
Naruto, I Absorbed My Seal

Waking up as 15-year-old Naruto, the soul fusion malfunction. Because of the malfunction I absorbed the chakra, skills and memories of Kurama, Kushina and Minato. I'm just happy my soul won over them all giving me the control of the body.

Know_Pain_ · Tranh châm biếm
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Absorbing Too Much Chakra, Hurts Like Hell

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" I yelled feeling four different lives pouring into my brain, while my body also absorbs the chakra of Kushina, Minato and Kurama.

"Naruto!" Jiraiya yelled, but that was all he could do as so much pulsating chakra forced him on his knees.

There was a huge dome of translucent red chakra circling Naruto, there was also red chakra being sucked into the dome from a black crack in the middle of the air. That was the other half of Kurama forcing itself from the Shinigami's stomach. The chakra began to swirl slowly into Naruto, he never stopped screaming even once. All of a sudden, the chakra absorption sped up Naruto's body finished absorbing the chakra.

"Naruto!" Jiraiya yelled again frantically checking his pulse, after feeling him still alive he breathes a sigh of relief.

'What the hell just happened!?' Jiraiya yelled in his head.


Waking up, I look around and find Jiraiya sleeping on the other bed.

'That hurt like hell. It seems that me being transmigrated into Naruto's body messed with the seal forcing me to absorb the chakras inside the seal, including Minato and Kushina along with their memories. With absorbing Kurama I can activate KCM and baryon mode at will with no risk, if that isn't crazy overpowered enough, I have the jutsu of my parents. I wonder is that my cheat as a transmigrator.' I analyzed.

"Naruto, your awake. What the hell happened?!" Jiraiya asked.

"The seal, it malfunctioned. It caused me to absorb the Nine tails and my parent's chakra and memories." I explained calmly.

"What?! So how strong have you become?" Jiraiya asked.

"Honestly with the memories of my father I can say that he doesn't even have 5% of my strength." I said.

"You're serious right?" Jiraiya asked mouth wide open.

"Yes, I can say that for certain. Oh, if my personality is different is because of so many memories. I can exactly say I'm the Naruto I was before this happened, but I know I'm still Naruto." I said seriously.

"That's great, at least there was no bad side effect." Jiraiya said happy everything is fine.

"Uh, Sensei it doesn't seem that I need training anymore." I said.

"That's fine you have been asleep for a whole year." He said.

"Oh, I didn't think it was that long." I said surprised.

"Yea, we will head back to the Leaf village tomorrow." Jiraiya said.

"Ok, I need to get new clothes. Honestly even with the fox's memories, orange clothes for a ninja are stupid." I said.

"I been told you that." He said.


"We're finally here, 'ttabayo." I said stepping into the village.

'Damn why did his tick stick with me.' I thought annoyed.

"What, you excited?" Jiraiya asked.

"Just a bit." I said with a shrug.

Enhancing my senses, I feel the FTG mark left by Minato in the Hokage office.

"Sensei, see ya in the Hokage's office." I said activating the FTG jutsu.

Appearing inside the Hokage office in a yellow flash, the Anbu jump out and Tsunade get out of her seat putting up her guard.

"Oh, my bad. You don't want to kill a Konoha ninja, do you?" I asked.

"Anbu stand down! Naruto is that you?" Tsunade asked after seeing the blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Who else besides my father has these looks?" I asked.

"Welcome back. Wait you know?" She asked.

"Yea, after I beat Jiraiya in sage mode, he told me." I lied.

"You beat Jiraiya in sage mode?!" She asked shocked.

"Yea, even after mastering the flying thunder god and upgrading the rasengan I couldn't, but that changed once I master all of the kyuubi's power." I made a good lie.

"Yo... You mastered the FTG and the kyuubi's power?!" She asked.

I didn't get to answer as Jiraiya jumped in and answered.

"Yes, I can't even keep up with 10% of his strength." Jiraiya said helping me lie.

With those words Tsunade fell back into her chair and sighed.

"It seems that I have to cancel my plans to make you go against Kakashi, Naruto it seems a promotion is in order." She said with a smile but was interrupted by two people walking in.

"Yo Naruto, is that you?" Asked Shikamaru.

"Yep, how's it been Shikamaru?" I asked.

"Troublesome." He said.

"Figured you say that." I said.

"Ahem, I was in the middle of saying something. Naruto Uzumaki, with the strength far surpassing the Sannin I promote you to Elite Jonin." She said handing me a vest.

Taking it, I seal it in a scroll then seal that scroll on my wrist.

"You surpassed Jiraiya-sama?" Shikamaru asked with a raised brow.

"I'll tell you what, this village better never get on his bad side because with me, Tsunade and the Whole village would lose without even so much as a scratch on him." Jiraiya said.

"Troublesome blondes." Shikamaru said shocked.

"Come on Sensei, you're going to make me blush. Can you stop answering for me?" I said sarcastically.

"Ok, you two get out!" Tsunade yelled.

"See ya, Shikamaru." I said flashing outside the building.

"Was that?" Temari didn't get to finish.

"The Flying Thunder God, yes it was." Tsunade said.