
Sakura 8

A sigh of frustration conveyed the unheard feelings of the pinkette. Leaning against the railing barrier, the pinkette gazed silently ahead at the vast forest that was ahead of her, a gentle sailing through unsettling her pink strands and causing them to sway in the wake. A decent summary would be that she was somewhat depressed now that Ino wasn't talking to her. It was still hard to believe that Ino had feelings for Sakura, something that she wasn't aware of until Ino had blurted it out during their argument

"Did she really mean what she had said...?"

Sakura ponders upon the possibility that Ino's words were indeed sincere. It had been nearly a month since they last talked, however, Sakura couldn't dismiss this sense of curiosity that was left lingering in her absence after such a profound revelation. Although, their feelings were running high, so it couldn't helped about what slipped out of their mouths after crossing over the boundary lines of consideration for one another's feelings. Sakura just wanted to talk about this, maybe even sort things out with her. But Ino was too opposing, and she wouldn't even pick up her phone so that they could hash things out. Man was she was stubborn! ...Though, that was Sakura missed most about her... If only they could-

"Hey Sakura-chan!"

Sakura's eyes grew wide after hearing her name being called, prompting her to snap out of her state of momentary dwelling and turn around. It was Karin. Since when had she appeared here?

"Hey Karin, What's up?" Sakura asks the red-haired Kunoichi as she approached.

"I didn't catch you at the lunch table, so I asked myself: If she isn't here, then where could she be? And, of course, I knew you would be on the school rooftop! This place sure is your favorite, isn't it?" Replies Karin.

Another sigh manages to pass her lips as she turns around, turning her back towards Karin in order to resume gazing out towards the vast forest. "The privacy and fresh air is what makes it the ideal place for me to think to myself. It's like my own secret hideout," Sakura stated.

Karin soon stands abreast to Sakura, overlooking the trees as well. "I see. It's very tranquil up here. No wonder why you spend so much time here..." Karin replied. "So...Is it only Ino that's bothering you, or is Sasuke the only engender of your worries?"

After being asked such, Sakura's gaze was shifted towards Karin. How did she-

"The increase of distance, lack of communication, the sense of awkwardness around one another-its apparent that you two are obviously at odds with one another for some reason," Karin informs Sakura, who was flabbergasted that she was conscious about the destabilization of Ino's and her complicated relationship. Was their behavior that transparent to where even Karin-someone that wasn't even in their circle-able to see that they were no longer familiars? Embrassing...

"...So what's going on? You and her get into a fight over something?" Karin questions her, her gaze meeting Sakura's.

"...It's complicated..." Sakura answers with a seldom tone.

"Ah..." Karin responds, "Too much to talk break down? I understand. I'll leave you to your privacy, since talking to someone like me is probably the last thing you want to do..."

As Karin turned to walk away, it wasn't even when she was half-way that Sakura had stopped her, to which had prompted the female to grin upon doing so. Hook, line and sinker-the bait had been caught. Donning her innocent expression, Karin turns to face Sakura.


"Yes, Sakura-chan?"

Sakura didn't know whether it was because it was the inadequacy of companionship that made her so vulnerable to the red-head, but Sakura actually felt like she could use her company. Sure, they may have been at each other because of their infatuation with Sasuke, but if she was willing to display great concern for Sakura, it meant that she was making an effort to atleast be friendly and make amends; so why not Sakura?

"Karin, I-look, we have been talking for a while now, but we never had the opportunity to really get acquainted with one another. How about after school we go and get something to eat, and chat?" Sakura proposed, smiling towards the female. Karin returns the smile with a convincing one of her own.

"Sure, sounds like a plan. See you after school, then," Karin tells Sakura. Afterwards, the two then wave good-bye to each other, with Karin leaving and Sakura remaining on the roof. With the bell signalling for the end of lunch, Sakura heads back to class. Though, on her way, she checks to see if she had any new messages. There were none. And with her phone being only on 10%, Sakura decided to turn it off to conserve the battery. Lesson learned: never watch hentai before bed and forget to plug up the charger. That was a habit Sakura needed to fix.

Ino sat in silence, looking at her phone. She had so many missed calls and texts from Sakura that it was insane! ...She must've really been wanting to talk... Though Ino was too abashed to even confront her after stating something so personal! ...It was utterly shameful! How could they even rebuild their friendship-relationship-what the hell this was, after that? It was going to be complicated. Then again, it had been nearly a month since they called... Maybe it was time that they-and by "they", mostly her-atleast attempt to mend their friendship? Maybe she'll call after school and meet up. With that decided, Ino goes to the messaging application and types in:

"Hey Sakura, meet me after school, in the usual place. I wanna talk about everything... See you soon."

With that message typed up, Ino then pressed the send button, where the screen then displayed that the text had been successfully delivered to Sakura, and she then places the phone in her skirt pocket. It was then that Ino felt better about the situation, seeing as she stopped allowing her fears to deter her no longer. She was sure Sakura would be waiting there for her.

After school, Sakura was making a mad dash for the entrance. She was just a few minutes tardy, but her "urge" needed to be satiated in order for her meeting with Karin to meet the ideal standards that Sakura wanted to obtain, that meaning she didn't her stubborn erection bothering her. Though, upon reaching the school's entrance, Sakura noticed Karin standing there, on the phone. Sakura then jogs up to Karin.

"Sorry that I'm late! I had something to take care of..." Sakura informed the red-head as she was hunched over, catching her breathe.

"...I'll call you back later with more of the details," Karin tells the other on the line, concluding the call then and placing her phone within her pocket. Smiling, Karin then fixates her attention on Sakura. "Ah, no worries. Shall we go then?"

