
Naruto : Hentai

I don't own anything inside this book, the cover is also not mine, I just do this for fun.

Im_Casper · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

In open, In secret.

Sarada's heart was beating fast as she walked down the street hand in hand with Naruto. Blushing cheeks were dimpled by a giddy smile, and onyx eyes flitted excitedly from one side of the street to the other, passing over the various pedestrians.

Part of Sarada's excitement came from the fact that she was wearing a skimpier outfit than she usually did, with high slits in the sides to show the creamy skin of her hips and thighs, high enough to show that she wore neither shorts or panties. If a breeze passed the right way along the street, it might sweep aside the flaps of her skirts to show a bare, perky bottom or a soft, rosy snatch. Indeed, it only barely wen down past her crotch, and if it were hiked up even a little, one would see everything.

But this was not the only cause for Sarada's giddiness. No, indeed, the potential exhibition of her privates was a secondary factor, and the primary cause was the feel of Naruto's hand enfolding hers, gently but firmly grasping her hand in the middle of the street where anyone could see. Even if she knew that nobody COULD see—not any of the civilians, at least, and there were only civilians around at the moment—it was still wonderfully exhilarating, and she felt a heady arousal that deepened with every passing moment.

To be frank, Sarada was on cloud nine, beaming as Naruto took her out on the town. It was a sort of apology for the practical joke he'd played, making it up to Sarada after the disappointment she'd suffered. Naruto did it because he felt sorry for tricking her. Sarada hadn't insisted on it, but once he'd offered, she'd accepted it and treated it as if, of course, this was necessary, Sarada not about to pass up on the opportunity out of a misplaced sense of modesty.

And there was certainly nothing modest about the way she swung her hips next to Naruto as they came to a stop on the street corner. They stood just outside a restaurant frequented by Sarada and her peers, a cheap but decent burger place, None of her fellow genin were inside the restaurant just now, as far as she could tell, but it still gave her a thrill to stop outside with Naruto and feel his fingers shift as he squeezed her hand, his eyes flitting over to her and roving down her body.

"Yeah, Daddy?" Sarada said, perking up as she looked at Naruto. She stood on her tiptoes and stuck out her bum, leaning forward so that the back of her dress rode high enough for her ass to peek out. "Do you want to do it here?"

"It's your choice, Sarada," Naruto replied, threading his fingers through hers. "If you think this is a good place for it…"

She gulped and rubbed her thighs together.

"Can they see?"

"If they can notice the genjutsu, they might," Naruto said, looking up and down the street. "And, fair warning… illusions have never been my specialty. It will hold up as long as someone isn't looking too closely… but any close scrutiny, and it will become obvious."

Sarada gulped.

"Will they be able to hear?"

"I'll try to muffle the sounds," Naruto told her. "But I make no guarantees that it will work."

Sarada chewed her lip for a moment, then smiled.

"Do it here. I want to risk it."

A bulge grew visible in Naruto's trousers, and he reached for the zipper with his free hand, considering Sarada eagerly but also carefully.

"You're sure?"

She pouted at him and wiggled her hips.

"Don't be a tease…" she said. "I want it. Isn't that enough?"

"Yeah…" Naruto slid down his zipper and took out his cock. It sprang free of containment, hard and throbbing in his grip, and he tugged lightly on Sarada's arm, pulling her closer to him. "It is."

Sarada sucked in a sharp breath, seeing Naruto's cock exposed, and she inched closer, staring into the restaurant through the window, glancing up and down the street with a breathless excitement. They were in public. That fact burned in her mind, and it made her more excited the more she thought about it.

She bucked her hips and leaned against the window, staring into the restaurant and watching the reflection of the street from the corners of her eyes. Arching her back, lifting her ass, spreading her legs, she presented to Naruto, keenly aware that anyone who chanced to see through the genjutsu concealing them would get an unremitting eyeful of her spankable hindquarters and her dripping, slatternly slot.

