
Double Date to Disaster?

New York City, New York-

-February 4, 2009, 1900h local-

"I'm still surprised every time I see you in a suit." Natasha commented when she got out of her room.

Naruto is wearing an open button navy blue suit with a subtle checker pattern and a dark orange shirt with its top three buttons undone paired with black derby shoes. He turned around to look at Natasha and saw her wearing an oversized white shirt that hoes halfway down her thigh. Whether she's wearing underwear or not is up for debate.

"I know, right. I hate putting on these things…" Naruto replied while trying to loosen up his collar. "Is Jess ready?"

"Almost. She's just finishing up…" Naruto nodded before returning to his fidgeting. Natasha walked towards him and placed a hand on his arm. "Calm down, solntse. It's like you haven't done anything like this before."

"It's because I haven't gone on a double date with one of my girlfriend's sister." Naruto answered.

"It's easy. Just imagine that it's like having dinner at Clint's place."

"Except we're in public and a high-class restaurant..." Naruto countered. "Though I don't know which one, but based on Jess's expression, it's somewhere I'll be surprised..." Natasha's smile turned a bit more mischievous, which was certainly noticed by Naruto. "You know something." He added while squinting his eyes.

"Yes, I do. But I promise you. It's nothing bad..." Natasha answered, placating Naruto. "Besides, Jessica has nothing to do with it. It's all her sister's plan."

Naruto took out a thick deck of cards from his pocket pulled Natasha with him to sit on the couch.

"I need your opinion on something..." Naruto said as he handed over the deck of cards to Natasha. She took the deck and flipped through it. "Which car should I go for?"

Three years after building his bike, Naruto and his clones continued with his hobby of making personalized hyper vehicles on steroids. From bikes to quinjet and everything in between, he already dabbled has some idea in building most of it. But the ones that caught his attention or if an idea suddenly strikes him, he would make it from scratch, just like his bike.

As expected, all his car builds have quickly filled up his warehouse/garage. That's when he decided to create a new system to store his masterpieces instead of buying new warehouses. What he came up with was the card garage system.

Each card is made with an ultra-thin sheet of chakra metal engraved with storage, reading, color change seal, and chakra storage seal. Naruto had placed an information seal on all vehicles that have data on its specs with both standard and chakra enhanced modes. When the car is stored inside a card, the information seal would be read by the reading seal with the details and appearance displayed on the card using the color change runes. Naruto was convinced it's one of the best ideas he ever had since Nat and Jess can seal and unseal a car just using a drop of blood and the spare chakra in the chakra storage.

"Have you finished some of your projects? This feels thicker." Natasha asked while looking through the cards.

"Yup. I finished a Ducati, Kawasaki, and Harley motorcycles. There's also a nee Lambo and Porsche." Naruto answered.

"Let me borrow the Harley sometimes..." Natasha asked while flashing a puppy-eyed look. Naruto nodded. He can't even think of a reason to say no, not that he wants to. "How about this one?"

"69 GT500 convertible? Great choice, Hime." Naruto said as he took the GT500 card, leaving the rest of the deck with Natasha.

Natasha stood up and sauntered over to the shelf, placing the deck near the top, prompting her to stand on her tiptoes just to reach it. That's when Naruto answered one of his questions if Natasha is wearing any underwear. The answer? A big fat no. He released an audible grunt causing Natasha to turn around and send a sexy wink.

"Damn temptress." Naruto whispered to himself, but it looks like Naruto heard it judging from her laugh.

"Don't give him a hard-on Nat. I still need him for tonight..." Jessica suddenly said from behind Naruto, causing Nat and Naruto to turn around. "It's hard enough for him to agree right now."

Naruto's mind froze when he saw what Jessica was wearing. She's wearing an elegant silver dress with her sides exposed, showing off her tight waist. She turned around, showing off her outfit. If anyone thinks the front is deadly enough, the back is practically a weapon of mass destruction. Basically, Jess is wearing a halter top style dress, leaving her back wholly uncovered. Naruto is sure that the backless design stopped just above her ass.

After a few moments of silence and sitting in a daze, Naruto finally came back to the land of the living.

"God damn it. I'm sure you girls hate me!" Naruto exclaimed, causing both of his girlfriends to flash him a questioning look. "Your outfits are killing me."

Natasha and Jessica looked at each other before laughing hard. Jessica walked over towards Naruto and pulled him up off the couch.

"Don't be a crybaby. You know we love you too much..." Jessica said as she looped her arms around Naruto's neck. "Besides, you're immortal..." He adopted a petulant look. Jessica planted a peck on his lips, trying to soothe him. "Come on. We'll be late." Naruto just nodded, his mind still trying to make sense of what's happening.

Natasha walked towards the pair and giving both of them a deep kiss.

"Have fun, you two..." Natasha told both of them before focusing on Jessica. "Make sure he doesn't do anything crazy. You might be fighting the triad at the end of the night if you don't place a tight leash on him." She added half-seriously.

