
Naruto : Hentai

I don't own anything inside this book, the cover is also not mine, I just do this for fun.

Im_Casper · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Reveler's Remorse and Penitent's Rejoicing

Sarada stared silently ahead, sitting in the hokage's office. The door was locked and warded with a privacy seal, so nobody would be able to see or hear what happened within. Not that it mattered if anyone eavesdropped on this conversation.

Their relationship wasn't a secret anymore. Hell, maybe it never really had been…

Sarada shuffled her feet on the spot, aching under the gazes that rested upon her. Even with the shame and regret that had settled in her mind and over her heart, her loins were insatiable. She had reined herself in by an effort of will in order to come here as she had, and it had taken her all her mental fortitude not to give into the urge to strip down and beg for daddy's cock.

It wasn't like she had the right to expect it now. Not after all that she had done.

She remembered how he had punished her the last time, when she had only slept with Chocho and Boruto on that one occasion. She remembered how angry he had been, how intense and savage.

Her belly warmed, and her panties moistened. The baishunfuuin throbbed over her womb.

Anxiously, her cheeks flush, Sarada glanced from Naruto to his wife.

His wife.

She could not bear to look at the woman for long. Those clear, pale eyes and that serene, inscrutable expression cowed her as no contortion of fury on her daddy's face ever could have. It was so much worse that Hinata did not look at her with visible anger. That calm countenance seemed like it could hide unfathomable depths of ice-cold hate.

Her face hotter and her insides wrenching, Sarada looked in the other direction, to where her mother was sitting. Sakura's expression was less controlled, and she looked tired. Exasperated, at the most generous. A twinge of guilt afflicted Sarada's conscience, and she stared down between her toes.

Writhing internally, Sarada bit her lip.

"I'm sorry."

A deafening silence followed these words. Naruto exchanged unreadable looks with Hinata and Sakura. Hinata inclined her head at her husband. Sakura shook her own head and pinched the bridge of her nose. Naruto sighed.

"What are you sorry FOR, Sarada?"

The girl flinched, hearing Naruto ask this. Again, she looked from him, to his wife, to her own mother.

Privately, she brooded over the fact that her supposed father didn't see fit to show up for her even now. Did HE know that she had been sleeping with his best friend and rival, that his own daughter had been living life as the hokage's cocksleeve and secret mistress since before even graduating from the ninja academy? Did Sasuke know and just not CARE that she had been doing all those things?

Sarada chewed her lip. She took a deep breath.

"For cheating on you."

Naruto gave her a long look, then closed his eyes. Hinata hummed. Sakura clicked her tongue.

"Is that ALL you're sorry for?" It was her mother who asked this, looking at Sarada with eyes more penetrating than any doujutsu. "Are you sure?"

Sarada nodded firmly. This was the only thing that she DID feel certain about.

"I am. I'm daddy's… I belong to Hokage-sama. I know he doesn't like me doing that, but I still did it anyway. Just because…"

She placed a hand over her belly, over the seal upon her womb. It ached ravenously.

Sakura shot Naruto an unreadable look. He sheepishly avoided her eyes.

"You feel sorry for cheating on him, but not for cheating WITH him?" said Hinata placidly. "You aren't guilty about sleeping with a married man, let alone the hokage? You don't regret putting him at the risk of such a scandal?"

Sarada opened her mouth and closed it. She was sure that the "right" answer would be to say that she felt sorry for all of that, too. But she did not, so she nodded.

Naruto sighed again, though his lips quirked slightly, wryly upward.

"You applied what you thought was a general birth control seal to yourself as an extra safety in your kunoichi training, not knowing its other effects," he said. "There was difficulty in removing the seal, so I took it upon myself to rein you in until I was able to get it off. It finally became too much, and you acted out the way you did during our mission in Suna. That would still be mildly scandalous, but it's the best possible spin we could put on the situation…"

Sarada gulped. She thought she could see where he was going with this, and she bowed her head contritely.