Naruto let go of her hand and grabbed her by the hips. More than ever, Sarada felt aware of the broadness and weight of his hands, the callosities of the one and the coarse bandages on the other. She held her breath as he leaned in, pressing to her from behind. Although she was already wet, he chose to tease her a little more, running one hand up to her chest and stroking through her clothes, bowing his head to whisper huskily in her ear.

"You look like a real treat, Sarada..."

The girl moaned, biting her lip to try and stifle the sound. Her hips rocked backwards, tilting up and down in an imploring movement, the girl wordlessly asking for his dick. She enjoyed his teasing and his touch, but still more she longed for the full force and measure of his insatiable hardness, so fearsome even when this familiar.

"Fuuuck…" she breathed, feeling him tweak one of her nipples, feeling him also reach between her legs and begin digitally probing her slit. "D-Daddy…"

Naruto growled, a satisfied rumbling, and he chuckled into her hair, breathing in the smell.

"Do you want it?"

"You bully…" Sarada tossed her head, shuddering and rolling her eyes upward, banishing the pupils behind her lids. "Just put it in, Daddy…"

The seal was thrumming, and her pussy was aching. Naruto's fingers found her clit, and stars danced before her vision, fireworks going off behind her eyes. Still more, she shuddered, and a whine escaped her bliss-twisted lips, Sarada almost not caring if anyone happened to see or hear them.

Naruto's smiling mouth pressed to the crown of her head, a brusque kiss, and more gently the crown of his sex kissed her chalice. She parted with a thrill, her smile tortuously widening, and he sank slowly in, a turgid girth gradually displacing her.

Sarada could not restrain her moan as she was flattened against the restaurant's window, and she drunkenly smiled as Naruto began to thrust.

The glass pane thumped and quivered as Sarada's naked body was pressed against it. The glass steamed from Sarada's breath, and she wondered if those inside would notice. She spread her legs and arched her back, angling herself to receive more of Naruto as he slowly started—slowly indeed, at first, gently and teasingly, taking the time to make sure she enjoyed it.

His fingers were like magic, stroking here and tweaking there, exciting her and making her ache with desire. Pleasure tingled in her veins, and her head lolled devoid of thoughts, Sarada knowing only the immediate sensations and her looming desire. Quietly she moaned, restraining her voice by as much as she could, while rocking her hips and taking Naruto's cock, grinding on him with relish while he groped her and petted her and whispered to her all that she wanted to hear.

"You look so sexy, Sarada," he rasped in her ear. "It takes me everything I've got just to hold back from taking hold of you and fucking you in the middle of my office each time you report back from a mission with your team, or every time I see you walking down the street. Fuck, you're so hot. You tasty little snack. You insatiable little slut. I love you."

His words sent a thrill through Sarada, so wonderful that it was almost cruel for him to whisper them thus, and the poor girl found herself being driven slowly mad by the languid pumping of his cock. He was holding back, despite his words, restraining himself even now—but maybe only to make it more pleasurable, more excruciating, to edge her to sanity's brink and make her beg him to do it as fast and hard and deep as she really, truly needed.

Sarada bit her lip, moaning a little louder, the mist of her breath sprawling further over the glass. Her hips bucked, and she pawed at the window, her skin squeaking on the pane. Wordlessly she implored him, hoping by the thrust of her loins and the swing of her hips to communicate the desire that burned insatiably within her belly. Her skimpy dress shifted and rustled as Naruto ran his hands over her body, groping her and stroking her, and her buttocks audibly smacked his navel as his thrusting slightly quickened.

Either she had gotten her point across, or Naruto's lust had overcome all his other restraint, and he fucked her gradually faster, gradually deeper, gradually harder. Tighter was his hold on her body, and heavier was his breath rustling her hair, and the blistering impacts of his pelvis against her loins and the vigorous distension of her pussy by his plunging cock were all that Sarada could think about. She smiled against the window, rolling her eyes as her glasses slid down the bride of a sweat slicked nose, staring dumbly into the restaurant while Naruto reamed her.