"Hey! I resent that!" Naruto interjected but was ignored by the girls.

"Don't worry. We'll just go for dinner before going straight back home..." Jessica replied before tugging on Naruto's sleeve. "Naruto, we need to go."

"Alright..." Naruto agreed. "We'll see you later, Nat." He said before giving her a quick peck and activating hiraishin to transport Jessica and himself to the garage under Nat's personal studio.

Naruto placed his arm around Jessica's waist to keep her steady since he knows that hiraishin landing can make someone unsteady on their feet, even more so that she's wearing fuck-me pumps.

"Thank you." Jessica said after she finally got her footing.

Naruto placed a kiss on her cheek before pulling out the car storage card a pumping his chakra into it. When it started to emit a light blue glow, he faced the card facing away from him until a puff of smoke appeared in front of the couple.

When the smoke cloud dissipated, it revealed a glossy royal blue 1969 Shelby GT500 convertible with black stripes running down the center. If you pop the hood of this bad boy, you'll notice that instead of an old school 428 V8 engine, it has a Supercharged V12 engine. The front of the GT500 has been extended to accommodate the massive engine and give space for the supercharger air intake.

Just like any of his builds, there is more to the GT500 than meets the eye. Chakra metal and seals have been used anywhere possible. The 'pièce de résistance' was the inertial seal he used in the cabin, which he adopted from the hiraishin seal.

"I really want to use those babies." Jessica commented with a groan. Living with Natasha and Naruto for an extended period inevitably caused her to be a motorhead.

"Why not? I leave most of the deck at the apartment. I even leave the B2 bomber card there." Naruto asked.

"First of all, I have no use of a suped-up Bomber with what most likely be loaded by a real nuke..." Jessica replied with a stern gaze. Naruto's suspicious whistling confirmed her statement. "Secondly, we're in New York. It's easier to take the subway..." He was forced to agree with what she said. "Finally, I got in as a Type C scholarship, for some reason. I can't show anything excessive, or I might lose it."

Naruto can't correct Jessica's statement as it might confirm her suspicion that he just manipulated the system to get her in. On that note, he needs to make a sleeper car to give Jessica. Maybe a 1970 Mustang that has a false exterior or a 90's Japanese tuner.

"Let's talk about that later..." Naruto walked towards the driver's side door and opening it. "Come on. You said we need to hurry."

Naruto and Jessica got inside the car before quickly driving off towards the streets.

"You still haven't told me where we would go." Naruto told Jessica.

"Just head towards midtown for now." Jessica replied with a mischievous smile.

-New York City, New York-

-February 4, 2009, 2000h local-

"I don't know if I should kiss you or not." Naruto deadpanned as he was waiting in line for the valet.

"It's Patsy, or rather Trish..." Jessica corrected herself. "Is the one that chose the restaurant. Besides, you love the food here." Naruto looked at her incredulously.

"Of course, I love it!" Naruto exclaimed. "That's my restaurant!"

Shokugakure, the famous 'fast food' restaurant, has started to open up high-class versions in prime locations ever since the partial merger with Stark Industries. Naruto had to create a whole new menu when Stark mentioned the possibility of opening up a new type of Shokugakure.

Critics said that even if Shokugakure has accomplished great success, it was still a fast-food restaurant and can never compete as a high-class restaurant. Everyone changed their tune when the restaurant first opened.

The newly opened restaurant quickly jumped through the rankings and becoming an accredited five-star restaurant within a week while acquiring three Michelin stars in their next update three months later.

Three minutes after Naruto and Jessica started to wait in line for the valet, it's finally their turn. Naruto got out of the car and walked around to open Jessica's door. The young couple had instantly drawn everyone's attention.

Naruto shrugged off all the attention, but Jessica feels a little uncomfortable, causing her to stick closer to him.

"Ignore them. It's just you and me—no one else." Naruto whispered to Jessica's ear, effectively calming her down.

The pair walked inside the restaurant towards the maitre'd after they took the valet ticket. Jessica moved in front of the reception.

"Hi. Good evening. We're meeting someone." Jessica informed with a smile.

"Of course. Who's the person you are meeting with and your name to confirm with our guest?" The maitre'd asked.

"Jessica Jones meeting Patricia Walker" Jess answered.

"Please wait a moment as we confirm." The maitre'd replied before talking into her radio. Naruto and Jessica were escorted into a waiting area.

"Why are there only elevators down here?" Jessica asked, gesturing towards the only other noticeable feature of the floor other than the reception booth

"Tony left the designing the whole place mostly to me. I even replaced the contractor with my clone, so I was able to change and upgrade a lot of stuff..." Naruto started in a proud tone. "Overall, all ten high-class Shokugakure restaurants all over the world have one basic design. There's a ten floor enclosed parking building and twenty-five-floor restaurant; 1st floor - receiving and dispatch, 2nd floor - waste recycling and disposal, 3rd consumable food waste and overrun processing, 4th-5th - cold storage, 6th-7th - general food storage, 8th-9th - food processing and special food storage, 10th - nonfood storage, 11th cleaning and sanitation, 12th - break room, 13th - 24th restaurant proper, and 25th security and penthouse..." Jessica can't help but stare in awe at how extensive the restaurant was. She should have researched the place even a little bit. "That's not even the best part." He added with an almost maniacal grin.

