Masayashi Imu was reincarnated in the naruto world. when he was 5 years old, He had a dream where he met something fairly similar. It was the big blue beast Kyorge!!! With Kyorge granting powers, can Imu finnaly become something greater?
It been 5 years since I reincarnated here.
I used to be Alex but now my name is Massayashi Imu. I was born into a civilian family in the land of Konoha. Next year I will be allowed to enter the academy and train to become a ninja. According to my information, I'm about the same age as Obito and I'm 3 years older than Kakashi.
I have been training my skills but haven't had any growth due to lack of equipment. Why wasn't I reincarnated with some Op ability!
I'm right now training in the forest gaining more speed and stamina. Unlike humans back on earth, kids in the Naruto Verse can have Superhuman abilities. Mostly from those with Clans but at least it something.
After finishing my daily routine, I lay down thinking about my time I spent in this world. To be honest, if i could become a Jonin, find a cute girl and marry her, My life will be complete. Also, if i could, I would want to be rich and live in a big mansion.
As i was thinking about this, I drifted to sleep.
My eyes opened. All i could see was water for miles to come. I couldn't see very far as it was very dark. I tried to hold my breath but soon realized that wasn't a problem. I was breathing underwater!
I soon realized that wouldn't be the biggest of my problems.I was floating in endless water when two red eyes appeared in front of me. I would have shit my pants if I could. As the creature began to come closer to me, I soon recognized the creature floating before me.
It was the Sea God of the Weather trio from Hoenn, Kyorge!!!
It looked way bigger than I could ever imagine. No wonder he was called a legendary as one with this much power can shape the earth as I know it!!
" I am the great beast named Kyorge", the creature said rather slow.
" You have a great future ahead of you', Kyorge bellowed.
I woke up immediately after that statement. I looked around. It was midnight and I was still in the same spot I took a nap in.
"Was that a dream"?, I said rather sad.
("It wasn't a dream Human")
(A note: Should I do another symbol to symbolize Kyorge speaking in his mind?)
I jumped back thinking there was someone near me.
("I'm in your mind, fool")
'Oh OK, what are you doing there anyway', I said.
(" When you reincarnated here, God transported me inside you and I been dormant for years. God transferred all my abilities in the form of chakra and Techniques. It seems I also was re made to fit the Image of a "Tail Beast", in this world. Considering you're my vessel, You get a buffed version of Water , Lightning, and Ice release as those are my signature abilities. You also get a large amount of chakra" )
I was shocked by this. This is the buff I need in order to get great. Yeah I dont know have good chakra control so ill have to start with basic and small techiques before going up to to the big ones.