
Naruto : Determine Savior From Sinner

| ● Huvnn | One man's evil is another's salvation. "Death to all enemies of heaven". the story is a roller coaster of emotion if you like cold heart Naruto you're going to love this story _____________________________ | ● Huvnn |

Huvnn · Tranh châm biếm
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116 Chs

Chapter 86 : Twenty Seconds (5)


"YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!" The voice of both Naruto and Kurama screamed, pulling back with greater force.

Suddenly, Naruto's chakra spiked. The shinobi present went to their knees, unable to stand the powerful presence around them. Again, it spiked, even more so than the first. It became hard to breathe, and Naruto wasn't done yet.

His chakra tripled with the next spike, this time the distinct feel of Bijuu chakra joining it.

He wasn't done yet.


The people in the Hokage Monument, shinobi and civilian's alike dropped to their knees, the brightest, warmest, and largest presence bringing them down, like it was demanding the mere mortals to obey. And they did, they obeyed, kneeling. It was frightening, reassuring, and beautiful all at the same time.

The weaker civilians weren't sure how they hadn't lost consciousness yet. It was like the presence, the chakra, wouldn't let them pass out.

It was commanding them to witness its awesome power, commanding them to recognize it.

The chakra had a will of its own, and that will wanted to be heard!

They listened, truly listened.

They obeyed.

The short, aged man fell from his hovering position above the ground, meeting the grassy earth. His entire body screamed at him, begging to turn around, to go home.

He didn't know what the hell this was. It was like something not human was screaming, screaming to be heard, screaming to protect, to save. This… was this chakra? Was mere chakra bringing him to his knees?

He looked over his shoulder, his eyes widening when he saw it.

His entire army was in the same position as him. They were brought to their knees.

They obeyed.


Orochimaru looked on in fear, something even he hadn't truly felt in years, as he and his accomplices were brought to their knees, unable to breathe, to move, to think.

All they could do was shake in fear and obey. They obeyed the screaming chakra, because that's all that they could do.

The presence commanded obedience, and that's exactly what it got.

They obeyed.


Not many people, if any, can claim to have heard the voice of the Death God. Even fewer, however, could claim to have heard the Death God shout in exertion. Whatever it was they were fighting over must have been important, because the chakra Naruto was unleashing was tearing the village apart.

Entire buildings were lifted into the sky, along with trees and rocks, all gravitating towards the sky because of the power one blond boy was using. He was not going to lose him.

"I promised him that I'd even fight you for him…" The voice of the syncing Naruto and Kurama said. "And I never go back on my word…" Naruto's chakra once again increased, tearing the ground they stood on to pieces.

"Because that's my…" With the next increase in chakra, the Shinigami did something that terrified those present.

It looked at Naruto with fearful eyes.

"NINDO!" he shouted, ripping the blue form from the Shinigami's clutches.

It obeyed.

Naruto immediately rushed towards the body of the Sandaime, letting the blue form sink into the man's skin. He let his chakra calm, taking in deep breaths. That had been the hardest thing he'd ever done. He… he fought the Shinigami in a battle of wills, and won.

As he panted, trying to catch his breath, his eyes never left his Jiji's body. After a solid minute, it looked as if nothing was going to happen. That's when Mei opened her mouth to consul the blond.

"N…Naruto?" This voice did not belong to Mei.

Naruto gave his commander, his god a small smile. "Sorry Jiji, but Konoha still needs you…" he chuckled at the Sandaime's unbelieving expression. "I told you, right?" He asked.

"I'd fight the Shinigami if it meant protecting you." He gave a sloppy salute.

"I am ANBU, forever."

The ANBU present followed their fellow operative's example, saluting their commander.

Hiruzen looked back around, surprised to be back in the world of the living. "You…" he whispered. He then smirked. "Thank you, Naruto-kun."

Naruto smiled, nodding his head, completely ignoring the looks of shock and disbelief of those who had witnessed what had just happened. He then gave off a low growl.

"But it looks like we aren't done yet." He sighed. "The Tsuchikage… he's leading an army here…" He looked his Hokage in the eye. He could tell that he wasn't completely okay.

He had made sure to keep the healing factor down, so that he wouldn't almost kill himself. The wounds Hiruzen had weren't serious, but they were definitely no laughing matter. "Your orders, Hokage-sama?"

Hiruzen snarled. Hadn't they had enough? "Spare the Tsuchikage." He said.

"And the others?" Naruto asked.

Ushi appeared next to the Hokage, picking him up with gentleness no one his size should be capable of. The old Sarutobi looked at the faces of the Hokage, those before and the one after, and then closed his eyes, his mind made up.

"Death to all enemies of Heaven."

Naruto smirked before turning around, and slowly making his way to the village gates, the other's following.

There was something hypnotic about him. It was like he was still calling out to them, like he wasn't done with what he had to say. His will was not finished, not yet.