"…Of course, Hokage-sama. I'm beyond grateful for your care." Her pussy burned with desire as she spoke, and she shuddered. Base, inflamed lust revolted against this composure and against what she was doing. But she knew it would be the wisest choice. She didn't want to damage her daddy's career. She had already caused him too much trouble. "I apologize for being such a liability. Such a… slut."

She swallowed, yearning for him now more than ever. But she straightened back up and met his eyes, composing herself gravely.

Naruto exchanged another look with Hinata and Sakura. Hinata smiled mysteriously. Sakura shrugged and waved a hand.

"It's my fault she got so out of hand," Sakura said. "I should have known she would act out like this, with her dad away for so long and so often…"

"Yeah…" Naruto sighed. "But it's my fault too, obviously. I'm the one who let her…"

He blushed, looking guiltily from Sakura to Hinata.

The latter softly giggled, and the former shook her head.

Sounding more exasperated than truly angry, Sakura let out a sigh.

"Well, it can't be helped, right? She takes after me in all the places where it counts…" The pinkette crossed her arms. "From how you described that first encounter, it's understandable that you would lose control of yourself, I guess. If it had been me in that position, you would have done the same… Right?"

"I wonder… is this because you regret not taking Naruto when you had the chance?" said Hinata, smiling sweetly. "You see how your daughter managed to seduce him as validation for the idea that you could have had him, and you live vicariously through her salacious exploits. Is that it?"

Sarada's face was burning, and her heart was pounding. She wasn't sure how to take what they were saying. The tones in their voices, and the expressions on their faces…

"M-Mom…?" she looked at her mother confusedly. Then she looked at Hinata, wondering why the woman sounded so amused. Shouldn't they be angrier? "Aren't I in trouble?"

"Oh, definitely," Sakura said, not missing a beat. She massaged her temples. "Honestly, I'm tempted to just disown you and make another… Take a second try with the father actually around, see if that actually makes a difference."

Sarada looked away, shamefaced. But then she heard Hinata giggle.

"Well, if you did that, I suppose Naruto and I would have to adopt her, wouldn't we?" The Uzumaki matron smiled serenely at the Uchiha. "Of course, she would be expected to earn her place… but I think it would be very convenient, having her around. I love my husband, but I'm not as young as I used to be, and it was always hard to keep up with him in bed…"

"You know," Sakura said. "You're the one who has more of a reason to be angry about this. I mean, yeah, I'm disappointed that my daughter turned out this way, but you're the one whose husband has been cheating on you with a girl young enough to be your daughter. Even if you say you don't have the energy to satisfy him these days…" The pinkette cleared her throat with a small blush. "…that doesn't make what he was doing okay, right?"

Hinata shrugged.

"I can't help but sympathize with the girl. I know exactly why she would have fallen so badly for Naruto. And… again, I won't pretend that it hasn't been helpful for me, in a way, to have someone younger and more enthusiastic helping to take the edge off that simply insatiable libido of his. As long as he's happy…"

Sakura's cheeks reddened a little further. She shook her head, then took a long, slow look at her daughter.

"Sarada… what do you plan to do? I'm not happy about this, but if it's just a short phase, I guess I can look the other way. Naruto is a married man. You can't settle down and start a family with him. You are young… too young, honestly, but I'm willing to overlook that… but you are still young, so I get if you're not thinking that far ahead yet. But this kind of thing… I'm not saying I'm against you exploring your sexuality and being a little more liberated or whatever, but you still have to keep your feet on solid ground. Do you understand?"

Sarada swallowed, meeting her mother's eyes.

"I don't know. Maybe… But right now, I know what I want. Maybe that will change as I get older. Maybe I'll regret doing this, or maybe I'll eventually move on and settle down. But right now…" She felt the tingling in her womb, the burning of the seal on her belly. Earnestly, she put her hand over her heart. "But right now, I love Hokage-sama, and I want to be with him no matter what!"

Naruto coughed, his face tomato red. Hinata hummed and looked from her husband to his mistress.

Sakura sighed.

"Well, I'm not going to disown you. And Sasuke… honestly, I think he would just…" She pinched the bridge of her nose. "You're young. Your head is in the clouds. And it probably doesn't help that you've still got that seal on you… But once it's been taken off, and once you've done a little growing up, maybe you'll see that I'm right. Still, at the same time… I get it. Honestly, I really do. I was your age once, and I know how a young girl's heart can be. I can understand your feelings, even if I think it's unwise."