Yet for all the distraction of Naruto's big, throbbing dick, and for all the diversion of her own delight in this reaming, there was enough awareness left in Sarada's dizzied head for some corner of her to notice something upon which her eyes newly alighted on the other side of the window, something she vaguely recognized—something that gave her a rush of fear and excitement.

Chocho was inside. Sarada didn't know when the girl had gotten there, but she was in the restaurant, eating with her teammates. Inojin and Shikadai were facing away from the window, but Sarada could recognize them even from behind, and Chocho was seated across from the boys, though presently her attention appeared to be focused on her meal.

Sarada shuddered, the breath catching in her throat. Did Naruto see them? Would they be able to see her? Inojin and Shikadai could maybe discern that there was a genjutsu, if they looked in her direction, but would they be able to perceive what lay hidden behind that veil of illusion? How long would the phantasmal shroud of the Lord Hokage's ninja arts hold up against the scrutiny of her peers?

For all her nerves, for all the fear that seized her, Sarada was not displeased by the possibility. To the contrary, it seemed more exhilarating to imagine that they might be able, if they looked closely, to see her and the position that she was in. Maybe they could already see, and they were politely ignoring it. Maybe Naruto had lied when he said they were under a genjutsu, and the whole rest of the village was in on the truth. Maybe everyone knew, and they simply refrained from mentioning it out of politeness. Maybe they tolerated it, and maybe they even approved.

Or maybe they saw her as less than dirt.

Sarada moaned, and it came out much louder than she entirely wanted. She covered her mouth, but she saw one of the diners closest to the window look up from their meal, perplexed. Her heartbeat accelerated tenfold, thundering in her ears, and her insides hollowed even as she was deeper and more swiftly filled by Naruto's thrusting cock. With a gasp, with a hiss, with a twisting, fearful, exhilarated grin, Sarada watched the diners within as she felt Naruto fuck her faster and faster and faster, slapping her body against the window, causing it to flex and quiver.

Chocho looked up from her burger, eyes passing casually up and across, scanning her field of view in half-conscious saccades. Sarada's pussy clenched when Chocho's eyes passed over her, heart skipping a beat, body seizing up, and she gushed and squealed like a stuck pig, unable to restrain herself as she came.

For just a moment, Chocho's brow furrowed, and her eyes stared straight ahead. Maybe at Sarada, maybe at the street behind her. Maybe at nothing in particular.

Sarada shivered in Naruto's arms, trembling with excitement, with dread, with hope.

Chocho swallowed, then opened her mouth. Sarada couldn't hear what she said from outside, but with her sharingan, and with the academy classes on lipreading, she was able to make out what her friend said.

"Did you guys hear something?"

Sarada gulped, slumping in Naruto's arms, hot and sweaty and shaking as Chocho's eyes moved away from her, scanning confusedly around the restaurant.

No, the girl hadn't seen. Part of Sarada was relieved. Another part of her was disappointed.

Still, she smiled and arched her back to look up at Naruto, eyes dreamy and smoldering with lust.

He grinned, guessing what she wanted to do next.

… … … … …

They were walking down the sidewalk, unseen by the civilians, and unnoticed, Naruto's genjutsu directing them to walk around the two of them without realizing that they avoided anything, bewildering their eyes from seeing the pair that walked in their midst. The blonde was smiling as he strolled with Sarada, enjoying the girl's company and enjoying still more the daring public play in which they engaged. His cock was out, insatiably erect, and Sarada squeezed it like she was holding his hand. For his part, Naruto had a firm hold of Sarada's ass, her skirt flipped up to leave a cute rump hanging out, and he cupped and fondled her bottom.

Casually they did this, daringly. Naruto's genjutsu had held up against the scrutiny of Sarada's peers, and so far, none had appeared to see them. Emboldened by their success, they partook of more flagrant acts, flaunting themselves to each other with equal measures of pride and lust. Naruto basked in the feeling of Sarada's fingers stroking up and down his length, enjoying being able to get fresh air while also experiencing her lascivious attentions, and for her part, Sarada reveled in the thought that anyone might chance to see her bare ass rubbing against Naruto's hand, that anyone who happened to see through the genjutsu would behold her and her daddy feeling each other up.

