
Naruto Just Wants to Be a Shinigami

Naruto's Diary: March 15th, Year 63 of the Hidden Leaf: I think I died. [crossed out] I think I died but then came back to life. March 16th, Year 63 of the Hidden Leaf: I’d rather have stayed dead. April 1st, Year 63 of the Hidden Leaf: The Soul Society isn’t the afterlife from my world. My parents aren’t here! July, Year 63 of the Hidden Leaf: Who wants to be Hokage? Even a dog wouldn’t want to be one. The Leaf Village is boring. I’m going to be a Soul Reaper and find out where our world’s "Soul Society" is. I need to find my mom and dad. Years Later… The Head of the Gotei 13, Commander-in-Chief, the First Soul Reaper, and the Jinchuriki of the Ten-Tails—Naruto Uzumaki—raised his sword. "The world needs a better order." TL Note - This is a Translation Raw Name - 鸣人只想做死神 Original Author - 文抄公 Translation Rate - 2 Chapters/Day Do let me know any errors in the chapter comments, and rate and review if you liked it :) If you wish to tip - patreon.com/geriatricvibes. Your support would help.

Geriatric_Vibes · Tranh châm biếm
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122 Chs

Chapter 100: So This is Captain Uzumaki!

As everyone knows, the captain of the Thirteen Division is someone who rarely steps outside.

As he spoke, he activated Kagura's Mind Eye.

Ukitake Jushiro shook his head, "I am Ukitake Jushiro."

Although he wasn't present that day, Shunsui and Naruto relayed the events to him afterward.

He understood part of Naruto's astonishment came from this.

Intentionally, he began, emphasizing his identity.

The emotions fed back were genuine, making Naruto smile, "It would've been simpler if Brother Kaien had just called me over."

"I have a favor to ask of you," Ukitake Jushiro shook his head. "It would be terribly rude to have Kaien summon you here for something like this."

"My health may be poor, but it hasn't deteriorated to the point where I can't move," he said, coughing lightly into his hand. "It's still best to visit you in person."

Naruto helped him to a seat, "What's the matter, so severe that you needed to come personally, Captain Ukitake?"

"A Death God dispatched to a high-spirituality area in the human world has been out of contact for nearly half a year," Ukitake Jushiro's face was grave. "If it were merely that, we would just treat it as a regular disappearance."

Deployment to the human world is one of the most dangerous tasks for the Thirteen Court Guard Divisions.

Skill levels do play a role, yet the primary issue is truly being 'isolated and unsupported'.

Each region has only one Death God, fighting alone. Should an intelligent Hollow seize an opportunity with strategy or have enough power to block spiritual transmission, preventing them from seeking help from the Soul Society, the outcome for the Death God is almost certainly fatal."

Thus, Death Gods stationed in the world are rotated; replacements happen every ten to twenty years, more frequently in high-spirituality areas.

This ensures the safety of division members and provides the latest world assessments."

Even so, each year, Death Gods go missing and invariably meet their demise in battle."

The Thirteen Division is accustomed to such occurrences.

"But this incident differs from the usual," Ukitake Jushiro continued," though the Death God is out of contact, reports from the Twelfth Division indicate that souls are still being buried and Hollows are being purged from the area."

"The Death God appears to be carrying out their duties regularly."

Naruto was taken aback.

"Now, there are two possibilities," Ukitake Jushiro sighed, "One is that the reaper is alive but is purposely avoiding contact with the Soul Society..."

"On this note," he paused, carefully enunciating two words, "defection."

In the Soul Society, when service time is too long or the age is too advanced, there is a notion of 'retirement,' but this does not equate to 'leaving the squad.' 'Retirement' means that a Death God relinquishes their officer position, turns over their Zanpakutō for sealing, and no longer handles duties. They can live freely within Seireitei, but remain under the jurisdiction of their original squad, ready to be mobilized if necessary.

The key points are 'turning over the Zanpakutō' and 'within Seireitei.'

Living under the watch of the 13 Court Guard Squads.

It is impossible to 'leave the squad' and depart Seireitei.

Such actions are uniformly regarded as 'defection.'

"But he's still carrying out the duties of a Death God." Naruto contemplated, "Slaying Hollows and performing soul funerals. That doesn't resemble something a defector would do."

Defecting Death Gods usually wish to erase all trace of their presence, avoiding actions that would attract attention from Seireitei.

Ukitake Jushiro nodded slightly, "That's exactly our concern."

"I believe there may be some misunderstanding in this."

"If we were to dispatch the Second or Ninth Squad, it would seem too formal."

"There are already burdensome tasks in the Thirteenth Squad, and it is difficult for Kaien to free himself."

"So, I have to turn to you, Naruto. If it's you, you can certainly manage this situation."

Naruto nodded, accepting the task, "No problem."

"Which area in the human world is it?"

Ukitake Jushiro spoke softly, "It's a place called 'Karakura Town.'"

The human world, Karakura Town.

This is a spiritually significant area, renowned even within the Soul Society, under the critical surveillance of the Twelfth Squad.

The birth of Hollows here is significantly more frequent and powerful compared to other places.

In the city's alleys.

A Hollow, resembling a monkey, crawled through the alleys, pursuing a Shinigami who fled ahead.

"Why are you running?" The Hollow sneered, its voice wild.

