
Naruto: Hokage's Legacy

if you see this on fanfiction.net don't worry I'm the same person. this is an AU. In this story there will be some changes some with personality or some with strength or popularity. just another day as Naruto Uzumaki but this time something is different. he meets the ghost of the previous hokage! with his dream of being the strongest how will he take advantage of this? Warning!: at first you might not like Naruto's new personality but he changes later on

KakuzuCantolopes · Tranh châm biếm
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105 Chs

Finding Gaara pt6

Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto rushed into the area of the battle, when they arrived they saw three people lying on the floor, Sasori, Chiyo, and Kakashi! "Kakashi!" Sakura ran up and began medical ninjutsu, Naruto could sense that both Chiyo and Kakashi were alive just unconscious, "Don't worry they're alive." Naruto then walked up to Chiyo and performed the basic medical ninjutsu he could, although he wasn't great he could do something as simple as helping chakra recovery.

After a couple of hours, Kakashi and Chiyo woke up, "eh, Naruto, Sasuke, what happened with you two?" "Naruto and I captured the Akatsuki member, he is in a genjutsu right now." Kakashi nodded, now it was time to figure out how to somehow heal Gaara, Kakashi wasn't very hopeful, even Tsunade couldn't bring back the dead. Team Guy then appeared, "Kakashi, my eternal rival! What has happened to you?!" they all told their stories on what happened to all of them, they were all surprised that team Guy had to fight clones of themselves.

Kakashi and the rest then took Gaara to an open field so they could have more space, Sakura and Chiyo began looking at him trying to figure something out. "Sorry, but it's not possible." "Chiyo, does anyone in the village know one of the life exchanging techniques?" Chiyo thought a little before giving her answer, "Yes I do, but I don't think I can use it."

Naruto turned around, "What do you mean you don't think you can use it?" "I don't want to die." Naruto scoffed, "you won't exchange your life for your own Kage? He is the main part of your entire village! A real shinobi should be willing to give their life for the greater good of the village, you're old and probably won't live very long, Gaara is young with tons of potential, he is the youngest Kage ever!" Chiyo gripped her hands, she knew it was true. "You just battled with your life on the line for him but now that you have the chance to save him, you can't do it. How pitiful." because of being with the toads for so long he had become a lot more chill, but he still took things very seriously when they needed to be and this was one of those moments.

"Hell, you are the reason Gaara is dead. You sealed the beast inside him but you won't bring him back after you basically ruined his entire childhood." "The technique is called One's Own Life Reincarnation, this was created by our puppet brigade for reasons like these. And yes, you are right, I am pitiful, these last years of my life I have judged everyone and everything, now it's time for me to make up for all of that." Chiyo then put her hands on Gaara's chest, a blue haze came from her body, her chakra poured into Gaara. She could feel her life force fading and being transferred over, it was extremely painful.

Chiyo felt her eyesight go blurry and she began to pant, "I thought the shinobi world would never change, I guess that's just the ignorance I've gained from old age. Naruto, even if you don't show it, I know you care for Gaara. Please help Gaara, and the Sand finally find peace." Those were her last words, before falling, her life had just come to an end. It wasn't long until Gaara sat up, he looked around very confused, he then saw Naruto standing above him, "Welcome back, Kazekage."

"Naruto, how?" all around him were Sand shinobi, "Lord Kazekage, are you alright?" "The Kazekage is back!" Shouts were heard from all around Gaara, they were all happy and celebrating Gaara's return. "Really Gaara, putting us through all this trouble to save you, you still have to get much stronger," said Naruto with a smile on his face. Temari and Kankuro then came behind him, "What's with all the disrespect, Gaara is the Kazekage you know!" Kankuro tried to calm her down, "Calm down Temari, it's not a big deal."

"Naruto, how am I back, I was just dead?" "Chiyo used a healing technique to swap lives, she exchanged her life for yours." Gaara looked over at Chiyo's body, he got up and walked over to her, "Thank you Lady Chiyo. Everyone, let's pray for Granny Chiyo." everyone then closed their eyes in respect, she was one of the best puppet users in the whole village, everyone respected her.

After that everyone returned to the Sand village, there was a huge celebration of the Kazekage's return, because of the time Naruto and the rest of team seven and team Guy had to spend the night, they would leave in the morning. The next day they visited the grave of Chiyo, they couldn't spend long but they wanted to give respects. Before they left Gaara met with them, "Naruto, thanks." "No problem." Naruto then looked down and saw Gaara's hand, he wanted a handshake, Naruto shook his hand and left, this handshake essentially made a treaty between the Sand and Leaf.

It took them the usual three days to reach Konoha again, team Guy was also tired so they didn't go faster than needed. After getting back to the village they went to report their mission details, Jiraiya sighed, "I see, well it's a good thing we captured one of their members, maybe it could give us better information on the Akatsuki. We have a new method of getting information that should make him crack fairly quickly. Naruto, the academy year ends in a few days. Meet me here then, Sasuke, come here tomorrow to get your ANBU armor and teammates." Naruto and Sasuke nodded.

The next day came quickly and Sasuke was waiting in the Hokage's office in his ANBU gear, he was getting ready to meet his squad. Jiraiya walked in with three people behind him, "Sasuke, meet your squad, there is Honzu who wears the bull mask, Usagi who wears the rabbit mask, and the second in command Souei who wears the oni mask." Sasuke looked at them, "I don't know if they can fight the Akatsuki, I would like to test them." Tsunade then interrupted, "I assure you they are all high-" "I don't care about your rank, but your skill. If I thought a civilian was the best for the task, I would use a civilian." Jiraiya let out a breath, "Go ahead, it should be interesting.


Hello, that's the end of this chapter, yes Souei is from 'That one time I got reincarnated as a slime.' he will have a Kekkei Genkai related to strings. I don't know a good ANBU team name, the best I could think of was Shuryo, it means hunting or to hunt. If you have any ideas let me know.

Also so you have any ideas on what I could use for Sasuke's mask?

BTW if you haven't seen Hajime no Ippo, watch it and if you have seen it let me know what you rate it out of 10.

Please leave a reveiw if you have not already, thanks!

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