
Naruto: Did i Just Get Reincarnated as Gojo?

In a World where power is everything, Gojo finds himself reincarnated into the Naruto universe, armed with a unique System known as the Konoha Prosperity System. With each investment he makes in the growth and prosperity of the Hidden Leaf Village, Gojo becomes stronger, how Strong and Influenceable will he become?

DragonnX · Tranh châm biếm
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53 Chs

Chapter 33: The Ambitions of Poisonous Teaching Materials in the Ninja Academy

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"Hey, Ai, are you alright? You seem distracted."

Gojo Kaigetsu appeared to be fulfilling his promise of "Creating a foundation of feelings."

These past few days, whenever he had free time, he would cling to Samui and shamelessly take advantage of her.

However, his true objective…

'The financial aid from Kumogakure should be arriving soon, right?'

Gojo Kaigetsu admitted he was getting a bit impatient.

Touching a Cloud kunoichi, spending Cloud money, and even poaching Cloud merchants… just thinking about it made his inner "cuckold enthusiast" ecstatic and insatiable.

He was simply making a mistake that even the rising sun makes.

"Uh… Kaigetsu-kun, it's like this." Samui feigned a shy demeanor. "My friend in the Land of Flowers sent me one million ryō today, and I haven't decided how to spend it."

"You've helped me so much these past few days, Kaigetsu-kun. I feel like I should repay you."

"Oh~ is that so?"

This woman, she was lying!

Gojo Kaigetsu was absolutely certain. While he didn't know the exact amount of aid Kumogakure would provide, one million ryō was simply too little.

This meant Samui was hiding the true figure, planning to use the remaining funds for some nefarious purpose…

Gojo Kaigetsu narrowed his eyes.

The system logs were irrefutable evidence.

They didn't show Samui engaging in any activities harmful to Konoha, so he would have to uncover the answer himself.

He casually suggested, "If that's the case… Ai, why don't you buy me a house in Konoha? We should have our own love nest here."

Samui: "?"

A sudden wave of suffocating awkwardness filled her chest, rendering her speechless. If it were her own money, it wouldn't be a problem. But this was the hard-earned money of Kumogakure villagers!

Using it to buy a house in Konoha for this good-for-nothing Gojo Kaigetsu?

What a joke!

"Eh? While it's not impossible, doesn't Kaigetsu-onii-sama already have a house in Konoha?"

Samui forced a smile, hoping to appeal to Gojo Kaigetsu's sense of shame and make him back down.

"Well, you see, Konoha has a great policy now. For a second house, you only need to pay one-tenth of the price upfront, and the remaining amount can be paid off over the next thirty years."

"More importantly, the ANBU might inspect my current house anytime to check for embezzlement or something~"

"Our money will be safer hidden in our love nest."

"You wouldn't want anything to happen to your onii-sama, would you~"

As he spoke, Gojo Kaigetsu's fingers gently caressed the delicate skin of Samui's arm, just above her sleeve.

His tone was dripping with oiliness, as if he was certain of Samui's compliance.

The fact that she wanted to steal intel from him… Gojo Kaigetsu would savor that knowledge for the rest of his life!

Damn it!

"I understand."

Samui's face remained cold. The espionage mission was like being violated; if she couldn't resist, she could only endure it.

A shameless ninja was invincible. Samui suppressed the urge to yell at Gojo Kaigetsu for being shameless.

She walked down the streets of Konoha with his arm around her shoulders.

Feeling the curious and admiring gazes of the villagers, listening to their greetings towards Gojo Kaigetsu…

Samui felt like her sense of shame had been fully unlocked thanks to him.

Every glance from the villagers was a stimulation to her "embarrassment points."

'These naive, kind, and simple Konoha villagers have no idea what kind of trash ninja their beloved Gojo Kaigetsu truly is!'

At this moment, Samui just wanted to escape Gojo Kaigetsu and return to the High Academy Publishing House as quickly as possible.

Even though the work of publishing forbidden books there was "demeaning," it was still better than enduring sexual harassment by Gojo Kaigetsu's side.

"Um… Kaigetsu-kun, don't you have to work at the Hokage Tower today?"

The naive Samui still believed that Gojo Kaigetsu worked at the Hokage Tower every day.

"Usually, yes."

"But you know me, besides being a Hokage advisor, I also hold the position of Vice-Principal at the Ninja Academy."

"There are some matters at the Academy that require my attention today."

The Ninja Academy-!

Samui's heart skipped a beat. The impatience in her eyes was instantly replaced with delight.

After a month of waiting, the big opportunity had finally arrived!

As everyone knew, the Ninja Academy was not a school for raising well-behaved children.

It was Konoha's military department, nurturing children who might potentially become ninjas in the future!

On a smaller scale, she could obtain information on the younger generation of Konoha ninjas. The Academy records would indicate who were the geniuses and who were the deadweights.

Don't underestimate these records. Geniuses, before reaching their full potential, were merely talented, not powerful.

If necessary, Kumogakure could even resort to assassination to eliminate these geniuses.

And on a larger scale-

'Poisonous teaching materials!'

'If I could tamper with Konoha's basic Three Body Techniques…'

Samui indulged in fantasies of the future. Of course, the latter scenario had a near-zero chance of success, and if discovered, she would undoubtedly die in Konoha.

But the former…

Samui believed that with a little seduction, it could be done!

She even stopped resisting Gojo Kaigetsu's hand, which was nestled in the depths of her cleavage, and instead pulled him closer.

Samui blinked her captivating blue eyes:

"Kaigetsu-kun, can you take me with you? I'm very interested in the Ninja Academy."


Gojo Kaigetsu didn't immediately agree, humming thoughtfully. "Well… in principle, outsiders are not allowed inside the Ninja Academy."

'In principle, yes, but in practice, no. In principle, no, but in practice, yes.' Samui recalled a lesson from the Kumogakure ANBU training manual.

She instantly grasped the hidden meaning behind Gojo Kaigetsu's words.

"I… I'm not an outsider~"

Samui felt herself changing. She couldn't believe such embarrassing words could come out of her mouth.

But even more embarrassing things were yet to come.

Samui pursed her lips, as if making a firm decision. She took Gojo Kaigetsu's hand and pressed it against her "heart":

"Kaigetsu-kun, feel how excited I am. I really want to see the Ninja Academy…"

"… M-maybe it will be the school our children attend in the future."

"Oh~" Gojo Kaigetsu drawled, his large hand kneading her bosom without restraint. "I understand. Since it's for our future children, no problem!"

"Let's go then!"

'Scumbag! Pest! Filth!'

'After the mission is complete, I will make Gojo Kaigetsu experience the same humiliation!!'

Beneath her clothes, where Gojo Kaigetsu couldn't see, goosebumps formed on her skin, reacting to her emotions.

Only after Samui felt a slight pain did Gojo Kaigetsu withdraw his mischievous hand and bring it to his nose for a sniff.

"Hmm~ Ai, what brand of body wash do you use?"

"Haha, just kidding. Let's go."


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