"Indeed," said Hinata. "Even if you told her never to see him again… no, especially if you forbade her from seeing him, she would just continue to do so in secret. And resisting it might make her more adamant in her love, giving her that righteous feeling of fighting against adversity which may blind her to the growth or waning of other feelings."

"If you find your kid smoking cigarettes, force them to smoke the whole pack in one sitting…" Sakura said. "Right? Have her do it until she gets sick, and then she'll understand why she shouldn't be doing it. Sometimes they just need to touch a hot stovetop in order to learn their lesson." She shook her head. "Yeah, I don't know. I'd still prefer if she listened to me from the get-go, but at the same time, she's my daughter. Sasuke's too. That's a double dose of hereditary bullheadedness. I'm not about to deal with that."

Sarada blinked.

"W-W-Wait…" she said slowly. "Are you saying…?" She looked at Naruto, bewildered by how his wife and her mother were talking. "Do you mean…?"

The seal throbbed harder, and her eyes smoldered with a lascivious hope.

Naruto shrugged.

"Maybe," he said. "I don't know. But we'll soon see." He stood up from behind the desk and slowly walked around to in front of Sarada. He looked at Hinata, and then at Sakura. "Take off your clothes."

Her heart skipped a beat.

"All of them?"

Naruto looked again from Sakura to Hinata. His wife nodded. Her mother waved a hand, having clearly given up.

Blue eyes wheeled back around, boring into Sarada's soul.

"Yeah, sure," he said thickly. "All of them."

With the speed of zeal, Sarada stripped, no shame or contrition enough to constrain her movements. She bared her naked body for the appraisal of Naruto and Hinata and Sakura, and she shivered and rubbed her thighs together, showing them all her fierce arousal, her soaked and dripping pussy.

Naruto stooped to eye-level with Sarada's B-cup breasts, appraising the precociously blossomed mounds and her stiff, greedy nipples. He raised his right hand, passing a bandaged finger an inch from Sarada's aching cunt, sending a thrill up her spine. Then he pressed his hand over the flame-winged heart tattooed on her navel, the stylized formula of the baishunfuuin.

His hand momentarily glowed with power. Sarada felt a tingling that spread through her whole body from head to toes. An intense pulse of sensation went through her, rippling outward from her womb, and she arched her back and moaned. She could not stifle her voice. She howled at the top of her lungs, almost screaming in her ecstasy as she came, the baishunfuuin racking her body with one last superhuman orgasm and flooding her mind with imbecilic bliss.

For a moment, the haze was thicker than ever, and she almost forgot that anything aside from her pussy even existed. Then, there was sudden clarity, and finally peace. Nearly numb she felt, compared to the hypersensitivity caused by the seal, and for a moment, she felt revulsion as she remembered everything that she had done under its effects. Ashamed, even more ashamed now than before, Sarada looked away, unable to meet Naruto's gaze.

It was like she had spent the past few months in a state of intoxication, and only now was she finally sober. She suspected that there would be one hell of a hangover.

She gulped, feeling like there was a lead weight in her stomach.

"If… If you don't want me anymore, I understand." She could not look Naruto in the eye. "I'm willing to take the full blame for my actions. I'll take responsibility for all of it."

She was mortified in her awareness of the gaze of Sakura and Hinata, of her mother and Naruto's wife. Her guilt was strengthened by the seal's absence, and it was easier for her to accept the idea of ending it. Easier, but not…

Sarada bit her lip.

Yes. Even without the seal, she still felt…

Embarrassedly, she rubbed her thighs together, her pussy tingling. Even so shortly after such a massive orgasm, she started to moisten even more. Even with the baishunfuuin no longer amplifying her lust and clouding her judgement, she was still horny, and still secretly hopeful that somehow, in some way, they could still…

Sakura gave her daughter a long, penetrating look. Finally, after a moment, she threw up her hands like a general surrendering to her foe.

