
Naruto: Limitless

When he died, he never thought karma would give him a chance to live again. To live in a world full of so much blood, pain and death but also filled with such kindness, warmth and love. He will strive to protect the ones he cares for because he is Limitless.

Amendar · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 - Naruto is Born

The roar shook Sakumo from his daze, in the distance he could see a demon with nine tails wreaking havoc at the edge of the village. Rushing out of the office with Satoru in his arms, he met the rest of his family already waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs with worried looks on their faces.

"Is Sa-chan okay, what happened?" Aoi spoke in a very concerned tone while checking over her baby.

"He's fine, the sudden surge of chakra and killing intent just overloaded his senses, he's only unconscious. The problem is the source of the chakra and killing intent, the Kyuubi is somehow loose in the village." With a grim voice Sakumo explained the current situation.

"Aoi, we need to go and help confront the beast. Kakashi, you take your brother and evacuate with the rest of the villagers." With a military-like quality Sakumo gave out his orders.

"No, Father I'll go with you and we ca-." Before he could finish speaking, the kind but firm voice of his mother cut him off.

"Kakashi, listen to your father and protect your brother." Hearing his mother say his full name in such a serious manner brought him back to reality.

"Okay... I promise I will protect him." Releasing his clench fists he took his little brother from his father and swore nothing will harm him.

"Good, now go Ku-chan, we don't have much time." With a motherly smile she patted each of her babies on the head and sent them away.

Kakashi gave a quick nod to both his parents before quickly leaving with his brother held tightly to his chest. Stopping at the door he said one last thing before he disappeared into the night. "Be safe, Sa-chan still needs you, both of you."

"Fufufu Ku-chan is such a tsundere." With a little laugh, Aoi spoke proudly.

The two remaining in the house grabbed all their needed gear, got dressed and met in the living room once again. Looking into each other's eyes and seeing the deep love and affection the two enjoyed the silent feelings.

"Alright, are you ready to fight after so long Bloody Mist Aoi?" A brief moment of silence passed before Sakumo asked his wife in her old moniker.

"Definitely, just make sure you don't slow me down White Fang-kun." With a predatory gleam filling her eyes and barely concealed bloodlust radiating from her smile Aoi flickered toward the battlefield.

"Hahaha okay, let's go." Sakumo chuckled and with a small shake of his head he followed his wife to once again confront the enemy.

================================ 3 Hours Earlier ================================

In a secret room located just outside the village, a nervous but excited atmosphere permeated the air. A red-haired soon-to-be mother laid down on a strange stone bed while her husband nervously paced back and forth.

"Dear, you're going to wear out the floor if you keep pacing like that." Kushina reprimanded her husband for being so panicked.

"I know, I know I just can't stay still." with a wry grin Minato leaned against the wall to stop himself from walking back and forth.

"Finally, you were making Kushina more nervous, just be a man and stay still for god's sake." Biwako's sharp words elicited a giggle from Kushina who seemed to relax a little.

"You could tell huh I was trying to hide it." Kushina spoke with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

Shaking her head, Biwako spoke, trying to calm her down some more. " Kushina, your nails are almost going through your palms. You're not fooling anyone. Every mother is nervous when giving birth, I should know I have done it twice. What you're feeling is perfectly natural, it will be hard, and it will hurt, but when you hold your child in your arms for the first time it will all be worth it."

" Hahaha, I guess it's true, my friend said the same thing." Kushina gave a small laugh at what Biwako just said.

"Besides you have my lucky bracelet my husband gave me. I have worn it through both my pregnancies, and they each went very smoothly." pointing out her good luck charm Biwako finally saw most of the excess nervousness leave Kushina.

" Lady Biwako, it's time." The midwife announced the time for the delivery was at hand and everyone got ready.

Time ticked away as screams could be heard coming from the hidden room until there was silence. However, the sound of a baby's cry interrupted the short-lived calm.

Hearing the cry Kushina gathered her breath and opened her eyes while tears of happiness streamed down her face.

"He's born. Hahaha I'm a father now." Minato stood wide eyed and stunned looking at their newborn son until like his wife he was also shedding tears of joy.

"He's a healthy baby boy congratulations." Biwako carried the baby right past Minato and brought him to his mother, laying him next to her ignoring the look of dejection on Minato's face. " The mother sees him first *hmph*."

"Naruto... I finally get to see you." Staring at him with unconcealed love, Kushina took in all his details.