The people inside the Hokage Monument followed, obeying the overpowering will.

The shinobi scattered across the village followed, obeying the overpowering will.

Everyone followed, the overpowering will screaming to be heard, to be obeyed, to be seen, felt.

There was no disobedience at this very moment. Every man, woman and child walked with only one purpose. They were all connected, following what was absolute, what demanded respect.

At this very moment, every mind was united under the power of the Kamikage's will. It was tired of being ignored, of being slandered. They would know after this, though. They would never speak to its master with a sharp tongue again.

Never again.

Without even realizing it, Naruto brought peace to the people of Konoha.

Suddenly, Naruto stopped, just outside the village gates, causing the entire village that was following him to halt.

He closed his eyes, breathing in the ash-laced air. He took the moment to gather more chakra, a huge majority of his reserves just floating throughout the village. The people following him closed their eyes, able to feel the warmth that was circling their home.

The essence of a god covered Heaven in a blanket of security. His chakra hummed, causing some to sway back and forth peacefully, enjoying the serene, calm feeling.

And then, it stopped. Those who had closed their eyes opened them, confused as to why the beautiful feeling paused.

Naruto clapped his hands.

Before their very eyes, the blond everyone called a demon lit up in a golden cloak, black markings running up and down his body. The power behind his new form washed over them like a tidal wave, a different kind of feeling.

The warmth, the brightness, these things were still present, but there was… another, something… sinister, underneath. Again, the beauty and brilliance was felt, but the fear, the rage that wasn't a huge part of the last time he raised his chakra to this point was now in equal amounts.

A rage that spoke of loneliness, of caged spite screamed in equal volumes of the peace and warmth. There was a terrifying beauty to it, one that made no one want to disobey it.

It was screaming for them to stay behind it, to stay safe, to watch. They were to spectate, nothing else. They were to witness the power of their guardian, their angel, their sword and shield.

Once again, they obeyed.

A short moment later, Onoki, the Sandaime Tsuchikage met the terrifying gaze of Uzumaki Naruto, son of the most famous mass murderer in existence.

Naruto smirked.

"You find this funny, child?" Onoki asked, not caring about the gilded cloak the boy was wearing, nor the feeling his gut was making for even looking the boy in the eyes. "I have an army with me, and we are going to burn this foul place to ashes."

That's all the old man was allowed to say, before his whole world was turned upside down.

Naruto snarled, raising his right leg slightly into the air, his knee bending. He then roared- the voices of his family syncing with his own.

He brought his foot to the ground, hard. "Son Goku!" he shouted.

Onoki's eyes widened. From his foot, lava rushed out, shooting towards Onoki and his supposed all powerful army. Before it got too close, it split, starting to encircle the Iwa-nin.

There were shouts of panic and fear as the army of a thousand strong was trapped in a cage of rushing lava, constantly encircling them. As it rushed around them, almost roaring at those who tried to escape, it raised higher and higher into the sky, constantly moving, like it was alive.

Naruto then raised his right arm into the air. "Isobu!" he shouted. The clouds vanished, the water being used for the second part of the technique.

Out of the sky, the moisture in the air came together, matching its lava counterpart. After a moment, the Iwa shinobi were trapped in a cage of lava and water, of earth and sky.

Something then almost oozed off of the boy responsible for this, his words not boding well for the old Kage.

"Tengoku Kurido (Heaven's Creed)." he said, a being made of nothing but gold standing next to its creator, its wings spread wide. The being rushed into the lava, coming out unscathed on the other side of the 'cage'.

It grabbed Onoki by the throat and disappeared in a gold flash. Before he even knew what was going on, he was being held down next the boy he came to kill.

His left hand then went into the sky, joining his right, his face a mask of the upmost determination. He then let loose his currently most powerful technique, the very words scaring the Iwa army.

"Senpo: Tenmei: Ni no Dan (Sage Art: Heaven's Decree: Second Step)!" Both the lava and water stopped rotating; stopping faster than what should be possible. If one had a bird's eye view, they'd know that the lava and water was not a cage…

They were sights.

A beam of gold, blue and red shout of the heavens.

The screams of the shinobi from Iwa were never heard.

The entire world seemed to light up in gold.

The entire world seemed to go silent.

The entire world seemed to have no mercy for the enemies of heaven.

The entire world seemed to obey the Bringer of Hope.

Twenty seconds.

The whole thing only lasted twenty seconds.

For twenty seconds, the entire world felt Uzumaki Naruto.

And for twenty seconds, the world feared or loved nothing more than Uzumaki Naruto.

For twenty seconds, the entire world obeyed the Bringer of Hope.

When the light let up, when the world was freed from the absolute power of the Kamikage, there was nothing left of the army from Iwa.

They were gone.

Naruto smirked.

How was that for a comeback!

The Monster was back.





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