"…I guess she gets it from me. Once she's set her heart on something…" She shook her head. "Yeah, like I said, it looks like the best thing to do is to just let this run its course. She'll come to her senses eventually. Even if it can't go back to normal, and even if she's permanently ruined her reputation, she can still hopefully find someone nice to settle down with once she's past this phase. And the most important thing is that she's happy, I suppose."

She didn't sound like she really believed this last part, but Sarada appreciated the gesture, and she was grateful. And she guessed she could understand where her mom was coming from. She was trying to look out for her daughter and do what was best for her. Even if Sarada wanted nothing more right now than to be Naruto's personal cumslut for life, that didn't mean that this was the course that would make her happiest in the long run, and going down that road would prevent her from ever really having anything like a normal life. Already, she had probably made herself a bit of a social pariah.

It hadn't been NEARLY as much of a secret as she'd believed…

Despite her position and her nakedness, Sarada nodded soberly at her mother.

"Thank you, Mom. I love you."

Sakura sighed, a little frustrated that she couldn't stay more upset.

Naruto rubbed the back of his head, laughing weakly. He gave Sarada a semi-apologetic look, and he afforded one more look of contrition for Hinata and Sakura each.

"I'm sorry," he said. He said it to all three of them. "From the start, I really should have just…"

"I don't blame you," Sakura said. "Maybe I should, but… I don't know. I owe you a lot. In a way, if it weren't for you, Sarada would have never been born. If you hadn't brought Sasuke to his senses…" She gave him a sharp look. "Not that I'm saying you have a right to her or something. But I guess it's fine for now… As long as you use protection. I expect you to be responsible, alright? BOTH of you."

Naruto nodded slowly, looking appropriately chastised.

"What about Sasuke?" he asked Sakura. "Will you…?"

"I'll just tell him," Sakura said. "Honestly, knowing how indebted he feels to you, he probably wouldn't even begrudge giving you his firstborn as a concubine or some such crap…" She shook her head. "Though he'd probably also eviscerate you first. Just a little. But you know. He'll probably be disappointed, but if he really gets unreasonable about it, I can just tell him that HE was the one who decided it would be for the best for him to be away from the village for so long, so often. Like, it's no wonder his daughter would be so starved for affection from a father figure…"

She muttered this last part a little testily, venting some of her own frustrations.

Naruto winced, but nodded.

"And… it's okay?" he said to Hinata, looking at her searchingly. "Everything that's happened? For real?"

"Well, no. Perhaps not everything," Hinata said seriously. "I expect you to make it up to me for trying to keep this a secret. As far as you knew, you were cheating on me without my knowledge. I may love you, but that doesn't mean I'll forgive that without serious amends on your part." She gave him a stern look, then smiled. "…But this is this, and that is that. I don't hold it against Sarada, and I won't begrudge it if she wants to…"

She inclined her head at the girl, giving her a soft nod.

"So… does that mean…?"

Sakura gave her daughter a look. She closed her eyes.

"I won't tell anyone about this. Not that it matters whether I do or not, but… you know. I don't exactly APPROVE, but as long as you're more responsible about it in the future than you have been so far… well, like I said. Just use protection, okay?"

She made for the door, walking past Sarada with a slightly melancholic smile.

The girl shivered, understanding without any more needing to be said.

"Thank you, Mom… Really." She smiled, trembling slightly. "I meant everything I said, you know."

"Yeah. I know." Sakura smiled a little despite herself, then walked out the door. "And, again, just be more careful, and it won't have to be a problem."

"They will be," Hinata said, smiling at Naruto. "WE will be. Right, dear?"

Naruto nodded, still fittingly contrite.

"Yeah. Definitely."

Sakura didn't say anything, but they saw her nod her head before the door closed.

Then she was gone, and Sarada's heartbeat tripled as she comprehended all that had just transpired. Slowly, keenly aware of her nakedness and her visible arousal, shivering profoundly—and not in the least bit out of any chill—she looked up at Naruto and Hinata, the Seventh Lord Hokage and the Byakugan Princess.

Hinata smiled at the young girl, clasping her hands.

