
Naruto: Infinite New World

Kin transmigrated to the Naruto world and found himself in the Uchiha clan with a cheat that allows him to deduce anything but he has to learn whatever he deduces which left him wondering. Will this ability change his fate for the better or the worse?

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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Teaching

Inside the Hokage Tower.

Hiruzen, in his prime, exhaled a long puff of smoke from his mouth, while his other hand held recent intelligence reports from the Land of Fire borders.

"Hiruzen, I don't understand. Why place such a waste of talent in Class A? It's a misuse of teaching resources," Mitokado Homura questioned with a puzzled expression, Utatane Koharu also casting a doubtful glance at Hiruzen.

The news of an Uchiha who couldn't use ninjutsu had spread throughout Konoha. After all, for a clan known for producing prodigies, the emergence of an unprecedented failure was quite attention-grabbing.

Their confusion wasn't about placing Uchiha Kin in Class A but rather why Hiruzen had specifically instructed this.

Given that it involved the Uchiha, they had no choice but to seek clarification.

After all, in a certain sense, the Uchiha are the destabilizing elements of the village.

"The village need a channel of communication with the Uchiha," Hiruzen said in a deep tone as he set down the documents in his hand. "Perhaps he is our opportunity to communicate with the Uchiha."

The important thing is that there's no threat.

An Uchiha without threat is the best bridge between the village and the Uchiha Clan.

Although there have been frequent errors and a tendency for grandiosity lately, Hiruzen really wants to unite the village as one, even if they are Uchiha, they are still part of the village, right?

"Let's hope so," Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu didn't hold much hope.

After all, those proud Uchiha tend to reject too much interaction with the village, despite the system left behind by their sensei Senju Tobirama.

There were also some things they had targeted a bit, but how could the blame possibly fall on them?

"Where's Danzo?" Mitokado Homura looked around curiously.

Usually, whenever something related to the Uchiha arises, he would be the first to appear, but this time, he was nowhere to be seen.

That's someone who truly inherits sensei's malice towards the Uchiha.

"His threat level is too low," Hiruzen hinted.

For Danzo, Uchiha Kin's talent is completely meaningless. Not being able to use Ninjutsu, and he hasn't even awakened his eyes yet.

He couldn't be bothered with these trivial matters.

As for building bridges with the Uchiha, he has no interest in participating. Danzo thinks it's impossible anyway.

Just then, a figure suddenly appeared in the office.

An ANBU with a mask half-knelt on the ground respectfully and said, "Hokage-sama, Uchiha Kin has made contact with a Jinchuriki."

At that moment, everyone's expression became serious. The incident where Uchiha Madara controlled the Nine-Tails to attack the village was still fresh in their memories.

Once an Uchiha gets close to a Jinchuriki, it's like crossing their red line of alertness.

"No need to worry about it," Hiruzen said calmly, as if he didn't care about threats like Uchiha Madara.

What a joke.

An Uchiha who can't use Ninjutsu, where's the threat in that?


The ANBU's figure turned into smoke and disappeared on the spot.

"I hope your choice is right," Utatane Koharu looked at Hiruzen with deep meaning in her eyes.

The fact that he didn't interfere even when an Uchiha made contact with the Nine-Tails showed that Hiruzen had made up his mind to support Uchiha Kin.

However, the Uchiha Clan might not accept it and might even see it as an insult.

This possibility is quite high. Unfortunately, they are not the Hokage.

Hiruzen turned his head to look out the window, taking in the view of Konoha village. Compared to before, it seemed more desolate now.

Compared to the time of the Second Hokage, the village had indeed become much quieter.

"The village..."


Kin and Minato arrived at a deserted stream. Kin's gaze casually swept over the distant trees, his keen senses had already detected several figures hiding among the trees.

He just pretended not to notice, after all, they couldn't imagine ge had this ability.

This place was deliberately chosen. If they wanted to monitor them, they couldn't afford to expose themselves. The surroundings were vast, and the stream was clear to the bottom, making it basically impossible to hide.

Unless it was Transparence Release, the Gekko Clan had very few people and wouldn't be used for guarding or monitoring Jinchuriki.

He specifically sought out this place, his main purpose naturally being to conceal the conversation of the three.

"Um, is it okay for us to learn Uchiha's Ninjutsu?"

Minato was quite uneasy. When he heard that they were going to learn Ninjutsu, he was brought here by Kin in a daze. After all, as a commoner, he didn't have much Ninjutsu to learn, only the school's Three Basic Jutsu.

Hearing about learning Ninjutsu made him somewhat trance-like.

But when he arrived, he felt a bit regretful. Learning Uchiha's Ninjutsu, would that be considered learning without permission? Would it be unethical?

Morality and anticipation intertwined, making his emotions quite complex.

"Relax, it's not Uchiha's Ninjutsu; it's something I inherited from my parents," Kin reassured Minato.

If he had said he created it, it might have scared the two of them away.

