
Naruto Just Wants to Be a Shinigami

Naruto's Diary: March 15th, Year 63 of the Hidden Leaf: I think I died. [crossed out] I think I died but then came back to life. March 16th, Year 63 of the Hidden Leaf: I’d rather have stayed dead. April 1st, Year 63 of the Hidden Leaf: The Soul Society isn’t the afterlife from my world. My parents aren’t here! July, Year 63 of the Hidden Leaf: Who wants to be Hokage? Even a dog wouldn’t want to be one. The Leaf Village is boring. I’m going to be a Soul Reaper and find out where our world’s "Soul Society" is. I need to find my mom and dad. Years Later… The Head of the Gotei 13, Commander-in-Chief, the First Soul Reaper, and the Jinchuriki of the Ten-Tails—Naruto Uzumaki—raised his sword. "The world needs a better order." TL Note - This is a Translation Raw Name - 鸣人只想做死神 Original Author - 文抄公 Translation Rate - 2 Chapters/Day Do let me know any errors in the chapter comments, and rate and review if you liked it :) If you wish to tip - patreon.com/geriatricvibes. Your support would help.

Geriatric_Vibes · Tranh châm biếm
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122 Chs

Chapter 102: Surveillance and Restraint

He wasn't imprisoned, but his activities were restricted to within the quarters of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

The scenery here was indeed beautiful, and the quality of life wasn't bad either.

However, ever since he was "invited" out that day, he hadn't received any information regarding himself.

How would the Seireitei decide his fate?

Could it possibly be as Shiba Kaien had suggested?

Such worries left him anxious.

Standing on the bridge, gazing into the distance, the wind blew over the lake's surface, causing ripples.

Ginjo Kugo was vexed. Had he not come to the Soul Society out of a favorable impression of Captain Uzumaki, and attempted to escape directly, would it have been better?

He turned his head, looking at the Third Seat accompanying him, and asked a question, "How strong are the captains?"

The Third Seat was taken aback, a little puzzled as to why he abruptly asked such a question, but he answered honestly, "In the past few days, we've introduced you to the fact that a Shinigami's Zanpakuto has two forms of release."

"Those who master Shikai can serve as seated officers."

"To become a captain, one must master Bankai."

As the Third Seat spoke, a fish darted through the lake, giving him an idea, "If I were to make an analogy."

"From seated officers to vice-captains, they are all fish in the lake, just differing in size."

Ginjo Kugo mused over this.

Captains were simply Shinigami who had mastered an additional form of release.

So, were captains just larger fish?

The Third Seat's slow-paced words reached him after this thought formed, "But captains, they are the entire lake."

Ginjo Kugo's eyes widened.

Not fish, but the lake?

Was it that exaggerated?

It was just an additional form of release.

This was practically a "transition" in life form.

"Is Captain Uzumaki really that strong?" he asked instinctively, his voice filled with surprise.

The Third Seat glanced at him and shook his head, "You're talking about Captain Uzumaki, right? Captain Uzumaki is different."

"If we said a captain is like a lake, after achieving Bankai, he's five to ten times stronger."

Ginjo Kugo raised an eyebrow.

"Wait a minute!"

"Describing the captain as a lake, didn't they even consider their Bankai form?"

The third seat continued, "But Captain Uzumaki can subdue a captain, even in their Bankai form, with just his Shikai."

"He's one of the strongest among the captains."

Ginjo Kugo felt a chill run down his spine.

He suddenly felt relieved.

"Running away" had only been a thought, and not something he truly acted on.

Even if he hadn't been injured at the time, there was no hope of escape.

Attempting such a move would have gotten him killed on the spot.

While he was lost in thought, a figure appeared beside him with Shunpo.

The slight ripple of spiritual pressure startled him, making him tense as he turned his head.

It was Kaien Shiba's face.

This made him relax somewhat.

"Captain Ukitake and Captain Naruto request your presence," Kaien Shiba spoke, his voice serious. "It seems they have reached a decision regarding your situation."

Ginjo Kugo straightened up: "Yes!"

Following behind Kaien, he glanced at the lake.

He felt like the smallest fish in the lake.

Inside the captain's office, Jushiro Ukitake frowned, "I still think it might be better not to tell him about it."

"He won't be able to discover it on his own."

"Moreover, not telling him the truth might help us build a better friendship with him."

Naruto shook his head, "Hiding things is what truly destroys friendships."

He thought of his past.

Wasn't his reluctance to forgive Konoha rooted in "deception"?

He had experienced it and knew all too well how much pain and damage it could cause once such things were exposed.

Jushiro Ukitake seemed like he wanted to add something.

"Please trust me, Captain Ukitake," Naruto turned to look at him, wearing a bright smile.

Captain Ukitake nodded; it was impossible for him to refuse such a smile.

The door was pushed open.

Kaien Shiba entered with Ginjo Kugo in tow.

It was the room they had been in before.

But this time, Ginjo Kugo was even more nervous than before.

"The decision of the Seireitei regarding your case has been made," Naruto began, having suggested they be upfront about the situation; it was only natural for him to lead this conversation. "Over the past couple of days, we've enacted a new policy concerning 'Substitute Shinigami'."

"We acknowledge your possession of Shinigami powers within a human body and permit you to operate as a Shinigami in the human world."

Ginjo Kugo's tense body slightly relaxed.

He was being recognized?

