A Man awakens in the Land of Rain with the body of Monkey D. Garp and the Devil Fruits that belong to the High Ranking Marines. Read Chapters Ahead on www.p@treon.com/KillerDJ2023 Join Discord at https://discord.new/D7m3XGtn4cdM
The village of Mizugure layed in a valley within the Land of Rain, its modest buildings a stark contrast to the lush, rain-soaked forests surrounding it. On any other day, the village would be alive with the sounds of children playing, merchants hawking their wares, and the general bustle of daily life.
But today, an unnatural silence hung over Mizugure. The only sounds were the gentle patter of rain and the occasional muffled sob or scream quickly silenced.
Seven figures moved through the village like wraiths, their presence bringing with it an almost palpable aura of dread. These were the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, elite shinobi feared throughout the ninja world for their unparalleled skill with blades and their ruthless efficiency.
Fuguki Suikazan, the de facto leader of the group, stood in the village square, his massive frame dwarfing the cowering villagers gathered before him. The great sword Samehada writhed on his back, as if sensing the fear in the air and relishing it.
"I'll ask one more time." Fuguki's voice was deceptively soft, a stark contrast to his imposing appearance. "What do you know about the changes in Amegakure? What is this 'Marine' organization we've been hearing whispers about and where are they located?"
The village chief, an elderly man with a weather-beaten face, stepped forward on trembling legs. "Please, we've told you all we know. We're just a small village, we don't have any special information about Amegakure or those Marines."
Fuguki's eyes narrowed, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "You see, I don't believe you. And my colleagues here," he gestured to the other six swordsmen spread out around the square, "they're getting rather... impatient."
As if on cue, Kushimaru Kuriarare stepped forward, the long needle-like sword Nuibari glinting ominously in his hand. "Why don't we play a little game?" his voice was muffled by his mask, but the sadistic glee in it was unmistakable. "For every lie you tell us, I get to sew one of your villagers into a nice, tight bundle. Doesn't that sound fun?"
A whimper rose from the crowd of villagers, quickly stifled as Raiga Kurosuki shot a warning glare their way, electricity crackling around the twin swords Kiba.
The village chief's face paled, but he stood his ground. "Please, we're telling you the truth. We don't know anything more!"
Kushimaru sighed dramatically. "Wrong answer." In a blur of movement, he was suddenly behind a young woman in the crowd. Before anyone could react, Nuibari had pierced through her body multiple times, the attached wire drawing tight and contorting her form into a grotesque, bound shape.
The woman's scream of agony was cut short as the wire tightened around her throat. Kushimaru cackled with glee. "Oh, how lovely! Who wants to be next?"
Jinin Akebino stepped forward, the two-part Kabutowari resting casually on his shoulder. "Now, now, Kushimaru. Don't hog all the fun." He turned to the horrified villagers, his eyes gleaming with malice. "You know, Kabutowari here is called the 'Bluntsword' because it can break through any defense. I wonder... how many bones can I shatter before you decide to start talking?"
The village chief fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face. "Please, I beg you! We don't know anything! We're just simple villagers!"
Fuguki clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "More lies. Jinin, Raiga, why don't you show these good people what happens to liars in our presence?"
What followed was a scene of unimaginable cruelty. Jinin moved through the crowd with brutal efficiency, the hammer of Kabutowari shattering bones while the axe finished the job. Raiga, his eyes wild with a manic glee, sent arcs of lightning dancing among the villagers, their screams of pain music to his ears.
Higun Satomara, usually the most reserved of the group, watched the carnage with detached interest. His sword, Hiramekarei, remained sealed on his back. "This seems... excessive." he commented to no one in particular.
Beside him, Ren Ataroshi shrugged, idly swinging the explosive-laden Shibuki. "Orders are orders. Besides, a little fear goes a long way in loosening tongues."
As the screams and pleas for mercy filled the air, Jūzō Biwa stood apart from his comrades, the massive Kubikiribōchō resting point-down before him. His face was impassive, but there was a tension in his stance that suggested he wasn't entirely comfortable with the situation.
Fuguki, noticing Jūzō's reticence, called out, "What's the matter, Jūzō? Lost your stomach for the work?"
Jūzō's eyes narrowed slightly. "We're here for information, not slaughter. This." he gestured at the scene of carnage before them, "Serves no purpose."
Fuguki's expression darkened. "The purpose, Jūzō, is to send a message. Amegakure thinks it can change the balance of power in the ninja world? Let them see what happens to those who ally with them. Ants should stay in their place."
As the other swordsmen continued their grim work, Fuguki turned back to the village chief, who was now openly weeping. "Are you ready to talk now? Or shall I let my colleagues continue their... persuasion?"