Naruto's tip was glistening with precum, slick and shining in the light of day, and Sarada couldn't help frequently glancing down at it. There was something about seeing Naruto's erect cock under the open sun, out of doors and in public, that made it look so much more amazing to her, so much more enticing. It was the sunlight, perhaps, or perhaps it was the context of this furtive exhibition. Like wearing no panties under a skirt that was just a little too short, or wearing a white shirt with no bra on an overcast day with the promise of rain, there was precious little standing between their nakedness and the eyes of all around them. Maybe no breeze would catch her skirt, and maybe no rain would drench her shirt. Maybe the genjutsu would hold, and none would see. Or maybe it would fail, and their shameful delight would be exposed—if not to all, then at last to the canny and perceptive.

It was that possibility which made it so exciting. Only a thin strand of chance separated the two of them from exposure, and at any moment, it might give way or be torn asunder. Maybe someone would sense the genjutsu and dispel it. Maybe someone would see through the genjutsu and spread rumors of their debauchery. Maybe the whole village would see—maybe they would marvel at Naruto's endowment and admire his masterful use of Sarada, or maybe they would look at her with disgust and contempt, scorning her as a dirty, presumptuous whore. Part of Sarada feared the thought, and part of her was turned on by it. Her state of mind was not helped by the seal which throbbed over her womb, either, the baishunfuuin stoking her lust at every opportunity.

Even while Naruto fondled her ass and she stroked his dick, Sarada reached down between her legs, pushing aside her skirt and finding her pussy, still tender from the fucking she'd gotten a little while earlier, still sloppy, and still soaking wet. A shiver went through her as she brushed her finger up over her pubic mound, gently probing, eagerly prodding, and she slipped a finger between her nether lips while she brought up her hand to play with Naruto's tip, smearing her palm and her fingers with his precum. She fingered herself deeper, barely able to keep walking straight as she played with her pussy, and she ran her hand down Naruto's shaft, stroking him steadily up and down. He growled at her touch and fondled her more, rubbing her ass and slipping his middle finger in to cheekily probe her anus.

Sarada tensed up, gripping Naruto's cock tighter, and she looked up at him and gave a nod, sliding a second finger into her pussy and feeling conscious of a strand of drool dripping down from the corner of her mouth. Naruto saw the request in her eyes, and with a rakish grin, he pressed the tip of his finger in, making Sarada seize up, beginning to probe her anus teasingly, stimulating her asshole even as she stimulated her own pussy. And with his free hand, Naruto laid hold of Sarada's chest, stroking it through her blouse. Sarada hissed, her nipples feeling extremely sensitive at that moment.

"Are you excited?" Naruto asked, his voice low and husky. "Is this turning you on?"

"Yes," Sarada whispered, almost stumbling as her masturbation intensified. "It's so hot… Someone could see us at any moment."

"Yeah," Naruto said. He pinched one of her nipples through the fabric of her dress, and he thrust his finger a little deeper into her asshole, making Sarada squirm and grip him tighter. "Do you want them to see?"

Sarada's eyes lit up, and she looked at Naruto hopefully. A slatternly smile split her face.

"I do, Daddy," she breathed, shivering as she fingered herself more vigorously. She stroked Naruto's cock faster, feeling it throb agreeably at her remark. Maybe he wouldn't admit it, and maybe he wouldn't do anything with it, but Naruto was turned on by her answer. "That would be so hot."

"Would it?" Naruto slipped a second finger up to Sarada's anus, the precum glistening more heavily on his cockhead. He looked at her hungrily despite himself, tempted past most sensible limits by the gleeful expression that Sarada was wearing. He shivered. "Hehe… yeah. Maybe it would be. Just a little."

Her heart skipped a beat, and she thumbed her clit, panting desperately. Electricity was racing through her nerves, and her heart was again thundering with excitement.

"Are you going to show them?" she asked. "Don't tease. If you want to, do it. And if you don't… nngh… then don't lead me on."

