
Naruto: I'm In Kumo (Up for adoption)

I never expected to wake up in someone else's body, in another world... Why are there people running on the roofs? Is that a system? Oh... damn. ___ I won nothing... just the OC's Oh and I own my phone too.

Idk_wqe2 · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

C-Rank mission

Having a 360° vision was... weird.

My eyes were normal... as far as I can tell, No veins, no white eyes. So I guess he could use it and not get caught and Upgradeable? Would he get the Tenseigan when I max it out?

[Byakugan has levelled up]


Byakugan Lvl: 5

- A Bloodline limit manifesting in the eyes of the user, giving 360° eyesight, X-ray vision and the ability to see Tenketsu and chakra system in the human body. The range increases with levels.

Range: 75


My guess as to why it had no outward effect on me is because of the gamer's body and it looks like I didn't need to be careful when channelling lightning chakra to my brain to heighten my perception.

Any normal person with this bloodline would have their veins bulging near the eyes because of the increased blood flow that is required to activate the ocular powers... but due to the gamer's body it just... activates, and the same can be said about the white pupils.

However, any experienced sensor would sense me channelling chakra to my eyes.


Deactivating the byakugan, I stretched my arms out, working out some kinks.

Walking out of my apartment, I lock the door behind me as I check the bag I was holding, Inside the small bag were a few pizza slices. A few minutes later, I was walking up a mountain and into the clouds.

Reaching the clearing I did last time, No one was here this time.

Placing the pizza slices down, I jumped back down, I had a mission to go to.


"The C-rank mission of guarding merchants to Rice country, We may be ambushed by bandits... and some squirrels..."

...Squirrels? Really?

"Yes, apparently the Rice country has too many squirrels."

Huh, peculiar.

"Meet me at the exit of the village in fifteen minutes."

With that Samui bodyflickered away. I just stared at the place she was standing a moment ago and channelled chakra to my legs, dashing towards the library. Shooting a quick hello to the librarian I went into the D-rank section and grabbed the needed Jutsu.

Deciding to pay for this one I quickly handed in the money and pocketed the scroll, mentally accepting the learning offer, I flickered towards the gate. The body flicker felt weird... it was like stretching myself so that I can cross a large distance with one step.

"Oh, Jesus!"

Jumping back at the sight of my teacher's menacing face, I narrow my eyes. How did she know where I would end up?

"Whose Jesus?"

I looked at this stoic woman for a second before shrugging.

"dunno just came out."

Thankfully I couldn't sweat or I would be filling buckets right now, making her suspicious, but now, she just shrugged.

we had to wait for a while before Omoi and Karui got here with backpacks. Now only if they would stop looking at me weird...

"Where's your bag?

...Now I looked at them weirdly.

"I sealed it in a scroll... why would I want it weighing me down?"

The two shared a look before releasing a sigh while I just chuckled at their predicament.

"Let's go, The merchants are waiting."

Like that, we headed out a bit further out of the village, they had three carriages and two of them were filled with cargo while the last one held a fat man... who couldn't keep his eyes off Samui...


"So your the team that has been sent to serve me! Excellent! We can depart right away!"

Serve, huh?

Can I kill him?



(Kill him if he tries something with Samui.)

Why only Samui?

(If he tries something with Karui then he's a paedophile and sensei will kill him herself.)

"Rai, Take point, Karui, Omoi, protect the second and third carriages, ill take the rear position."

The fat guy frowned but said nothing, he would probably annoy me to take over the Rear position... Yeah, not happening.

Walking forward to the side of the leading carriage I seemingly put my hands in my pockets and gripped my shortswords.

As soon as we started moving, I started walking faster to keep an eye on the other side of the carriage. Since I didn't know if Samui was a sensor and I didn't remember details from canon.

"Hey! Boy! Bring me some wine that's in the carriage behind me!"

...He isn't expecting me to do that, is he?

Looking back at Samui, to see if I had to comply, she shrugged. I had to listen to this dumbass for the next two weeks while passing the snow country with hidden frost village, Hidden Hot springs village and... Oh god, the hidden sound.

"Did you hear me, boy?!"

... oh look a bird. wonder how that tastes, since the taste is the only pleasure I get from food now, I try to eat more things.

Lightning crackled around me as it shot towards a bush, shutting the fat man up, my team looked at me with raised eyebrows, weapons at the ready in case someone was attacking, while I just walked over and picked up a dead rabbit and sealed it inside a spare scroll. Putting the scroll in my pouch as a cover, I threw it in the inventory.

The fat man, whose name I still didn't know and didn't want to find out, looked at me for a moment before closing his mouth, his teeth producing an audible click while doing so.

So he was a coward... Predictable.


"-And when we reach Rice country, I might meet an older woman who's interested in me and I might decide to stay there and then it turned out to be a plan to get a Kumo ninja to torture for information..."

...What the hell?

"Dude... just, stop."

I mutter while palming my face. We had stopped when the sun had set and are taking a break... well physically. This being their first time outside the village, Omoi was overthinking things.

"We need to take a break... and by that I mean sleep."

Samui shot me a glare when I tried to point out that we were already resting. Feh, let me be witty for a bit woman.

"I'll take the first shift."

I volunteered, I didn't need to sleep and the others looked tired, Also, I could just keep the Byakugan activated all night and gain levels.

Samui looked over at him then back at the other two.

Did she just ignore me?

"We need to scout our surroundings, Omoi, me and you will go, Karui and Rai stay here and look after the merchants."

...She ignored me! that's cold! Ice cold!

Releasing a sigh, I sat down on the ground as Karui took out her katana and cloth from her pouch, starting to clean it... even though it was already clean.

She didn't want to talk to me. Well, there was nothing to talk about anyway...

"So... you going to take out that poor rabbit so we can eat it?"

Looking over at Karui, I raise an eyebrow, what rabb- Oh the intimidation victim...

Taking the scroll out of the pouch, I unrolled it, unsealed the dead rabbit and began skinning it, draining the blood and gutting it.

By the time my teacher and teammate came back, I had the rabbit over the fire.

"You didn't bring Pizza?"

Omoi asked as he sat down next to him and leaned back on his hands.

"I did actually, but that's for tomorrow."

Taking the rabbit off the fire, I ripped off his leg and handed it over.

After eating the others went to sleep while I activated my Byakugan and I watched as the world turned white and I gained a sudden 300 more degrees in my vision.

[Byakugan has levelled up]


Now... how do I level up this faster...

I turned off the byakugan.

I turned it on again.





[Byakugan has levelled up]

Oh, I will be abusing the hell out of this...





Byakugan Lvl: 26

- A Bloodline limit manifesting in the eyes of the user, giving 360° eyesight, X-ray vision and the ability to see Tenketsu and chakra system in the human body. The range increases with levels.

Range: 96


Oh yeah.

"Why didn't you wake us up?"

Asked an irritated voice behind me, looking back, I saw my teacher getting up from her sleeping bag.

"I Have insomnia, I sleep once every five days, sometimes I don't need to sleep for two weeks and you three needed rest."

I watched as she rose an eyebrow, stood up, walked over... and bonked me on the head.



"You should have told me that sooner."

I really don't see how that's relevant.