
Naruto: I'm Disciple Of Madara Uchiha

"That day, no one from the tribe was willing to follow me..." In the early days of Konoha's founding, Uchiha Madara left the village. Before his departure, he summoned the entire clan, but none of its vast members were willing to accompany him... Just as he felt frustrated, a young man stood up! Madara was shocked to discover that the boy had awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan at such a tender age! Not only was the boy extraordinarily strong, but he also knew the whereabouts of Uchiha's secret weapon. And so, the three Uchiha formed a new team... ... Many years later, Shenyu ascended to the summit and gazed down at the ninja coalition at the mountain's base and the Ōtsutsuki in the sky, wearing a faint smile. "Master Madara, your fists back then were not swift enough, nor were they strong enough..." If you want early access to advanced chapters join my Patreon: patreon.com/ANelite This is just a translation Original: 开局万花筒,随斑爷出走木叶

ANelite · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter 8 Uchiha Hikari

Chapter 8 Uchiha Hikari

The battle concluded swiftly. Shenyu deftly arranged the Konoha ninjas' bodies together and incinerated them into ashes with a fireball.

Ninja battles are also battles of intelligence.

By destroying corpses and eliminating traces, one can conceal their own intelligence to the fullest extent. Even from corpses, ninjas can extract information.

At that moment, Madara approached.

"I observed your battles yesterday and today. Hmm, I must say, you rely too heavily on your ocular abilities," he commented, sounding somewhat dissatisfied.

"Um... I would like to hear more details," Shenyu replied cautiously.

"Whether it's Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, your techniques are too rough. Not only is it inelegant, but you also rely too much on brute force in combat. You cannot become strong this way," Madara shook his head. "With your current style, if you fail to eliminate your enemy swiftly, you will inevitably suffer significant losses in subsequent battles."

Shenyu felt somewhat embarrassed; Madara's critique struck a chord.

Indeed, his foundation was weak, thrust into battle with minimal training. His aggressive and unrefined tactics were honed on the battlefield.

Since awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan, this self-sacrificial style had been pushed to its extreme.

Ultimately, while the Mangekyō Sharingan bestowed formidable abilities and accelerated his power, it also steered him toward a flawed path—pursuing efficiency in killing enemies at the expense of neglecting basic training.

Truly powerful techniques are cultivated through meticulous attention to detail and relentless practice.

Consider Might guy from the original timeline, for instance. Did his astounding kick nearly bringing about the finale rely solely on the Eight Gates? No, the Eight Gates merely amplified his already extensive physical strength. The true power lay within Might guy himself.

Decades of diligent practice and incremental improvements enabled him to achieve power far surpassing the Five Kages upon unlocking the Eighth Gate. How else could Might guy possess the strength to challenge even Six Paths level adversaries?

Without accumulating steps, one cannot traverse great distances. Without accumulating small streams, one cannot reach a river or sea.

This principle holds true across all endeavors.

"Taijutsu isn't just about bravery and aggression. Precision in controlling details is key. Similarly, Ninjutsu isn't just about channeling Chakra to enhance power..." Madara continued his critique, shaking his head. "But never mind. While you're still young and haven't veered too far off course, I'll offer you some guidance."

Shenyu was surprised and elated at Madara's offer, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Based on your fighting style, you're bold yet cautious. Moreover, your adept control of the Chakra blade indicates talent in precise Chakra manipulation. You're a promising prospect..." Madara lifted his chin. "So, are you willing to undergo my training?"

"I am!" Shenyu nodded eagerly, like a chicken pecking at grain.

After clearing the battlefield, Shenyu gazed at the intricate Sealing Techniques inscribed on the stone wall ahead. Wisely, he stepped aside to make room for Madara.

Madara placed his fingers on the stone wall and murmured to hemself, "Time and space blockade... I see."

Shenyu was filled with excitement. He hadn't anticipated that Madara would be so adept at Sealing Techniques. Just as he eagerly awaited Madara's method to dismantle the seal, a sea-blue light suddenly flashed before his eyes.


Madara activated Susanoo's initial form, unleashing a massive blue fist that shattered the stone wall instantly. The intricate Sealing Techniques were obliterated amidst the rising smoke and dust.

"Um..." Shenyu's expression faltered.

"What are you staring at?" Madara glanced at Shenyu, his arms crossed. "As long as the vessel is destroyed, no matter how potent the Sealing Techniques, they lose their effectiveness."

