondering why it was his mind was seemingly immune to such things. As he thought this over he began thinking on ways he could test it. He promised the old man he would not use the Jutsu, and Naruto was nothing if not a man of his word. He thought over different possibilities.

There had to be one way to test it. Well there was always Ino. No the dangers were to great for both Me and Ino considering my rather unusual mind. perhaps Xel might know, but those thoughts were for another time. Next on the agenda was the study of seals. Then more of Anko's 'training'.