What a relief.

"However," Naruto continued, producing a pentagonal object and handing it to Ginjo Kugo, "you need to carry this with you."

"It's an item hastily developed by the Twelfth Division."

"You can call it a 'Substitute Shinigami Badge'."

"When you encounter any Shinigami in the human world, showing this will prove your status as a Substitute Shinigami."

Ginjo Kugo received it respectfully, "Thank you."

Before he could continue, Naruto waved his hand to interrupt, "Hear me out completely before you decide to thank me."

"This object does more than just confirm your status as a Substitute Shinigami."

"It has two other functions."

Ginjo Kugo paused, feeling the warmth of the object in his hand, almost as if it were hot.

"Rest assured, the surveillance doesn't mean we'll monitor your every move," Naruto explained to him, "it's merely to oversee your spiritual pressure activities."

"After all, you are a human wielding the powers of a Shinigami."

"And Shinigami exist to maintain stability across the three realms, so it's necessary to have a general idea of your activities."

"To prevent any unexpected occurrences."

Ginjo Kugo's expression softened slightly, "And what does 'restriction' mean?"

"Does it mean I can only live in Karakura Town from now on?"

Naruto shook his head, "Restriction refers to the limitation of power."

Ginjo Kugo furrowed his brow.


Are they stopping him from becoming stronger?

"This doesn't affect you much now," Naruto continued, "but once your strength reaches a certain level, it will take effect."

"It's not personal."

"Too much spiritual pressure can significantly impact the living world, so typically, when captains and vice-captains go to the living world, their spiritual pressure is restricted."

"So when your abilities, Ginjo, reach the level of a vice-captain or even a captain, these restraints will come into effect. It's a protection for the living world."

Protecting the living world.

This reason was strong and convincing, allowing him to fully accept it.

Ginjo Kugo's furrowed brow relaxed as he considered something, suddenly asking, "So the day I saw Captain Uzumaki, was your strength also restricted?"

"Of course," Naruto nodded.

Ginjo leaned forward cautiously, "May I ask, how much was it restricted by?"

"Eighty percent," Naruto answered.

Ginjo recalled the devastating death of that serpentine Hollow.

The strength that Captain Uzumaki displayed then...was only one-fifth of his true power?

"When you have the strength of a captain or vice-captain, the restrictions will be the same for you as they are for us," Naruto thought Ginjo was concerned about this. "And this rule isn't targeting you specifically."

Ginjo held the substitute badge in his hand and looked down.

On its front was painted a skull.

In his perception, it was just an ordinary wooden plaque.

"These things...Captain Uzumaki didn't have to tell me," he thought for a moment and then asked, "I couldn't detect them with my ability."

"Why did you tell me?"

Naruto replied seriously, "Even though you gained the power of the Death God by accident,"

"obtaining it comes with corresponding rights, responsibilities, and restrictions."

"I can't let you bear the responsibilities while hiding what the restrictions are from you."

"So, will you accept this duty?"

The remaining two people in the room held their breaths, watching intently.

Staring at the black-haired man in front of Naruto.

After revealing all the downsides, would he accept it?

Ginjo tightly held the substitute badge, his expression serious, almost without hesitation, "Thank you, Captain Uzumaki."

"I will fulfill the duties of the Substitute Shinigami well!"

Although this "monitoring" and "restraint" sounds somewhat uncomfortable, the reasoning behind it is compelling.

Most importantly, nothing is being concealed from me.

Despite being so much stronger than I am, they still respect my thoughts and opinions.

Being teammates with a person like this, what is there to object to?

In fact, because everything was laid out in the open, it made him feel a rare sense of security.

Ukitake Jushiro's expression shifted.

He really agreed to it.

And his tone didn't show much resistance.

He stared at the blonde figure's back.

Could sincerity be met with sincerity in return?

"When the Thirteen Court Guard Squads send over new Shinigami, you can engage with him more," Naruto said with a gentle smile, "He'll teach you some basic Shinigami abilities."

"Your tactics that day were outstanding."

"But with your spiritual pressure, you shouldn't have struggled so much against that Hollow."

"There is still plenty of room for improvement in your sword skills and Shunpo."

Ginjo Kugo accepted the advice.

Shiba Kaien led him to complete the follow-up procedures.

After some more conversation with Ukitake, Naruto took his leave.

Before leaving the spiritual realm, Ginjo Kugo specifically visited Squad Seven to thank Naruto and inquire about his preferences. He promised to bring some gifts when he returned next time.

The appearance of a Substitute Shinigami has sparked some unexpected changes in the Seireitei.

Strange things from the real world have started appearing in the corners of various squad quarters.

Naruto wasn't too interested in these, as the ninja world had similar things.

He focused on the study of techniques.

Occasionally sparring with Kenpachi Zaraki, infusing new vitality into the seed within him.

However, someone was growing increasingly restless in these leisurely days.

One day, the window of the Seventh Squad Captain's office was kicked open as a small figure burst in.

"Why doesn't Captain Soi-Fong use the front door for her visits?" Naruto looked towards the window.

Soi-Fong was certainly more restrained than Kenpachi Zaraki.

At the very least, the windows remained intact.

(End of Chapter)

TL Note - Read up to 50+ chapters ahead for some really good novels (according to my taste, which is good) and other perks on my Patreon - patreon.com/geriatricvibes. Thanks a lot for the support

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