
NARUTO : jujutsu template system

currently being rewritten. check my profile After being thrown tens of meters away by Truck-kun, I found myself in a completely dark area, surrounded by constellations I had never seen before. They said I died when I shouldn't have, disrupting the timeline. They said that to fix the mistake, they had to throw me out of the reincarnation cycle and reactivate a timeline without me. Since I could no longer live in this universe's timeline, I learned that they rewarded me with the chance to be resurrected by preserving my memories in a new universe. There were two big Wheels of Fortune in front of me When I spun the first wheel of fortune, I learned that the universe in which I would be resurrected was the Naruto universe, but that wasn't enough to deter me. According to what he said about the constellations, by spinning the second wheel of fortune, I would get one of the biggest tricks in the world of Naruto. When I spun the two wheels of fortune, I saw that what appeared was a jujutsu template system. While I was about to ask the constellations why I didn't get a gift related to the Naruto universe, my consciousness turned off and I found myself in the body of a baby. -------------- Small note: In the timeline I based on while writing FF, Naruto is born 65 years after Konoha was founded. source(tumbler - belive it ) note 1: the main character is a bit stupid and has mental problems but he doesn't realize it Join my patreon for support me or check my contract work patreon /OLD_storage

OLD_storage · Tranh châm biếm
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Danzo and the two ninjas arrived at the center of the root organization after about half an hour of walking.

When Danzo told his two root ninjas to stand at attention, the ninjas knelt down at the same time and then disappeared with the Body Flicker Technique.

Danzo opened the huge door in front of him and entered and encountered dozens of scientists in white coats running from side to side.

When the scientists heard the sound of the door opening, they looked to see who the person was and then they all kneeled down and showed their respect.

Danzo called an old man who seemed to be the leader of the scientists and handed him the blood he had taken from his son.

A few minutes later, all the scientists were gathered around a large table and looking at the objects in the middle of the table.

The old scientist, who looked like the leader of the scientists, injected some of the black liquid filled into the syringe in his hand into the injured bird in front of him.

Before moving on to this stage, scientists performed many tests on this blood drop and discovered that the cells forming this blood drop had a very strong healing ability.

By combining the small piece of blood remaining from the tests with a suitable solution, they moved on to the second stage of the tests, which was the trial on living creatures.

The experiment had begun while several young scientists were writing down word for word what the old man, the leader of the scientists, said.

The bird lying on the table had a large wound on its chest and was still bleeding. The old scientist stuck the syringe in his hand between the bird's wings and injected a small amount of the liquid in the syringe into the bird.

He lifted the bird into which the unknown liquid was injected and placed it in a glass cage. All the scientists around were trying to see the results of the experiment first-hand, even by crushing each other.

After a few seconds, the wound on the bird's body began to heal rapidly, and the bird, which had been lying motionless for a long time, suddenly stood up and started hitting itself against the walls of the glass cage.

The scientists' watchful eyes caught a glimpse of the bird's rapidly healing body, and the process was completed after about 10 seconds.

The little bird was completely healed with a tiny drop of Eren's blood, one thousandth of it.

Scientists were quickly taking notes, exclaiming that this was a miracle

After a while, all the other scientists became silent with the sound of the old scientist hitting his hand on the table.

The scientists turned their attention to the bird inside the glass cage and saw that the skin where the bird's healing wound was was a different color than the skin on the rest of its body.

After about a few hours, the bird's entire skin was dyed a much blacker color than before. Scientists were writing down everything that happened in the experiment and handing it over to the ninjas working under Danzo's command.

Danzo was sitting on his throne, reading the test papers in his hand one after another and throwing them in a corner. When the mess got too messy, a small wind current formed next to the throne and collected all the garbage. This was probably because even the person responsible for keeping this room clean was a high-level ninja.

As a few more hours passed and the sun was about to rise again, other changes began to occur on the bird.

A few more wings grew from the bird's back and a second head grew. As time passed, the shape of the bird was distorted and it became larger and larger.

The growing bird's body could no longer fit in the glass cage and the glass cage burst open. The bird that came out of the glass cage took action to attack its surroundings, but at that moment, 3 different ninjas went to three sides of the bird, created several seals with their hands, and fixed the bird in place with a strange technique.

A few hours later, the mutant bird was brought to the throne room and was forced to undergo some tests regarding its strength.

When the tests were completed, it was discovered that this simple common bird had the same power as a chunin.

Danzo ordered the rest of the blood he took from his son to be put into storage.

Scientists went to the place where there was blood to fulfill the order. While they took action to remove the remaining blood from the machine, which was responsible for constantly monitoring this blood drop and recording some data, they saw that the blood drop had completely lost its vitality a few minutes ago, according to the data measured in the machine.

When they took the test tube out of the machine, they saw that there was a black liquid in it. They wanted to fill the black liquid into a new test tube and put it in storage, but when they opened the lid of the test tube, they learned that the thing inside was not liquid but black smoke, but it was too late and the black smoke inside the sound tube dispersed in the air and disappeared.

A few minutes later, Danzo frowned as he read the report and went to the room where the blood was stored.

A team of ninjas, led by a ninja who was obviously from the Hyuga clan, monitored the room, trying different techniques, but they could not discover any anomalies.

After a while, Danzo frowned at the test data in his hand and told all the Ninjas and scientists around him that everything that happened today should remain secret and took action to leave the root organization's shelter.

When Danzo went back to his house, following the path he came from, it was already morning. He told one of the ninjas who came with him to turn and prepare breakfast.

A few minutes later he sat down at the breakfast table and called his son upstairs.