
Naruto : God Amongst Shinobi

A seemingly normal boy gets noticed by a higher being in an AU Naruto world. [Congratulations on being selected. Objective: Save the world from damnation ] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In a world with world-ending events, overpowered beings, and other random things, how does one survive despite being fated to die an insignificant death before even the story begins? Oh, did I forget to mention that a higher being out of the equation has already tampered with the world? No? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. This is an AU world it will have both canon and not canon things. 2. About romance, I don't know the pairings as of now. There will be romance. But only if the characters develop in that way. 3. He won't just become a God of shinobi but something more instead.

XxNyanko_SenseixX · Tranh châm biếm
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25 Chs

Chapter 20 : Silver Tusk

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. The only thing I own is a bunch of ideas and a bit of inspiration.

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The next day

"Are you sure?" Minato was looking at Itachi with a questioning gaze, that was because of the request Itachi had just put forward.

"I am, Hokage-sama." answered back Itachi stoically.

What Itachi was asking was to give his team a C-rank mission. But the problem was it hadn't even been a month since Itachi had formed a team.

Though Minato didn't object to this request as he knew how capable Itachi was though Iruka next to him wanted to say something, he kept quiet.

"Fine. What mission do you want?" asked Minato as he put forward a list of missions on the table.

It ranged from guarding people against bandits, background investigations, eliminating or capturing bandits or thieves, and capturing or suppressing wild beasts.

Itachi looked at the bandit's Extermination request with a cryptic eye, Which Minato also caught Itachi glimpsing at.

'Not yet' He ultimately decided against it and picked up another mission.

"I would like to take the Wild Beast suppression mission," Itachi spoke as he showed the request to Minato.

The mission had a hand-drawn image of a massive hog with other details of the mission.

The mission was simple, go to the Taichen mountain range and kill a massive hog that had been troubling the locals.

"Okay. You just need to bring proof of the beast's extermination. The rest of the mission details are given in the request sheet itself." Minato said as he looked at the two of them.

But just as they were about to leave another knock came on the door. However, the person didn't seem to wait for Minato's response as the person directly entered the room.

"Dad, you messed up," spoke Akane as she looked at her father. But Minato wasn't the type to be easily provoked and asked back calmly.

"What is it?"

"Did you forget something important, Dad?" asked Akane without answering directly.

".....I don't think so?" Minato answered still calm as he thought about anything he forgot.

Akane sighed and then spoke a few words which made Minato pale.

"Today is Mom's birthd-"



Itachi seemed to look contemplative as he looked at the spot from where Minato had disappeared.

Ren looked at Itachi for answers but on seeing him not pay any attention he turned towards the other male in this room, Iruka Umino.

"You'll learn as you grow up" he too gave no answer, and settled for the You'll understand later response.

'Isn't he the guy who was learning Fuinjutsu? Perfect!' thought Akane as she looked at the boy who was standing next to Itachi.

Akane had vaguely remembered the blue-eyed boy because of the fact that fuinjutsu users were rare.

"Hi, I'm Uzumaki Akane" Akane greeted Ren with a smile, who was looking at Iruka.

Ren ignored her as he too remembered her, but that was ruined as Itachi tapped his shoulder and gestured towards her.

'Why.... Sensei?' thought Ren as he sighed and looked at Akane.

"I'm Kiyoshi Ren" Ren introduced himself to her.

"Do you know Fuinjutsu?" Akane asked Ren with a smile as her eyes sparkled with curiosity.


" Is that a question?"


"Yes, I do know a little fuinjutsu" Ren shrugged, admitting it as he felt he couldn't lie to those sparkling eyes.

"Really? I know some Fuinjutsu too! Do you know how to make storage se-" Akane continued as she leaned forward a little, and was about to continue her questioning if not for Minato who just flashed in.


"Now, now. Akane, let them go, they have a mission to complete," Minato said, pulling Akane back gently.

"And maybe next time, give your dad a warning if it is your mother's birthday. " Minato said as he held the girl back from bombarding Ren with questions again.

"Ah! Sorry, You are the first person outside my family who knew Fuinjutsu.." Said Akane as she backed up a little, containing her excitement.

'....But still Fuinjutsu huh?' thought Minato a bit contemplatively.

Normally, when it comes to regular things, Akane is a respectful and calm girl, but seeing the person who she wanted to talk with before, again made her lose her calm behaviour.

Akane really adored Fuinjutsu, because it reminded her of the stories her mother would tell about her clan and the fact that a person near her age was practising it made her happy.

"I am sure Ren doesn't mind, Akane-chan." Said Itachi as he regarded the ball of excitement in front of him.

Itachi knew Akane since she was little as her mother and his mother were good friends.

"...Yes, I don't mind," said Ren as he forced a smile on his face. Ren would have been more excited if he hadn't seen her blackmail her brother before.

So soon both Itachi and Ren left the village for their mission.

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Itachi and Ren were travelling through the forest by running as it was faster and a good way to efficiently train their stamina.

Along with travelling Itachi was also giving tips on how to cover more land, and at the same time leave fewer traces.

Itachi was a good teacher that was one thing that Ren perfectly knew by now.

He would teach everything that could be taught without making it seem like he was giving useless advice.

Even now as they had reached their destination and were hunting the 'Massive Hog'.

Suddenly, Itachi stopped and gave a look over at a particular tree.

"Ren check for markings"

Of course, what Itachi meant by markings was just Hog droppings and footprints.

Ren immediately began searching for it and found a large hoof print on the ground.

The size of the hoof was at least three times of an actual Hog. They had now found their lead.

Ren gave a hand sign to Itachi confirming that it was indeed the Hog they were searching for. Wordlessly Ren quickly did a hand sign.

Scent Eraser Jutsu

Ren felt a chakra run out from him, removing all mild scents.

Hogs have a very good sense of smell and sound, so removing your smell was necessary for hunting a hog.

Within a few hours, they had managed to track the location of the Hog.


A massive hog was munching grass, totally unaware of the situation it was in.

Its fur was silver in colour instead of the typical black or dark brown expected from a wild Hog. Its tusks were silver in colour similar to its fur.

Ren took out his kunai aiming at the hog's neck, it was a kunai with an explosive tag since Ren doubted that a normal kunai would get through its thick skin.


The thrown kunai made a slight whistling sound as it flew through the air.

Though its hearing was good, the hog could not escape as the kunai found its mark on its neck.



The Hog squealed as it lost all control of its body due to the hit on its neck and hence the spinal cord.

Ren was about to jump down and cut off the pig's tusk to seal it as proof of the completed mission but was stopped by Itachi as he gestured at the hog.

Within a few seconds, the Hog started to recover as a thin layer of silver chakra coated it.

'Doesn't matter, if one explosive doesn't solve it, three will. ' Ren took out three explosive seals and held them in his hand.

He would have thrown it if not for his chakra sense going haywire.

*squeal* *squeal* *squeal*

A group of similar Hogs came squealing at its injured kin.

'I thought there was only supposed to be one!?' Ren thought wide eyes as he sensed more and more similar hogs coming in their direction.

Ren looked at Itachi who just shook his head and ordered Ren to retreat.

By the time Ren and Itachi had retreated to a nearby town more than thirty massive hogs had assembled at the spot.

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Author's note:

Akane is a red-head like her mother with violet eyes like her mother. Going to add a bit more plot to this side mission.

Do motivate me by leaving a comment or Review if you liked the chapter.


100 power stones for a bonus chapter on the same day.