
Naruto: Freedom

*Disclaimer As you should know I do not own Naruto or any of the characters except my OC. If you have a problem with depression or Suicide do not read Plus I'll never do Harem So don't even ask ತ_ತ "What is FREEDOM, I find freedom in death! So Why not just let me be FREE!" Story about a boy who gets forcefully transmigrated into Naruto even when he just want to die "Why, why *sniff* me s*hic*should I just end it, please please please help, let me just kill you, it'll be better and we'll be free" Standing on the roof of his school as the wind whistles and as if it was encouraging him.

SuckKanyeCock · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
20 Chs


The next day at six in the Morning, team seven was waiting for their Sensei in training ground five, a while later he came and apologized as he was helping an old cat find love. Quickly changing the subject he gave them exercises for chakra control, though Sasuke complained he eventually gave up and started practicing the exercise, while Naruto just went to the tree and walked up and down easily surprising no one.

After more than an hour of the chakra practice Kakashi brought out three chakra paper and said "Alright gather up, this is chakra paper used to check the elements you have an affinity with, there are five types of elements and two sub affinity, the five types are Wind, Water, Earth, Fire and lightening. The sub two are called Yin and Yang" He looked at them and saw they were paying attention, then continued.

"Wind nature element is mostly used for cutting and speed, Water nature element is used for overwhelming, piercing and defence, Earth nature element is used for defence and counter, Fire is used for simply burning and lightening is used for piercing and speed. The Yin is for mental power and the Yang is for strong physique, Example the Uchihas have strong Yin affinities because of their dojutsu and use of genjutsu based attacks requires strong mental power while the Senju and Uzumaki has Strong Yang affinities therefore explaining their inhumane physique and large chakra quantity." All of them unconsciously looked at Naruto when they heard the last line.

"If your affinity is wind the paper will split, if water your chakra will make it wet, if earth your chakra will harden it, if Fire your chakra will Burn it and if lightening your chakra will make it crumble. Okay Sasuke, take this paper and slowly inject your chakra in it" Kakashi told them as Sasuke moved forward and collected a chakra paper , he injected his chakra in the paper and part of the paper burned while the other part crumbled.

"Okay Sasuke-kun, you have Fire and lightening type affinity, I'll give you some D-rank jutsus to practice. Next Sakura-san" Kakashi said as he called Sakura foward. Sakura checked and her affinity was with the earth, "Okay Sakura don't be discouraged, Earth affinity is pretty awesome. Alright Naruto".

Naruto complied and came forward injecting his chakra in the paper as it split and turned wet signifying he has affinities with Wind and Water elements. "Okay now that i know your affinities, I'll bring D-ranks jutsu according to your affinities tommorow. Now remember just because you don't have an affinity with an element doesn't mean you can't use it, Class is dismissed. Follow me I'll treat you guy to some breakfast." Kakashi said making Sakura visible happy while Sasuke and Naruto looked like they had something better to do.

"HAHAHA MY YOUTHFULLLL FRIEND" on their way to Teuchi restaurant they met Guy and his student also going to eat some ramen, Kakashi just waved at guy already used to his embarrassing behaviour. While how students were walking two feets behind so they would not be associated with him, well two of his student as the other on dressed and looked like him.

When they reached each other Kakashi said his 'hi' and introduced his student "Guy, What a surprise are you also going to have Ramen?. Anyways these are my students" Kakashi pointed to them signifying they should Introduce themselves, Quickly catching on Sakura said "Hello Kakashi-sensei's friend I'm Haruno Sakura, these are Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto" She also introduced them as she saw they were uninterested in doing it.

Might Guy and his team were intrigued by naruto dressing and his cool temperament, but Guy quickly shakes it of and introduced himself posing saying "HAHAHA I AM GUY MIGHTO, KONOHA'S GREEN BEAST AND BEST TAIJUTSU SPECIALIST!!!" Following his example Lee also did a pose and said "I AM ROCKKKKKK LEE! , KONOHA'S BLUE BEAST!!" After that tenten and neji just introduced themselves normally "I'm Tenten, weapon specialist", "I'm Hyuga Neji".

While Naruto stepped back because of the noise but also struggled to hold his laughter when he saw Guy and Lee, in the anime it was different but seeing it in real was really intriguing as their iconic Green body suit and watermelon like head was really a sight to behold, but in the end he lost to instinct and gave a slight chuckle.