Naruto stroked Sarada's chest, cupping and massaging one of her small breasts. They had grown since the two of them first started this, stimulated by very frequent massaging, and if she probably wouldn't ever be especially busty, she might at least outdo her mother, and she couldn't fairly be called flat. He smiled thoughtfully, appreciating the palpable evidence of Sarada's development and considering her question, recalling the not so distant incident of his little prank…

"I don't know," he said honestly. "I shouldn't, you know. But the idea does turn me on."

Sarada gulped, feeling his cock twitch as he said this. His dick wouldn't lie. He was indeed very aroused, increasingly so the more they discussed this. She glanced around at the pedestrians, double-checking to see if any had noticed. She didn't see anyone who appeared to be staring at them, but it was a busy street and a busy time of day. There could easily be someone in the crowd who noticed.

That thought thrilled her, and she ground himself on Naruto's fingers and stuck a third into her own pussy. Her eyelids fluttered, and she clenched her teeth, breath hissing and rasping, body quivering with tension and desire.

"Do you want to show them?"

"I want to," he whispered. "I want to let everyone see what we've got going on. What I am to you… what you are to me." He smiled crookedly, sheepishly. "I shouldn't, though… That would be awful and selfish and… well, self-destructive."

Sarada bit her lip. She knew this, of course. She understood why he couldn't. Even taking the risk of doing it under the cover of a genjutsu was too much. Especially for someone in his position. Still, she felt a little disappointed, and her masturbation slowed for a moment. The immediate mood was dying down, soberer reasoning killing the high of lust.

But she didn't want to stop. There was still plenty they could do.

Sarada looked up at the buildings that soared around them, still slowly fingering herself, still stroking Naruto's dick.

"Not in the middle of the street," she whispered. "Right? But maybe…"

She looked to the roof of the hokage tower. Naruto followed her eyes.

"That would be less public," he said. "But there are more likely to be other ninja there. Especially ninja who can see through it."

"What will it matter if there isn't a genjutsu over us?" Sarada asked. Her words were stated with an innocent tone, but her eyes were purely devilish, and she smirked, feeling the ebb of her arousal reverse as she latched onto a new, less reckless, but still risky and exciting idea. "You could just drop it once we're on the roof. If anybody notices, we were just unlucky. Right?"

She let go of his cock and ceased fingering herself—but this was only so she could grab her dress and slip it over her head, taking it off in the middle of the street and slinging it over her shoulder. Her eyes were daring, and her smile was cocky, filled with a youthful recklessness.

Naruto couldn't help but feel himself persuaded by that smile, and he picked Sarada up and pulled her into a sudden, ravenous kiss, plumbing her tonsils for several seconds before finally letting up.

"You saucy little tease," he growled, gripping her ass. "If you want it, ask for it."

"I want it, Daddy," Sarada said, her eyes aglow and the womb throbbing. She wrapped her legs around his waist and speared her pussy on his cock, biting back a moan while her eyes lewdly rolled. "And I do deserve, don't I? After you tricked me."

She was going to use that as leverage for a long time, wasn't she?

Well, Naruto didn't mind. Maybe it was more because most of his blood was presently focused down between his legs, so that he could think very clearly, but this sounded like a very tempting idea.

Gripping Sarada's hips tightly, making sure he had her nice and snug, and taking just a moment to layer one more genjutsu over the two of them as a precaution, he leaped from the street, up to the rooftops with Sarada skewered on his hardness, and began bounding from building to building, making his way to Hokage Tower while his mistress bounced on his cock.

She was utterly incorrigible, and he loved it.

… … … … …

By the time they reached Hokage Tower, Sarada had come twice, and the impact of their landing when Naruto alighted on the roof, coming out of the accelerated speed of his final body flicker with a SLAM, momentum driving Sarada down hard on his cock, brought Naruto to ejaculate too, erupting inside her. Cum dripped from Sarada's cunt as Naruto pulled the girl off, letting her stagger away from the railing and toward the roof door, and he himself moved a few feet away from the railing as well, before he wove a seal to dispel the illusions that had been veiling him and Sarada.