'The same blond hair as his father, he definitely gets his voice from me and cute little whisker marks on both his cheeks.' Happy thoughts about her son filled her mind.

"You will have plenty of time later. there, there, don't cry." Taking Naruto away to finish cleaning him up, she gave the couple a few minutes to talk.

"Kushina, how are you feeling?" Looking down at his exhausted wife Minato asked with care in his voice.

"I'm alright." The happy smile that could not leave Kushina's face made Minato appreciate her all the more.

"Thank you." Minato could only muster two words, but they were packed with feeling from the bottom of his heart.

"All right! I know you've gone through childbirth, but I'm going to completely seal the Kyuubi!" After driving his fist into his palm to sike himself up he placed his hand on the seal and the other on his wrist to hold it secure. Before he could begin the sound of screams filled the air startling him, looking over at the source he saw two bodies fall lifelessly to the ground, and a strange man wearing a mask was holding his infant son.

"Lady Biwako! Taji!" Calling out, he was interrupted by a deep uncaring voice.

"Yellow Flash Minato, move away from the Jinchuriki. Otherwise, this child's life will end in one minute." The masked man threatened while holding his hand over the head of a crying Naruto.

A terrified look appeared on Minato's face as many thoughts plagued his mind. Right as he was planning to move the seal began to partially erupt, causing Kushina to cry out in pain. He was extremely worried, but a kunai appeared in the masked man's hand pointed toward Naruto.

"Wait, calm down!" Things were happening too fast, and Minato was being overwhelmed by the second.

"If you won't move, I will make you." The masked man lost patience and threw Naruto into the air. He leaped at him, stabbing the kunai closer and closer to the innocent child.

"NARUTO!" Kushina's scream tore through the air, braking Minato out of his stupor, before the kunai could reach, he flashed through the air grabbing his son, securing him tightly in his arms.

"I'll hand it to you Yellow Flash, you are fast, but I wonder what you'll do now?" The sounds of paper bombs igniting forced Minato to tear the blanket away from Naruto, before the explosion could engulf them, he flashed away to one of his emergency marked locations.

Minato looked over his son making sure he was okay before taking a breath and quickly sinking into his thoughts. ' That was planned out down to the smallest detail, he wanted to separate us. His target was Kushina from the beginning, and he succeeded. I need to hurry' before any more time passed, he flashed to their home and tucked Naruto in his bed.

"You'll be nice and safe here, just hold on awhile Naruto. I have to go save your mother." With a soothing voice he spoke to his son, softly brushing his hair to calm him down. After a final gentle glance, a steely look of determination took its place before he flashed to his wife.

When he reappeared, the sight of the Kyuubi's claws filled his vision. Before the claw could flatten them, he threw a marked kunai into a distant tree while carefully picking up Kushina. Flashing away an instant before the impact, the two escaped death.

"Minato...What about Naruto... is he safe?" In her husband's arms Kushina spoke through labored breaths drenched in sweat while pain coursed through her body.

"Yes, he's okay, and he is in a safe place right now." Minato assured Kushina, seeing the relief on his wife's face, he finally breathed a small sigh he didn't even know he was holding.

"Minato... you must stop that man... He plans to use the Kyuubi... To destroy the village." In a worried tone she warned Minato of the goal that the masked man was planning.

Minato gave the devil behind the mask one last icy, hatred filled glare before flashing back home with Kushina.

Reappearing in their home, Minato gently set Kushina down beside their sleeping son.

"Minato... Naruto." She weakly called out to her husband while lightly placing her hand on Naruto's chest. Bringing her forehead softly against his, she stroked his hair carefully not to wake him up. Feeling the warmth coming from her son Kushina began to shed silent tears.

"It will be okay." Seeing the tears stream down Kushina's face Minato's eyes misted over. He gritted his teeth and clench his fists until his nails dug into his palms.

Minato turned around and opened his closet, grabbing the gear that had gathered only a little dust since the last war, he began to equip himself. Solemnly holding his slightly scratched forehead protector in place he wrapped it around his head and pulled it tight.

"Minato... Good luck." Seeing her husband ready to head into battle she weakly cheered him on.

Minato gave Kushina and Naruto one final love filled look before flashing away.

So not only are the MC's father and brother great ninja, his mom is one hell of a kunoichi as well. The birth of Naruto is a joyous occasion, but someone seems to want to put a damper on things. Next chapter we finally see the main fight between Minato and this masked man.

Amendarcreators' thoughts