"You owe Sakura a great deal for this," she remarked. "And you owe me just as much."

"Yeeeaaah," Naruto said. "I know. I'll make it up to you. And I'll take care… better care than I have been."

Hinata nodded, and she kissed him on the cheek.

"As long as we all understand that I am your wife, and Sarada is just a mistress, I can help you take care of her." She winked at the girl. "But for starters, I think she should put on her clothes and go home to think about what she's done… Right, dear?"

Naruto looked into his wife's eyes, checking to make sure he read the atmosphere correctly. After a moment, he smiled.

"Yeah. She was very naughty, after all, cheating on her daddy like that…" He paused, waiting to see if he had tripped a landmine. Getting no adverse response, he continued, looking at Sarada's naked, dripping pussy. "Until I say so, you aren't allowed to masturbate. Do you understand? You aren't allowed to come unless I am fucking you."

Hinata giggled, seeming to find this acceptable.

Sarada shivered, on one hand dismayed yet on the other hand aroused. She nodded, eager to prove her obedience—her love.

"Of course, Daddy. Whatever you say."

Naruto smiled, appearing satisfied with this response.

"Good girl."

With that, he had her get dressed, then dismissed her.

Sarada just hoped she would be able to make it up to him before she went crazy from desire.

… … … … …

It was hard for Sarada to focus as she sat in the front row. Her mom was beside her, and a small assortment of family friends of the Uzumaki were gathered. She had been handed an invitation to an Uzumaki wedding ceremony by her mother, and when she had arrived to see Naruto and Hinata standing up front before the attendees, she'd guessed that it must be a renewal of their vows.

A week had passed since that big talk with Naruto and Hinata and Sakura, and Sarada had obeyed Naruto's instructions to the letter. She had not masturbated. She had not allowed herself to come. And as she hadn't really gotten the chance for any alone time with Naruto since then, she had been getting extremely antsy. But she had persevered.

This was how she would make it up to Naruto for causing so much trouble. This was her punishment for sleeping around without his permission. She would not fail.

Still, with so much pent up desire, Sarada was finding it hard to focus on the ceremony. She couldn't pay attention to what the officiating monk was saying, and she wasn't really concentrating on the ceremony. She was there to show her support, and to show her respect for their marriage. If Hinata was willing to tolerate Sarada being her husband's side girl, then Sarada felt that it was only appropriate for her to reciprocate. But this didn't mean that she was listening too closely.

Truthfully, Sarada's thoughts had meandered off into fantasy. She imagined that it was her up there instead of Hinata, that she was nude in front of the crowd, that she was kneeling on the floor and kissing her daddy's cock as she was bound to him in an unrepentantly horny matrimony. She imagined being asked if she would accept her daddy's cock as her object of worship, and if she would accept her daddy as her master. Of course, she would answer with an enthusiastic "YES!" to both questions, before shaking her ass and swallowing her daddy's big, fat cock for all to see.

A sigh. Alas, that wouldn't be the case. Of course, she was beyond grateful to be allowed even a fraction of the relationship she'd once had with her daddy, and she understood that this could never actually happen. It was just a silly erotic fantasy, she told herself. She didn't really want to do anything like that. She didn't deserve to get anything like that.

Even if she convinced herself of this, Sarada couldn't help feeling a small, bittersweet pang. But she shook her head and tried again to focus, and she watched as Naruto and Hinata exchanged a kiss before the witnesses.

She started to applaud as obliged, not having followed the ceremony very closely, then stopped when she noticed that she was the only one clapping.

Sarada faltered. She saw that everyone was looking at her. Next to her, her mom was smiling strangely.

That wasn't her mom's smile. That looked more like…

"You haven't actually been paying attention, have you?" Sakura smiled a grin that was recognizably Naruto's, and she lightly pinched Sarada's cheek. Not the one on her face, either. "If you had checked a little closer, you would have seen it right here."

She waved a sheet of paper in Sarada's face. It was the schedule for the ceremony. Sarada had barely even skimmed it. But now that she gave it a proper look, she noticed something that caused her to blink.