Naruto felt a sensation like warm water pouring down his neck, and he was aware of the change in the flow of his chakra. Although he was fully clothed apart from his dick hanging out, he felt buck naked standing under the sun, and he was aware of the village sprawling out behind. If an eagle-eyed individual happened to look thither, they might have spotted his semi-erect cock, and if his wife got within even one hundred yards, she would have seen everything.

That thought gave the blonde a shiver, and his dick—which had begun to go flaccid—perked back up, stiffening anew. It was a scary thought, and he didn't WANT to get caught. But that fear also excited him, and that sense of danger made him want to act foolishly.

He smiled at Sarada who, having caught her breath (and her balance, leaning against the wall perpendicular to the door) now turned to face him with an inviting look, her hands still planted on the wall. After a moment, Sarada stuck out her ass and spread her legs, enticing him.

Her eyes were on his erection, a lecherous sharingan drinking in every last inch of his sex. She licked her lips and raised her bottom, flirting and seducing with every slightest movement.

That girl was a temptress.

"Are you still up for it?" Naruto asked. Despite the cautious and considerate nature of his words, he was stalking toward her with a hungry look and his cock rigidly erect, bobbing and swaying as he advanced on his insatiable lover. "If you get cold feet, I'm fine with backing down. Or covering it back up."

Sarada's sharingan smoldered as she looked at Naruto, three tomoe circling each eye. Interesting… They had still been at only two tomoe this morning.

Naruto's dick twitched at the implication.

She was that excited for this, huh?

He smiled, seeing how Sarada's lips similarly curved skyward, how her back flexed and twisted in the none too subtle gyrations of her lower half as she awaited and invited him.

"Can they see?" she asked with a steaming breath. "I'm… visible?"

"Yeah," Naruto said. "If anyone looked up here, they could probably see it."

Her eyes lit up, and from the look she gave him, Naruto knew what the answer to his question was. She wanted this, and she wanted it all the more because it was risky and reckless. That it was imprudent, that it was indecent—these things only made it that much more exhilarating, and her voice was nearly a whine as she spoke.

"Fuck me…" A shiver ran down her spine. "I need it so bad, Daddy.."

Naruto smiled and closed the last bit of distance with glee, unable to hide his own unwise enthusiasm as he clapped his hands down on her hips and leaned over her. In this position, his mostly clothed body covered Sarada's naked form from all angles but the sides. Maybe it would have disappointed the girl to realize this, but the press of the hokage's cock a moment later banished any and all such thoughts from her head.

Lewdly and without restraint, Sarada moaned. Her cunt was raw and tender from the fucking earlier that day, and from how she had bounced on Naruto's cock all the way here, more than just a little sore from the poundings she had gotten so far. Quite considerately, therefore, Naruto did not slip his dick into her pussy yet again, but rather pressed his slick and slippery cockhead—lubricated by a messy mixture of his cum, his precum, Sarada's bliss, and a liberal amount of saliva—to the rim of the girl's anus, spreading it open. Sarada relaxed in anticipation, even with as excited as she was, and she flattened herself against the wall as Naruto began to fuck her ass slowly and rhythmically.

The smile sprawled wider and more sloppily over Sarada's face, and she rocked her hips to match Naruto's thrusting, through sheer muscle memory knowing how to make it feel best for the both of them. Feeling Naruto's fat cock spread her asshole wide open was always exciting, a little uncomfortable but also superbly arousing. It was pleasurable, all the more because it was just a tad shameful. Frankly, it was one of the least weird and degrading things they did, entirely normal compared to most of the rougher and wilder play, and downright tame compared to her fantasies and her dreams. But still it was a little dirtier than him fucking her pussy, and it was very stimulating in its own distinct way.

And Naruto was giving it his all this afternoon. Not as far as force, but in terms of how he attuned it to the rhythms of her body, timing it with the ebb and flow of her carnal desire so that, like the waves of an amplifying resonance, each swing of his hips drove her pleasure higher. The build up was slow, little ripples at first, then small waves like those of a lake stirred by a summer breeze, then gradually higher and rougher, choppier and more violent. Her body jerked and rocked like a little boat pitching on those increasingly uneasy waters, sometimes nearly tipping over completely as the battering of the waves against her aft intensified. Before long, if felt like she was at the mercy of raging storm, speed and power and sensuous fury racking her nubile body.