Chunks of earth and rock tumbled down, and when the dust settled, a dark hole lay exposed before them.

"Fire Style·Fireball."

Shenyu snapped his fingers, and the air above his fingertips shimmered slightly. A flicker of flame sparked into existence and swiftly expanded into a palm-sized fireball.

In the glow of the flames, the interior of the cave became visible.

"Oh? You're quite skilled with Fire Style..." Madara observed Shen Yu's technique with mild surprise.

Typically, ninjas manipulate Chakra's flow through hand seals to manifest jutsu, either affecting themselves or their surroundings. These hand seals, known as mudras, were initially created by Indra, Uchiha's ancestor, and encompass twelve fundamental forms that have since proliferated throughout the ninja world.

However, skilled practitioners adept in specific types of Ninjutsu or elemental transformations streamline the process of forming seals due to their familiarity with Chakra manipulation.

Those with extraordinary talents may not even need to form seals to execute instant Ninjutsu.

Shenyu held up the fireball and proceeded forward. Deep inside the cave lay a spacious chamber. On the ground, black magic arrays were dissipating in concentric circles.

"It's underground," Madara's voice echoed from behind.

"Yes," Shenyu nodded. Seeing Madara staying put, he wisely began forming seals and pressed one hand onto the ground.

"Earth Style·Earth Wave."

A peculiar wave emanated outward, originating from Shenyu's palm as its epicenter. Inch by inch, the ground shifted outward, earth and rocks flowing like a river.

Shenyu possessed Chakra with six attributes: wind, fire, water, earth, lightning, and yin. While not proficient in numerous Ninjutsu, those he did master were highly practical, such as Fire Style and Lightning Style focusing on power, defense, and support.

Earth Style techniques were mainly for combat and survival.

Soon, a moderately deep pit appeared, revealing a black-haired girl huddled within, clutching her knees.

She was slender and small, dressed in tattered black garments, her long, satin-like hair sprawled on the ground like a solitary lily.

Sensing the shifting air currents and the warm glow of the fireball, she trembled faintly and slowly raised her head.

"Uchiha Hikari, from today onward, you are free."

A white hand extended towards her.

She looked up, her dark eyes reflecting a clear and gentle face.

"Who are you? Why did you let me out?" she asked, tilting her head in confusion, her voice soft and melodious, like a swaying wind chime.

"I am someone abandoned just like you. As for why I let you out... you could say it's like seeking solace in each other's company," Shenyu replied with a smile. In the warm firelight, his eyes gleamed like jade, his faint smile radiating warmth. "In short, you don't have to remain in this dark place any longer."

"Unconditionally?" She hesitated. "But why? Why would you save someone like me without reason..."

"Why? Have you accepted your fate?" Shenyu gazed into her eyes, echoing Boruto's words from another time and space. His voice was filled with determination. "Don't succumb to the fate others decide for you. Carve out your own path, create your own destiny!"

Her eyes shimmered momentarily, like a stone dropped into a tranquil lake, causing gentle ripples.

She stared blankly at the young man before her. In the dark confinement, she had lost track of time. The long emptiness had almost erased all emotions, leaving behind only deep-seated hatred frozen into layers of solid ice.

But now, layer by layer, the ice was melting away.

In a strange twist of fate, Wuming—or Uchiha Hikari—reached out and took Shenyu's hand, allowing him to help her up.

Shenyu couldn't help but assess her height with his eyes. Surprisingly, she stood half a head taller than him.

She appeared to be around 12 years old, the age she likely was when she was sealed. Her features were picturesque, with slit pupils, a small oval face, and perfectly proportioned facial features. Despite the dirt and grime, her elegance couldn't be concealed.

Her worn black tribal clothes and rough bandages around her ankles hinted at the hardships she endured.

Stepping out of the cave, the brilliant sunlight illuminated her pale cheeks, causing her to squint.

She raised a hand to shield her eyes and slowly adjusted to the light. As her vision cleared, Shenyu's back came into focus, and she recognized the familiar emblem of the "Uchiha" clan.

"Is this Wuming?" Madara also observed her closely.

After a while, she began to acclimate to the light, her vision sharpening. The emblem of the "Uchiha" clan became clearer, confirming her recognition of Shenyu.


T/N: There is a patreon for this work, and any new work I add will be dropped there first. check it out for an early release of up to 10 chapters.

Patreon link:- patreon.com/ANelite
