
Naruto: Infinite New World

Kin transmigrated to the Naruto world and found himself in the Uchiha clan with a cheat that allows him to deduce anything but he has to learn whatever he deduces which left him wondering. Will this ability change his fate for the better or the worse?

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5 Chs

Chapter 4 Battle Training

The next day, at the Academy training ground.

Minato felt quite nervous. The first layer of that Ninjutsu was indeed easy; in just one night, he effortlessly completed the Sealing Jutsu called the 'Polarizing Seal.'

Then, all Three Basic Jutsu became ineffective. As long as the Chakra exceeded the superficial layer of the skin, the seal would generate a strong suction force, absorbing the Chakra back into the body and causing the Ninjutsu to fail.

However, as Chakra accumulated within the seal, the sensitivity of the body to external stimuli significantly increased, naturally enhancing Taijutsu to some extent, albeit without the ability to use Ninjutsu.

It was uncertain whether this was an enhancement or a weakening.

His confidence for today's Ninja combat training was not as strong as before.

His gaze involuntarily turned towards the direction of Uchiha Kin.

Uchiha Kin is lying sideways under the tree!

The shade of the big tree falls on him, and with the rhythm of his breathing, he looks quite serene.

Stop being so calm!! Uchiha Kin, hurry up and wash away your past shame!!

Inoue-sensei over there already has a black face!!

Get up quickly!!

Minato is shouting inwardly.

"I hate problematic students." Inoue Satoru's face has turned almost as black as coal, and he forcefully broke the pen used to record students' performance with his thumb and index finger.

He quickly took out a new pencil from the ninja tools pouch on his waist.

For problematic students, the most important thing to prepare is these writing tools.

You can't vent your temper on the students, right?

That would be so unprofessional for a sensei.

Looking at the names on top and the evaluations that need to be written, he really wanted to put a cross on Kin's combat test, but his sense of responsibility as a sensei stopped him.

Looking at the other adorable students, he breathed a sigh of relief inwardly.

So why would a student who was sent back to Ninja Academy for failing come to class A!

He just couldn't understand.

But no matter how incomprehensible it was, the class had to go on.

"Today's training is pair battles. Find your respective opponents, and I will grade your performance," Inoue announced the day's lesson to his students.

To be more precise, it was a full day of battles.

This was not just a test of their combat abilities but also of endurance, limits, physical fitness—after a day of fighting, they would all reach their limits.

As for concerns about harming their bodies due to youth, that was not something the Ninja Academy students should consider.

The exams at the current Ninja Academy were not as gentle as they would be in the future.

"Let's begin now!"

As Inoue Satoru's voice fell, everyone started looking for their opponents.

A few Uchiha clan members approached someone, eager to give him a memorable and profound lesson.

Minato didn't pay attention to Kin because someone was eyeing him.

"Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Kiyoshi, please enlighten me," he said.

Hyuga Kiyoshi's eyes were fixed firmly on Minato.

Minato, who had been dominating the rankings for years, had his share of enemies. Hyuga Kiyoshi, who had always been second, wanted to surpass him.

Being perennially second wasn't a title he liked. Today was Hyuga Kiyoshi's chance to redeem himself.

Minato looked at Hyuga Kiyoshi scratching his face. Although he didn't know how much he had improved, facing Hyuga Kiyoshi, who used Gentle Fist, was not a challenge for him.

He actually preferred to spar with Kin Senpai.

With a hint of hesitation, he suggested, "Maybe you should choose another opponent. You can't beat me right now."

Minato meant it sincerely. He could only blame the Hyuga clan for being peculiar; they could use Ninjutsu but chose not to, out of stubbornness.

If it came down to Taijutsu alone, he had improved quite a bit.

Hyuga Kiyoshi adopted a expressionless stance at first, but soon anger flashed across his face.

"Minato! I won't forgive you for disrespecting me!"

On the other side, Kin, who was about to doze off, half-opened his eyes to find several Uchiha surrounding him.

Uchiha Hiru, with a crew cut, looked down at him.

"Uchiha Kin, if you still have any pride in the Uchiha Clan, duel with me. The loser leaves the Academy."

There's no place in the Ninja Academy for disgraceful Uchiha.

Kin scratched his ear with his pinky, finding these brainless Uchiha amusing.

He wanted to be expelled before and was rejected outright.

Why be a Ninja when he could live as a wealthy man, a tycoon? Who wants to be a lousy Ninja anyway?

But there was no other way. Even if Uchiha were not allowed to live as ordinary people who couldn't harness Chakra, Konoha wouldn't overlook any potential Uchiha who could become a Ninja.

"Actually..." Kin looked a bit shyly at Uchiha Hiru. "I can marry into the Hyuga clan and change my surname to Hyuga."

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Hiru first looked shocked, then became furious.

"You...! Go to hell!"

If it weren't for the two other Uchiha holding him back, it wouldn't just be a competition; it would be a matter of life and death.

Suggesting changing his surname to Hyuga in front of the Uchiha was like saying Senju Hashirama was trash in front of Uchiha Madara.

The other two Uchiha didn't look pleased either.

"Take away the next one," Kin yawned.