Naruto's thrusting quickened, growing erratic. Sarada ground upon him, feeling his cock swell with promise like the foreshocks of an earthquake or a volcanic eruption, and she rolled her eyes, moaning loudly and losing herself to the pleasure. Her body was on fire, electricity coursing through every nerve ending, and her only thought was a plea for fulfillment that she was in no state to articulate. It was good, good, GOOD. So big, so heavy, so rapid. He was pummeling her with his cock, beating her ass like a drum with his pelvis, and all the while he whispered sweet, coarse nothings into her ear.

"Fuck, you're so tight," he growled, holding her firmer as he kissed her neck and nibbled her ear. "So hot. I love you, you sexy little thing. Fuck… yeah, fuck!"

He grunted, pumping faster, feeling himself near his limit. The spasmodic, furious plunging of his throbbing erection made Sarada thrill, and his words did even more to excite and elate her. Everything he said turned her on, and everything he did drove her wild. She was horny, too horny to stay entirely sane, and she rocked and bucked with his deeply thrusting cock, riding him with as much coordination as she could muster while her brain was turning to mush.

Her eyes rolled until her sharingan almost vanished behind her lids, and her tongue lolled out as her mouth gaped open wide, sweat glistening on her body and brow, slaver dripping from her lips to her chin, hot and wet and throbbing as her ass was hammered, as her pussy convulsively clenched, as she tossed back her head and came, came, CAME.

And at the same time that Sarada came, letting out a shameful, unabashed moan, Naruto's balls felt like they exploded, and his cock clenched so tightly that it felt like it was trying to close itself off, quivering and flexing with a relentless hydraulic action as it shot forth his biggest load that day, flooding Sarada's distended anus with his thick, hot, sticky cum. He thrust a few more times, coaxing out the full contents of his ejaculation, trying to empty his balls completely inside his mistress's ass, before slowing to a stop.

Panting and sweaty, aching and hot, Naruto and Sarada leaned against the wall, perpendicular to the door that led down from the roof. They were silent and motionless, and with this new silence, they could almost make out, over the sounds of their own frantically thundering hearts, the muffled squeaking of stairs, of footsteps heading up to the roof.

For a moment, the two of them froze up. In the heat of their copulation, they had almost forgotten that they were as good as in public, and that the genjutsu concealing them had been dispelled. Naruto looked down at Sarada, slightly anxious. Sarada looked up at Naruto, still as intoxicated by lust as ever.

Before the hokage could suggest that they make themselves scarce, Sarada popped off of his cock and grabbed him by the hand. Merrily mischievous, she pulled him behind the stairwell, opposite the side on which the door opened, and before Naruto could think to sign or whisper a protest, she was down on her knees and stroking his dick, grinning manically up at him.

They heard the door open, and a voice murmuring as its owner stepped onto the roof.

"What was that noise?" said Shizune curiously. "If I didn't know any better…"

Naruto froze up, peering a little panickily into Sarada's eyes. Perceiving her unwillingness to stop just now, and still feeling a little too guilty (and horny) not to indulge her this tiny bit more, he raised his hands and readied to weave the seals for another concealing genjutsu.

Sarada watched with a smile and opened her mouth wide. Without a word, she swallowed his dick and began sucking it thirstily.

'Do it if you want.'

This was what her look told him. As far as she was concerned, they were now even, and she was happy to obey him and go along with whatever he decided. As long as she got plenty of cock, she would go along with anything.

Naruto hesitated for a moment, his hands pausing inches apart. He heard Shizune's footsteps meander this way and that over the roof, going farther away at first, then drifting closer. He daren't look to see how close the woman was, but he also didn't bring his hands together, even after several seconds had passed.

