
Naruto: Drinking makes you stronger

Youyu, who traveled to the Naruto World, acquired a somewhat strange system. Just drink, you can become stronger! This fanfic doesn't belong to me it belongs to Orange halves I am just translating the novel. original novel link:- https://b.faloo.com/f/797393.html if you are the original owner and want me to stop translating message me. if you want to support me and read extra chapters https://www.patreon.com/translation69

Translation_King · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Chapter 4

Rin and Kurenai dragged the drunk Youyu to his house.

After sometime Youyu finally woke up. He opened his eyes and stretched his shoulder his lips were a little chapped."

"I'm a bit thirsty," Youyu murmured

"Yoyyu, water."

A slender hand was holding a glass of water and handed it to him, he subconsciously took it and drank it all in one fell swoop.


"Thank you."

The cold water made Youyu sober up.

"Kurenai? Rin? Why are you here?"

Youyu looked at the two beautiful women in front of him in surprise and subconsciously looked around the room. He realized that he was already back home.

"Well, you were too drunk so Rin and I brought you to your place."

Kurenai's pretty face turned red as she whispered those words.

"Ah, is that so? Sorry to trouble you."

Youyu scratched his head and said apologized with a smile.

"It's fine don't worry about it, since you have woken up the two of us will head back home."

Rin said as she pointed to the window. Youyu looked at the window and saw that it was already pitch black.

"I'll send you off."

He said as he stood up.

"No, no, Youyu, you don't have to, just rest."

Not waiting for his reply, both girls quickly wore their shoes and ran out of his house as if they were fleeing after stealing something.


The door closed loudly, Youyu just stood there and blinked, he was a little confused as to what was going on.

"Is this wine bad or is it just that had to figure out what girls are thinking?"

He tried to figure out what was going on but after less than three seconds of contemplation, Youyu severely criticized himself in his heart.

'Who am I kidding I can't think properly."

"Speaking of which, there seems to be something I have forgotten, right?"

Youyu around the house while trying to recall something.

"Huh? Found it, that's it."

Suddenly, Youyu stared at the sword standing diagonally against the wall, and his eyes flashed with joy.

Youyu stepped forward and drew the sword from the scabbard.

As he pulled the sword out cold flashed from it, the blade was a little black and purple, and it had red zigzag patterns over it.

"Very heavy." He murmured.

Youyu tried to wave it and felt the weight of the sword that didn't match its slender appearance.


With the swing, the black sword made a sound of cutting the air.

"Black Sword--- Shusui."

There was joy in Youyu's eyes. While waving the sword, some memories appeared in his mind.

This black sword--- Shushi was the reward that he received in class after frightened Asuma and shocking the audience. This sword was one of the twenty-one Great grade sword in the world of "One Piece".

And it is known that the only Shusui is regarded as the national treasure of the country of Wano. It was extremely tough, even if a dragon stood on it, it couldn't make Shusui bend even a bit.

The user "Ryuma " used Shusui to slash a giant dragon, making it famous all over the world.

There was another black sword that was one of the 12 supreme grade Sword in Hawkeye's hands but besides that black sword, this one was one of the best.

It was no exaggeration to say that the black sword--- Shusui, was the top one among the 21 Great Grade Sword. It was the peerless sword that countless swordsmen dreamed to have.

And its gorgeous appearance made Youyu very fond of.

"It's a good sword."

The more YouYu looked at Shusui, the more he liked it. He took out a cloth specially used to clean the Sword and started cleaning it.


At the same time, in the streets of Konoha.

After leaving Youyn's house Rin and Kurenai were walking in silence for a long time. Kurenai couldn't stay silent anymore so she softly spoke.

"Rin, do you..."

"Yes, I like Youyu."

Rin stopped, looked at the Kurenai's red eyes, and said seriously.

"But why? You and Youyu were never that close and you two rarely talked."

Kurenai looked at Rin and asked seriously.

"Because Youyu is the best."

A look of worship suddenly appeared in Rin's eyes.

Although Youyu loved to drink, he still had a very handsome appearance. More importantly, he was known as one of the top geniuses since the establishment of the Konoha Ninja academy.

He also defeated the son of Konoha's white fang Hatake Kakashi. At the age of six, he was able to defeat a teacher with a single blow.

Even though he had not graduated yet he was already recognized as the most powerful genius in the history of ninja academy.

And Rin admired strong people and he was the strongest.

"Is that so?" Kurenai's thoughts weree a bit complicated, but they became firm in a blink of an eye

"I will not give Youyu to you that easily."

Kurenai's eyes were extremely firm.

"Why do you like Youyu?" this time Rin asked Kurenai.

Kurenai and Rin had known each other for a while although they didn't talk too much, Rin knew that Kurenai wasn't the type of person to be attracted to someone just because of their strength.

So why did she like him...?

"I don't want to go into too much detail but, we will be rivals in the future."

Unexpectedly, she blushed after saying that, and then she ran away as if to escape from great danger.

"What the hell...."

Rin murmured while looking at Kuranai's somewhat deserted figure.

"Hmph, no matter what, I won't give Youyu to you."

Rin squeezed her small fist, puffed herself up, and walked towards her home.



After running for a certain distance, Kurenai stopped, leaning on her knees and panting slightly.

"This is the smell of Youyu."

Kurenai moved her pretty nose as if she could still smell the smell that made her fascinated, and her eyes were a little blurred.

Unlike Rin, Kurenai doesn't simply like Youyu, rather it should be described as an obsession.

The reason why saw was so infatuated with Youyu was because she had a natural passion for alcohol.

However, Kurenai was still young and naturally couldn't drink. But Youyu drinking in class helped her discover her love for alcohol. Every time she smells the alcohol she loves it very much.

But that was not the most important thing. The important thing was that, for some reason, Youyu exudes a special smell of wine.

The aroma of this was very special. When ordinary people get drunk they smell bad, but Youyu is different he smells very good and it is very mellow.

This makes Kurenai very obsessed.

"I will not lose Youyu"

Kurenai clenched her small fist and muttered with firm eyes.


TN:- Translation is hard so please support me on P@treon


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