
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

SoftCrow · Tranh châm biếm
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295 Chs

Chapter 32

Facing a typical Uchiha, encirclement indeed is the best way to handle them.

Because in a one-on-one situation, it's really hard for anyone to cope with the Sharingan.

Unless someone can manage not to look at the eyes without affecting their attack, or like the shinobi of the Hidden Mist, directly apply the Hiding in Mist Technique to block the Sharingan.

Therefore, in most cases, encircling is the best method when facing a shinobi with the Sharingan.

However, regrettably, as Kaito said, he is not an average Uchiha, he is an Uchiha who possesses the Mangekyo Sharingan!

Choosing not to use the Sky Dance Technique to evade, Kaito facing at least more than ten Root shinobi alone, seems somewhat perilous.

But oddly, Kaito truly doesn't feel any pressure.

Even though they are all elite from the Root, and their combat skills are not weak either.

Under the insight of the Mangekyo Sharingan, all of them have nowhere to hide. With the help of Reverse Path, Kaito's speed has also increased by more than a notch!

"Whoom, whoom, whoom!"

The sound of ninja blades slicing through the air keeps echoing. In such intense close-quarters combat, although Kaito seems to be at a disadvantage, in reality, he hasn't received any injuries at all!

He moved like a butterfly weaving through flowers, ceaselessly dancing among the myriad of blades.

His movements were graceful and comfortable, narrowly dodging the lethal edges every time, repeatedly rendering his enemies' attacks ineffective.

However, endlessly evading was definitely not Kaito's style. He was waiting for the right moment, waiting for that perfect opportunity to strike back.

And such an opportunity didn't make Kaito wait too long. When the prolonged attack was not successful, those Root shinobi began to grow restless, and this was Kaito's chance!


Simultaneously seeing through the trajectories of all Root shinobi attacks, Kaito made a clever evasive move, immediately avoiding the range of all their attacks.

His left hand suddenly drew out a Kunai, then with a swift and lightning-fast motion, he directly thrust the Kunai into the chest of a Root shinobi who was attacking him.

A harsh cry echoed across the training field. Accompanied by this scream, Kaito's right hand grabbed the hand of another Root shinobi.

With the assistance of the Reverse Path, Kaito's strength also received a boost. Under his control, this Root shinobi's hand was firmly held down.

Moreover, Kaito noticed the Kunai in this guy's hand, and he abruptly twisted it, the sound of breaking bones resounding abruptly by his side.

The next moment, Kaito's body swiveled. Under his guidance, the Root shinobi's broken hand holding the Kunai brutally stabbed into another shinobi's chest!

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!"

A Root shinobi instantly seized the opportunity behind Kaito, not caring about his own teammates, and immediately unleashed his ninjutsu.


However, as soon as the gale howled, Kaito merely glanced back, and his whole person had already leaped backward, perfectly evading this technique.

However, a few Root shinobi on the side didn't react in time and were directly blown away. As they just fell to the ground, Kaito's Kunai was already flying over!

The smell of blood in Training Ground Number Three was getting heavier. Only in a few short minutes, under the siege of these Root elites, Kaito was unscathed, but several elite Root shinobi had already fallen under his hand.

The lead Root shinobi was also besieging Kaito, but as he watched Kaito, who moved like a butterfly weaving through flowers, his feelings were extremely complex.

As a team captain, the leading shinobi naturally had access to more information and data.

Especially regarding Danzō's various actions toward the Uchiha, these Root shinobi naturally went to understand the Uchiha.

He knew that Kaito's eyes were Mangekyō Sharingan, but what kind of power the Mangekyō Sharingan truly possessed, he did not know.

After all, the Mangekyō Sharingan had been lost for so long, he hadn't truly witnessed such power.

But now, it seemed he was beginning to understand.

So, this is the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan?

Facing enemies many times his own number, even when besieged and restricted in movement, he still demonstrated an effortless demeanor.

He saw through and evaded anyone's attack, and even retaliated!

Such insight is truly incomparable to the three-tomoe Sharingan!

And just then, Kaito suddenly grabbed a Root shinobi who was attacking him.

He tightly gripped this guy's throat but didn't kill him immediately.

"Lend me your blade for a moment."

As the Mangekyō lightly rotated, a Root shinobi raising his blade inadvertently met Kaito's gaze and immediately froze on the spot.

The long sword in his hand was easily taken away, and with a slash, blood splashed.

Having obtained the ninja blade, Kaito did not immediately attack; instead, he suddenly stopped.

Gently flicking the fresh blood off the ninja blade in his hand, Kaito's gaze swept over the Root shinobi before him, and he spoke in a calm voice.

"I've been playing with you for quite some time, I suppose that's enough, this farce should come to an end."

Farce - that was Kaito's definition of this combat, a definition that completely disregarded these Root shinobi!

The leader of the Root was having some changes in his expression. He didn't know what Kaito was planning next, but he knew that trouble was coming.

At this point, he already had thoughts of retreat. Kaito was such a tough opponent, possessing such unique eyes - he believed that such intelligence must be relayed back.

Yet, just then, Kaito's body started to drift upwards, which instantly made all surviving Root shinobi realize, this guy even had flight ninjutsu!

This realization made them understand even more that if he really wanted to escape, they had no means to stop him!

Flying in the sky, Kaito held the ninja blade in his mouth, his hands started to form seals quickly, and concurrently, the Mangekyō in his right eye spun rapidly once again.

"Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique!"

Vast chakra surged overwhelmingly towards the surviving Root shinobi, and the next moment, three colossal fire dragons suddenly sprang from the ground!

These three fire dragons were exceptionally massive, completely beyond their understanding of this fire release ninjutsu. They had never seen such gigantic great fire dragons before.

The most fatal part was that these three fire dragons had completely sealed their escape routes!

"I said the farce is ending."

Just as these Root shinobi were forced to huddle together, Kaito's voice echoed from the sky.

He stood atop the sky, single-handedly lifting the blade over his head, and the chakra within his body began to ripple at this moment.

That sharp, deadly aura-filled chakra immediately made it clear it was Wind Release, but the combination of Wind Release and sword technique left people clueless about what Kaito intended to do.

Just then, Kaito suddenly started to laugh.

"Have you ever felt the Blade of Miquella?"

In the next second, Kaito plunged down like a water bird.

The ninja blade in his hand transformed into a gorgeous and elegant gloss, countless wind blades wildly soaring around him!

"Secret Art: Waterfowl Dance!"


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