
Naruto: Insane System

[The Insane System has been unlocked after fulfilling the conditions.] [Mission: Kill Hatake Kakashi (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Kushina Uzumaki (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Itachi Uchiha (0/1). Reward: ]

Shino_Aburame_1751 · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Chapter 8


The water molecules in the mist gather together under the swordman's feet as he makes 12 hand seals.

Hot air rises above my cold aura as the entire area turns to a very high temperature. Bubbles pop in the steaming water as tons of pressure build up in front of me.

Pressure, that is perhaps the greatest strength of water release. If my bare body came in contact with that massive torrent of boiling water I would be smashed into a meat puddle before melting from the temperature. But...that's if it hits me, when it comes to wind release what is it's greatest strength?

Many will say that the greatest advantage of wind release is cutting power but I disagree. Two wind currents cover my arms and I slam my palms forward directly contesting with the immense pressure. The wind chakra stored within the ground rises helping me redirect the enormous geyser of boiling water into the sky.

The strongest aspect of wind release is control, control over the oxygen in my body allows me to raise it's abilities to super human levels. Control over the air allows me to do unimaginable things like create fire from simply rubbing my chakra with the natural gases outside my body. Control over the wind allows me to control nature itself, wind can tear, lift, pull, crush and cut. Everything in this world is subject to air and wind release allows me to control it to the highest degree.

The water freezes from the sudden drop in temperature as I stomp my right foot on the ground.

<Winter Dragon>

Not only can I change the air, I change the state of water by controlling the oxygen atoms in said water. The dragon formed by the combination of both mine and the executioner blade wielder turns into a beautiful sculpture of ice, wind and water.

The towering three element dragon roars causing a sonic boom that flattens trees and makes the water rise dozens of meters in the air.

Over fifty meters long the dragon wraps around the pale swordsmen who's completely frozen in his tracks and cowering in fear at the creature before him.

Visible breaths come out my mouth as I pant in exhaustion. That jutsu took a lot out of me it's been a while since I've had almost all my chakra drained.

My hand weakly rises and I point at the swordsman one last time. Actually what was this guy's name again? Well I don't really care, he is a traitor to Kirigakure so the Mizukage will definitely be happy to sign a treaty with Konohagakure in order to get back the executioner blade.

Frost freezes over the man's entire body as even his tears get stuck to his face before crystallizing him for all of eternity. Well not really I have to turn in his body in exchange for the bounty, I also want to increase my reputation in order to raise Hiruzen's judgement of me.

I need to score more victories in Konohagakure's name in order to get access to seals. I could try to seduce Kushina but I doubt it would work as I don't actually know how stable Minato's relationship with her is. Besides doing that would catch the attention of the village elders due to Kushina being not just an Uzumaki but also the nine tails jinchuriki.

My pale hand grabs onto the executioner blade and I swing it around a few times to get a few of it's weight. As I thought this sword doesn't suit me it's far to long and wide to be used in conjunction with wind release. It just has a bad design, the material and ability of the weapon is amazing but the weapon itself is just a mistake that some ambitious weapon smith made because it looked cool.

Even so it does have value after all I just need to look at the bright blue panel constantly above my head for proof.

[Mission: Collect Kubikiribocho (1/1) Completed. Reward: <Blood Fiend>]

[<Blood Fiend>: Consume the blood of enemies to heal injures, regenerate limbs, mend broken bones and regenerate chakra.]

Wait? Isn't this the same ability that the executioner blade had? I thought I would get something related swordsmanship not this. And just as I was worrying about not being able to heal myself during intense fights this popped up. Converting blood into chakra, this would allow me to fight indefinitely for as long as possible. The only reason I would ever need to stop is mental exhaustion but that can be trained.

If collecting each legendary sword gives me the same ability as that sword then I can potentially be a walking war machine. Samehada's ability to absorb chakra is extremely helpful and would basically give me an incredible healing factor as long as I have enough enemies around. Kiba would give me an incredible affinity for lightning reducing decades of chakra nature training. Hiramekarei could possibly give me the ability to transform my body parts into weapons. Honestly those are the only useful ones the other four blades aren't really that good but even so anything is better than nothing.

Now I can even elevate my training to another level by buying gallons of animal blood and drinking it to regain chakra. Although I'll have to do it discreetly so that no one questions me after all I don't know how these "skills" are affecting my DNA. Is it causing it to mutate through chakra? My chakra has recently grown several folds and it's become very dense, perhaps my entire chakra signature will change if I keep gaining skills. But the benefits of completing missions are ludicrous so I really don't care about the consequences even if they cause my body to deform I don't give a fuck.

Hah, now I have to make the long journey back home since I don't have enough chakra left to reverse summon back to Konohagakure. I shouldn't have shown off with that dragon jutsu.

Brushing the dirt off my clothes I quietly make my way back home before any shinobi come here to investigate what just happened and why there was so much collateral damage done to the surroundings.