"What's the best part?" Jessica automatically asked in a whisper.

"Everything no one else knows, even Tony..." Jessica had a bad feeling when she saw Naruto's grin turn into a full-blown smile. "Don't worry. I didn't use chakra metal and seals on this place."

"Then what did you do?"

"Let's start with something simple and work our way to more complex stuff..." Naruto said before gesturing towards the glass windows. "The windows are made up of crystal clear two-inch bulletproof glass with four-inch titanium alloy curtains at both sides of the windows..." He pointed to the doors. "The doors ha ten-inches titanium alloy gates. The pillars inside and outside the building have built-in modified Phalanx machine guns..." He then pointed towards the floor. "Both buildings have a customary basement with nothing particular in it, but there are five more floors below it with access tunnels, water purification and reclaimer, and arc reactors. However, most of the space is dedicated to vertical hydroponic farming. There are already some seeds in there. All it needs is someone to start it up..." He took a moment to catch his breath. "The food and essentials alone could last the restaurant at full capacity for two weeks."

Jessica stayed silent for a few moments before turning towards Naruto.

"Why did you build a fort in the middle of Manhattan?" Jessica said in an eerily flat voice, but Naruto didn't notice the tone.

"The construction of the building happened during my zombie binge phase." Naruto replied while scratching the back of his head.

Jessica released a sigh. Zombies. Of course, Naruto would build an overkill of a fort because of zombies.

"We'll have a talk with Nat about this Naruto. But for now, you're grounded from your computer setup."

Naruto's demeanor dropped when he heard his punishment for building a zombie safe house. It's the logical thing to do. He was about to complain when a waiter approached them.

"Excuse me. Ms. Walker and company are waiting for you. I'll take you to them." The male server said.

Naruto quickly turned his head to the waiter while delivering a small amount of killer intent, which caused the server to take an unintentional step back. Jess tugged onto Naruto's arm to stop him from killing the guy unintentionally.

"Thank you..." Jessica told the server with a smile. It was barely enough to calm him down. "We'll follow you." She continued while pulling Naruto up from the seat. Her whiskered boyfriend was still sulking due to his temporary computer ban.

The waiter gulped down to hide his nervousness before walking towards the elevators. Jessica looped her arm around Naruto's and led him to follow the waiter.

The trio got out of the 20th floor. The mood was considerably lightened through the short elevator ride. All Jessica had to do was give random kisses and running her hands through Naruto's golden hair.

Jessica looked and around the large restaurant floor. It has a modern, classy look, complete with a stage and dance floor. There are wide spaces between the tables preventing it from looking cluttered, while the server room and bar area are at the back of the room.

The waiter led them around the tables towards the area where the booths with privacy walls and translucent crystal doors are setup. The server knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the door released a light green glow before the waiter opened the door. The couple immediately saw Trish and her date at one side of the spacious table, leaving the other side empty.

"Jess! What took you so long?" Trish greeted her sister. She stood up from her seat and gave her a brief hug.

"Getting a little fancy now, are you, Trish..." Jessica greeted back with a little teasing before moving to the side. "Meet my boyfriend, Naruto Uzumaki." She introduced using his real name.

Naruto walked forward and kissing the back of Trish's hand.

"Hi! I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm here under protests." Naruto introduced himself with a broad smile contrasting his message.

Jessica facepalmed while Trish adopted a strained smile before looking at her sister.

"Do I want to know?" Trish asked.

"I just grounded him from playing with his computer. Don't mind him." Jessica answered exasperatedly.

"But my guildmates and I have a scheduled raid on Saturday." Naruto whined.

"Then you shouldn't have placed Phalanx machine guns in the building."

"But they're awesome! With a fire rate of ten thousand rounds a minute, they could mow down 1,000,000 zombies per minute, at least!"

"You have 100 machine guns!" Jessica exclaimed, not noticing the curious stare from her sister and date. "That's it. You're grounded for two weeks."

Naruto exaggeratedly dropped down to his knees and sent a silent scream to the heavens. Jessica's face turned the same color as Nat's. Trish is trying to stop herself from releasing a full-blown laugh while her date decided to satisfy his curiosity.

"Excuse me? Are you talking about a Vulcan Phalanx CIWS?" Trish's date asked.

Naruto quickly recovered and stood up to his feet like nothing happened. He stared at the guy dead in the eyes.

"Alright. Who are you, jarhead? Can't you see I'm in pain since my girlfriend banned me from my WOW raid?" Naruto asked, but the man just returned a disarming smile before standing up.

"Right..." The man extended his hand towards Naruto. "I'm Billy Russo, Marine corps."