"But Senpai, aren't you unable to use Ninjutsu?" Minato was also puzzled; he had heard about Uchiha Kin's condition from the Daimyo.

Kushina couldn't help but perk up her ears to listen.

"This is a long story," Kin sighed, looking up at the sky his brain quickly searching for reasons.

He soon came up with an explanation.

"The Ninjutsu I obtained has low learning conditions but strict requirements. If you don't reach a certain level, you can't use Ninjutsu."

"So, that's why I'm like this, but I'm about to break through and be able to use Ninjutsu."

"If you're afraid that your talent is too low, then forget about it," Kin said casually, causing Kushina to instantly become furious.

"Whoever has lower talent, come forward, and I'll surpass you immediately!"

"Wait, Kushina," Minato hastily restrained the angry little pepper and awkwardly smiled at Kin before asking, "Kin Senpai, what is the purpose of this Ninjutsu?"

Minato was confident in his talent, but he also had some concerns. If he couldn't use Ninjutsu, the outcome would be very disappointing. Ninjas relied on Ninjutsu for their livelihood; without it, they were no different from a tiger without teeth.

Kin chuckled, "Hehe, part of the effect is what you've already seen."

Minato seemed to be pondering. "Strength, speed, reaction time, seem to be somewhat beyond the average Genin."

In the recent duel, it could be said that Kin had been letting him win all along, and he could feel it, especially since he had no solution for Kin's effortless evasion of attacks.

"Not only that, it can also preserve youth, extend lifespan, and if you break through, your control over Chakra will be one hundred percent."

Both of them widened their eyes.

Minato: "One hundred percent Chakra Control power!"

Kushina: "Preserve youth!"

The more they talked, the more unbelievable it became. Could Ninjutsu really achieve such things?

Kin was prepared and took out a small notebook from his pocket, handing it to Minato.

"Take a look at this first."

They flipped through the pages together, carefully reading the text and looking at the human body diagrams at the end.

There was a lot of understanding about Ninjutsu written inside, which Minato found challenging to comprehend.

Kushina exclaimed lightly, "This is Sealing Jutsu?"


"I never knew Sealing Jutsu could be used like this."

Compared to Minato, Kushina inherited a lot of knowledge of Sealing Jutsu from the Uzumaki Clan, so she found it easier to understand the content.

Moreover, there were detailed instructions on how to use it, and after calculating the effects in her mind, she wasn't sure about the youth-preserving aspect, but the others seemed achievable.

"But how does your Sealing Jutsu connect three sealss?" Kushina also had parts she couldn't understand.

"That's the breakthrough point. Essentially, it's the fusion of three Sealing Jutsu. Each completion of a Sealing Jutsu leads to a qualitative breakthrough," Kin explained.

Minato couldn't help but ask, "Can this technique of yours really be completed?"

Although he didn't fully understand the significance in the text, the detailed steps were explained, making it foolproof instructions.

"In theory, there should be no problem, but in practice, I'm not sure," Kushina replied, glancing at Kin, who seemed to have practical experience.

After some consideration, she continued, "If we follow the descriptions in the text, we should achieve the effects he mentioned. The first Sealing Jutsu is simple, the second is ten times harder, and the third doubles that difficulty."

Minato held onto the notebook, realizing that for ninja like them, who were civilians at heart, Ninjutsu was the most important. No civilian ninja could remain calm when it came to Ninjutsu.

Moreover, this is so miraculous. The more excited he felt, the calmer he became. He looked up and asked Kin, "Senpai, by teaching us so easily, do you have any ulterior motives?"

Although he wanted to believe in a village where everyone was loving and caring, his rationality made him realize that someone who could diffuse this Ninjutsu must have a purpose. What could someone like him, a civilian, offer that the other party desired? He glanced at Kushina, who was still pondering, and took the initiative to step in front of her.

However, Kin didn't notice this and pondered instead. He just wanted to find someone to learn Ninjutsu from and quickly break through, so he wouldn't have to maintain this awkward situation.

How could he deal with this damn restriction? But he couldn't mention this. If this was some shameless act, he could just turn his back and go home to practice on his own.

Although it didn't affect him much, he still liked someone like Minato, who was self-aware. He needed to come up with a different excuse. He raised one finger.

"Minato, I see potential in your future, so as long as you promise me, under the condition that it doesn't violate your principles in the future, you will do something for me."

Minato fell into contemplation. The other party's words were reasonable... What nonsense! Such a thing has never happened in the Shinobi world... right?

As far as he could remember, it hadn't.

However, if that's all there is to it...

"I promise you, as long as it doesn't go against my principles, I will do something for you in the future."

Kin extended his hand.

"Then it's a deal."

Minato also reached out his hand.


Both of them smiled happily, although Minato felt a slight heaviness in his heart.

Kin, on the other hand, was overjoyed.

The Chakra foundation that had restrained him for so long.

The hope of breaking through had appeared.