"Weren't you courageous just moments ago when you drew your sword against me?"

"Why now"

"are you scurrying away like a little mouse?"

"Is this what a Death God is like?"

The fleeing Death God did not respond. He staggered and stumbled, rushing towards a nearby alley in a desperate attempt to escape.

The Hollow followed closely behind.

At the end of the alley, a high wall loomed, blocking the path.

A Hollow with a monkey-like appearance clung to a wooden utility pole. Its hollow eyes gleamed with greed. "How unfortunate, the path is blocked. It seems you have no way out, Death God."

"Such painstaking effort..."

"But fate has decreed that you become my meal."

As it spoke, the Hollow lunged from above towards the Death God.

The Death God raised his blade to defend himself, but his stance was ordinary, clearly untrained. After several exchanges, he was evidently on the losing side.

"Still struggling?" The Hollow, in control of the battle, grew more arrogant, its voice increasingly insolent. "This is fate!"

"Accept your destiny!"

"You are destined to be my food—"

Its words were abruptly cut short.

"Sometimes feigning weakness to your enemy is not due to weakness itself."

"It is a tactical ploy."

"For instance, right now, you have fallen into my trap."

The Hollow, with its monkey-like features, was stunned.

A trap?

Was there another Death God lying in ambush?

Yet, it sensed no other spiritual pressure nearby.

In that moment of distraction.

The Death God in front of it removed the necklace from around his neck. It was a cross-shaped ornament.

Power twisted upon it.

In an instant, it transformed into a large sword, closing the gap of less than three strides between them and swiftly piercing through the Hollow's throat before it could react.

The Hollow, with its monkey-like visage, stared at him in disbelief.

"Another sword?"

"When did a second sword appear!"

"And why did it release from the necklace? Could this be the Shinigami's Shikai?"

The man dropped the second sword he held earlier, grasping the hilt with both hands, gritting his teeth to deliver a horizontal slash that decisively vanquished the Hollow.

Watching as the spirit particles slowly faded away, he breathed a sigh of relief, grimacing as he touched his wound.

"That was truly a troublesome enemy. If I hadn't purposely lured it into this narrow space, engaging it in close combat and successfully using the second sword to ambush it, I would've been done for beneath its claws."

He moved forward, intending to leave, but a voice suddenly echoed in his ear. "A clever tactic indeed." It was a gentle, lightly spoken voice, but in the silent, confined alley, it was unmistakably clear.


"What is the deal with your second sword? That doesn't seem to be the power of a Shinigami."

The man froze, his body going rigid.

Unbelievable, he turned back slowly, astonishment evident on his face. Was there someone here? When did they arrive? When he entered the alley, he had specifically used his spirit energy to confirm no one else was present.

The first thing he noticed was a head of blonde hair. Over the traditional black Shinigami outfit, the figure wore a white haori.

Although not very tall, only about a meter and sixty, he stood atop the high wall, gazing down at him.

Even if visible to the naked eye, within the senses of the spirit, he still did not exist.

No doubt, since the man had entered the alley, this figure had been silently observing his battle with the Hollow.

Despite his small stature, he exerted tremendous pressure.

"Who are you?" the man asked nervously, swallowing hard.

"You've gained the power of a Death God," Naruto said, leaping down from the high wall and slowly walking towards him. "Don't you know what my appearance signifies?"

The man shook his head.

"It seems you know nothing about the Death Gods. How did you acquire this power?" Naruto looked up at him.

The man had black hair and rugged features.

A cross necklace dangled around his neck, restored to its original state.

"I inherited it from an older man," he replied stiffly, lowering his head but not daring to meet the gaze of the blond youth.

Naruto waved his hand gently, "No need to be so nervous."

"Please explain the details more clearly; I have plenty of time to listen to your story."

The man took a deep breath and nodded his head.

At Naruto's encouragement, he began from the very beginning — his childhood.

From a young age, he possessed the ability of 'spiritual sight,' although back then, he could only vaguely see the shadows of souls. As he grew older, his vision became clearer. Occasionally, he also saw grotesque creatures, those monsters called 'Hollows.'

A few years ago, he encountered a man dressed in black Death God attire fighting Hollows in the city, and he stepped in to help. Over time, the two became acquainted. The bond was unexpectedly forged one day half a year ago.

They faced a very powerful Hollow, and the Death God was defeated. Before dying, he transferred his Death God powers to the black-haired man, allowing him to defeat the Hollow and gain not only the powers but also the sword of the Death God.

"Is that so?" Naruto nodded thoughtfully.

The black-haired man stood nervously.

He now had some guesses about the blond youth before him, likely the 'Captain' the Death God had spoken of.

Although he seemed gentle, when speaking to him, one could feel the unparalleled dominance emanating involuntarily from him.

His voice was weak, "Everything I said is true; I just have no way to prove it."

"I know you're telling the truth," Naruto grinned at him, "I can tell."

"By the way, I didn't catch your name."

The man stood at attention and reported loudly, "Ginjo Kugo!"

"My name is Ginjo Kugo!"

(End of Chapter)

TL Note - Read up to 50+ chapters ahead for some really good novels (according to my taste, which is good) and other perks on my Patreon - patreon.com/geriatricvibes. Thanks a lot for the support

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