'The marriage of Sarada Uchiha and…'

Sarada looked up with a start, suddenly noticing that almost everybody present was wearing a signature Naruto grin. Only Hinata, standing beside her husband with a much demurer but also very sly smile, did not have that toothy, beaming, ear-to-ear rictus.

"Get that sweet ass of yours up there," Sakura said in a manner that was all Naruto's. "And you might as well take off your clothes now. We have a special wedding dress ready just for you."

The Sakura who was clearly not Sakura winked and patted Sarada's bottom, encouraging to girl to get out of her seat.

With a flaming blush, but also an intense shiver of excitement, Sarada did so. She stood up and undressed, shedding her clothes in front of all the witnesses—in front of all of Naruto's transformed shadow clones—and she walked up to the altar.

She felt her mom following her from behind. Except this wasn't her mom. This was her daddy, and she could hear the meaty ­smack-smack-smack of Naruto's thick cock swinging between Sakura's legs.

Sarada arched her back as she approached the altar, puffing up her precociously blossomed breasts and sticking out her bare, perky ass. She felt her "mom" caress her hip when she came to a stop, and she felt her lean forward to press her bosom to Sarada's head, to nestle a rising bulge in her dress between Sarada's tight, creamy buttocks.

A shiver went up Sarada's spine, and she looked up to Naruto and Hinata. Hinata stepped aside, and reaching behind her, she pulled out something that could perhaps be described, analogously and very generously, provided that one extended the definitions to their absolute breaking point, as a "wedding dress". Except that, really, it was little more than white silk garters and a bridal veil, with a little white lace to strap around her breasts like rope or ribbons to frame and accentuate them.

Sarada accepted the garment from Hinata with a thrill, and she slipped it on as quickly and eagerly as she could while still taking the time to make sure she got it on just right. Her "mom" stepped back just far enough to give Sarada room to strap on the garter belt, before inching back forward to nestle again between Sarada's buttocks while the girl bent over to pull up her stockings. And as Sarada finished donning her skimpy, fetishistic parody of a wedding dress, she heard a zipping sound, and she looked up to see Naruto's cock hanging out of his trousers.

With amorous, hopeful eyes, Sarada took her presumptive position before the Lord Hokage.

Then she glanced at the assembled witnesses. At some point, they had all transformed back into Naruto, and they were all looking at her with identically lascivious expressions. The female guests had turned into Narukos, and the male guests had become Narutos, but all had the bulges of visibly erect cocks.

Giddily trembling, Sarada looked once more up at Naruto.

"Daddy…?" she said softly. "Is this…?"

"Your mom doesn't need to know about it," Naruto said with a wink, looking at the "Sakura" who moved to stand beside Hinata, reluctantly relinquishing first use of the girl to the original. "But I figured… well, Hinata and I figured…" He looked sideways at his wife, who was smiling at both him and the erect imposter Sakura. He grabbed his own dick as it twitched and stiffened. "You know? With how much you love this cock, it seems a shame to have you JUST be a mistress."

He winked at Sarada.

"He is my husband, so you can't have his heart," Hinata said. "At least…" She smiled. "Well, you don't get to have first place in it. But his cock, on the other hand… I do love it, but like I said, it is honestly so much more convenient to have you taking care of it for me. So, if you want…" She placed a hand on the small of Sarada's back. "You can marry that cock and become its dutiful, loving wife."

Sarada looked from Naruto to Hinata and back again, slowly processing what they were saying.

Since the seal had been removed from her, she had regained a better sense of priorities and propriety. She had gotten back something of modesty and restraint. But even without the seal, this idea sounded WONDERFUL to her.

Because of course it did. The baishunfuuin had not been on her at the beginning, when she first started sleeping with Naruto and experimenting with him. Even before she ever put the seal on herself, she had been sucking the hokage's cock under his desk while he spoke with visitors, and she had seduced him and begged him to fuck her, and she had engaged in incest play and shadow clone play and gotten off on watching him choke a clone transformed to look like her mother as a genin.

