
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

SoftCrow · Tranh châm biếm
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295 Chs

Chapter 28

As Uchiha Sō looked at Kaito's Mangekyou, his heart was both thrilled and filled with a sense of helplessness.

The thrill was of course that the Uchiha had gained another pair of Mangekyou, which greatly enhanced the strength of the clan.

But the helplessness was due to this fellow Kaito, who was truly a potent yet immensely dangerous entity.

If it was only that, it could be managed—just offer more benefits, try to win him over, subtly mold and modify him.

But the problem is, this young man's perspective and thinking have already determined that any such efforts would be in vain. Even Uchiha Sō had to admire the breadth of this young man's vision.

Facing such an individual, what could Uchiha Sō do? He could only listen and watch attentively, then slowly ponder countermeasures.

"I don't know how much Shisui has told you, but what I want to say is, the clan must change."

Just as Uchiha Sō was lamenting profoundly in his heart, Kaito slowly began to speak.

"The clan needs to unite; I've said this to Shisui, and now I'll say it again to you.

Whether it's you or those on the other side, your division has made it impossible for the clan to function normally. We can't even handle the challenges Konoha is throwing at us now.

And Uchiha Fugaku, this guy, even though he has good intentions, wanting to maintain the stability of the clan, but to still hold onto such ideas in these times...

I have but one word to describe him: indecisive. He seems utterly ignorant of the current plight of the clan, not to mention what the clan truly needs right now.

Moreover, think about it, what has Uchiha Fugaku actually accomplished in all his years as clan leader?"

Kaito didn't parrot every word he had said to Shisui; instead, he prompted Uchiha Sō to think in a different way.

After all, Uchiha Sō is an elder, while Shisui is merely a clever, competent ninja.

His perspective might significantly differ compared to that of an elder who's battled through the ranks of the clan for so many years.

"Indeed, under the control of the clan leader these past years, the clan..."

Uchiha Sō sighed. Kaito's words had stimulated his thoughts. In fact, Uchiha Fugaku had done quite poorly over the years.

"Indeed, the clan is deteriorating day by day. Just look at where we are living now. Heh, we have been driven to the edge of the village."

After the Nine-Tails incident, the Konoha suffered destruction and needed to be rebuilt. And in the process of rebuilding, they pushed the Uchiha clan to the periphery of the village.

This action has really stirred dissatisfaction among countless members of the Uchiha clan, and it is because of this that the number of supporters of the blood faction has started to increase.

As the divide between the Konoha and the clan becomes more and more apparent, the number of people on their side is also increasing.

"However, we are not incapable of communicating with the Konoha. Shisui is now in the Anbu, we can build a bridge of communication with the Konoha through him..."

Yet after his lament, Elder Uchiha began to speak again, but his words were cut off before he could finish by Kaito.

"You are too naive, Elder." Kaito shook his head helplessly, lightly tapping the table before he spoke slowly.

"At your age, you should have experienced the Second Hokage's era, and Elder Uchiha Kagami should have been with you then.

I admit that the Second Hokage taking Kagami as a disciple gave you hope, but is this really the case?

What is the purpose of the existence of the Police Force? Can't you understand after all these years, Elder, even if Shisui can't?"

Kaito's words left Elder Uchiha speechless, for he couldn't answer this question, or rather, he simply couldn't afford to answer it.

And now, his gaze towards Kaito had changed, the wide-eyed astonishment and shock clearly reflected his inner turmoil!

"With the Police Force in hand, following the Uchiha style and the village's propaganda, only more contradictions will accumulate between the Konoha and the Uchiha.

Even if we perform our duties diligently, the advantage of public opinion lies with the Konoha, especially when you turned the Police Force into private property, the Konoha will only become more unbridled.

You sent Shisui to be a bridge for communication, even Uchiha Itachi went, but what is the reality?

Both of them have just become double agents. Has your approach truly been effective?"

Kaito paused here, quietly observing Elder Uchiha who had closed his eyes and was trembling incessantly.

What this old man was thinking at this moment, Kaito didn't know, but he did know that he had firmly seized the initiative!

"So, what will you do if you succeed?"

After quite a while, Elder Uchiha finally opened his eyes, his face filled with bitterness.

"Speak, let this self-deceiving old man see what plans you, who are so highly esteemed by Shisui, truly have."

"Actually, my thoughts have always been simple, and I have always expressed them clearly."

Seeing the current state of Uchiha Sō, Kaito couldn't help but shake his head. Nevertheless, he still spoke unhurriedly.

"The clan needs unity. Shisui asked me what I would do if I were the clan leader. I told him that I would consolidate the power of the entire clan, unify everyone's thinking.

I know what you're worried about, but I can tell you very clearly that I have never thought about instigating a civil war between the clan and the village.

And I'm also very clear that once war breaks out, the clan is destined to perish.

But if we keep compromising according to your thoughts, the fate of the clan won't be much better.

A great man once said, 'Seek peace through struggle, and there will be peace; seek peace through compromise, and there will be ruin!'"

At this point, Kaito looked at Uchiha Sō with utmost seriousness, and then he continued to speak.

"After consolidation, I will formulate our action program and political demands.

I will let all clan members know what we want to do, what we want to get, where we can be aggressive, and what lines we must absolutely not cross.

At the same time, I will let the village know what we want, and what we absolutely cannot accept!"

"To seek peace through struggle brings peace; to seek peace through compromise brings ruin..."

And Uchiha Sō was indeed moved by Kaito's words. He did not know which great man Kaito was quoting, but upon reflection, he found it to be utterly true.

What did their compromises yield? In their hearts, they could foresee the outcome, but they had been harboring false hopes all along.

"I think, I understand your meaning." After a good while, Uchiha Sō slowly began to speak, "Then I'll ask you one last question, how do you plan to make Konoha hear our voice?"

"In addition to the necessary firm stance, there are also some small tricks."

Upon hearing Uchiha Sō's words, Kaito couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't we have the Security Department? And isn't the Security Department letting us enjoy privileges while also carrying the burden of blame?

What if, we transform the Security Department into Konoha's Security Department, allowing all clans, civilian ninjas to join.

Let everyone together enjoy this power, together bear this burden of blame."

"Then, our voices could spread throughout Konoha from within the Security Department, and would the Third dare let us continue to be scapegoated?"


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