Nodding in agreement, the pair then walked off the campus together, heading towards their destination. Meanwhile, as they done so, they utilized the time by chit-chatting with one another about certain subjects. However, simultaneously, Ino was heading towards the back of the school, where they usually met, awaiting for Sakura to appear.

Sakura had brought Karin to her favorite fast-food restaurant that was quite prominent in the area. It was where a majority of the school mates lounged at after class, so it wasn't like it was brand new or anything. And the name of this establishment was "Kiritsugi's Noodles 'N Burgers". But what made this so popular was because Itachi and Sasuke normally lounged her after school, attracting others to it as well. Though, after trying their dishes, many stayed for the delicious menu.

The set up was like any typical fast food restaurant: the cash register and employee were positioned at the front door to greet the customer; in the dining area, there were up to 10, round, brown tables, each possessing matching brown chairs; and upon each table were a set of menus provided for the customer. The color scheme was brown and and a light brown, so everything was a mix of those two-excluding the menus. Those were just plain lamenated. The atmosphere was always permeated with the aroma of noodles and burgers being prepared, this always welcoming the customers to their establishment and getting them prepared.

After entering this establishment, Sakura and Karin occupied the tables towards the back, getting a table near the window. Afterwards, after settling themselves, the two then began to glance over the menu, contemplating on whether to eat their burgers or noodles. After placing their orders, the menus were collected, and they were told that their food would be prepared shortly.

"...So about earlier... You seemed to be bothered about something. Mind talking about it?" Karin mentions.

"Oh earlier? That was nothing. I was just thinking to myself, was all," states Sakura, attempting to dismiss the issue from earlier.

"Sakura, I know you may not feel that I'm close enough to talk to, but I really want to help. I don't have that many friends, so it's hard to really hard to meet new people like you. Though, I've made many enemies because of my infatuation with Sasuke-something you've experienced first hand. But when I want something, I will do whatever it takes to get it, just as my mother taught," Karin elaborates, Sakura really starting to feel bad for her about. If she was aboveboard with her, then why couldn't she reciprocate the kindness?

Ino was pacing back and forth. She hade been standing behind the school for fifty minutes now, and Sakura still hadn't shown up yet. What was with the hold up? Was this her way of enacting vengence? Ino knew that she was wrong for neglecting her for the past three weeks, but she was was trying now to fix things. Did Sakura not see that!?

She had called Sakura over five times now, each time Ino recieving nothing other than her voicemail-and it was making Ino pissed as hell! Did she not remember that she had her pictures? Did she not recall that Ino was the one that had the authority? Yes...She must've...else why what else would explain it? Normally when she did this, Sakura was always present because she knew the consequences. Could it be that Ino was slacking off too much?

Bringing her phone to her ear, she had attempted to reach Sakura for the last time. If she had picked it up this time, she was willing to forgive her; however, if she hadn't, Ino was going to make it clear about her feelings and what she had planned to do. Unfortunately, the voicemail had once again told her to leave a message. Ino, clearly peeved decided to leave a final voicemail.

"How dare you stand me up like this!? I've been texting and calling you to meet me because you wanted to get this straight, but when I decide to stand me up? You clearly mistaken my kindness for weakness, and for that, I will make you pay for. See you tomorrow..."

And with that being said, Ino then hangs up her phone, storming off home soon after.

Sakura and Karin had already had their dishes given to them, and they had just finished eating when they finally decided to get more in-depth with their conversation. It was becoming more easier to open to Karin now that she mentions it, and Karin was very attentive to her what she was saying, a fact that Sakura really appreciated.

"Oh, so that's what's going on?"


"So let me get this straight. You and Ino are not seeing eye to eye because of some argument that you two had a while back over Sasuke?" Karin reiterates for clarity.

Sakura nods. "Yes. And because of that, me and her haven't talked since. I texted her for the duration of the three weeks we haven't been talking, but she still hasn't replied back to me yet. I just want to make things right again..."

"Well," Karin began, grasping Sakura's hand, "even if things don't work out, you can always talk to me-well, if you feel like it, that is..."

Sakura took a moment to think. Karin had showed a side to her that made Sakura truly trust her, so what could be the harm in that. Maybe someone other than Ino was just what Sakura needed...

"You know what, Karin...I think you and I will get along just fine," Sakura stated.

Since she had missed the bus deliberately, Ino was walking home, the path she usually had taken being passed Kiritsugi's Noodles'N Burgers. She was also contemplating on whether she would get some take-out from there as well. She was still angry that Sakura had missed her call, albeit, after walking for a bit, it allowed her to cool down somewhat. Being across the street now, Ino was nearing her destination. She noticed how it was normally packed, although today it was a bit slow. About ready to cross, she continues to check out the place until her sights landed upon one of the window seats. And to her utter surprise, she had saw them...Sakura and that bitch Karin! How-so this is where she was!? Eating with Karin?! Though Ino was more hurt now than anything. She no longer felt hungry and instead headed home.

It was about 5:30pm when Sakura had arrived home. Sakura didn't expect today to be so good, though it was better than the days prior to this. Sakura also felt more in the mood to enjoy herself for a second time today, but first she had to get her phone one the charger so that she can see if she had any missed calls. And just moments after her phone had started up, the missed calls and messages had came flooding in. There were voicemails as well. Unbeknownst to this, Sakura felt her heart sink from her chest to her stomach. She had listened to the voicemails, each escalating in hostility...Though it was the last one that caught Sakura's attention the most. She may have gained Karin as a friend...But now Ino had become the enemy...