The chief looked up, his eyes filled with a mixture of despair and defiance. "You... you monsters. You'll pay for this. The Marines will come, and when they do, Justice will prevail!"
Fuguki's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Oh? So you do know something about these Marines after all." He reached down, grabbing the chief by the throat and lifting him off the ground. "Tell me everything, old man, or I'll have Samehada here feast on every last drop of your chakra."
The chief struggled in Fuguki's grasp, his feet dangling uselessly in the air. "I... I don't know much." he gasped out. "Only that they protect the innocent. That they stand for justice in a world of shadows. That they'll stop monsters like you!"
Fuguki's grip tightened, a snarl twisting his features. "Brave words, old man. But where are these paragons of justice now? Where are they while your village burns and your people scream?"
As if in answer to his question, a bolt of lightning suddenly struck the ground between Fuguki and his comrades, the thunderclap that followed momentarily drowning out the screams of the villagers.
Fuguki instinctively leapt back, dropping the village chief in the process. As the smoke cleared, three figures stood where the lightning had struck, their presence radiating such a deep amount of Chakra that made even the hardened swordsmen pause.
In the center stood a young man with spiky orange hair, his eyes crackling with electrical energy.
To his right was a blue-haired woman, her amber eyes cold as she surveyed the scene of carnage.
And to his left, a red-haired youth with the strangest eyes any of them had ever seen - ringed and purple, seeming to glow with an otherworldly power.
"Well, well." the orange-haired youth spoke, his voice carrying easily across the now-silent village square. "Looks like we arrived just in time."
"No. We were still too late." Konan said as she looked around, fury growing in her gaze.
Fuguki's eyes narrowed as he took in the newcomers. They wore no hitai-ate, no identifying marks of any hidden village. Instead, they were draped in white uniforms with coats hanging on there backs. Something about them set his nerves on edge. And a Shinobi trusted their insticts.
"Who are you?" he demanded, Samehada writhing agitatedly on his back.
The orange-haired youth grinned, but it was a hard expression, devoid of any humor. "We're the ones who are going to make you pay for what you've done here. You were looking for us, right? We are the Marines."
A murmur ran through the remaining villagers at this pronouncement. The village chief, still gasping for breath on the ground, looked up with a mixture of relief and vindication.
Kushimaru stepped forward, Nuibari glinting menacingly in the dim light. "Marines? About time you bastards showed up!! But if you're looking for a fight, we'll be happy to oblige. It's been a while since we had a real challenge."
The blue-haired woman's eyes flashed dangerously. "Challenge? You call torturing innocent civilians a challenge? You're nothing but cowards and bullies. Pathetic men that wish to stroke their own egos"
Raiga cackled, electricity dancing between the twin blades of Kiba. "Ooh, this one's got spirit! I'm going to enjoy breaking you, little girl."
The red-haired youth spoke for the first time, his strange eyes seeming to bore into each of the swordsmen in turn. "You've spilled enough blood today. Surrender now, and you'll be shown mercy. Resist, and we'll give you a taste of true justice."
Fuguki threw back his head and laughed, a booming sound that echoed through the village. "Mercy? Justice? You're in over your heads, children. Do you have any idea who we are?"
The orange-haired youth's grin widened, taking on a feral quality. "Oh, we know exactly who you are. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. Kirigakure's elite assassins. Murderers. Torturers. Cowards who prey on the weak."
Jinin growled, hefting Kabutowari menacingly. "Big words from a brat who's about to be cut down where he stands."
"Enough talk!" Fuguki snarled, drawing Samehada from his back. The sentient sword's scales bristled, sensing the impending battle. "Let's show these upstarts what it means to face the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist!"
As the swordsmen spread out, taking up battle stances, the three newcomers remained perfectly still, their expressions a mixture of determination and cold fury.
"Last chance." the orange-haired youth called out, his voice carrying a note of finality. "Surrender now, or face the consequences of your actions. Though I personally would prefer if you don't surrender."
Fuguki's response was a roar of rage as he charged forward, Samehada raised high for a devastating blow. The other swordsmen followed suit, each moving with the deadly grace that had made them feared throughout the ninja world.
But as they closed in, the three young Marines showed no fear. The orange-haired youth's eyes began to glow with an inner light, electricity crackling around his body.
The blue-haired woman's form seemed to bloom, as paper flowers began to appear on her.
And the red-haired youth... his eyes began to emit a golden and purple light that seemed to distort the very air around him.
Justice may be late, but it does come.
[Author's Corner: Got caught up studying last night but I didn't foget my promise. Keep answering my question last chapter for the free membership.
Read Chapters Ahead on P@treon.com/KillerDJ2023
Give me some Fanfic ideas. Who knows, I might just write one.]