
Naruto Harém

There is heavy content, read at your own risk

Zerr · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

They stood in this position for a few seconds, standing and holding each other. His cock buried deep in her vagina. Sakura still gave out small spasms from time to time.

She hugged his broad shoulder and spoke softly. "I love you". Naruto moved his head and kissed his forehead. "I love you too". He held his cheeks and moved his face up. Her beautiful face was flushed with shame.

He stroked her cheeks and kissed her lips gently. It was not a lewd kiss, it was a loving kiss that Sakura tenderly returned.

His cock was still hard inside her. He started to move slowly, his movements gentle, unlike before when he fucked her, now they were making love.

She let out cute little moans with slow thrusts. In his ear, Naruto whispered words of love. Saying that he loved her, that she was beautiful. His movements made Sakura feel very good. It was like having an itch being scratched.

His words melted his mind with warm, comforting thoughts. The slow, gentle fuck was nearing its end when Sakura clenched her teeth and moaned loudly. "Naruto". He moved a little faster and penetrated her with strong thrusts, his shaft of flesh separating her wet walls and invading her uterus.

Naruto groaned and poured a load of cum inside her. Sakura started to shake from head to toe. Her body convulsed as if she had received an electric shock.

She hugged Naruto tightly waiting for her orgasm to pass. Even after a few minutes, her legs still trembled with orgasms. They were kissing again, they repeated this slow sex a few more times with Naruto pouring loads of cum into her womb.

After that meeting, Sakura went home and prepared dinner for her daughter and Naruto returned to his family.


On the way home, he saw a young kunoichi. She had orange hair that reached to the waist, she could be considered a little above average in appearance. Her skin was light brown and she was a little chubby

Naruto remembered Sarada. His cock shuddered to remember the young woman who watched him having sex with his mother.

It was really exciting to have someone watching, especially a pure and innocent young woman.

Naruto after seeing the young woman made a decision.


It was strictly forbidden for ninjas to use henge in Jutsu to impersonate a Hokage.

The Hokage could give a direct order to any Shinobi and they would have to obey, or it would be considered treason. That is why the rule was created that you cannot use henge in jutsu to pass as a Hokage. Even if expert enough ninjas managed to differentiate a henge from the real thing.

So Chōchō Akimichi was shocked when the Hokage appeared in front of her and ordered her to follow him. She was fascinated to be in front of the hero of the world Shinobi and to say that he needed her for something.

He guided her toward an apartment complex that was under construction. They ran across the roofs and arrived in front of the building.

Naruto opened the door and entered, he turned to her and said. "Make yourself at home." She did just that, entering the house with the Hokage who was watching her closely.

Naruto guided her to a sofa facing an armchair. He sat on the armchair and looked at her intently. Chōchō was embarrassed, his plump cheeks were flushed with shame. She didn't know why the Hokage needed her, but she would do what he asked.

"Chōchō Akimichi, correct?". She nodded. "Well, before we start, I would like to ask if you have ever suffered prejudice because of your obesity." She was shocked by the Hokage's question, she did not understand why he asked but still answered. "Yes, Hokage-same, some other children teased me when I was younger." She saw the Hokage nod for confirmation.

He slowly got up from his chair and walked over to her. Chōchō was embarrassed when he knelt in front of her and raised his chin with one hand.

Her amber eyes met the dark blue of the Hokage, the absolute confidence and strength of that look made her melt, her touch sent chills throughout her body.

The Hokage opened his mouth and spoke. "Chōchō Akimichi, my next words are extremely serious, I'm not making fun of you. Chōchō, I think you are an extremely beautiful girl, you may think that your obesity makes you uglier, but I disagree, I think your body shape is sexy and charming, you are a girl with a very beautiful body. "

Of all things Chōchō did not expect those words, she was confident in her body, but no one ever told her that she was beautiful or sexy.

She blushed like a tomato. The Hokage called her sexy, she was not even 12 years old. What did the Hokage mean by that? Was he interested in her? Her shame was such that she was unable to meet the Hokage's eyes.

Naruto watched the young woman before he squirms in shame. An adult man calling a 12-year-old girl sexy could make anyone want to punch that man.

But Naruto was not a normal man, he has overcome taboos like incest and several others. He didn't care about his age, as long as he had the correct body shape.

Could you call him a pedophile? Well, he just showed interest in girls who just started to bloom. Biologically he was not wrong.

He felt a desire for girls who were entering adolescence. When they started to develop their sexual maturity. Before that, he had no interest.

"Chōchō, I will be honest with you, since I saw you I want you. I want you in a romantic sense, where we will go out, talk, kiss, and have sex."

She looked at him with an expression of agony. She was confused, a man like the Hokage wanted her, a mere girl. How was that possible? He was married.

"Hokage-so- she was cut in the middle of the sentence by a finger that sealed her full lips.

Naruto spoke looking directly into his eyes. "I know what you are thinking, that he is very old, that he is married and how the Hokage could like someone like me".

