
Naruto: Indra Otsutsuki Template System

Donations to improve the quality of the book: https://www.paypal.me/fire725 Announcement: If you want more chapters of this novel support me in my other novel Return Of The Demon God Dusk and help me in the book collections and voting since I know you will love it if you take a look at it the more people go to your collection New chapters will be uploaded of this novel. *** Reincarnate as a son of the uchiha family and obtain the memories of Indra Otsutsuki when he was young. This time I will take my will by my hands and I will take everything I want and desire with absolute force.

Demon_Asmodeo · Tranh châm biếm
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33 Chs

Betraying Kyo's Friendship.

Author's note: after finishing the chapter go to my other novel: Return Of The Demon God Dusk, I assure you that you will love it and I hope you will support it in collections.


Betraying Kyo's Friendship.

So 2 years passed.

During this time, Indra managed to activate the 3 volumes, something unheard of for his age.

On this day, entering the night, Indra found himself wearing an anbu mask that he got from a merchant.

He had made another friend who belonged to the Uchiha Clan in these years, his name was Uchiha Kyo.

He had already planned a plan in order to obtain the Mangekyo Sharingan although he knew that what he was doing was wrong but he planned to follow his ideals.

He had planned to make his friend obtain the Mangekyo Sharingan haringan so that he could take it from him.

In addition to the fact that he would awaken the Mangekyo for still losing a friend.

He broke into the house of his friend who was 4 years older than him but they were friends just the same.

He chose this boy since he had discovered that he possessed the 3 tomoes being a genius of the Uchiha clan.

When Kyo saw Indra he came over and said what was happening?

Indra said I'm visiting you so we can go practice taijutsu.

Kyo nodded as he looked animated and said as he picked up some things let's go.

Indra nodded and they left the clan at night and went to the location.

3 hours later while practicing news began to be heard everywhere in the village.

Hitachi Uchiha exterminated the clan with his own hands.

An evil smile formed on Indra's face but he hid it so Kyo wouldn't notice.

Indra had no plan to save Sasuke since he wanted that with the pain of losing the sasuke family he would be able to awaken the charingan as in the original story.

When his friend Kyo heard that he started running uncontrollably towards his clan but only found flames covering the clan while the shinobi with water element extinguished everything.

Kyo started running everywhere as tears filled his face as he couldn't find his parents.

As they entered from another direction, the shinobi of the village did not see them enter.

Indra followed his friend from behind while checking the surroundings to avoid any ambush.

After they arrived at Kyo's home the first thing Kyo saw was his father on the ground with a look of despair while his mother was behind him lifeless.

Kyo then crouched down as he cried out of rage and the person who dared to do this to his family.

She hadn't realized it but red tears were coming out of her eyes and the shape and sclera of her eyes had changed.

Before he knew it he felt a blade pierce his chest as raging flames devoured his vitals.

He turned his head to see who it was to see his friend Indra looking at him with pity and tears in his eyes.

Before he fell he asked why?

Indra answered to create a better world.

Kyo couldn't accept such an answer but he couldn't say anything as he fell to the ground while all his vital signs disappeared completely.


PD author's message: For the readers who ask me in other chapters when the indra system will be activated in future chapters after the massacre of the Uchiha clan thanks for reading.


Edited by: Demon_Asmodeo

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In the novel many things will happen that you will like I hope you can enjoy it since the main character will take out the template of Indra Otsutsuki I hope you can support my other novel Return Of The Demon God Dusk in collections.

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I also hope you will read my other novel that you will like: Return Of The Demon God Dusk

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