Even from the start, before she'd ever had a taste of Naruto's dick, Sarada had been dreaming of getting it from him and masturbating to the idea of being his sex slave. Even before she'd ever seen his cock, she'd known that she longed for it and wanted to worship it with every inch of her body. On an instinctual level, from nearly the moment she had first awakened to her desires as a woman, the objects of her longing had been him and his cock.

She was a twisted pervert, and she was a dirty little slut. The seal had exacerbated these things and accelerated them out of control, but even with it no longer upon her, when she thought back on all her dreams, and on everything she had done with Naruto, while Sarada regretted the recklessness and the more unfaithful acts on her part, and while she was now better able to scale her hopes and expectations down to a realistic level, there was very little that really disgusted her.

Even the weirdest and roughest things… well, maybe she wouldn't want to try to do them all for real. But if Naruto still wanted her, and if he decided he wanted to roleplay some of those things, she would be happy to do so with him. Removing the seal hadn't suddenly made her chaste or modest. It hadn't suddenly taken away her feelings for Naruto. She was still his needy pervert, his loving little cumslut, and if he was fine with having her even after everything that had happened… if he wanted her as…

Sarada swallowed and looked into Naruto's eyes. Then, she looked down to his groin and got onto her knees.

"…I love your cock, daddy." She shivered, feeling Hinata and the Sakura watch. Panting, hotly blushing, she licked her lips and cupped one of her breasts. "So, if… If it's okay… I want to be yours. I could have understood if… if you didn't want me anymore, but… knowing that you DO still want me.."

She smiled with hearts in her eyes.

Naruto closed his eyes. Then he smiled, too.

"You're a good girl, Sarada. And I'm sure you'll be a VERY good wife." He placed his hand on her head, pressing down on it ever so lightly. "You're the kind of girl who knows her duty. The kind of girl who won't hesitate to show exactly how much she loves her husband." His cock throbbed, and she could smell it thickly as the head pressed to her lips. "So if you want to…"

The clone transformed into Sakura presented a pair of rings. They were smooth silver bands, unadorned. One was sized to fit around Sarada's finger. But the other…

Sarada smiled, seeing Naruto take the ring meant for her, and she reached up and grabbed the ring meant for him.

"I do.." Sarada took the ring and slipped it down the length of Naruto's twitching, pulsating cock, watching how it encircled his girth. "I love your cock, Daddy. I would be honored to spend the rest of my life as its wife... I would have been happy even if I was just its slave. As long as I got to…"

She licked her lips, moaning in desire.

Naruto smiled. He took Sarada's hand and slipped her ring onto her finger. It was, as expected, a perfect fit.

"Do you, Naruto Uzumaki, take this tight piece of ass to be your cock's wife?" said the clone of Naruto who was officiating. "To fuck and to suck and to abuse as much as she wants, to be your thirsty little cock whore and your loving, worshipful cum slave, to be your bitch and your mistress for life."

"I do," Naruto said. He pushed down on Sarada's head, forcing her lips to his cockhead, making them spread open. "Hell yeah, I do."

Sarada's eyes rolled, and her face flushed euphorically as moisture spilled from her yearning slot. Her arousal could be seen by all the witnesses, and she saw that they had transformed once more into a variety of family friends and villagers, resuming the façade to make it that little bit more exciting for her.

Hinata smiled, placing a hand on the ass of the Sakura lookalike.

"Mm… Well, now, watching this has gotten me hornier than I've felt in a while… How ironic." She looked at her husband amusedly. "But since today is her today, I think I can settle for this."

Turning with a playful wink, she pulled the Sakura into a deep, groaning kiss, and she reached down to grab the dick that stood up between the woman's legs. She stroked this slowly while her husband watched, and Naruto smiled and looked down at the moaning, yearning Sarada as she frenched his tip.

The officiating clone chuckled and gestured in a parodical benediction.

"You may now fuck the bride."

Naruto pushed down on Sarada's head, and the girl let out a moan of bliss as she was none too gently forced to swallow her daddy's cock, to kiss her new husband as deeply and lovingly as she possibly could.

Touching herself and eagerly fingering her pussy, Sarada started to suck.

It was the happiest day of her life. She was so grateful that she could be in this position.

She was a perfect little pervert..