He continued. "My wife is a submissive Chōchō woman, she accepts that I have other women and is happy about it. As for my age, it would not be a problem, as ninjas do not follow the rules of normal civilians. The average life expectancy for the shinobi was 28 years old before the 4th ninja war, so they could get married when they reached sexual maturity, which happens from 10 to 13. And as for the last question. I want you, not only will I love you, but also "I'm going to make you a happy woman. If you want a loving family, we can have strong children. If you want money, you can have as much as you want. If you want to get stronger, I can train you. My sweet dear Chōchō., accept my proposal and I will show you what true happiness is. "

She looked shocked at the Hokage. He was proposing to her. A mere Shinobi who was 12 was being courted by the most desired man in the village. How was that possible!

She couldn't believe it. Naruto watched his reaction. She was too shocked. There would be no way for her to decide that state. He would have to give her a taste of what she would get and then wait for her to come back for more. And she would be back for more.

He leaned forward and his body started to press the kunoichi on the couch. "What are you doing?" In her panic, she raised her hands to push him away. Naruto grabbed his hands by the wrist tightly and held her over his head. He pushed her under him, she was now lying under him while he held his hands above his head.

Naruto brought his face close to his fleshy neck and started sucking it. She squirmed under him. But he didn't stop. He continued his hickeys until he reached his collarbone.

Naruto pushed her shirt aside and saw her bra. It was a dark purple bra that covered her large breasts.

She panicked when the Hokage started to unbutton her blouse. He moved one of his hands to her breasts, held his meat balloon between his fingers, and kneaded it hard, making her nipples hard, even in the situation she was in.

He continued to play with her still-growing breasts. A wicked smile was on his face.

"Please, Hokage, don't touch me, I'm not going to say this to anyone."

His voice was pleading, his eyes started to collect tears. Naruto looked at his watery eyes. He smiled at the girl's fear, she was scared. But that was part of the plan. To dominate a woman, one must not conquer her slowly. You must claim it as your possession, or else you would be the same in the relationship.

First show dominance, then love. If she doesn't show love over time it doesn't matter. A relationship is not necessarily just based on love. It may be out of lust, greed, and even pride.

But Naruto loved every woman he put his hands on, but they didn't necessarily forbid them from loving another person. They just had to acknowledge that he was the alpha male.

An example of this would be Temari and Ino. They both loved him romantically and with lust. But they were married and loved their husbands too. What Naruto did was simply to implement that he was the alpha male, meaning he decides how things are going to be.

If he decided that they would not sleep with their husbands anymore, they would not do that anymore. Shikamaru and Sai accepted their positions as beta males. That is, they considered their wives to have Naruto. This is not to say that he would let any man sleep with his women. He only left Sai and Shikamaru because they were his friends and they were already married to the girls respectively. He would not let them sleep with any woman but his wife. No other man would touch his women.

Naruto could practically make his marriages collapse out of selfishness, but he didn't. They had children with their husbands. He didn't want to destroy two families because he wanted them just for himself.

Turning his attention to the girl under him. Naruto massaged her big breasts for his age and slowly moved his hand to his belly. His hand traced her belly and went down to her skirt.

He didn't let that stop him and stuck his hand inside.

He felt the fabric of her panties and moved his hand into her legs that were trying to close to prevent the movement of her hand.

He looked at the breathless girl below him and watched his excitement and shame reach new heights. His face flushed and his chest rose and fell quickly with his heart beating fast. Her expression was a delight for him.

"Hokage-same, please!"

He ignored her plea and moved his head to her breasts. He sucked on the tips of her even covered breasts. He grabbed the edge of the bra with his teeth and pulled. Her hard nipples popped out. Its brown balloons were large and round with a dark brown tip in the center.

He moved his tongue across her breasts, licking them, tantalizingly avoiding licking her nipples. He was giving hickeys to his meat balloons.

His fingers traced her panties inside her skirt. Her legs tried to stop him in vain. His fingers felt her developing vagina and began to touch to provoke her.

She started to get wet when her middle finger traced her slit and pinched the bulge in her panties. Her swollen clitoris was quite large, about the size of a fingertip. Her vaginal lips were thick and plump.

He continued to play with her pussy while teasing her breasts. Suddenly he changed his mouth and sucked his right nipple between his lips. Her tongue licked him as she held him. He pulled his nipple up and his chest stretched.

He continued to tease her nipple between his lips and let go. The recoil of her chest made them ripple and she let out a soft moan, opening her fleshy mouth for him to see. His mouth didn't miss an opportunity and invaded his lips. His tongue invaded his mouth and played with his fat tongue.

His fingers kept moving in her pussy. He played, traced, pinched, and patted.

She was very wet at the time. His mouth continued the work of raping his throat with his tongue. His fingers moved at high speeds on her pussy.

Her other arm held her wrists so she wouldn't try to resist. It got a shaky, damp mess under him.

"Hokage-samara!" Her cry turned to a moan when her body started to shake.

She continued to come with her whole body shaking. Her legs held her hand in her pussy and her mouth fell in submission to him. Her chest heaved heavily and from her fleshy pussy came a splash of liquid that painted her panties transparent. His hand was soaked with his splash.

He slowly removed his hand from her trembling lips and traced it to her plump breasts. He played with a nipple between his fingers. And removed his tongue from his mouth.

He lifted his head and looked at the breathless girl beneath him.

Your job was done. She has now experienced true happiness. There was no turning back.