Sarada's sucking was not exactly silent. Shizune wasn't as young as she used to be, of course, and her hearing might not be quite as good as that of someone a decade or two younger, but she was far from deaf, and Naruto knew from experience that she still had an unfailingly sharp ear for whispered imprecations or the incriminating crinkling of a plastic wrapper. If she listened for it, she would probably be able to hear it, and if she could hear it, she could follow the sound to its source.

"What IS that…?" he heard Shizune whisper to herself. She sounded dangerously close. Any farther, and she would see them. "I'd almost think…"

Naruto looked down at Sarada. She was sucking faster, a little louder in spite of herself, looking up at him with fear and excitement both smoldering in her eyes. He could just barely glimpse the seal glowing on her navel, and he could read the expectancy in her stare, the curiosity and the hope.

She was ready for him to enshroud the two of them with genjutsu. Maybe she was wondering why he hadn't done so already. Maybe she was hopeful that he wouldn't do it, fearful of being caught but also partly wanting to be—to have someone definitely see the two of them, to see HER and know what kind of a girl she really was.

Was this the effects of the baishunfuuin, or was it Sarada's own intrinsic perversion?

Naruto closed his eyes, feeling his cock throb. His breathing hitched, and he heard Shizune's footsteps near the corner. Any further, and she would see them.

He was anxious. He was giddy.

He was coming.

His semen shot down Sarada's throat, causing her to squeak and almost gag, a choking and spluttering noise, a gulping and a moaning. He clenched his teeth to keep himself from vocalizing, but he could not stop the sounds from Sarada's mouth. And soft though they were, there was no way that Shizune couldn't hear them.

It was over. They had been caught. She would probably be furious with him, and she would surely turn Sarada over to her mother. And in the sober clarity that followed release, he understood that, contrary to any fantasies the two of them might entertain, it would not lead to a threesome or a foursome or to anything but scandal, separation, and censure.

He closed his eyes, prepared for the worst. If he cast a genjutsu, Shizune would be able to sense it, and she would probably be able to dispel it. She had a similar knack for illusions as Sakura did, and the fine control needed to peel them away. He wouldn't be able to fool her, and even with his legendary speed, he wouldn't be able to get away before she found him and Sarada.

Shit. It was over. They were going to be…

"…Ah." He heard Shizune's voice from around the corner, and he realized that her footsteps had stopped. Glancing anxiously sideways, he found that he could not see her to either side. But he could sense her, and if he dipped into Kurama's chakra, he could sense her comprehension and abashment. "I see. I'll let it go this time, but you had better choose a more appropriate venue in the future. This isn't a make out spot for randy teenagers. Understood?"

She didn't know it was him. She only heard Sarada, and maybe she didn't even recognize the girl from the noises she'd been making. But she could tell, or she could guess, that it was someone on the younger side, so she made the logical assumption that some adventurous young couple had sneaked up her to have a little fun. That wasn't even too far from the truth, really…

"Y-Yes ma'am," Sarada said, throwing her voice skillfully, once she had swallowed. Even as horny as she was, she had just enough sense in her head to know better than to betray the truth. "We will."


Naruto could sense Shizune's embarrassment, along with a twinge of jealousy beneath which loomed a familiar pool of anxiety and regret. He grimaced, empathizing well enough. But she turned, with that, and departed, making her way back to the door, back down the stairs.

When she was back down in the tower, Naruto let out a sigh of relief.

"Let's clean off, then get dressed back up," he said. "That was… a little too close for comfort."

"Yeah?" Sarada said. "I wouldn't have minded if she saw…"

She was still horny. Maybe this near escape had turned her on even more.

But Naruto, for the first time in a while, found that he couldn't get himself back into the mood. Not this soon.

"I think this is enough for today," he said. "You'll be fine for now?"

Sarada pouted but nodded.

"Yeah… I guess that's enough. For now."

She would still try to get more later, if she could manage it, Naruto could tell.

…well, maybe later, he would be in the mood again. They could wait and see. Maybe next time, he'd be willing to take it a little farther.

But for now, this was the most he was comfortable with.

For now.