Uchiha Tomori with long hair looked expressionless at him, while the other fearless Uchiha held onto Hiru to prevent him from fighting back.

"To have someone like you born, your parents..."

Uchiha Tomori couldn't continue, and Kin completely opened his eyes, his gaze changing dramatically in that moment, becoming extremely intense, his black pupils like abysses.

He couldn't help but take a step back. But as he did, his face filled with annoyance as he glared at Kin. Yet, Kin, who was clearly in front of him, had suddenly disappeared.

Tomori felt a chill and turned around, only to find Kin blowing on his neck from behind. Is he crazy?!

Just as he was about to say something, a Kunai was swiftly placed at his neck.


In that instant, he felt like a venomous snake was crawling up his back, its mouth ready to bite.

"Ahh!" Uchiha Tomori screamed in terror, attracting the attention of others. Such screams had never been heard during training before.

Kin's left hand rested on Tomori's shoulder.

"Playing around is fine, joking is fine, but don't joke about parents. You don't want to die here... right?"

"That's enough." Inoue's hand pressed down on Kin's arm, looking resignedly at this troublesome student.

"Never show killing intent towards your comrades."

He immediately sensed something was off. The aura Kin displayed, that intent to kill, he couldn't be mistaken. This kind of killing intent only comes from years of battling beasts. Since there's no blood on his hands, there's no murderous aura.

But it was enough to intimidate the students of the Ninja Academy.

He never expected this problematic student to be so diligent.

"I was just joking, Sensei Iguchi."

Kin chuckled at Inoue.

Inoue Satoru's forehead veins bulged.

"It's Iguchi!"

"Alright, Sensei Iguchi."

He definitely did it on purpose!

On the other side, Minato looked at the fallen Hyuga Kiyoshi and clenched his fist.

"What an incredible ability."

Hyuga Kiyoshi stared at the gradually scorching sun in the sky, questioning life. The Gentle Fist of the Hyuga clan was actually overwhelmed by the powerful Strong Fist.

"Things shouldn't have turned out like this."

His Gentle Fist even performed beyond expectations, but Minato's fist seemed to possess tremendous force, causing his arm to swell from just a few contacts.

Of course, he was quickly defeated in three or two moves.

"Why is the gap so big?"

Minato even gave him the feeling of facing a Chunin from his own clan.

"Sorry, I went a bit too hard."

Minato showed an apologetic smile to Hyuga Kiyoshi and reached out to help him up.

Hyuga Kiyoshi looked at the hand extended to him and Minato's sunny smile.

He cried.

"Those guys are too weak, I took care of them in just a few moves, hahaha."

Kushina stood with her hands on her hips, facing the stream, a wild smile on her face.

Kin looked at Minato with a puzzled expression.

What do you like about this girl?

Whether it's her reckless actions or her hot-tempered brawls, what's your preference?

Minato understood, blushing slightly as he turned away.

"You're blushing like a teapot!"

Kushina suddenly turned to look at Kin, feeling like he was talking behind her back, but she didn't hear anything.

Kin's eyes wandered, cursing the woman's sixth sense. Although Kushina still seemed innocent, age didn't limit her abilities.

Kushina glanced at the blushing Minato, a look of disdain on her face.

Why is my little brother so effeminate!! Show some manly spirit and beat that despicable Uchiha!!

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Minato changed the subject.

"Tomorrow is Ninjutsu class, what should we do?"

He was quite worried about tomorrow's Ninjutsu class because he couldn't perform any Ninjutsu at the moment.

Although Kushina also struggled to complete the first stage of Sealing Jutsu, she wasn't worried at all. Inoue sensei wouldn't dare to trouble her.

"Don't worry," Kin patted Minato's shoulder. "Most of the last year is theoretical Ninjutsu, mixed with activities like intelligence gathering and concealment techniques. As long as you don't have the urge to demonstrate, no one will notice."

Ninjutsu knowledge theory is the school's arranged knowledge, while other private techniques are skills that senseis teach students to survive smoothly on the battlefield.

There's basically no need for hands-on practice; the content of the final year can be continuously used up to Genin level, and for Class A, maybe even up to Chunin.

Although Minato was comforted with a few words, he remained worried.

As a top student, chances are high that he, like others, may be pulled to demonstrate.

It's different from the calmness of the Academy.

On the frontline battlefield, the sounds of battle and screams intertwine.

Brilliant Ninjutsu were used and Explosive Tags explosion echoed one after another.

Amidst them, a pitiful and sorrowful scream is heard.

"Stop it quickly!"

"Stop it now!!"

"I told you to stop!!"

Tsunade's voice, sharp with pain, continued her Mystical Palm Jutsu without stopping.

Nearby ninjas couldn't help but advise, "Stop, he's already... dead."

Tsunade's face froze, as if something was gnawing at her heart, and she couldn't bear it and screamed.


Orochimaru, standing on a tree, looked at his deceased disciple and the despairing screams of his teammate.

He didn't even know what expression to show, as if what had died wasn't just his disciple, but also... himself.

Humans are indeed fragile beings.

The grandson of the First Hokage, elite Jonin Orochimaru's disciple, elite Jonin Tsunade's brother.


Declared dead.